
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 996d13cd87d160537ebb57e5c08ed21ea15c3d92
Title: access violation when recycling pooled connections
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Severe Priority: NextRelease
Subsystem: Connection_Pool Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2012-06-01 19:42:41
Version Found In:
This was reported on the mailing list.

SQLite3.cs, line 259:


mistachkin added on 2012-05-02 18:44:54 UTC:
This issue was caused by a very subtle race condition between the GC thread(s) and the thread(s) removing connections from the pool. Fixed on trunk by check-in [ae1f4354e4].

mistachkin added on 2012-05-03 18:29:29 UTC:
Apparently, there are still issues that cause intermittent access violations when using the connection pool.

mistachkin added on 2012-05-04 21:45:26 UTC:
Additional changes have been checked into the trunk to fix the remaining GC race conditions that were causing this issue.

mistachkin added on 2012-06-01 19:42:41 UTC:
Also see check-in [35b8195272].