
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 9d1fad2c8cefe61a9f96eea1b82cb5aa53c21258:

# common.eagle --
# Written by Joe Mistachkin.
# Released to the public domain, use at your own risk!

# NOTE: Use our own namespace here because even though we do not directly
#       support namespaces ourselves, we do not want to pollute the global
#       namespace if this script actually ends up being evaluated in Tcl.
namespace eval ::Eagle {
  if {[isEagle]} then {
    ############################ BEGIN Eagle ONLY #############################

    proc getBuildYear {} {
      # NOTE: See if the "year" setting has been overridden by the user (e.g. on
      #       the command line).  This helps control exactly which set of
      #       binaries we are testing, those produced using the Visual Studio
      #       2005, 2008, 2010, or 2012 build systems.  To override this value
      #       via the command line, enter a command similar to one of the
      #       following (all on one line):
      #       EagleShell.exe -preInitialize "set test_year 2005"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -preInitialize "set test_year 2008"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -preInitialize "set test_year 2010"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -preInitialize "set test_year 2012"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -preInitialize "unset -nocomplain test_year"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      if {[info exists ::test_year] && [string length $::test_year] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Use the specified test year.  If this variable is not set, the
        #       default value will be based on whether or not Eagle has been
        #       compiled against the CLR v2.0 or CLR v4.0.
        return $::test_year
      } else {
        # NOTE: If Eagle has been compiled against the CLR v4.0, use "2010" by
        #       default (we could use "2012" in that case as well) as the test
        #       year; otherwise, use "2008" by default (we could use "2005" in
        #       that case as well).  If another major [incompatible] version of
        #       the CLR is released, this check will have to be changed.  The
        #       default test year to use for a particular CLR version may be
        #       overridden by setting the global variable "test_year_clr_v$X",
        #       where "$X" may [currently] be either "2" or "4".
        if {[haveConstraint imageRuntime40]} then {
          if {[info exists ::test_year_clr_v4] && \
              [string length $::test_year_clr_v4] > 0} then {
            # NOTE: Use the specified test year for the CLR v4.0.
            return $::test_year_clr_v4
          } else {
            # NOTE: Use the default test year for the CLR v4.0.
            return 2010; # TODO: Good "fallback" default?
        } else {
          if {[info exists ::test_year_clr_v2] && \
              [string length $::test_year_clr_v2] > 0} then {
            # NOTE: Use the specified test year for the CLR v2.0.
            return $::test_year_clr_v2
          } else {
            # NOTE: Use the default test year for the CLR v2.0.
            return 2008; # TODO: Good "fallback" default?
    proc getBuildConfiguration {} {
      # NOTE: See if the "configuration" setting has been overridden by the user
      #       (e.g. on the command line).  This helps control exactly which set
      #       of binaries we are testing (i.e. those built in the "Debug" or
      #       "Release" build configurations).  To override this value via the
      #       command line, enter a command similar to one of the following (all
      #       on one line):
      #       EagleShell.exe -preInitialize "set test_configuration Debug"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -preInitialize "set test_configuration Release"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -file .\path\to\all.eagle -preTest
      #         "unset -nocomplain test_configuration"
      if {[info exists ::test_configuration] && \
          [string length $::test_configuration] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Use the specified test configuration.  The default value used
        #       for this variable is "Release", as set by the test suite itself.
        return $::test_configuration
      } else {
        # NOTE: Normally, we will never hit this case because the value of the
        #       test configuration variable is always set by the test suite
        #       itself; however, it can be overridden using the unset command
        #       from the -preTest option to the test suite.
        return $::eagle_platform(configuration)
    proc getBuildDirectory {} {
      # NOTE: See if the "native" runtime option has been added.  If so, use the
      #       directory for the mixed-mode assembly (a.k.a. the native interop
      #       assembly).  To enable this option via the command line, enter a
      #       command similar to one of the following (all on one line):
      #       EagleShell.exe -initialize -runtimeOption native
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       To enable this option via the command line prior to the "beta 16"
      #       release of Eagle, the following command must be used instead
      #       (also all on one line):
      #       EagleShell.exe -initialize -postInitialize
      #         "object invoke Interpreter.GetActive AddRuntimeOption native"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      if {[info exists ::build_directory] && \
          [string length $::build_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The location of the build directory has been overridden;
        #       therefore, use it verbatim.
        return $::build_directory
      } else {
        # NOTE: Figure out the build base directory.  This will be the directory
        #       that contains the actual build output directory (e.g. "bin").
        if {[info exists ::build_base_directory] && \
            [string length $::build_base_directory] > 0} then {
          # NOTE: The location of the build base directory has been overridden;
          #       therefore, use it verbatim.
          set path $::build_base_directory
        } elseif {[info exists ::common_directory] && \
            [string length $::common_directory] > 0} then {
          # NOTE: Next, fallback to the parent directory of the one containing
          #       this file (i.e. "common.eagle"), if available.
          set path [file dirname $::common_directory]
        } else {
          # NOTE: Finally, fallback to the parent directory of the EagleTest
          #       path.  The EagleTest package guarantees that this variable
          #       will be set to the directory containing the first file to
          #       execute the [runTestPrologue] script library procedure.
          set path [file dirname $::path]

