/******************************************************** * ADO.NET 2.0 Data Provider for SQLite Version 3.X * Written by Joe Mistachkin (joe@mistachkin.com) * * Released to the public domain, use at your own risk! ********************************************************/ using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; namespace System.Data.SQLite { #region SQLiteContext Helper Class public sealed class SQLiteContext { #region Private Data private IntPtr pContext; #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Private Constructors internal SQLiteContext(IntPtr pContext) { this.pContext = pContext; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Methods public void SetNull() { if (pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(); UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_null(pContext); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void SetDouble(double value) { if (pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(); #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_double(pContext, value); #elif !SQLITE_STANDARD UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_double_interop(pContext, ref value); #else throw new NotImplementedException(); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void SetInt(int value) { if (pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(); UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_int(pContext, value); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void SetInt64(long value) { if (pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(); #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_int64(pContext, value); #elif !SQLITE_STANDARD UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_int64_interop(pContext, ref value); #else throw new NotImplementedException(); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void SetString(string value) { if (pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(); byte[] bytes = SQLiteString.GetUtf8BytesFromString(value); if (bytes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_text( pContext, bytes, bytes.Length, (IntPtr)(-1)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void SetError(string value) { if (pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(); byte[] bytes = SQLiteString.GetUtf8BytesFromString(value); if (bytes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_error( pContext, bytes, bytes.Length); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void SetErrorCode(SQLiteErrorCode value) { if (pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(); UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_error_code(pContext, value); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void SetErrorTooBig() { if (pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(); UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_error_toobig(pContext); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void SetErrorNoMemory() { if (pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(); UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_error_nomem(pContext); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void SetBlob(byte[] value) { if (pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(); if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_blob( pContext, value, value.Length, (IntPtr)(-1)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void SetZeroBlob(int value) { if (pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(); UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_zeroblob(pContext, value); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void SetValue(IntPtr pValue) { if (pContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(); UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_result_value(pContext, pValue); } #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteValue Helper Class public sealed class SQLiteValue { #region Private Data private IntPtr pValue; #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Private Constructors internal SQLiteValue(IntPtr pValue) { this.pValue = pValue; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Private Methods private void PreventNativeAccess() { pValue = IntPtr.Zero; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Properties private bool persisted; public bool Persisted { get { return persisted; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private object value; public object Value { get { if (!persisted) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "value was not persisted"); } return value; } } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Methods public TypeAffinity GetTypeAffinity() { if (pValue == IntPtr.Zero) return TypeAffinity.None; return UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_value_type(pValue); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int GetBytes() { if (pValue == IntPtr.Zero) return 0; return UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_value_bytes(pValue); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int GetInt() { if (pValue == IntPtr.Zero) return default(int); return UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_value_int(pValue); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public long GetInt64() { if (pValue == IntPtr.Zero) return default(long); #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK return UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_value_int64(pValue); #elif !SQLITE_STANDARD long value; UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_value_int64_interop(pValue, out value); return value; #else throw new NotImplementedException(); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public double GetDouble() { if (pValue == IntPtr.Zero) return default(double); #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK return UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_value_double(pValue); #elif !SQLITE_STANDARD double value; UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_value_double_interop(pValue, out value); return value; #else throw new NotImplementedException(); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public string GetString() { if (pValue == IntPtr.Zero) return null; return SQLiteString.StringFromUtf8IntPtr(pValue, GetBytes()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public byte[] GetBlob() { if (pValue == IntPtr.Zero) return null; return SQLiteMarshal.BytesFromIntPtr(pValue, GetBytes()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public bool Persist() { switch (GetTypeAffinity()) { case TypeAffinity.Uninitialized: { value = null; PreventNativeAccess(); return (persisted = true); } case TypeAffinity.Int64: { value = GetInt64(); PreventNativeAccess(); return (persisted = true); } case TypeAffinity.Double: { value = GetDouble(); PreventNativeAccess(); return (persisted = true); } case TypeAffinity.Text: { value = GetString(); PreventNativeAccess(); return (persisted = true); } case TypeAffinity.Blob: { value = GetBytes(); PreventNativeAccess(); return (persisted = true); } case TypeAffinity.Null: { value = DBNull.Value; PreventNativeAccess(); return (persisted = true); } default: { return false; } } } #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteIndexConstraintOp Enumeration /* [Flags()] */ public enum SQLiteIndexConstraintOp : byte { EqualTo = 2, GreaterThan = 4, LessThanOrEqualTo = 8, LessThan = 16, GreaterThanOrEqualTo = 32, Match = 64 } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteIndexConstraint Helper Class public sealed class SQLiteIndexConstraint { #region Internal Constructors internal