
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation
Ticket Hash: d921c9b83325a5f015e7fafb84a01e9dfbd10f1b
Title: Problem with Password
Status: Closed Type: Incident
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Legacy_CryptoAPI Resolution: Duplicate
Last Modified: 2020-09-24 22:22:32
Version Found In: 1.0.113
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2020-06-25 09:54:40:

this is not possible anymore to put a password or to connect to a database with a password (the function SetPassword seems to be broken somewhere)

mistachkin added on 2020-09-24 22:22:32:
Duplicate of [23e3a08814d71621937e].