
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

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Changes In Branch marshalFixes Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from a3798d45f4 to c365a97aa9

Fix several issues with the managed virtual table support. Use the correct methods overloads for Marshal.PtrToStructure. Correct handling of native structure padding when running on 64-bit operating systems. Make sure connections released to the pool do not hold onto modules. Call sqlite3_dispose_module with the correct native module pointer. Modify all classes implementing the IDisposable pattern to set the disposed flag after their base classes have been disposed. Add LogExceptionsNoThrow and LogErrorsNoThrow to avoid throwing ObjectDisposedException when logging during derived class disposal. check-in: d60eb09374 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Fix typo. Closed-Leaf check-in: c365a97aa9 user: mistachkin tags: marshalFixes
Add virtual table test to cover the marshalling performed with xBestIndex. check-in: e1483fef81 user: mistachkin tags: marshalFixes
Virtual table marshalling fixes. check-in: e7b11da35f user: mistachkin tags: marshalFixes
Add GetSqlForDeclareTable method to the SQLiteModuleEnumerable class to allow derived classes to override the SQL statement used to declare the virtual table schema. check-in: a3798d45f4 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Add another test for the SQLiteConvert.TypeNameToDbType method. check-in: 0654be8b4b user: mistachkin tags: trunk

Changes to SQLite.Interop/src/win/interop.c.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/SQLite3.cs.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/SQLite3_UTF16.cs.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/SQLiteCommand.cs.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/SQLiteCommandBuilder.cs.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/SQLiteConnection.cs.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/SQLiteDataAdapter.cs.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/SQLiteDataReader.cs.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/SQLiteFunction.cs.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/SQLiteModule.cs.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/SQLiteModuleEnumerable.cs.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/SQLiteModuleNoop.cs.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/SQLiteTransaction.cs.

Changes to System.Data.SQLite/UnsafeNativeMethods.cs.

Changes to Tests/vtab.eagle.