        if {[hasRuntimeOption native]} then {
          return [file join $path bin [getBuildYear] \
              [machineToPlatform $::tcl_platform(machine)] \
        } else {
          return [file join $path bin [getBuildYear] \
              [getBuildConfiguration] bin]
    proc getBuildFileName { fileName } {
      # NOTE: Returns the specified file name as if it were located in the
      #       build directory, discarding any directory information present
      #       in the file name as provided by the caller.
      return [file nativename \
          [file join [getBuildDirectory] [file tail $fileName]]]
    proc getBinaryDirectory {} {
      # NOTE: This procedure returns the directory where the test application
      #       itself (i.e. the Eagle shell) is located.  This will be used as
      #       the destination for the copied System.Data.SQLite native and
      #       managed assemblies (i.e. because this is one of the few places
      #       where the CLR will actually find and load them properly).
      if {[info exists ::binary_directory] && \
          [string length $::binary_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The location of the binary directory has been overridden;
        #       therefore, use it verbatim.
        return $::binary_directory
      } else {
        return [info binary]
    proc getBinaryFileName { fileName } {
      # NOTE: Returns the specified file name as if it were located in the
      #       binary directory, discarding any directory information present
      #       in the file name as provided by the caller.
      return [file nativename \
          [file join [getBinaryDirectory] [file tail $fileName]]]
    proc getDatabaseDirectory {} {
      # NOTE: This procedure returns the directory where the test databases
      #       should be located.  By default, this just uses the temporary
      #       directory configured for this system.
      if {[info exists ::database_directory] && \
          [string length $::database_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The location of the database directory has been overridden;
        #       therefore, use it.
        return [file normalize $::database_directory]
      } else {
        return [getTemporaryPath]
    proc getAppDomainPreamble { {prefix ""} {suffix ""} } {
      # NOTE: This procedure returns a test setup script suitable for evaluation
      #       by a test interpreter created in an isolated application domain.
      #       The script being returned will be surrounded by the prefix and
      #       suffix "script fragments" specified by the caller, if any.  The
      #       entire script being returned will be substituted via [subst], in
      #       the context of the caller.  This step is necessary so that some
      #       limited context information, primarily related to the test build
      #       directory, can be transferred to the interpreter in the isolated
      #       application domain, making it able to successfully run tests that
      #       require one or more of the files in the build directory.  Callers
      #       to this procedure should keep in mind that the test script being
      #       returned cannot only rely on any script library procedures not
      #       included in the Eagle.Library package (i.e. "init.eagle").  Also,
      #       all variable references and all "nested" commands (i.e. those in
      #       square brackets), unless they are specially quoted, will end up
      #       being evaluated in the context of the calling interpreter and not
      #       the test interpreter created in the isolated application domain.
      return [uplevel 1 [list subst [appendArgs $prefix {
        if {[hasRuntimeOption native]} then {
          object invoke Interpreter.GetActive AddRuntimeOption native

        set ::path {$::path}
        set ::test_year {[getBuildYear]}
        set ::test_configuration {[getBuildConfiguration]}
      } $suffix]]]
    proc tryCopyBuildFile { fileName } {
      # NOTE: If we cannot copy the assembly then it is probably already loaded.
      set sourceFileName [getBuildFileName $fileName]

      if {![file exists $sourceFileName]} then {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- skipped copying build file \"" $sourceFileName \
            "\", it does not exist\n"]


      set targetFileName [getBinaryFileName $fileName]

      if {[catch {
          file copy -force $sourceFileName $targetFileName}] == 0} then {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- copied build file from \"" $sourceFileName "\" to \"" \
            $targetFileName \"\n]
      } else {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- failed to copy build file from \"" $sourceFileName \
            "\" to \"" $targetFileName \"\n]
    proc tryDeleteBinaryFile { fileName } {
      set fileName [getBinaryFileName $fileName]

