
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 8c3bee31c8599388489931eaab71d2959bf9c959
Title: cannot open database file name containing spaces when built by SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: NextRelease
Subsystem: Connection Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2012-08-28 01:03:46
Version Found In:
The ToString method of the SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder class may return a connection string with a data source value wrapped in single or double quotes (i.e. due to implementation of the base class inside the .NET Framework used by it). This data source value is then not handled correctly by the Open method of the SQLiteConnection class.

mistachkin added on 2012-08-28 01:03:46 UTC:
Fixed in trunk by check-in [7d432770a9].