SQLiteIndexConstraint( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint constraint ) : this(constraint.iColumn, constraint.op, constraint.usable, constraint.iTermOffset) { // do nothing. } #endregion ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Private Constructors private SQLiteIndexConstraint( int iColumn, SQLiteIndexConstraintOp op, byte usable, int iTermOffset ) { this.iColumn = iColumn; this.op = op; this.usable = usable; this.iTermOffset = iTermOffset; } #endregion ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Fields public int iColumn; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public SQLiteIndexConstraintOp op; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public byte usable; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int iTermOffset; #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteIndexOrderBy Helper Class public sealed class SQLiteIndexOrderBy { #region Internal Constructors internal SQLiteIndexOrderBy( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_orderby orderBy ) : this(orderBy.iColumn, orderBy.desc) { // do nothing. } #endregion ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Private Constructors private SQLiteIndexOrderBy( int iColumn, byte desc ) { this.iColumn = iColumn; this.desc = desc; } #endregion ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Fields public int iColumn; /* Column number */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public byte desc; /* True for DESC. False for ASC. */ #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteIndexConstraintUsage Helper Class public sealed class SQLiteIndexConstraintUsage { #region Internal Constructors internal SQLiteIndexConstraintUsage( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint_usage constraintUsage ) : this(constraintUsage.argvIndex, constraintUsage.omit) { // do nothing. } #endregion ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Private Constructors private SQLiteIndexConstraintUsage( int argvIndex, byte omit ) { this.argvIndex = argvIndex; this.omit = omit; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Fields public int argvIndex; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public byte omit; #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteIndexInputs Helper Class public sealed class SQLiteIndexInputs { #region Internal Constructors internal SQLiteIndexInputs(int nConstraint, int nOrderBy) { constraints = new SQLiteIndexConstraint[nConstraint]; orderBys = new SQLiteIndexOrderBy[nOrderBy]; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Properties private SQLiteIndexConstraint[] constraints; public SQLiteIndexConstraint[] Constraints { get { return constraints; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteIndexOrderBy[] orderBys; public SQLiteIndexOrderBy[] OrderBys { get { return orderBys; } } #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteIndexOutputs Helper Class public sealed class SQLiteIndexOutputs { #region Internal Constructors internal SQLiteIndexOutputs(int nConstraint) { constraintUsages = new SQLiteIndexConstraintUsage[nConstraint]; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Properties private SQLiteIndexConstraintUsage[] constraintUsages; public SQLiteIndexConstraintUsage[] ConstraintUsages { get { return constraintUsages; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int indexNumber; public int IndexNumber { get { return indexNumber; } set { indexNumber = value; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private string indexString; public string IndexString { get { return indexString; } set { indexString = value; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int needToFreeIndexString; public int NeedToFreeIndexString { get { return needToFreeIndexString; } set { needToFreeIndexString = value; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int orderByConsumed; public int OrderByConsumed { get { return orderByConsumed; } set { orderByConsumed = value; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private double estimatedCost; public double EstimatedCost { get { return estimatedCost; } set { estimatedCost = value; } } #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteIndex Helper Class public sealed class SQLiteIndex { #region Internal Constructors internal SQLiteIndex( int nConstraint, int nOrderBy ) { inputs = new SQLiteIndexInputs(nConstraint, nOrderBy); outputs = new SQLiteIndexOutputs(nConstraint); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Properties private SQLiteIndexInputs inputs; public SQLiteIndexInputs Inputs { get { return inputs; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteIndexOutputs outputs; public SQLiteIndexOutputs Outputs { get { return outputs; } } #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteVirtualTable Base Class /* NOT SEALED */ public class SQLiteVirtualTable : ISQLiteNativeHandle, IDisposable { #region Private Constants private const int ModuleNameIndex = 0; private const int DatabaseNameIndex = 1; private const int TableNameIndex = 2; #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Constructors public SQLiteVirtualTable( string[] arguments ) { this.arguments = arguments; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Properties private string[] arguments; public virtual string[] Arguments { get { CheckDisposed(); return arguments; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public virtual string ModuleName { get { CheckDisposed(); string[] arguments = Arguments; if ((arguments != null) && (arguments.Length > ModuleNameIndex)) { return arguments[ModuleNameIndex]; } else { return null; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public virtual string DatabaseName { get { CheckDisposed(); string[] arguments = Arguments; if ((arguments != null) && (arguments.Length > DatabaseNameIndex)) { return arguments[DatabaseNameIndex]; } else { return null; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public virtual string TableName { get { CheckDisposed(); string[] arguments = Arguments; if ((arguments != null) && (arguments.Length > TableNameIndex)) { return arguments[TableNameIndex]; } else { return null; } } } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Methods public virtual bool Rename( string name ) { CheckDisposed(); if ((arguments != null) && (arguments.Length > TableNameIndex)) { arguments[TableNameIndex] = name; return true; } return false; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region ISQLiteNativeHandle Members private IntPtr nativeHandle; public virtual IntPtr NativeHandle { get { CheckDisposed(); return nativeHandle; } internal set { nativeHandle = value; } } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region IDisposable Members public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region IDisposable "Pattern" Members private bool disposed; private void CheckDisposed() /* throw */ { #if THROW_ON_DISPOSED if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException( typeof(SQLiteVirtualTable).Name); } #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposed) { //if (disposing) //{ // //////////////////////////////////// // // dispose managed resources here... // //////////////////////////////////// //} ////////////////////////////////////// // release unmanaged resources here... ////////////////////////////////////// disposed = true; } } #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteVirtualTableCursor Base Class /* NOT SEALED */ public class SQLiteVirtualTableCursor : ISQLiteNativeHandle, IDisposable { #region Public Constructors public SQLiteVirtualTableCursor( SQLiteVirtualTable table ) { this.table = table; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Properties