
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact ID: 97b7fb2dd71c0fb77d28647bd4181e1b0e83f90a
Ticket: 03cb660e3b18105a66e449309b1901c259f38432
Incorrect query results return in left join when join clause references other table
User & Date: anonymous 2018-11-01 14:30:42

  1. foundin changed to: ""
  2. icomment:
    If the left join clause, if other table is referenced, query returns completely wrong data set. Its difficult to explain in words, so let me write the sql which reproduces the problem:
    -- create table with an index
    create table t (n int, m int, s varchar);
    create index tx on t(m);
    --add some data to table
      cnt(x) AS (
         SELECT 1
         UNION ALL
         SELECT x+1 FROM cnt 
         LIMIT 100000
    insert into t(n, s) SELECT x, cast(x as text) FROM cnt;
    update t set m = n where (n % 1000)=0;
    --problematic query
    select count(*)
    from t t1
    left join t t2 on (t1.m = t2.n) and (t1.m is not null);
    --displays 100 which is incorrect.
    --Lets try the same query after dropping the index
    drop index tx;
    select count(*)
    from t t1
    left join t t2 on (t1.m = t2.n) and (t1.m is not null);
    --displays 100,000 which is correct.
  3. login: "anonymous"
  4. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"
  5. private_contact changed to: "411f3ab164b4071cc732af82c07ab861c870b9d3"
  6. severity changed to: "Severe"
  7. status changed to: "Open"
  8. title changed to:
    Incorrect query results return in left join when join clause references other table
  9. type changed to: "Code_Defect"