      if {![file exists $fileName]} then {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- skipped deleting binary file \"" $fileName \
            "\", it does not exist\n"]


      if {[catch {file delete $fileName}] == 0} then {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- deleted binary file \"" $fileName \"\n]
      } else {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- failed to delete binary file \"" $fileName \"\n]
    proc tryCopyAssembly { fileName {pdb true} } {
      tryCopyBuildFile $fileName

      if {$pdb} then {
        tryCopyBuildFile [appendArgs [file rootname $fileName] .pdb]
    proc tryDeleteAssembly { fileName {pdb true} } {
      tryDeleteBinaryFile $fileName

      if {$pdb} then {
        tryDeleteBinaryFile [appendArgs [file rootname $fileName] .pdb]
    proc tryLoadAssembly { fileName } {
      set fileName [getBinaryFileName $fileName]

      if {[catch {set assembly \
              [object load -loadtype File -alias $fileName]}] == 0} then {
        # NOTE: Now, add the necessary test constraint.
        addConstraint [file rootname [file tail $fileName]]

        # NOTE: Grab the image runtime version from the assembly because
        #       several tests rely on it having a certain value.
        addConstraint [appendArgs [file tail $fileName] _ \
            [$assembly ImageRuntimeVersion]]

        # NOTE: Return the full path of the loaded file.
        return $fileName

      return ""
    proc checkForSQLite { channel } {
      tputs $channel "---- checking for core SQLite library... "

      if {[catch {object invoke -flags +NonPublic System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3 \
              SQLiteVersion} version] == 0} then {
        # NOTE: Attempt to query the Fossil source identifier for the SQLite
        #       core library.
        if {[catch {object invoke -flags +NonPublic System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3 \
                SQLiteSourceId} sourceId]} then {
          # NOTE: We failed to query the Fossil source identifier.
          set sourceId unknown

        # NOTE: Yes, the SQLite core library appears to be available.
        addConstraint SQLite

        tputs $channel [appendArgs "yes (" $version " " $sourceId ")\n"]
      } else {
        tputs $channel no\n
    proc checkForSQLiteDefineConstant { channel name } {
      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- checking for System.Data.SQLite define constant \"" $name \
          "\"... "]

      if {[catch {object invoke -flags +NonPublic System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3 \
              DefineConstants} defineConstants] == 0} then {
        if {[lsearch -exact -nocase $defineConstants $name] != -1} then {
          # NOTE: Yes, this define constant was enabled when the managed
          #       assembly was compiled.
          addConstraint [appendArgs defineConstant.System.Data.SQLite. $name]

          tputs $channel yes\n
        } else {
          tputs $channel no\n
      } else {
        tputs $channel error\n
    proc getDateTimeFormat {} {
      # NOTE: This procedure simply returns the "default" DateTime format used
      #       by the test suite.
      if {[info exists ::datetime_format] && \
          [string length $::datetime_format] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Return the manually overridden value for the DateTime format.
        return $::datetime_format
      } else {
        # NOTE: Return an ISO8601 DateTime format compatible with SQLite,
        #       System.Data.SQLite, and suitable for round-tripping with the
        #       DateTime class of the framework.  If this value is changed,
        #       various tests may fail.
        return "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFK"
    proc enumerableToList { enumerable } {
      set result [list]

      if {[string length $enumerable] == 0 || $enumerable eq "null"} then {
        return $result

      object foreach -alias item $enumerable {
        if {[string length $item] > 0} then {
          lappend result [$item ToString]

      return $result
    proc compileCSharpWith {
            text memory symbols strict resultsVarName errorsVarName fileNames
            args } {
      # NOTE: Since we are going to use this method name a lot, assign it to a
      #       variable first.
      set add ReferencedAssemblies.Add

      # NOTE: Create the base command to evaluate and add the property settings
      #       that are almost always needed by our unit tests (i.e. the System
      #       and System.Data assembly references).
      set command [list compileCSharp $text $memory $symbols $strict results \
          errors $add System.dll $add System.Data.dll $add System.Xml.dll]

      # NOTE: Add all the provided file names as assembly references.
      foreach fileName $fileNames {
        lappend command $add [getBinaryFileName $fileName]

