
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation
19:22 Closed ticket [e9573e2d12]: NuGet (3) 'pack' command breaks package restore (and maybe other features) plus 3 other changes artifact: 8641dbc03d user: mistachkin
Use NuGet 2.x to build the official NuGet packages for a release. Pursuant to [e9573e2d12]. check-in: bb7d27069f user: mistachkin tags: trunk
21:26 Ticket [e9573e2d12] NuGet (3) 'pack' command breaks package restore (and maybe other features) status still Pending with 3 other changes artifact: 7dcacfc7c5 user: mistachkin
21:16 Ticket [e9573e2d12]: 3 changes artifact: b1f1951c7b user: mistachkin
06:01 Pending ticket [e9573e2d12]. artifact: eb8d99c497 user: mistachkin
06:00 Ticket [e9573e2d12]: 6 changes artifact: 7d5085a5ac user: mistachkin
05:57 New ticket [e9573e2d12]. artifact: 62d42e181d user: mistachkin

Ticket Hash: e9573e2d123878771cb83fc5e1adee565b2dbc77
Title: NuGet (3) 'pack' command breaks package restore (and maybe other features)
Status: Closed Type: Packaging
Severity: Important Priority: Blocker
Subsystem: NuGetPackage Resolution: External_Bug
Last Modified: 2016-10-07 19:22:02
Version Found In:
User Comments:
mistachkin added on 2016-10-05 05:57:12:
NuGet issue appears to be [].

mistachkin added on 2016-10-05 06:00:53:
List of possible workarounds:

1. Wait for an upstream fixes to NuGet 3.x.

2. Stop using NuGet 3.x for official release builds of the NuGet packages.

3. Continue using NuGet 3.x for official release builds of the NuGet packages
   and then manually patch the contained nuspec files to re-add the trailing

mistachkin added on 2016-10-05 21:16:09:
Further findings:

1. There is no clean way to replace the existing (semi-broken) NuGet packages.

2. It looks like the path forward is to use NuGet 2.x only for the foreseeable

mistachkin added on 2016-10-07 19:22:02:
Workaround activated on trunk via check-in [bb7d27069fb38310].  This issue is
now closed.