
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 814d0a6d289bca2bcdab714ac55fa4bf96a60900:

# object.eagle --
# Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine (Eagle)
# Eagle Object Package File
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Joe Mistachkin.  All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: $

# NOTE: Use our own namespace here because even though we do not directly
#       support namespaces ourselves, we do not want to pollute the global
#       namespace if this script actually ends up being evaluated in Tcl.
namespace eval ::Eagle {
  # NOTE: This procedure accepts two arguments containing the flag string
  #       that are based on an enumerated CLR type.  Flag values that are
  #       contained in these two arguments are combined and returned as
  #       the result.  The third flag string argument contains the flags
  #       to exclude from the result.
  proc combineFlags { flags1 flags2 {flags3 ""} {noCase false} } {
    # NOTE: This should work properly in both Tcl and Eagle.
    set result [list]
    set notFlags [list]

    if {[string length $flags3] > 0} then {
      foreach flag [split $flags3 ", "] {
        set flag [string trim $flag]

        if {[string length $flag] > 0} then {
          lappend notFlags $flag

    foreach flags [list $flags1 $flags2] {
      foreach flag [split $flags ", "] {
        set flag [string trim $flag]

        if {[string length $flag] > 0} then {
          set addFlag false

          if {[llength $notFlags] > 0} then {
            set command [list lsearch -exact]

            if {$noCase} then {
              lappend command -nocase

            lappend command -- $notFlags $flag

            if {[eval $command] == -1} then {
              set addFlag true
          } else {
            set addFlag true

          if {$addFlag} then {
            lappend result $flag

    return [join $result ,]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the type name of the return type for the
  #       specified CLR member.
  proc getReturnType { object member } {
    if {[string length $object] == 0} then {
      return ""

    if {[string length $member] == 0} then {
      return ""

    set code [catch {
      object foreach -alias memberInfo \
          [object invoke -noinvoke $object $member] {
        # NOTE: Use the member type to determine which property contains
        #       the type information we want to return.
        switch -exact -- [$memberInfo MemberType] {
          Field {
            return [$memberInfo FieldType.AssemblyQualifiedName]
          Method {
            return [$memberInfo ReturnType.AssemblyQualifiedName]
          Property {
            return [$memberInfo PropertyType.AssemblyQualifiedName]
          default {
            return ""
    } result]

    # NOTE: If no error was raised above, return the result; otherwise,
    #       return an empty string to indicate a general failure.
    return [expr {$code == 2 ? $result : ""}]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the default value for the specified CLR type.
  proc getDefaultValue { typeName } {
    if {[llength [info commands object]] == 0} then {
      return ""

    if {[string length $typeName] == 0} then {
      return ""

    set type [object invoke -create -alias Utility GetType $typeName]

    if {[string length $type] == 0} then {
      return ""

    return [expr {[$type IsValueType] ? 0 : "null"}]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns a string obtained by using the specified
  #       value as an opaque object handle -OR- a default value (e.g. an
  #       empty string) if the value is not a valid opaque object handle.
  proc getStringFromObjectHandle { value {default ""} } {
    if {[isNonNullObjectHandle $value]} then {
      return [object invoke $value ToString]

    if {[string length $default] > 0} then {
      return $default

    return $value
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified value can be used
  #       as an opaque object handle.
  proc isObjectHandle { value } {
    set pattern [string map [list \\ \\\\ \[ \\\[ \] \\\]] $value]
    set objects [info objects $pattern]

    if {[llength $objects] == 1 && [lindex $objects 0] eq $value} then {
      return true

    return false
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified value can be used
  #       as an opaque object handle -AND- the value does not represent a null
  #       value.
  proc isNonNullObjectHandle { value } {
    global null
    return [expr {[isObjectHandle $value] && $value ne $null}]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified name represents
  #       a valid CLR type name.
  proc isManagedType { name } {
    if {[llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
      if {![isObjectHandle $name]} then {
        if {[catch {
          object members -matchnameonly -nameonly -pattern Equals $name
        } result] == 0 && $result eq "Equals"} then {
          return true