private SQLiteVirtualTable table; public virtual SQLiteVirtualTable Table { get { CheckDisposed(); return table; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int indexNumber; public virtual int IndexNumber { get { CheckDisposed(); return indexNumber; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private string indexString; public virtual string IndexString { get { CheckDisposed(); return indexString; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteValue[] values; public virtual SQLiteValue[] Values { get { CheckDisposed(); return values; } } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Protected Methods protected virtual int TryPersistValues( SQLiteValue[] values ) { int result = 0; if (values != null) { foreach (SQLiteValue value in values) { if (value == null) continue; if (value.Persist()) result++; } } return result; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Methods public virtual void Filter( int indexNumber, string indexString, SQLiteValue[] values ) { CheckDisposed(); if ((values != null) && (TryPersistValues(values) != values.Length)) { throw new SQLiteException( "failed to persist one or more values"); } this.indexNumber = indexNumber; this.indexString = indexString; this.values = values; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region ISQLiteNativeHandle Members private IntPtr nativeHandle; public virtual IntPtr NativeHandle { get { CheckDisposed(); return nativeHandle; } internal set { nativeHandle = value; } } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region IDisposable Members public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region IDisposable "Pattern" Members private bool disposed; private void CheckDisposed() /* throw */ { #if THROW_ON_DISPOSED if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException( typeof(SQLiteVirtualTableCursor).Name); } #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposed) { //if (disposing) //{ // //////////////////////////////////// // // dispose managed resources here... // //////////////////////////////////// //} ////////////////////////////////////// // release unmanaged resources here... ////////////////////////////////////// disposed = true; } } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Destructor ~SQLiteVirtualTableCursor() { Dispose(false); } #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region ISQLiteNativeHandle Interface public interface ISQLiteNativeHandle { IntPtr NativeHandle { get; } } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region ISQLiteNativeModule Interface public interface ISQLiteNativeModule { SQLiteErrorCode xCreate( IntPtr pDb, IntPtr pAux, int argc, IntPtr[] argv, ref IntPtr pVtab, ref IntPtr pError ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xConnect( IntPtr pDb, IntPtr pAux, int argc, IntPtr[] argv, ref IntPtr pVtab, ref IntPtr pError ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xBestIndex( IntPtr pVtab, IntPtr pIndex ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xDisconnect( IntPtr pVtab ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xDestroy( IntPtr pVtab ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xOpen( IntPtr pVtab, ref IntPtr pCursor ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xClose( IntPtr pCursor ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xFilter( IntPtr pCursor, int idxNum, IntPtr idxStr, int argc, IntPtr[] argv ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xNext( IntPtr pCursor ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int xEof( IntPtr pCursor ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xColumn( IntPtr pCursor, IntPtr pContext, int index ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xRowId( IntPtr pCursor, ref long rowId ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xUpdate( IntPtr pVtab, int nData, IntPtr apData, ref long rowId ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xBegin( IntPtr pVtab ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xSync( IntPtr pVtab ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xCommit( IntPtr pVtab ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xRollback( IntPtr pVtab ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int xFindFunction( IntPtr pVtab, int nArg, IntPtr zName, ref SQLiteCallback callback, ref IntPtr pClientData ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xRename( IntPtr pVtab, IntPtr zNew ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xSavepoint( IntPtr pVtab, int iSavepoint ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xRelease( IntPtr pVtab, int iSavepoint ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode xRollbackTo( IntPtr pVtab, int iSavepoint ); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region ISQLiteManagedModule Interface public interface ISQLiteManagedModule { bool Declared { get; } string Name { get; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Create( SQLiteConnection connection, /* in */ IntPtr pClientData, /* in */ string[] arguments, /* in */ ref SQLiteVirtualTable table, /* out */ ref string error /* out */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Connect( SQLiteConnection connection, /* in */ IntPtr pClientData, /* in */ string[] arguments, /* in */ ref SQLiteVirtualTable table, /* out */ ref string error /* out */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode BestIndex( SQLiteVirtualTable table, /* in */ SQLiteIndex index /* in, out */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Disconnect( SQLiteVirtualTable table /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Destroy( SQLiteVirtualTable table /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Open( SQLiteVirtualTable table, /* in */ ref SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor /* out */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Close( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Filter( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor, /* in */ int indexNumber, /* in */ string indexString, /* in */ SQLiteValue[] values /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Next( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Eof( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Column( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor, /* in */ SQLiteContext context, /* in */ int index /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode RowId( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor, /* in */ ref long rowId /* out */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Update( SQLiteVirtualTable table, /* in */ SQLiteValue[] values, /* in */ ref long rowId /* in, out */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Begin( SQLiteVirtualTable table /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Sync( SQLiteVirtualTable table /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Commit( SQLiteVirtualTable table /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Rollback( SQLiteVirtualTable table /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool FindFunction( SQLiteVirtualTable table, /* in */ int argumentCount, /* in */ string name, /* in */ ref SQLiteFunction function, /* out */ ref IntPtr pClientData /* out */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Rename( SQLiteVirtualTable table, /* in */ string newName /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Savepoint( SQLiteVirtualTable table, /* in */ int savepoint /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode Release( SQLiteVirtualTable table, /* in */ int savepoint /* in */ ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteErrorCode RollbackTo( SQLiteVirtualTable table, /* in */ int savepoint /* in */ ); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteMemory Static Class internal static class SQLiteMemory { #region Private Data #if TRACK_MEMORY_BYTES private static object syncRoot = new object(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static int bytesAllocated; private static int maximumBytesAllocated; #endif #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Memory Allocation Helper Methods public static IntPtr Allocate(int size) { IntPtr pMemory = UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_malloc(size); #if TRACK_MEMORY_BYTES if (pMemory != IntPtr.Zero) { int blockSize = Size(pMemory); if (blockSize > 0) { lock (syncRoot) { bytesAllocated += blockSize; if (bytesAllocated > maximumBytesAllocated) maximumBytesAllocated = bytesAllocated; } } } #endif return pMemory; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static int Size(IntPtr pMemory) { #if !SQLITE_STANDARD return UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_malloc_size_interop(pMemory); #else return 0; #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void Free(IntPtr pMemory) { #if TRACK_MEMORY_BYTES if (pMemory != IntPtr.Zero) { int blockSize = Size(pMemory); if (blockSize > 0) { lock (syncRoot) { bytesAllocated -= blockSize; } } } #endif UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_free(pMemory); } #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteString Static Class internal static class SQLiteString { #region Private Constants private static int ThirtyBits = 0x3fffffff; private static readonly Encoding Utf8Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region UTF-8 Encoding Helper Methods public static byte[] GetUtf8BytesFromString( string value ) { if (value == null) return null; return Utf8Encoding.GetBytes(value); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static string GetStringFromUtf8Bytes( byte[] bytes ) { if (bytes == null) return null; #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK return Utf8Encoding.GetString(bytes); #else return Utf8Encoding.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); #endif } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region UTF-8 String Helper Methods public static int ProbeForUtf8ByteLength( IntPtr pValue, int limit ) { int length = 0; if (pValue != IntPtr.Zero) { do { if (Marshal.ReadByte(pValue, length) == 0) break; if (length >= limit) break; length++; } while (true); } return length; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static string StringFromUtf8IntPtr( IntPtr pValue ) { return StringFromUtf8IntPtr(pValue, ProbeForUtf8ByteLength(pValue, ThirtyBits)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static string StringFromUtf8IntPtr( IntPtr pValue, int length ) { if (pValue == IntPtr.Zero) return null; if (length > 0) { byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; Marshal.Copy(pValue, bytes, 0, length); return GetStringFromUtf8Bytes(bytes); } return String.Empty; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static IntPtr Utf8IntPtrFromString( string value ) { if (value == null) return IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr result = IntPtr.Zero; byte[] bytes = GetUtf8BytesFromString(value); if (bytes == null) return IntPtr.Zero; int length = bytes.Length; result = SQLiteMemory.Allocate(length + 1); if (result == IntPtr.Zero) return IntPtr.Zero; Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, result, length); Marshal.WriteByte(result, length, 0); return result; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region UTF-8 String Array Helper Methods public static string[] StringArrayFromUtf8IntPtrArray( IntPtr[] pValues ) { if (pValues == null) return null; string[] result = new string[pValues.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < result.Length; index++) result[index] = StringFromUtf8IntPtr(pValues[index]); return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static IntPtr[] Utf8IntPtrArrayFromStringArray( string[] values ) { if (values == null) return null; IntPtr[] result = new IntPtr[values.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < result.Length; index++) result[index] = Utf8IntPtrFromString(values[index]); return result; } #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteMarshal Static Class internal static class SQLiteMarshal { #region IntPtr Helper Methods public static IntPtr IntPtrForOffset( IntPtr pointer, int offset ) { return new IntPtr(pointer.ToInt64() + offset); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Marshal Read Helper Methods public static int ReadInt32( IntPtr pointer, int offset ) { #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK return Marshal.ReadInt32(pointer, offset); #else return Marshal.ReadInt32(IntPtrForOffset(pointer, offset)); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static double ReadDouble( IntPtr pointer, int offset ) { #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK return BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(Marshal.ReadInt64( pointer, offset)); #else return BitConverter.ToDouble(BitConverter.GetBytes( Marshal.ReadInt64(IntPtrForOffset(pointer, offset))), 0); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static IntPtr ReadIntPtr( IntPtr pointer, int offset ) { #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK return Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pointer, offset); #else return Marshal.ReadIntPtr(IntPtrForOffset(pointer, offset)); #endif } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Marshal Write Helper Methods public static void WriteInt32( IntPtr pointer, int offset, int value ) { #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK Marshal.WriteInt32(pointer, offset, value); #else Marshal.WriteInt32(IntPtrForOffset(pointer, offset), value); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void WriteDouble( IntPtr pointer, int offset, double value ) { #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK Marshal.WriteInt64(pointer, offset, BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(value)); #else Marshal.WriteInt64(IntPtrForOffset(pointer, offset), BitConverter.ToInt64(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0)); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void WriteIntPtr( IntPtr pointer, int offset, IntPtr value ) { #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK Marshal.WriteIntPtr(pointer, offset, value); #else Marshal.WriteIntPtr(IntPtrForOffset(pointer, offset), value); #endif } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Byte Array Helper Methods public static byte[] BytesFromIntPtr( IntPtr pValue, int length ) { if (pValue == IntPtr.Zero) return null; if (length == 0) return new byte[0]; byte[] result = new byte[length]; Marshal.Copy(pValue, result, 0, length); return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static IntPtr BytesToIntPtr( byte[] value ) { if (value == null) return IntPtr.Zero; int length = value.Length; if (length == 0) return IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr result = SQLiteMemory.Allocate(length); if (result == IntPtr.Zero) return IntPtr.Zero; Marshal.Copy(value, 0, result, length); return result; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteValue Helper Methods public static SQLiteValue[] ValueArrayFromSizeAndIntPtr( int nData, IntPtr apData ) { if (nData < 0) return null; if (apData == IntPtr.Zero) return null; SQLiteValue[] result = new SQLiteValue[nData]; for (int index = 0, offset = 0; index < result.Length; index++, offset += IntPtr.Size) { IntPtr pData = ReadIntPtr(apData, offset); result[index] = (pData != IntPtr.Zero) ? new SQLiteValue(pData) : null; } return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static SQLiteValue[] ValueArrayFromIntPtrArray( IntPtr[] values ) { if (values == null) return null; SQLiteValue[] result = new SQLiteValue[values.