ADO.NET 2.0 SQLite Data Provider
Version Apr 14, 2006
Using SQLite 3.3.5
Written by Robert Simpson (
Released to the public domain, use at your own risk!

The latest version can be downloaded here


Design-Time Support (new as of 1.0.14)

In Windows Explorer, navigate to the SQLite.NET\bin\Designer folder and execute the INSTALL.EXE file.  The program will automatically detect what version(s) of Visual Studio 2005 are installed and allow you to selectively install and uninstall the designer for each edition.

DbFactory Support (Non-Compact Framework)

In order to use the SQLiteFactory and have the SQLite data provider enumerated in the DbProviderFactories methods, you must add the following segment into your application's app.config file:

      <remove invariant="System.Data.SQLite"/>
      <add name="SQLite Data Provider" invariant="System.Data.SQLite" description=".Net Framework Data Provider for SQLite"
type="System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteFactory, System.Data.SQLite" /> </DbProviderFactories> </> </configuration>

See the help documentation for further details on implementing both version-specific (GAC enabled) and version independent DBProviderFactories support.

Compiling for the Compact Framework

Just change the target platform from Win32 to Compact Framework and recompile.  The Compact Framework has no support for enumerating attributes in an assembly, therefore all user-defined collating sequences and functions must be explicitly registered.  See the testce sample application for an example of how to explicitly register user-defined collating sequences and functions.

Distributing The SQLite Engine and ADO.NET Assembly

Only the System.Data.SQLite.DLL file needs to be distributed with your application(s).  This DLL contains both the managed wrapper and the native SQLite3 codebase.

Development Notes Regarding the SQLite 3 Source Code

The SQLite3 source code is compiled directly from the release sources.  All builds of sqlite after 3.2.8 have included support for Windows CE.  Additionally, just one minor modification is made to pager.c, that modification is made automatically by the fixsource.vbs file when the VS2005 solution is compiled.

Version History - April 14, 2006 - February 28, 2006 - February 27, 2006 - February 15, 2006 - February 14, 2006 - February 11, 2006 - January 31, 2006 beta - January 23, 2006 beta - January 20, 2006 beta - January 16, 2006 beta - January 10, 2006 - December 30, 2005 - December 19, 2005

1.0.24 - December 9, 2005

1.0.23 - November 21, 2005

1.0.22 - November 11, 2005

1.0.21 - November 4, 2005

1.0.20 - October 19, 2005

1.0.19 - October 5, 2005 - September 19, 2005

1.0.18 - September 1, 2005

1.0.17 - August 26, 2005

1.0.16 - August 24, 2005

1.0.15 - August 22, 2005

1.0.14 - August 16, 2005

1.0.13 - August 8, 2005

1.0.12 - August 5, 2005

1.0.11 - August 1, 2005

1.0.10 - June 10, 2005

1.0.09a - May 25, 2005

1.0.09 - May 24, 2005

1.0.08 Refresh - Mar 24, 2005

1.0.08 - Mar 11, 2005

1.0.07 - Mar 5, 2005

1.0.06 - Mar 1, 2005

1.0.05 - Feb 25, 2005

1.0.04 - Feb 24, 2005

1.0.03 - Feb 23, 2005

1.0.02 - Feb 21, 2005