      # NOTE: Add the extra arguments, if any, to the command to evaluate.
      eval lappend command $args

      # NOTE: Alias the compiler local results and errors variables to the
      #       variable names provided by our caller.
      upvar 1 $resultsVarName results
      upvar 1 $errorsVarName errors

      # NOTE: Evaluate the constructed [compileCSharp] command and return the
      #       result.
      eval $command
    proc isMemoryDb { fileName } {
      # NOTE: Is the specified database file name really an in-memory database?
      return [expr {$fileName eq ":memory:" || \
          [string range $fileName 0 12] eq "file::memory:"}]
    proc setupDb {
            fileName {mode ""} {dateTimeFormat ""} {dateTimeKind ""} {flags ""}
            {extra ""} {qualify true} {delete true} {uri false} {varName db} } {
      # NOTE: First, see if the caller has requested an in-memory database.
      set isMemory [isMemoryDb $fileName]

      # NOTE: For now, all test databases used by the test suite are placed into
      #       the temporary directory.  Each database used by a test should be
      #       cleaned up by that test using the "cleanupDb" procedure, below.
      if {!$isMemory && $qualify} then {
        set fileName [file join [getDatabaseDirectory] [file tail $fileName]]

      # NOTE: By default, delete any pre-existing database with the same file
      #       name if it currently exists.
      if {!$isMemory && $delete && [file exists $fileName]} then {
        # NOTE: Attempt to delete any pre-existing database with the same file
        #       name.
        if {[catch {file delete $fileName} error]} then {
          # NOTE: We somehow failed to delete the file, report why.
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "==== WARNING: failed to delete database file \"" $fileName \
              "\" during setup, error: " \n\t $error \n]

      # NOTE: Refer to the specified variable (e.g. "db") in the context of the
      #       caller.  The handle to the opened database will be stored there.
      upvar 1 $varName db

      # NOTE: Start building the connection string.  The only required portion
      #       of the connection string is the data source, which contains the
      #       database file name itself.  If the caller wants to use a URI as
      #       the data source, use the FullUri connection string property to
      #       prevent the data source string from being mangled.
      if {$uri} then {
        set connection {FullUri=${fileName}}
      } else {
        set connection {Data Source=${fileName}}

      # NOTE: Since this procedure has no special knowledge of what the default
      #       setting is for the ToFullPath connection string propery, always
      #       add the value we know about to the connection string.
      append connection {;ToFullPath=${qualify}}

      # NOTE: If the caller specified a journal mode, add the necessary portion
      #       of the connection string now.
      if {[string length $mode] > 0} then {
        append connection {;Journal Mode=${mode}}

      # NOTE: If the caller specified a DateTime format, add the necessary
      #       portion of the connection string now.
      if {[string length $dateTimeFormat] > 0} then {
        append connection {;DateTimeFormat=${dateTimeFormat}}

      # NOTE: If the caller specified a DateTimeKind, add the necessary portion
      #       of the connection string now.
      if {[string length $dateTimeKind] > 0} then {
        append connection {;DateTimeKind=${dateTimeKind}}

      # NOTE: If there are any global (per test run) connection flags currently
      #       set, use them now (i.e. by combining them with the ones for this
      #       connection).
      if {[info exists ::connection_flags] && \
          [string length $::connection_flags] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Show (and log) that we detected some global connection flags.
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- global connection flags detected: " $::connection_flags \n]

        # NOTE: Combine and/or replace the connection flags and then show the
        #       new value.
        set flags [combineFlags $flags $::connection_flags]

        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- combined connection flags are: " $flags \n]

      # NOTE: If the caller specified a SQLiteConnectionFlags, add the necessary
      #       portion of the connection string now.
      if {[string length $flags] > 0} then {
        append connection {;Flags=${flags}}

      # NOTE: If the caller specified an extra payload to the connection string,
      #       append it now.
      if {[string length $extra] > 0} then {
        append connection \; $extra

      # NOTE: Open the database connection now, placing the opaque handle value
      #       into the variable specified by the caller.
      set db [sql open -type SQLite [subst $connection]]
    proc cleanupDb { fileName {varName db} {collect true} {qualify true}
                     {delete true} } {
      # NOTE: Attempt to force all pending "garbage" objects to be collected,
      #       including SQLite statements and backup objects; this should allow
      #       the underlying database file to be deleted.
      if {$collect && \
          [catch {object invoke GC GetTotalMemory true} error]} then {
        tputs $channel [appendArgs \
            "==== WARNING: failed full garbage collection, error: " \
            \n\t $error \n]

