
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation
Ticket Hash: bd9c4375cc03d8c6de81ea4fd63521a42e18682f
Title: System.Data.SQLite.dll.config should not be in the NuGet package?
Status: Closed Type: Packaging
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: NuGetPackage Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2020-09-24 01:01:58
Version Found In:
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2020-06-08 13:01:25: (text/x-markdown)
We are confused by the System.Data.SQLite.dll.config file.
It is contained in the NuGet Package and thus it is copied to the output folder by Visual Studio.

However, it contains the comment: "...Please do not copy this file to any of the build output directories..."!

I have also started an SO question with some more research:

But in effect the question here would be:

=> Should this file be in the package? If so, how do I "not copy it"? <=


anonymous added on 2020-06-28 21:19:11: (text/x-markdown)
The S.O. question:

mistachkin added on 2020-09-24 01:01:58: (text/x-markdown)
Fixed on trunk via check-in [4c3bf14969ceef63].