
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 2b172502c342d6a3ab926307ec4141d8f9b8bf85:

Test Procedures

Test Assumptions & Prerequisites

  1. The string "<root>" represents the root of the source tree (i.e. the working check-out directory) for the System.Data.SQLite project.
  2. The string "<year>" represents the version of Visual Studio used (e.g. "2008" or "2010") to build the binaries being tested.
  3. The string "<configuration>" represents the build configuration for the binaries being tested (e.g. "Debug" or "Release").
  4. The string "<platform>" represents the native platform for the binaries being tested (e.g. "Win32" or "x64").
  5. The string "<pid>" represents the process identifier for the instance of EagleShell being used to run the unit tests (e.g. "1234").

Test Procedures

Follow these steps to unit test the System.Data.SQLite (SDS) binaries. Unless otherwise noted, all steps need to be done in the order specified.

First, you will need a full source check-out for the System.Data.SQLite project, including the "Externals\Eagle" directory.

The binaries to test must be built or downloaded. If the binaries are downloaded, they must be placed in the appropriate build output directory (e.g. "<root>\bin\<year>\<configuration>\bin" for the separate managed and interop assemblies or "<root>\bin\<year>\<platform>\<configuration>" for the mixed-mode assembly).

The new unit tests have been setup using Eagle and its associated unit testing framework, named "EagleTest". Eagle is an implementation of the Tcl scripting language for the Common Language Runtime (CLR). EagleTest is the unit testing framework for Eagle, packaged as a collection of Eagle scripts, based loosely on the implementation of tcltest.

Automated Unit Tests

  1. Open a normal command prompt window with "cmd.exe".
  2. Change the current directory to "<root>".
  3. Enter the following command to run all the unit tests against the binaries built with a separate managed and interop assembly: Externals\Eagle\bin\EagleShell.exe -file Tests\all.eagle
  4. Enter the following command to run all the unit tests against the binaries built with a mixed-mode assembly: Externals\Eagle\bin\EagleShell.exe -initialize -runtimeOption native -file Tests\all.eagle
  5. To test binaries built with MSBuild 3.5 or Visual Studio 2008 (i.e. because the default is to test binaries built with MSBuild 4.0 or Visual Studio 2010) add the following command line argument right after "Externals\Eagle\bin\EagleShell.exe" in either of the above command lines: -preInitialize "set test_year 2008"
  6. To test binaries built in the "Debug" build configuration (i.e. because the default is to test binaries built in the "Release" build configuration) add the following command line argument right after "Externals\Eagle\bin\EagleShell.exe" in either of the above command lines: -preInitialize "set test_configuration Debug"
  7. Make sure all tests pass; the log file "%TEMP%\EagleShell.exe.test.<pid>.log" may be checked if any errors should occur. EagleTest should produce "success" messages very similar to the following:

    PASSED: 96
    TOTAL: 96