      # NOTE: Refer to the specified variable (e.g. "db") in the context of the
      #       caller.  The handle to the opened database is stored there.
      upvar 1 $varName db

      # NOTE: Close the connection to the database now.  This should allow us to
      #       delete the underlying database file.
      if {[info exists db] && [catch {sql close $db} error]} then {
        # NOTE: We somehow failed to close the database, report why.
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "==== WARNING: failed to close database \"" $db "\", error: " \
            \n\t $error \n]

      # NOTE: First, see if the caller has requested an in-memory database.
      set isMemory [isMemoryDb $fileName]

      # NOTE: Build the full path to the database file name.  For now, all test
      #       database files are stored in the temporary directory.
      if {!$isMemory && $qualify} then {
        set fileName [file join [getDatabaseDirectory] [file tail $fileName]]

      # NOTE: Check if the file still exists.
      if {!$isMemory && $delete && [file exists $fileName]} then {
        # NOTE: Skip deleting database files if somebody sets the global
        #       variable to prevent it.
        if {![info exists ::no(cleanupDbFile)]} then {
          # NOTE: Attempt to delete the test database file now.
          if {[set code [catch {file delete $fileName} error]]} then {
            # NOTE: We somehow failed to delete the file, report why.
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "==== WARNING: failed to delete database file \"" $fileName \
                "\" during cleanup, error: " \n\t $error \n]
        } else {
          # NOTE: Show that we skipped deleting the file.
          set code 0

          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "==== WARNING: skipped deleting database file \"" $fileName \
              "\" during cleanup\n"]
      } else {
        # NOTE: The file does not exist, success!
        set code 0

      return $code
    proc cleanupFile { fileName {collect true} {force false} } {
      # NOTE: Attempt to force all pending "garbage" objects to be collected,
      #       including SQLite statements and backup objects; this should allow
      #       the underlying database file to be deleted.
      if {$collect && \
          [catch {object invoke GC GetTotalMemory true} error]} then {
        tputs $channel [appendArgs \
            "==== WARNING: failed full garbage collection, error: " \
            \n\t $error \n]

      # NOTE: Check if the file still exists.
      if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
        # NOTE: Skip deleting test files if somebody sets the global variable
        #       to prevent it.
        if {$force || ![info exists ::no(cleanupFile)]} then {
          # NOTE: Attempt to delete the test file now.
          if {[set code [catch {file delete $fileName} error]]} then {
            # NOTE: We somehow failed to delete the file, report why.
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "==== WARNING: failed to delete test file \"" $fileName \
                "\" during cleanup, error: " \n\t $error \n]
        } else {
          # NOTE: Show that we skipped deleting the file.
          set code 0

          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "==== WARNING: skipped deleting test file \"" $fileName \
              "\" during cleanup\n"]
      } else {
        # NOTE: The file does not exist, success!
        set code 0

      return $code
    proc reportSQLiteResources { channel {quiet false} {collect true} } {
      # NOTE: Skip all output if we are running in "quiet" mode.
      if {!$quiet} then {
        tputs $channel "---- current memory in use by SQLite... "

      if {[catch {object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
              System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods \
              sqlite3_memory_used} memory] == 0} then {
        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory " bytes\n"]
      } else {
        # NOTE: Maybe the SQLite native library is unavailable?
        set memory unknown

        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]

      set result $memory; # NOTE: Return memory in-use to caller.

      if {!$quiet} then {
        tputs $channel "---- maximum memory in use by SQLite... "

      if {[catch {object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
              System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods \
              sqlite3_memory_highwater 0} memory] == 0} then {
        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory " bytes\n"]
      } else {
        # NOTE: Maybe the SQLite native library is unavailable?
        set memory unknown

        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]

      if {$collect} then {
        if {[catch {object invoke GC GetTotalMemory true} error]} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs \
              "==== WARNING: failed full garbage collection, error: " \
              \n\t $error \n]

      if {!$quiet} then {
        tputs $channel "---- current memory in use by the CLR... "

      if {[catch {object invoke GC GetTotalMemory false} memory] == 0} then {
        if {[string is integer -strict $memory]} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory " bytes\n"]
        } else {
          set memory invalid

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]
      } else {
        set memory unknown

