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5 check-ins using file System.Data.SQLite/SQLiteConvert.cs version e0c17958a2

Merge updates from trunk. Closed-Leaf check-in: 250dac131a user: mistachkin tags: tkt-343d392b51
Add comments to the getDateTimeFormat unit testing infrastructure procedure to clarify how the default format was chosen. check-in: 1b25ba72a3 user: mistachkin tags: tkt-343d392b51
Change the default base schema name from 'sqlite_schema_stub' to 'sqlite_default_schema'. check-in: 1045ef98f0 user: mistachkin tags: tkt-343d392b51
Add test to check if SQLiteCommandBuilder generates correct SQL when attached databases are being used and more than one database contains the same table name. check-in: 74a9c16715 user: mistachkin tags: tkt-343d392b51
Copy the fix for the Bind_DateTime method to the SQLite3_UTF16 class. Add DateTimeKind connection string property to control the DateTimeKind of parsed DateTime values. Add the necessary method overloads to allow the DateTimeFormat and/or DateTimeKind to be specified by external callers. Reorganize the recognized DateTime formats so that ones with more information are always tried first. Also, add variants that support a trailing timezone specifier. Centralize DateTime format handling in the unit test infrastructure via the new getDateTimeFormat procedure. Revise setupDb unit test infrastructure procedure to accept a DateTimeKind. More changes to tests for ticket [343d392b51]. check-in: df7dcd3166 user: mistachkin tags: tkt-343d392b51