/******************************************************** * ADO.NET 2.0 Data Provider for SQLite Version 3.X * Written by Robert Simpson (robert@blackcastlesoft.com) * * Released to the public domain, use at your own risk! ********************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Transactions; #if USE_ENTITY_FRAMEWORK_6 using System.Data.Entity.Core; using System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityClient; using System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects; #else using System.Data.EntityClient; using System.Data.Objects; #endif #if NET_STANDARD_21 using System.Data.SQLite.EF6; #endif namespace testlinq { class Program { private static int Main(string[] args) { if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BREAK") != null) { Console.WriteLine( "Attach a debugger to process {0} and press any key to continue.", Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id); try { Console.ReadKey(true); /* throw */ } catch (InvalidOperationException) // Console.ReadKey { // do nothing. } Debugger.Break(); } #if NET_STANDARD_21 DbProviderFactories.RegisterFactory("System.Data.SQLite.EF6", SQLiteProviderFactory.Instance); #endif string arg = null; if ((args != null) && (args.Length > 0)) arg = args[0]; if (arg == null) arg = String.Empty; arg = arg.Trim().TrimStart('-', '/').ToLowerInvariant(); switch (arg) { case "": // String.Empty case "old": { return OldTests(); } case "datetime": { return DateTimeTest(); } case "datetime2": { string dateTimeFormat = null; if (args.Length > 1) dateTimeFormat = args[1]; DateTimeTest2(dateTimeFormat); return 0; } case "skip": { int pageSize = 0; if (args.Length > 1) { arg = args[1]; if (arg != null) pageSize = int.Parse(arg.Trim()); } return SkipTest(pageSize); } case "substring": { return SubStringTest(); } #if USE_INTEROP_DLL && INTEROP_EXTENSION_FUNCTIONS case "unionall": { return UnionAllTest(); } #endif case "endswith": { string value = null; if (args.Length > 1) { value = args[1]; if (value != null) value = value.Trim(); } return EndsWithTest(value); } case "startswith": { string value = null; if (args.Length > 1) { value = args[1]; if (value != null) value = value.Trim(); } return StartsWithTest(value); } case "eftransaction": { bool value = false; if (args.Length > 1) { if (!bool.TryParse(args[1], out value)) { Console.WriteLine( "cannot parse \"{0}\" as boolean", args[1]); return 1; } } return EFTransactionTest(value); } case "insert": { return InsertTest(); } case "update": { return UpdateTest(); } case "binaryguid": { bool value = false; if (args.Length > 1) { if (!bool.TryParse(args[1], out value)) { Console.WriteLine( "cannot parse \"{0}\" as boolean", args[1]); return 1; } } return BinaryGuidTest(value); } #if NET_40 || NET_45 || NET_451 || NET_452 || NET_46 || NET_461 || NET_462 || NET_47 || NET_471 || NET_472 || NET_STANDARD_21 case "binaryguid2": { bool value = false; if (args.Length > 1) { if (!bool.TryParse(args[1], out value)) { Console.WriteLine( "cannot parse \"{0}\" as boolean", args[1]); return 1; } } return BinaryGuidTest2(value); } #endif #if NET_40 || NET_45 || NET_451 || NET_452 || NET_46 || NET_461 || NET_462 || NET_47 || NET_471 || NET_472 || NET_STANDARD_21 case "round": { return RoundTest(); } #endif case "complexprimarykey": { return ComplexPrimaryKeyTest(); } default: { Console.WriteLine("unknown test \"{0}\"", arg); return 1; } } } /// /// Attempts to obtain the underlying store connection /// (a ) from the specified /// . /// /// /// The to use. /// /// /// The -OR- null if it /// cannot be determined. /// private static DbConnection GetStoreConnection( EntityConnection entityConnection ) { // // NOTE: No entity connection, no store connection. // if (entityConnection == null) return null; // // HACK: We need the underlying store connection and // the legacy versions of the .NET Framework do // not expose it; therefore, attempt to grab it // by force. // FieldInfo fieldInfo = typeof(EntityConnection).GetField( "_storeConnection", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); // // NOTE: If the field is not found, just return null. // if (fieldInfo == null) return null; return fieldInfo.GetValue(entityConnection) as DbConnection; } // // NOTE: Used to verify that the SUBSTR function is used to // implement the Substring method. // private