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < result.Length; index++) result[index] = new SQLiteValue(values[index]); return result; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteIndex Helper Methods public static void IndexFromIntPtr( IntPtr pIndex, ref SQLiteIndex index ) { if (pIndex == IntPtr.Zero) return; int offset = 0; int nConstraint = ReadInt32(pIndex, offset); offset += sizeof(int); IntPtr pConstraint = ReadIntPtr(pIndex, offset); offset += IntPtr.Size; int nOrderBy = ReadInt32(pIndex, offset); index = new SQLiteIndex(nConstraint, nOrderBy); offset += sizeof(int); IntPtr pOrderBy = ReadIntPtr(pIndex, offset); offset += IntPtr.Size; IntPtr pConstraintUsage = ReadIntPtr(pIndex, offset); offset += IntPtr.Size; index.Outputs.IndexNumber = ReadInt32(pIndex, offset); offset += sizeof(int); index.Outputs.IndexString = SQLiteString.StringFromUtf8IntPtr( IntPtrForOffset(pIndex, offset)); offset += IntPtr.Size; index.Outputs.NeedToFreeIndexString = ReadInt32(pIndex, offset); offset += sizeof(int); index.Outputs.OrderByConsumed = ReadInt32(pIndex, offset); offset += sizeof(int); index.Outputs.EstimatedCost = ReadDouble(pIndex, offset); int sizeOfConstraintType = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint)); for (int iConstraint = 0; iConstraint < nConstraint; iConstraint++) { UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint constraint = new UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint(); Marshal.PtrToStructure(IntPtrForOffset(pConstraint, iConstraint * sizeOfConstraintType), constraint); index.Inputs.Constraints[iConstraint] = new SQLiteIndexConstraint(constraint); } int sizeOfOrderByType = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_orderby)); for (int iOrderBy = 0; iOrderBy < nOrderBy; iOrderBy++) { UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_orderby orderBy = new UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_orderby(); Marshal.PtrToStructure(IntPtrForOffset(pOrderBy, iOrderBy * sizeOfOrderByType), orderBy); index.Inputs.OrderBys[iOrderBy] = new SQLiteIndexOrderBy(orderBy); } int sizeOfConstraintUsageType = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint_usage)); for (int iConstraint = 0; iConstraint < nConstraint; iConstraint++) { UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint_usage constraintUsage = new UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint_usage(); Marshal.PtrToStructure(IntPtrForOffset(pConstraintUsage, iConstraint * sizeOfConstraintUsageType), constraintUsage); index.Outputs.ConstraintUsages[iConstraint] = new SQLiteIndexConstraintUsage(constraintUsage); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void IndexToIntPtr( SQLiteIndex index, IntPtr pIndex ) { if ((index == null) || (index.Inputs == null) || (index.Inputs.Constraints == null) || (index.Inputs.OrderBys == null) || (index.Outputs == null) || (index.Outputs.ConstraintUsages == null)) { return; } if (pIndex == IntPtr.Zero) return; int offset = 0; int nConstraint = ReadInt32(pIndex, offset); if (nConstraint != index.Inputs.Constraints.Length) return; if (nConstraint != index.Outputs.ConstraintUsages.Length) return; offset += sizeof(int); IntPtr pConstraint = ReadIntPtr(pIndex, offset); offset += IntPtr.Size; int nOrderBy = ReadInt32(pIndex, offset); offset += sizeof(int); IntPtr pOrderBy = ReadIntPtr(pIndex, offset); offset += IntPtr.Size; IntPtr pConstraintUsage = ReadIntPtr(pIndex, offset); int sizeOfConstraintType = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint)); for (int iConstraint = 0; iConstraint < nConstraint; iConstraint++) { UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint constraint = new UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint( index.Inputs.Constraints[iConstraint]); Marshal.StructureToPtr( constraint, IntPtrForOffset(pConstraint, iConstraint * sizeOfConstraintType), false); index.Inputs.Constraints[iConstraint] = new SQLiteIndexConstraint(constraint); } int sizeOfOrderByType = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_orderby)); for (int iOrderBy = 0; iOrderBy < nOrderBy; iOrderBy++) { UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_orderby orderBy = new UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_orderby( index.Inputs.OrderBys[iOrderBy]); Marshal.StructureToPtr( orderBy, IntPtrForOffset(pOrderBy, iOrderBy * sizeOfOrderByType), false); index.Inputs.OrderBys[iOrderBy] = new SQLiteIndexOrderBy(orderBy); } int sizeOfConstraintUsageType = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint_usage)); for (int iConstraint = 0; iConstraint < nConstraint; iConstraint++) { UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint_usage constraintUsage = new UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_index_constraint_usage( index.Outputs.ConstraintUsages[iConstraint]); Marshal.StructureToPtr( constraintUsage, IntPtrForOffset(pConstraintUsage, iConstraint * sizeOfConstraintUsageType), false); index.Outputs.ConstraintUsages[iConstraint] = new SQLiteIndexConstraintUsage(constraintUsage); } } #endregion } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region SQLiteModule Base Class /* NOT SEALED */ public abstract class SQLiteModule : ISQLiteManagedModule, /*ISQLiteNativeModule,*/ IDisposable { #region Private Constants private const double DefaultCost = double.MaxValue; #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Private Data private UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_module nativeModule; private Dictionary tables; private Dictionary cursors; #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Internal Methods internal UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_module CreateNativeModule() { return CreateNativeModule(CreateNativeModuleImpl()); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Constructors public SQLiteModule(string name) { if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); this.name = name; this.tables = new Dictionary(); this.cursors = new Dictionary(); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Private Methods private UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_module CreateNativeModule( ISQLiteNativeModule module ) { nativeModule = new UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_module(); nativeModule.iVersion = 2; if (module != null) { nativeModule.xCreate = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xCreate( module.xCreate); nativeModule.xConnect = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xConnect( module.xConnect); nativeModule.xBestIndex = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xBestIndex( module.xBestIndex); nativeModule.xDisconnect = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xDisconnect( module.xDisconnect); nativeModule.xDestroy = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xDestroy( module.xDestroy); nativeModule.xOpen = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xOpen( module.xOpen); nativeModule.xClose = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xClose( module.xClose); nativeModule.xFilter = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xFilter( module.xFilter); nativeModule.xNext = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xNext( module.xNext); nativeModule.xEof = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xEof(module.xEof); nativeModule.xColumn = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xColumn( module.xColumn); nativeModule.xRowId = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xRowId( module.xRowId); nativeModule.xUpdate = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xUpdate( module.xUpdate); nativeModule.xBegin = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xBegin( module.xBegin); nativeModule.xSync = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xSync( module.xSync); nativeModule.xCommit = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xCommit( module.xCommit); nativeModule.xRollback = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xRollback( module.xRollback); nativeModule.xFindFunction = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xFindFunction( module.xFindFunction); nativeModule.xRename = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xRename( module.xRename); nativeModule.xSavepoint = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xSavepoint( module.xSavepoint); nativeModule.xRelease = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xRelease( module.xRelease); nativeModule.xRollbackTo = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xRollbackTo( module.xRollbackTo); } else { nativeModule.xCreate = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xCreate( xCreate); nativeModule.xConnect = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xConnect( xConnect); nativeModule.xBestIndex = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xBestIndex( xBestIndex); nativeModule.xDisconnect = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xDisconnect( xDisconnect); nativeModule.xDestroy = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xDestroy( xDestroy); nativeModule.xOpen = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xOpen(xOpen); nativeModule.xClose = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xClose(xClose); nativeModule.xFilter = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xFilter( xFilter); nativeModule.xNext = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xNext(xNext); nativeModule.xEof = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xEof(xEof); nativeModule.xColumn = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xColumn( xColumn); nativeModule.xRowId = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xRowId(xRowId); nativeModule.xUpdate = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xUpdate( xUpdate); nativeModule.xBegin = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xBegin(xBegin); nativeModule.xSync = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xSync(xSync); nativeModule.xCommit = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xCommit( xCommit); nativeModule.xRollback = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xRollback( xRollback); nativeModule.xFindFunction = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xFindFunction( xFindFunction); nativeModule.xRename = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xRename( xRename); nativeModule.xSavepoint = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xSavepoint( xSavepoint); nativeModule.xRelease = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xRelease( xRelease); nativeModule.xRollbackTo = new UnsafeNativeMethods.xRollbackTo( xRollbackTo); } return nativeModule; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Protected Members #region Module Helper Methods protected virtual ISQLiteNativeModule CreateNativeModuleImpl() { return null; /* NOTE: Use built-in defaults. */ } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Native Table Helper Methods protected virtual IntPtr AllocateTable() { int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_vtab)); return SQLiteMemory.Allocate(size); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected virtual void ZeroTable( IntPtr pVtab ) { if (pVtab == IntPtr.Zero) return; int offset = 0; SQLiteMarshal.WriteIntPtr(pVtab, offset, IntPtr.Zero); offset += IntPtr.Size; SQLiteMarshal.WriteInt32(pVtab, offset, 0); offset += sizeof(int); SQLiteMarshal.WriteIntPtr(pVtab, offset, IntPtr.Zero); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected virtual void FreeTable( IntPtr pVtab ) { SetTableError(pVtab, null); SQLiteMemory.Free(pVtab); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Native Cursor Helper Methods protected virtual IntPtr AllocateCursor() { int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_vtab_cursor)); return SQLiteMemory.Allocate(size); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected virtual void FreeCursor( IntPtr pCursor ) { SQLiteMemory.Free(pCursor); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Table Lookup Methods protected virtual IntPtr TableFromCursor( IntPtr pCursor ) { if (pCursor == IntPtr.Zero) return IntPtr.Zero; return Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pCursor); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected virtual SQLiteVirtualTable TableFromIntPtr( IntPtr pVtab ) { if (pVtab == IntPtr.Zero) { SetTableError(pVtab, "invalid native table"); return null; } SQLiteVirtualTable table; if ((tables != null) && tables.TryGetValue(pVtab, out table)) { return table; } SetTableError(pVtab, String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "managed table for {0} not found", pVtab)); return null; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected virtual IntPtr TableToIntPtr( SQLiteVirtualTable table ) { if ((table == null) || (tables == null)) return IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pVtab = IntPtr.Zero; bool success = false; try { pVtab = AllocateTable(); if (pVtab != IntPtr.Zero) { ZeroTable(pVtab); table.NativeHandle = pVtab; tables.Add(pVtab, table); success = true; } } finally { if (!success && (pVtab != IntPtr.Zero)) { FreeTable(pVtab); pVtab = IntPtr.Zero; } } return pVtab; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Cursor Lookup Methods protected virtual SQLiteVirtualTableCursor CursorFromIntPtr( IntPtr pVtab, IntPtr pCursor ) { if (pCursor == IntPtr.Zero) { SetTableError(pVtab, "invalid native cursor"); return null; } SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor; if ((cursors != null) && cursors.TryGetValue(pCursor, out cursor)) { return cursor; } SetTableError(pVtab, String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "managed cursor for {0} not found", pCursor)); return null; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected virtual IntPtr CursorToIntPtr( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor ) { if ((cursor == null) || (cursors == null)) return IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pCursor = IntPtr.Zero; bool success = false; try { pCursor = AllocateCursor(); if (pCursor != IntPtr.Zero) { cursor.NativeHandle = pCursor; cursors.Add(pCursor, cursor); success = true; } } finally { if (!success && (pCursor != IntPtr.Zero)) { FreeCursor(pCursor); pCursor = IntPtr.Zero; } } return pCursor; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Table Declaration Helper Methods protected virtual SQLiteErrorCode DeclareTable( SQLiteConnection connection, string sql, ref string error ) { if (connection == null) { error = "invalid connection"; return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } SQLiteBase sqliteBase = connection._sql; if (sqliteBase == null) { error = "connection has invalid handle"; return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } return sqliteBase.DeclareVirtualTable(this, sql, ref error); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Error Handling Helper Methods protected virtual bool SetTableError( IntPtr pVtab, string error ) { try { if (LogErrors) { SQLiteLog.LogMessage(SQLiteErrorCode.Error, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Virtual