
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation
17:25 Closed ticket [abad7c577d]: Support for VS 2013 Update 3 plus 5 other changes artifact: 9e8a46ad98 user: mistachkin
06:47 Ticket [abad7c577d]: 4 changes artifact: 7847c85298 user: mistachkin
23:51 Ticket [abad7c577d]: 3 changes artifact: 0e569772e7 user: anonymous
23:52 Ticket [abad7c577d]: 3 changes artifact: eea501a894 user: mistachkin
19:32 Pending ticket [abad7c577d]. artifact: 8ccce37efa user: mistachkin
19:43 New ticket [abad7c577d]. artifact: c06aa90180 user: anonymous

Ticket Hash: abad7c577d6f38f3417c0a93e112dca3b24ef069
Title: Support for VS 2013 Update 3
Status: Closed Type: Packaging
Severity: Important Priority: Blocker
Subsystem: NuGetPackage Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2015-02-09 17:25:06
Version Found In: 1.0.94
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2014-10-18 19:43:08:
After upgrading Visual Studio 2013 from Upgrade 2 to Upgrade 3, I can not anymore connect Entity Framework to SQLite database.

I have downloaded and installed sqlite-netFx451-setup-bundle-x86-2013- but it apparently dont work with VS 2013 Update 3!

In Server Explorer, Add Connection, there is item for "System.Data.SQLite Database File" but when I Add EF Model to project, and go to "EF Designer from database", then New Connection, there is no SQLite item in list ??!

How is possible to same "Chose Data Source" dialog in Server Explorer have SQLite option, and with EF connect to database that same dialog does not have SQLite option??

mistachkin added on 2014-10-20 19:32:16:
Raising to release blocker.

mistachkin added on 2014-11-07 23:52:39:
Possibly related to [2be4298631].
See also [417d669435].

anonymous added on 2014-11-12 23:51:58:
Same thing in Visual Studio Community 2013 Update 4.

mistachkin added on 2014-11-25 06:47:48:
Update 4 is now out.  Testing will be done on that instead.

mistachkin added on 2015-02-09 17:25:06:
The NuGet packages for (including the pre-release) ones should now work
with Visual Studio 2013 Update 4.