static int SubStringTest() { using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { try { bool once = false; var query = db.Customers.Select( p => "test".Substring(1) != null); foreach (var result in query) { if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(result); once = true; } return 0; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } return 1; } // // NOTE: Used to test the fix for ticket [8b7d179c3c]. // private static int SkipTest(int pageSize) { using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { bool once = false; int count = db.Customers.Count(); int PageCount = (pageSize != 0) ? (count / pageSize) + ((count % pageSize) == 0 ? 0 : 1) : 1; for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < PageCount; pageIndex++) { var query = db.Customers.OrderBy(p => p.City). Skip(pageSize * pageIndex).Take(pageSize); foreach (Customers customers in query) { if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(customers.CustomerID); once = true; } } } return 0; } // // NOTE: Used to test the fix for ticket [59edc1018b]. // private static int EndsWithTest(string value) { using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { bool once = false; var query = from c in db.Customers where c.City.EndsWith(value) orderby c.CustomerID select c; foreach (Customers customers in query) { if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(customers.CustomerID); once = true; } } return 0; } // // NOTE: Used to verify the behavior from ticket [00f86f9739]. // private static int StartsWithTest(string value) { using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { bool once = false; var query = from c in db.Customers where c.City.StartsWith(value) orderby c.CustomerID select c; foreach (Customers customers in query) { if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(customers.CustomerID); once = true; } } return 0; } #if USE_INTEROP_DLL && INTEROP_EXTENSION_FUNCTIONS // // NOTE: Used to test the fix for ticket [0a32885109]. // private static int UnionAllTest() { using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { bool once = false; var customers1 = db.Customers.Where( f => f.Orders.Any()).OrderByDescending( f => f.CompanyName).Skip(1).Take(1); var customers2 = db.Customers.Where( f => f.Orders.Any()).OrderBy( f => f.CompanyName).Skip(1).Take(1); var customers3 = db.Customers.Where( f => f.CustomerID.StartsWith("B")).OrderBy( f => f.CompanyName).Skip(1).Take(1); foreach (var customer in customers1) { if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(customer.CustomerID); once = true; } foreach (var customer in customers2) { if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(customer.CustomerID); once = true; } foreach (var customer in customers3) { if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(customer.CustomerID); once = true; } foreach (var customer in customers1.Concat(customers2)) { if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(customer.CustomerID); once = true; } foreach (var customer in customers1.Concat(customers2).Concat(customers3)) { if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(customer.CustomerID); once = true; } } return 0; } #endif // // NOTE: Used to test the fix for ticket [ccfa69fc32]. // private static int EFTransactionTest(bool add) { // // NOTE: Some of these territories already exist and should cause // an exception to be thrown when we try to INSERT them. // long[] territoryIds = new long[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, // NOTE: Success 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, // NOTE: Success 1576, 1577, 1578, 1579, 1580, // NOTE: Success 1581, 1730, 1833, 2116, 2139, // NOTE: Fail (1581) 2140, 2141 // NOTE: Skipped }; if (add) { using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { // // NOTE: *REQUIRED* This is required so that the // Entity Framework is prevented from opening // multiple connections to the underlying SQLite // database (i.e. which would result in multiple // IMMEDIATE transactions, thereby failing [later // on] with locking errors). // db.Connection.Open(); foreach (int id in territoryIds) { Territories territories = new Territories(); territories.TerritoryID = id; territories.TerritoryDescription = String.Format( "Test Territory #{0}", id); territories.Regions = db.Regions.First(); db.AddObject("Territories", territories); } try { #if NET_40 || NET_45 || NET_451 || NET_452 || NET_46 || NET_461 || NET_462 || NET_47 || NET_471 || NET_472 || NET_STANDARD_21 db.SaveChanges(SaveOptions.None); #else db.SaveChanges(false); #endif } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } finally { scope.Complete(); db.AcceptAllChanges(); } } } } else { using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { bool once = false; #if NET_40 || NET_45 || NET_451 || NET_452 || NET_46 || NET_461 || NET_462 || NET_47 || NET_471 || NET_472 || NET_STANDARD_21 var query = from t in db.Territories where territoryIds.AsQueryable().Contains(t.TerritoryID) orderby t.TerritoryID select t; foreach (Territories territories in query) { if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(territories.TerritoryID); once = true; } #else // // HACK: We cannot use the Contains extension method within a // LINQ query with the .NET Framework 3.5. // var query = from t in db.Territories orderby t.TerritoryID select t; foreach (Territories territories in query) { if (Array.IndexOf(territoryIds, territories.TerritoryID) == -1) continue; if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(territories.TerritoryID); once = true; } #endif } } return 0; } // // NOTE: Used to test the INSERT fix (i.e. an extra semi-colon in // the SQL statement after the actual INSERT statement in // the follow-up SELECT statement). // private static int InsertTest() { using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { long orderId = 10248; long productId = 1; int[] counts = { 0 }; // // NOTE: *REQUIRED* This is required so that the // Entity Framework is prevented from opening // multiple connections to the underlying SQLite // database (i.e. which would result in multiple // IMMEDIATE transactions, thereby failing [later // on] with locking errors). // db.Connection.Open(); KeyValuePair orderIdPair = new KeyValuePair("OrderID", orderId); KeyValuePair productIdPair = new KeyValuePair("ProductID", productId); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OrderDetails newOrderDetails = new OrderDetails(); newOrderDetails.OrderID = orderId; newOrderDetails.ProductID = productId; newOrderDetails.UnitPrice = (decimal)1.23; newOrderDetails.Quantity = 1; newOrderDetails.Discount = 0.0f; newOrderDetails.OrdersReference.EntityKey = new EntityKey( "northwindEFEntities.Orders", new KeyValuePair[] { orderIdPair }); newOrderDetails.ProductsReference.EntityKey = new EntityKey( "northwindEFEntities.Products", new KeyValuePair[] { productIdPair }); db.AddObject("OrderDetails", newOrderDetails); try { db.SaveChanges(); counts[0]++; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } finally { db.AcceptAllChanges(); } Console.WriteLine("inserted {0}", counts[0]); } return 0; } // // NOTE: Used to test the UPDATE fix (i.e. the missing semi-colon // in the SQL statement between the actual UPDATE statement // and the follow-up SELECT statement). // private static int UpdateTest() { long[] orderIds = new long[] { 0 }; using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { int[] counts = { 0, 0 }; // // NOTE: *REQUIRED* This is required so that the // Entity Framework is prevented from opening // multiple connections to the underlying SQLite // database (i.e. which would result in multiple // IMMEDIATE transactions, thereby failing [later // on] with locking errors). // db.Connection.Open(); for (int index = 0; index < orderIds.Length; index++) { Orders newOrders = new Orders(); newOrders.ShipAddress = String.Format( "Test Order Ship Address, Index #{0}", index); db.AddObject("Orders", newOrders); try { db.SaveChanges(); counts[0]++; // StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity" orderIds[index] = newOrders.OrderID; // StoreGeneratedPattern="None" newOrders.ShipAddress = String.Format( "New Order Ship Address #{0}", orderIds[index]); // StoreGeneratedPattern="Computed" newOrders.Freight = 1; db.SaveChanges(); counts[1]++; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } finally { db.AcceptAllChanges(); } } Console.WriteLine( "inserted {0} updated {1}", counts[0], counts[1]); } return 0; } // // NOTE: Used to test the BinaryGUID fix (i.e. BLOB literal formatting // of GUID values when the BinaryGUID connection property has been // enabled). // private static int