table error: {0}", error)); /* throw */ } } catch { // do nothing. } if (pVtab == IntPtr.Zero) return false; int offset = IntPtr.Size + sizeof(int); IntPtr pError = SQLiteMarshal.ReadIntPtr(pVtab, offset); if (pError != IntPtr.Zero) { SQLiteMemory.Free(pError); pError = IntPtr.Zero; SQLiteMarshal.WriteIntPtr(pVtab, offset, pError); } if (error == null) return true; bool success = false; try { pError = SQLiteString.Utf8IntPtrFromString(error); SQLiteMarshal.WriteIntPtr(pVtab, offset, pError); success = true; } finally { if (!success && (pError != IntPtr.Zero)) { SQLiteMemory.Free(pError); pError = IntPtr.Zero; } } return success; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected virtual bool SetTableError( SQLiteVirtualTable table, string error ) { if (table == null) return false; IntPtr pVtab = table.NativeHandle; if (pVtab == IntPtr.Zero) return false; return SetTableError(pVtab, error); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected virtual bool SetCursorError( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor, string error ) { if (cursor == null) return false; IntPtr pCursor = cursor.NativeHandle; if (pCursor == IntPtr.Zero) return false; IntPtr pVtab = TableFromCursor(pCursor); if (pVtab == IntPtr.Zero) return false; return SetTableError(pVtab, error); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Index Handling Helper Methods protected virtual bool SetEstimatedCost( SQLiteIndex index, double estimatedCost ) { if ((index == null) || (index.Outputs == null)) return false; index.Outputs.EstimatedCost = estimatedCost; return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected virtual bool SetEstimatedCost( SQLiteIndex index ) { return SetEstimatedCost(index, DefaultCost); } #endregion #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Public Properties private bool logErrors; public virtual bool LogErrors { get { CheckDisposed(); return logErrors; } set { CheckDisposed(); logErrors = value; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private bool logExceptions; public virtual bool LogExceptions { get { CheckDisposed(); return logExceptions; } set { CheckDisposed(); logExceptions = value; } } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region ISQLiteNativeModule Members private SQLiteErrorCode xCreate( IntPtr pDb, IntPtr pAux, int argc, IntPtr[] argv, ref IntPtr pVtab, ref IntPtr pError ) { try { string fileName = SQLiteString.StringFromUtf8IntPtr( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_db_filename(pDb, IntPtr.Zero)); using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection( pDb, fileName, false)) { SQLiteVirtualTable table = null; string error = null; if (Create(connection, pAux, SQLiteString.StringArrayFromUtf8IntPtrArray(argv), ref table, ref error) == SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) { if (table != null) { pVtab = TableToIntPtr(table); return SQLiteErrorCode.Ok; } else { pError = SQLiteString.Utf8IntPtrFromString( "no table was created"); } } else { pError = SQLiteString.Utf8IntPtrFromString(error); } } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { pError = SQLiteString.Utf8IntPtrFromString(e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xConnect( IntPtr pDb, IntPtr pAux, int argc, IntPtr[] argv, ref IntPtr pVtab, ref IntPtr pError ) { try { string fileName = SQLiteString.StringFromUtf8IntPtr( UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_db_filename(pDb, IntPtr.Zero)); using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection( pDb, fileName, false)) { SQLiteVirtualTable table = null; string error = null; if (Connect(connection, pAux, SQLiteString.StringArrayFromUtf8IntPtrArray(argv), ref table, ref error) == SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) { if (table != null) { pVtab = TableToIntPtr(table); return SQLiteErrorCode.Ok; } else { pError = SQLiteString.Utf8IntPtrFromString( "no table was created"); } } else { pError = SQLiteString.Utf8IntPtrFromString(error); } } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { pError = SQLiteString.Utf8IntPtrFromString(e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xBestIndex( IntPtr pVtab, IntPtr pIndex ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) { SQLiteIndex index = null; SQLiteMarshal.IndexFromIntPtr(pIndex, ref index); if (BestIndex(table, index) == SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) { SQLiteMarshal.IndexToIntPtr(index, pIndex); return SQLiteErrorCode.Ok; } } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xDisconnect( IntPtr pVtab ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) { if (Disconnect(table) == SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) { if (tables != null) tables.Remove(pVtab); return SQLiteErrorCode.Ok; } } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { // // NOTE: At this point, there is no way to report the error // condition back to the caller; therefore, use the // logging facility instead. // try { if (LogExceptions) { SQLiteLog.LogMessage(SQLiteBase.COR_E_EXCEPTION, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Caught exception in \"xDisconnect\" method: {0}", e)); /* throw */ } } catch { // do nothing. } } finally { FreeTable(pVtab); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xDestroy( IntPtr pVtab ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) { if (Destroy(table) == SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) { if (tables != null) tables.Remove(pVtab); return SQLiteErrorCode.Ok; } } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { // // NOTE: At this point, there is no way to report the error // condition back to the caller; therefore, use the // logging facility instead. // try { if (LogExceptions) { SQLiteLog.LogMessage(SQLiteBase.COR_E_EXCEPTION, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Caught exception in \"xDestroy\" method: {0}", e)); /* throw */ } } catch { // do nothing. } } finally { FreeTable(pVtab); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xOpen( IntPtr pVtab, ref IntPtr pCursor ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) { SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor = null; if (Open(table, ref cursor) == SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) { if (cursor != null) { pCursor = CursorToIntPtr(cursor); if (pCursor != IntPtr.Zero) { return SQLiteErrorCode.Ok; } else { SetTableError(pVtab, "no native cursor was created"); } } else { SetTableError(pVtab, "no managed cursor was created"); } } } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xClose( IntPtr pCursor ) { IntPtr pVtab = IntPtr.Zero; try { pVtab = TableFromCursor(pCursor); SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor = CursorFromIntPtr( pVtab, pCursor); if (cursor != null) { if (Close(cursor) == SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) { if (cursors != null) cursors.Remove(pCursor); return SQLiteErrorCode.Ok; } } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } finally { FreeCursor(pCursor); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xFilter( IntPtr pCursor, int idxNum, IntPtr idxStr, int argc, IntPtr[] argv ) { IntPtr pVtab = IntPtr.Zero; try { pVtab = TableFromCursor(pCursor); SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor = CursorFromIntPtr( pVtab, pCursor); if (cursor != null) { if (Filter(cursor, idxNum, SQLiteString.StringFromUtf8IntPtr(idxStr), SQLiteMarshal.ValueArrayFromIntPtrArray( argv)) == SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) { return SQLiteErrorCode.Ok; } } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xNext( IntPtr pCursor ) { IntPtr pVtab = IntPtr.Zero; try { pVtab = TableFromCursor(pCursor); SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor = CursorFromIntPtr( pVtab, pCursor); if (cursor != null) { if (Next(cursor) == SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) return SQLiteErrorCode.Ok; } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int xEof( IntPtr pCursor ) { IntPtr pVtab = IntPtr.Zero; try { pVtab = TableFromCursor(pCursor); SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor = CursorFromIntPtr( pVtab, pCursor); if (cursor != null) return Eof(cursor) ? 