
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 1c456ae75fb9f2dd816d1c63cf8a29710893cd12
Title: Connection String parsing doesn't handle quoted semicolons
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Connection Resolution: Works_As_Designed
Last Modified: 2013-02-07 04:40:06
Version Found In:
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2013-02-05 23:46:45:
Check-in [36bb982dd7] introduced a change to SQLiteConnection.cs ( that causes it to no longer handle quoted connection string values that contain embedded semicolons.

As per the code comments (lines 1338-39), "The Split() function of SQLiteBase accounts for and properly skips semi-colons in quoted strings". However, this function call was replaced with string.Split in this commit, which introduces the bug.

A short program that reproduces the problem (by opening a database with a semicolon in the filename) follows:

SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder csb = new SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = @"C:\Temp\database.sqlite" };
using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(csb.ConnectionString))

csb = new SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = @"C:\Temp\data;base.sqlite" };
using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(csb.ConnectionString))
	connection.Open(); // *** FAILS HERE WITH ARGUMENTEXCEPTION ***

anonymous added on 2013-02-05 23:50:35:
Minor update: Bug was first introduced in

mistachkin added on 2013-02-07 01:37:00:
In theory, this issue impacts the "Data Source", "Uri", "Full Uri", and
"Password" properties.

However, the "Uri" and "FullUri" properties are of type URI, which does not
allow un-escaped semicolons, per RFC 3986.

The "Data Source" property is a file name.  Technically, these are allowed to 
contain semicolons on Windows; however, this is bad practice for several reasons:

1. They may be easily confused with colons.
2. They are the connection string property separator (i.e. this issue).
3. They may not be portable to other operating systems and/or environments.

Finally, the "Password" property is free-form text.  I propose solving this
issue by adding an alternative property named "HexPassword" that allows an
arbitrary sequence of bytes to be specified as the password via hexadecimal

mistachkin added on 2013-02-07 04:40:06:
The HexPassword connection string property has been added by check-in
[d33b63cd51] on trunk.

Per the previous comment, the remaining issue(s) are by design.