        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]

      return $result
    proc runSQLiteTestPrologue {} {
      # NOTE: Skip running our custom prologue if the main one has been skipped.
      if {![info exists ::no(prologue.eagle)]} then {
        # NOTE: Skip all System.Data.SQLite related file handling (deleting,
        #       copying, and loading) if we are so instructed.
        if {![info exists ::no(sqliteFiles)]} then {
          # NOTE: Skip trying to delete any files if we are so instructed.
          if {![info exists ::no(deleteSqliteFiles)]} then {
            tryDeleteAssembly sqlite3.dll
            removeConstraint file_sqlite3.dll

            tryDeleteAssembly SQLite.Interop.dll
            removeConstraint file_SQLite.Interop.dll

            tryDeleteAssembly System.Data.SQLite.dll
            removeConstraint file_System.Data.SQLite.dll

            tryDeleteAssembly System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll
            removeConstraint file_System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll

          # NOTE: Skip trying to copy any files if we are so instructed.
          if {![info exists ::no(copySqliteFiles)]} then {
            tryCopyAssembly sqlite3.dll
            tryCopyAssembly SQLite.Interop.dll
            tryCopyAssembly System.Data.SQLite.dll
            tryCopyAssembly System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll

          # NOTE: Skip trying to load any files if we are so instructed.
          if {![info exists ::no(loadSqliteFiles)]} then {
            tryLoadAssembly System.Data.SQLite.dll
            tryLoadAssembly System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll

        catch {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- file version of \"SQLite.Interop.dll\"... " \
              [file version [getBinaryFileName SQLite.Interop.dll]] \n]

        catch {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- file version of \"System.Data.SQLite.dll\"... " \
              [file version [getBinaryFileName System.Data.SQLite.dll]] \n]

        catch {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- file version of \"System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll\"... " \
              [file version [getBinaryFileName System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll]] \n]

        set assemblies [object invoke AppDomain.CurrentDomain GetAssemblies]

        object foreach assembly $assemblies {
          if {[string match \{System.Data.SQLite* $assembly]} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- found assembly: " $assembly \n]

        catch {
          tputs $::test_channel \
              "---- define constants for \"System.Data.SQLite\"... "

          if {[catch {object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
                  System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3 DefineConstants} \
                  defineConstants] == 0} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs [formatList [lsort \
                $defineConstants]] \n]
          } else {
            tputs $::test_channel unknown\n

        # NOTE: Now, we need to know if the SQLite core library is available
        #       (i.e. because the managed-only System.Data.SQLite assembly can
        #       load without it; however, it cannot do anything useful without
        #       it).  If we are using the mixed-mode assembly and we already
        #       found it (above), this should always succeed.
        checkForSQLite $::test_channel

        # NOTE: Check if the sqlite3_win32_set_directory function is available.
        tputs $::test_channel \
            "---- checking for function sqlite3_win32_set_directory... "

        if {[catch {object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
                System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods \
                sqlite3_win32_set_directory 0 null}] == 0} then {
          # NOTE: Calling the sqlite3_win32_set_directory function does not
          #       cause an exception; therefore, it must be available (i.e.
          #       even though it should return a failure return code in this
          #       case).
          addConstraint sqlite3_win32_set_directory

          tputs $::test_channel yes\n
        } else {
          tputs $::test_channel no\n

        # NOTE: Attempt to determine if the custom extension functions were
        #       compiled into the SQLite interop assembly.
        checkForSQLiteDefineConstant $::test_channel \

        checkForSQLiteDefineConstant $::test_channel \

        checkForSQLiteDefineConstant $::test_channel \

        # NOTE: Report the resource usage prior to running any tests.
        reportSQLiteResources $::test_channel

        # NOTE: Show the active test constraints.
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs "---- constraints: " \
            [formatList [lsort [getConstraints]]] \n]

        # NOTE: Show when our tests actually began (now).
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- System.Data.SQLite tests began at " \
            [clock format [clock seconds]] \n]
    proc runSQLiteTestEpilogue {} {
      # NOTE: Skip running our custom epilogue if the main one has been skipped.
      if {![info exists ::no(epilogue.eagle)]} then {
        # NOTE: Show when our tests actually ended (now).
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- System.Data.SQLite tests ended at " \
            [clock format [clock seconds]] \n]

        # NOTE: Also report the resource usage after running the tests.
        reportSQLiteResources $::test_channel
    ############################# END Eagle ONLY ##############################

  # NOTE: Save the name of the directory containing this file.
  if {![info exists ::common_directory]} then {
    set ::common_directory [file dirname [info script]]

  # NOTE: Provide the System.Data.SQLite test package to the interpreter.
  package provide System.Data.SQLite.Test 1.0