1 : 0; } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return 1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xColumn( IntPtr pCursor, IntPtr pContext, int index ) { IntPtr pVtab = IntPtr.Zero; try { pVtab = TableFromCursor(pCursor); SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor = CursorFromIntPtr( pVtab, pCursor); if (cursor != null) { SQLiteContext context = new SQLiteContext(pContext); return Column(cursor, context, index); } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xRowId( IntPtr pCursor, ref long rowId ) { IntPtr pVtab = IntPtr.Zero; try { pVtab = TableFromCursor(pCursor); SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor = CursorFromIntPtr( pVtab, pCursor); if (cursor != null) return RowId(cursor, ref rowId); } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xUpdate( IntPtr pVtab, int nData, IntPtr apData, ref long rowId ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) { SQLiteValue[] values = SQLiteMarshal.ValueArrayFromSizeAndIntPtr( nData, apData); return Update(table, values, ref rowId); } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xBegin( IntPtr pVtab ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) return Begin(table); } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xSync( IntPtr pVtab ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) return Sync(table); } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xCommit( IntPtr pVtab ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) return Commit(table); } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xRollback( IntPtr pVtab ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) return Rollback(table); } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int xFindFunction( IntPtr pVtab, int nArg, IntPtr zName, ref SQLiteCallback callback, ref IntPtr pClientData ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) { SQLiteFunction function = null; if (FindFunction( table, nArg, SQLiteString.StringFromUtf8IntPtr(zName), ref function, ref pClientData)) { if (function != null) { callback = function.ScalarCallback; return 1; } else { SetTableError(pVtab, "no function was created"); } } } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xRename( IntPtr pVtab, IntPtr zNew ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) { return Rename(table, SQLiteString.StringFromUtf8IntPtr(zNew)); } } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xSavepoint( IntPtr pVtab, int iSavepoint ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) return Savepoint(table, iSavepoint); } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xRelease( IntPtr pVtab, int iSavepoint ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) return Release(table, iSavepoint); } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private SQLiteErrorCode xRollbackTo( IntPtr pVtab, int iSavepoint ) { try { SQLiteVirtualTable table = TableFromIntPtr(pVtab); if (table != null) return RollbackTo(table, iSavepoint); } catch (Exception e) /* NOTE: Must catch ALL. */ { SetTableError(pVtab, e.ToString()); } return SQLiteErrorCode.Error; } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region ISQLiteManagedModule Members private bool declared; public virtual bool Declared { get { CheckDisposed(); return declared; } internal set { declared = value; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private string name; public virtual string Name { get { CheckDisposed(); return name; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Create( SQLiteConnection connection, IntPtr pClientData, string[] arguments, ref SQLiteVirtualTable table, ref string error ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Connect( SQLiteConnection connection, IntPtr pClientData, string[] arguments, ref SQLiteVirtualTable table, ref string error ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode BestIndex( SQLiteVirtualTable table, SQLiteIndex index ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Disconnect( SQLiteVirtualTable table ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Destroy( SQLiteVirtualTable table ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Open( SQLiteVirtualTable table, ref SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Close( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Filter( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor, int indexNumber, string indexString, SQLiteValue[] values ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Next( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract bool Eof( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Column( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor, SQLiteContext context, int index ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode RowId( SQLiteVirtualTableCursor cursor, ref long rowId ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Update( SQLiteVirtualTable table, SQLiteValue[] values, ref long rowId ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Begin( SQLiteVirtualTable table ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Sync( SQLiteVirtualTable table ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Commit( SQLiteVirtualTable table ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Rollback( SQLiteVirtualTable table ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract bool FindFunction( SQLiteVirtualTable table, int argumentCount, string name, ref SQLiteFunction function, ref IntPtr pClientData ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Rename( SQLiteVirtualTable table, string newName ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Savepoint( SQLiteVirtualTable table, int savepoint ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode Release( SQLiteVirtualTable table, int savepoint ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract SQLiteErrorCode RollbackTo( SQLiteVirtualTable table, int savepoint ); #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region IDisposable Members public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region IDisposable "Pattern" Members private bool disposed; private void CheckDisposed() /* throw */ { #if THROW_ON_DISPOSED if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException( typeof(SQLiteModule).Name); } #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposed) { //if (disposing) //{ // //////////////////////////////////// // // dispose managed resources here... // //////////////////////////////////// //} ////////////////////////////////////// // release unmanaged resources here... ////////////////////////////////////// try { UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_dispose_module( ref nativeModule); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (LogExceptions) { SQLiteLog.LogMessage(SQLiteBase.COR_E_EXCEPTION, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Caught exception in \"Dispose\" method: {0}", e)); /* throw */ } } catch { // do nothing. } } disposed = true; } } #endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Destructor ~SQLiteModule() { Dispose(false); } #endregion } #endregion }