
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 16b41bfdf41c16795b688b5d2c2d11ae7344ed20:

<title>Release Procedures</title>

<h2>Release Procedures</h2>

<font color="red">This content on this page is outdated and needs to be updated.</font>

<p>Follow these steps to prepare a new release of System.Data.SQLite.  
Unless otherwise noted, all steps need to be done in the order specified.</p>

<ol type="A">
<b>Build Runtime Packages</b>
1. [./ | Build] the runtime and design time components, and setup package.<br />
2. Copy the and rename the resulting setup.exe to sqlite-dotnet-1xxyyzz.exe<br />
<b>Build Source Package</b>
1. Get a fresh checkout of the "dotnet" Fossil repository.<br />
2. Run fossil close to remove the _FOSSIL_ file.<br />
3. Remove the bin, obj, and Externals directories.<br />
4. Rename the subdirectory to sqlite-dotnetsrc-1xxyyzz<br />
5. Package this subdirectory as<br />
6. Move the ZIP archive to the doc/ folder of the build area.<br />
<b>Update documentation</b>
<font color="red">This section needs updating.</font>
1. Update the readme.htm file with the latest version changes<br />
2. Copy the version changes from readme.htm into doc\extra\version.html<br />
3. Update doc\extra\dbfactorysupport.html to reflect the latest version # of the DLL<br />
4. Copy over doc\extra\dbfactorysupport.html and version.html to my temp
ndoc2 location where all my intermediate files are for the CHM<br />
5. Run HTML Help Workshop on the HHP project to get my CHM<br />
6. Copy the CHM file over to \doc<br />
<b>Publish the release</b>
1. Update the page and the page.<br />
2. Tag the release in Fossil.<br />
3. Upload the distributables.<br />
4. Announce the release on the mailing list.<br />