
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 7dbc4cf90785c828aa2595790436d36a8e385989:

<title>Test Procedures</title>

<a name="assumptions"></a>
<h2>Test Assumptions &amp; Prerequisites</h2>

    The string &quot;&lt;root&gt;&quot; represents the root of the source tree
    for the System.Data.SQLite project.

    The string &quot;&lt;year&gt;&quot; represents the version of Visual Studio
    used (e.g. 2008) to build the binaries being tested.

    The string &quot;&lt;platform&gt;&quot; represents the native platform for
    the binaries being tested (e.g. Win32 or x64).

    The string &quot;&lt;pid&gt;&quot; represents the process identifier for the
    instance of EagleShell being used to run the unit tests.

<a name="procedures"></a>
<h2>Test Procedures</h2>

  Follow these steps to unit test the System.Data.SQLite (SDS) binaries.
  Unless otherwise noted, all steps need to be done in the order specified.

  First, you will need a full source enlistment for the System.Data.SQLite
  project, including the
  &quot;<a href="">Externals\Eagle</a>&quot;

  The binaries to test must be [./ | built] or
  [./ | downloaded].  If the binaries are downloaded, they must be
  placed in the appropriate build output directory (e.g.
  &quot;&lt;root&gt;\bin\&lt;year&gt;\Release\bin&quot; for the separate managed
  and interop assemblies or
  &quot;&lt;root&gt;\bin\&lt;year&gt;\&lt;platform&gt;\Release&quot; for the
  mixed-mode assembly).

  The new unit tests have been setup using <a href="">Eagle</a>
  and its associated unit testing framework, named &quot;EagleTest&quot;.  Eagle
  is an implementation of the <a href="">Tcl</a> scripting
  language for the Common Language Runtime (CLR).  EagleTest is the unit testing
  framework for Eagle, packaged as a collection of Eagle scripts, based loosely
  on the implementation of
  <a href="">tcltest</a>.

<a name="automated"></a>
<h2>Automated Unit Tests</h2>

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>
  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following command to run all the unit tests against the binaries built with a separate managed and interop assembly:
    <b>Externals\Eagle\bin\EagleShell.exe -file Tests\all.eagle</b>

    Enter the following command to run all the unit tests against the binaries built with a mixed-mode assembly:
    <b>Externals\Eagle\bin\EagleShell.exe -initialize -runtimeOption native -file Tests\all.eagle</b>

    Make sure all tests pass; the log file &quot;%TEMP%\EagleShell.exe.test.&lt;pid&gt;.log&quot; may be checked if any errors should occur.  EagleTest should produce &quot;success&quot; messages very similar to the following:<br /><br />
    PASSED: 30<br />
    TOTAL: 30<br />
    PASS PERCENTAGE: 100%<br />