BinaryGuidTest(bool binaryGuid) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "AppendManifestToken_SQLiteProviderManifest", String.Format(";BinaryGUID={0};", binaryGuid)); using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { string sql = "SELECT VALUE GUID " + "'2d3d2d3d-2d3d-2d3d-2d3d-2d3d2d3d2d3d' " + "FROM Orders AS o WHERE o.OrderID = 10248;"; ObjectQuery query = db.CreateQuery(sql); foreach (string s in query) Console.WriteLine(s); } Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "AppendManifestToken_SQLiteProviderManifest", null); return 0; } #if NET_40 || NET_45 || NET_451 || NET_452 || NET_46 || NET_461 || NET_462 || NET_47 || NET_471 || NET_472 || NET_STANDARD_21 // // NOTE: Used to test the BinaryGUID connection string property with // the Contains() function (ticket [a4d9c7ee94]). We cannot // use the Contains extension method within a LINQ query with // the .NET Framework 3.5. // private static int BinaryGuidTest2(bool binaryGuid) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "AppendManifestToken_SQLiteProviderManifest", String.Format(";BinaryGUID={0};", binaryGuid)); using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { Guid guid = new Guid("2d3d2d3d-2d3d-2d3d-2d3d-2d3d2d3d2d3d"); Guid[] guids = new Guid[] { guid }; bool once = false; var query = from t in db.Territories where guids.AsQueryable().Contains(guid) orderby t.TerritoryID select t; foreach (Territories t in query) { if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(t.TerritoryID); once = true; } } Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "AppendManifestToken_SQLiteProviderManifest", null); return 0; } #endif private static int ComplexPrimaryKeyTest() { using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { long orderId = 10248; long productId = 1; int[] counts = { 0, 0 }; // // NOTE: *REQUIRED* This is required so that the // Entity Framework is prevented from opening // multiple connections to the underlying SQLite // database (i.e. which would result in multiple // IMMEDIATE transactions, thereby failing [later // on] with locking errors). // db.Connection.Open(); KeyValuePair orderIdPair = new KeyValuePair("OrderID", orderId); KeyValuePair productIdPair = new KeyValuePair("ProductID", productId); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OrderDetails newOrderDetails = new OrderDetails(); newOrderDetails.OrderID = orderId; newOrderDetails.ProductID = productId; newOrderDetails.UnitPrice = (decimal)1.23; newOrderDetails.Quantity = 1; newOrderDetails.Discount = 0.0f; newOrderDetails.OrdersReference.EntityKey = new EntityKey( "northwindEFEntities.Orders", new KeyValuePair[] { orderIdPair }); newOrderDetails.ProductsReference.EntityKey = new EntityKey( "northwindEFEntities.Products", new KeyValuePair[] { productIdPair }); db.AddObject("OrderDetails", newOrderDetails); try { db.SaveChanges(); counts[0]++; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } finally { db.AcceptAllChanges(); } try { db.Refresh(RefreshMode.StoreWins, newOrderDetails); counts[0]++; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } Console.WriteLine("inserted {0}", counts[0]); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// newOrderDetails.UnitPrice = (decimal)2.34; newOrderDetails.Quantity = 2; newOrderDetails.Discount = 0.1f; try { db.SaveChanges(); counts[1]++; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } finally { db.AcceptAllChanges(); } try { db.Refresh(RefreshMode.StoreWins, newOrderDetails); counts[1]++; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } Console.WriteLine("updated {0}", counts[1]); } return 0; } private static int DateTimeTest() { using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(1997, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local); int c1 = db.Orders.Where(i => i.OrderDate == new DateTime(1997, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local)).Count(); int c2 = db.Orders.Where(i => i.OrderDate == dateTime).Count(); return c1 == c2 ? 