    return false
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified name is usable
  #       as a CLR type name.
  proc canGetManagedType { name {varName ""} } {
    if {[llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
      if {![isObjectHandle $name]} then {
        set cultureInfo [object invoke Interpreter.GetActive CultureInfo]
        set type null

        set code [object invoke -create -alias -flags +NonPublic \
            Value GetType "" $name null null None $cultureInfo type]

        if {[$code ToString] eq "Ok"} then {
          if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
            upvar 1 $varName typeName

          set typeName [$type AssemblyQualifiedName]

          if {[isManagedType $typeName]} then {
            return true

    return false
  # NOTE: This procedure evaluates a script asynchronously and optionally
  #       notifies another script upon its completion.  The first argument
  #       is the notification script; if an empty string, there will be no
  #       notification when asynchronous script evaluation is completed.
  #       If there is exactly one more argument, it is evaluated verbatim;
  #       otherwise, all remaining arguments are concatenated via [concat]
  #       and evaluated asynchronously.  If the script cannot be submitted
  #       for asynchronous evaluation, a script error will be raised.
  proc evalAsync { doneScript args } {
    # NOTE: This procedure requires the [object] command in order to work.
    #       If it is not available, bail out now.
    if {[llength [info commands object]] == 0} then {
      error "cannot eval async: missing \[object\] command"

    # NOTE: If the core library was not compiled with thread-safety enabled,
    #       this procedure cannot be used because it could corrupt the state
    #       of the interpreter.
    if {[lsearch -exact -- \
        $::eagle_platform(compileOptions) THREADING] == -1} then {
      error "cannot eval async: library missing THREADING compile-option"

    # NOTE: If there is more than one script optional argument, use [concat]
    #       to build up the final script; otherwise, use the single argument
    #       verbatim.  This mirrors the behavior of [eval].
    if {[llength $args] > 1} then {
      set asyncScript [concat $args]
    } else {
      set asyncScript [lindex $args 0]

    # NOTE: Is there a script to be evaluated when the asynchronous script
    #       evaluation is complete?  If so, build an anonymous procedure
    #       that wraps it; otherwise, set the callback argument to null, so
    #       the core marshaller will handle the lack of a callback correctly.
    #       The context argument will be added to this script prior to it
    #       being evaluated; however, it is not actually used by this script.
    #       The -identifier option is NOT actually processed by the library;
    #       however, it is necessary here to avoid having multiple calls to
    #       this procedure collide with each other when attempting to remove
    #       their callbacks during cleanup.
    if {[string length $doneScript] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: If the core library was compiled without dynamic delegates,
      #       this procedure cannot be used when there is a callback, due
      #       to the AsynchronousCallback delegate type being unsupported.
      if {[lsearch -exact -- \
          $::eagle_platform(compileOptions) EMIT] == -1} then {
        error "cannot eval async: library missing EMIT compile-option"

      set callback [list -identifier [expr {random()}] -callbackflags \
          {+ResetCancel FireAndForget} -- apply [list [list script context] \
          {uplevel 1 $script}] $doneScript]
    } else {
      set callback null

    # NOTE: Initialize the local variable that will be used to receive the
    #       script error, if any.
    set error null

    # NOTE: Attempt to submit the script for asynchonous evaluation.  Use
    #       the dynamic callback mechanism with the anonymous procedure we
    #       constructed above.
    set code [object invoke -verbose \
        -marshalflags +DynamicCallback -- Interpreter.GetActive \
        EvaluateScript $asyncScript $callback null error]

    # NOTE: Check the return code, which only indicates if the script was
    #       actually submitted for asynchronous evaluation, to make sure
    #       it was successful.  If not, raise a script error.
    if {$code ne "Ok"} then {
      error [getStringFromObjectHandle $error]

    # NOTE: Upon success, return an empty string.  The actual script result
    #       will be sent to the callback script, if any.
    return ""
  # NOTE: Provide the Eagle "object" package to the interpreter.
  package provide Eagle.Object \
    [expr {[isEagle] ? [info engine PatchLevel] : "1.0"}]