
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: ce4d70ea6f1ec2115a62dcf1cf5933fa32907943
Title: SQLiteConnection does not appear to dispose of _sql field, might be a memory leak
Status: Pending Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Connection Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2022-07-07 03:43:12
Version Found In: 1.0.111
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2022-07-04 08:41:00:

SQLiteConnection has a internal SQLiteBase _sql field which holds a Sqlite3 object. Sqlite3 is IDisposable but SQLiteConnection but not appear to dispose of the _sql field when it is being disposed.

When many SQLiteConnections are being created, it appears that this can cause a performance issue (maybe a memory leak?). I profiled my application with dotMemory and noticed that there are many Sqlite3 objects in the finalizer queue.

The stacktrace in dotMemory looks like this.

System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.SetupSQLiteBase(SortedList<TKey, TValue>)

My usage is like this:

using (var conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + fullPathName + ";Version=3;" + (sharedMode ? "cache=shared" : string.Empty)))

Could you check if the _sql field should indeed be disposed and if so, dispose it? Otherwise, would you know why I see many instances of Sqlite3 objects in the finalizer queue from dotMemory?

anonymous added on 2022-07-04 08:55:31:

btw, Looking at the source code of 1.0.116 (latest version), I see the the Dispose method on SQLiteConnection doesn't dispose of the _sql field too, so I expect it to have the same issue

mistachkin added on 2022-07-05 01:32:20:
Connection objects should be disposed.  It's a bit more complex than the
typical IDisposable pattern due to things like connection pooling.  This
behavior should be tested pretty thoroughly by the test suite; however,
just to be completely sure, I will double check the expected behavior

anonymous added on 2022-07-05 09:02:47:

I just attached an example program that reproduces what I saw, which is a very high number of finalized instances of Sqlite3 objects.

I'm expecting that they should be disposed and not appear in finalizable queue. If the GC isn't done in time, their memory consumption can grow significantly.

mistachkin added on 2022-07-05 16:27:30:
I looked at your example project and I strongly suspect is that Dapper is
somehow keeping the connection open past the end of the using block, e.g.
via not disposing of one or more SQLiteCommand and/or SQLiteDataReader

mistachkin added on 2022-07-05 22:38:56:

Using the following code of yours, slightly modified, appears to show the connections being properly closed. Aside: I have another variant of this without Dapper which also shows the connections being properly closed.

  using System.Data.SQLite;
  using System.Diagnostics;
  using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
  using Dapper.Contrib.Extensions;

  string fullPathName = Path.Combine(
      AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "mydb.sqlite");

  const string tableScript = @"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MyTable (
      Value INTEGER

  void CreateDB()
      var fileInfo = new FileInfo(fullPathName);
      if (fileInfo.Exists)
      using (var conn = new SQLiteConnection(
          "Data Source=" + fullPathName + ";Version=3;"))
          var command = new SQLiteCommand(tableScript)
              Connection = conn
          using (command)

  void SQLiteConnection_Changed(object sender, ConnectionEventArgs e)
      if ((e.EventType == SQLiteConnectionEventType.Opened) ||
          (e.EventType == SQLiteConnectionEventType.Closed))
          Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1}",
              RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(sender), e.EventType));

  void Main()
      SQLiteConnection.Changed += new SQLiteConnectionEventHandler(


      var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
      for(var i=0; i<10000; i++)
          using (var conn = new SQLiteConnection(
              "Data Source=" + fullPathName + ";Version=3;"))
              conn.Insert(new MyTable(){Value = 1});
      Console.WriteLine($"took {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000.0}s");


anonymous added on 2022-07-06 03:20:55:

It's not about the connection closing though. It's about the Sqlite3/ SQLiteBase object in the _sql field in SQLiteConnection not being cleaned immediately.

I changed the inner loop to this (so 100k runs and dapper inserts is commented)

for(var i=0; i<100000; i++)
    using (var conn = new SQLiteConnection(
               "Data Source=" + fullPathName + ";Version=3;"))
        //conn.Insert(new MyTable(){Value = 1});

I still see a large number of Sqlite3 objects in the finalizer queue, which I think should not be there. They should be disposed of when SQLiteConnection is disposed (via the using statement). If Sqlite3 object is disposed, then there should be a GC.SuppressFinalize call that prevent it from being put into the finalizer queue.

In this example, the program can run fast enough to clear the finalize queue quickly, but in a large program will many other allocations, this will cause a performance issue.

I think the solution should be as simple as adding a _sql.Dispose() call when SQLiteConnection is disposed.

mistachkin added on 2022-07-06 15:09:36:
Thanks for the additional information.

The underlying (native) resources associated with a SQLiteConnection do
get disposed when the connection is closed unless connection pooling is

It sounds like your primary concern is the finalizer queue.  I think your
idea of using the GC.SuppressFinalize method is correct.  The code should
be doing that when it gets done cleaning up the underlying CriticalHandle
and its associated native resources.

I will work on adding that and the necessary tests.

mistachkin added on 2022-07-06 21:35:34:
Thanks again for the report.

The fix for this is now on trunk, complete with tests.

anonymous added on 2022-07-07 03:43:12:

Thanks! It's good to know that!