0 : 1; } } private static void DateTimeTest2( string dateTimeFormat ) { #if !NET_STANDARD_20 && !NET_STANDARD_21 TraceListener listener = new ConsoleTraceListener(); #else TraceListener listener = new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out); #endif Trace.Listeners.Add(listener); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SQLite_ForceLogPrepare", "1"); if (dateTimeFormat != null) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "AppendManifestToken_SQLiteProviderManifest", String.Format(";DateTimeFormat={0};", dateTimeFormat)); } using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { db.Orders.Where(i => i.OrderDate < new DateTime(1997, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local)).Count(); } if (dateTimeFormat != null) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "AppendManifestToken_SQLiteProviderManifest", null); } Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SQLite_ForceLogPrepare", null); Trace.Listeners.Remove(listener); } #if NET_40 || NET_45 || NET_451 || NET_452 || NET_46 || NET_461 || NET_462 || NET_47 || NET_471 || NET_472 || NET_STANDARD_21 // // NOTE: Used to test the ROUND fix (i.e. being able to properly handle // the two argument form). // private static int RoundTest() { using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { bool once = false; foreach (int[] i in new int[][] { new int[] { 10503, 65 }, new int[] { 10503, 14 }, new int[] { 10635, 5 } }) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int oid = i[0]; int pid = i[1]; var query = from o in db.OrderDetails where o.OrderID == oid && o.ProductID == pid select new { NewUnitPrice = Math.Round(o.UnitPrice, j) }; foreach (object o in query) { if (once) Console.Write(' '); Console.Write("{0}", o); once = true; } } } } return 0; } #endif private static int OldTests() { using (northwindEFEntities db = new northwindEFEntities()) { { string entitySQL = "SELECT VALUE o FROM Orders AS o WHERE SQLite.DatePart('yyyy', o.OrderDate) = 1997 ORDER BY o.OrderID;"; ObjectQuery query = db.CreateQuery(entitySQL); foreach (Orders o in query) { Console.WriteLine(o.ShipPostalCode); } } { var query = from c in db.Customers where c.City == "London" orderby c.CompanyName select c; int cc = query.Count(); foreach (Customers c in query) { Console.WriteLine(c.CompanyName); } } { string scity = "London"; Customers c = db.Customers.FirstOrDefault(cd => cd.City == scity); Console.WriteLine(c.CompanyName); } { DateTime dt = new DateTime(1997, 1, 1); var query = from order in db.Orders where order.OrderDate < dt orderby order.OrderID select order; foreach (Orders o in query) { Console.WriteLine(o.OrderDate.ToString()); } } { Categories c = new Categories(); c.CategoryName = "Test Category"; c.Description = "My Description"; db.AddToCategories(c); db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine(c.CategoryID); c.Description = "My modified description"; db.SaveChanges(); db.DeleteObject(c); db.SaveChanges(); } { Customers cust = new Customers(); cust.CustomerID = "MTMTM"; cust.ContactName = "My Name"; cust.CompanyName = "SQLite Company"; cust.Country = "Netherlands"; cust.City = "Amsterdam"; cust.Phone = "012345677"; db.AddToCustomers(cust); db.SaveChanges(); db.DeleteObject(cust); db.SaveChanges(); } { var query = db.Customers.Where(cust => cust.Country == "Denmark") .SelectMany(cust => cust.Orders.Where(o => o.Freight > 5)) .OrderBy(o => o.Customers.CustomerID); foreach (Orders c in query) { Console.WriteLine(c.Freight); } } { var query = from c in db.Customers where c.Orders.Any(o => o.OrderDate.HasValue == true && o.OrderDate.Value.Year == 1997) orderby c.CustomerID select c; foreach (Customers c in query) { Console.WriteLine(c.CompanyName); } } { string entitySQL = "SELECT VALUE o FROM Orders AS o WHERE o.Customers.Country <> 'UK' AND o.Customers.Country <> 'Mexico' AND Year(o.OrderDate) = 1997 ORDER BY o.OrderID;"; ObjectQuery query = db.CreateQuery(entitySQL); foreach (Orders o in query) { Console.WriteLine(o.ShipPostalCode); } } { string entitySQL = "SELECT VALUE o FROM Orders AS o WHERE NewGuid() <> NewGuid() ORDER BY o.OrderID;"; ObjectQuery query = db.CreateQuery(entitySQL); foreach (Orders o in query) { Console.WriteLine(o.ShipPostalCode); } } // This query requires SQLite 3.6.2 to function correctly { var query = from p in db.Products where p.OrderDetails.Count(od => od.Orders.Customers.Country == p.Suppliers.Country) > 2 orderby p.ProductID select p; foreach (Products p in query) { Console.WriteLine(p.ProductName); } } } // // NOTE: (JJM) Removed on 2011/07/06, makes it harder to run this EXE via // the new unit test suite. // // Console.ReadKey(); return 0; } } }