
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 60b93d61332e210fdbb6f3e64e8dfb8c159f0f8e:

# vendor.eagle --
# Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine (Eagle)
# Vendor Initialization File for System.Data.SQLite
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Joe Mistachkin.  All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: $

# STUB: This script file is a placeholder.  This file, when present, is always
#       evaluated when an interpreter is initialized.  Vendors distributing
#       Eagle can place custom application-specific, interpreter-specific
#       initialization and/or customizations in here.  Additionally, this file
#       may contain per-interpreter customizations required when porting to
#       new platforms, operating systems, etc.
############################## BEGIN VENDOR CODE ##############################
# NOTE: Use our own namespace here because even though we do not directly
#       support namespaces ourselves, we do not want to pollute the global
#       namespace if this script actually ends up being evaluated in Tcl.
namespace eval ::Eagle {
  if {[isEagle]} then {
    proc checkForTestOverrides { channel varNames quiet } {
      set result 0

      foreach varName $varNames {
        if {![uplevel 1 [list info exists $varName]]} then {

        incr result

        if {!$quiet} then {
          catch {
            tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                "---- found vendor-specific test override \"" $varName \
                "\" with value \"" [uplevel 1 [list set $varName]] \"\n]

      # NOTE: Keep track of the list of test override variables, for later
      #       use by the test suite.  This needs to be done after the loop
      #       above because the variable used to keep track is listed with
      #       the other possible test override variables.
      if {![uplevel 1 [list info exists test_overrides]]} then {
        uplevel 1 [list set test_overrides $varNames]

      return $result
    proc addTestSuiteToAutoPath { channel varName quiet } {
      # NOTE: Start with the directory containing this file.
      set dir [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]

      # NOTE: Keep going until the directory name is empty OR is actually the
      #       root of the associated volume.
      while {[string length $dir] > 0 && \
          [lsearch -exact -nocase -- [file volumes] $dir] == -1} {
        # NOTE: Does this directory have the necessary sub-directory that
        #       contains a package index file?
        if {[file exists [file join $dir Tests]] && \
            [file isdirectory [file join $dir Tests]] && \
            [file exists [file join $dir Tests pkgIndex.eagle]] && \
            [file isfile [file join $dir Tests pkgIndex.eagle]]} then {
          # NOTE: If requested, give our caller access to the name of the
          #       directory we just found.
          if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
            upvar 1 $varName dir2

          # NOTE: Ok, show the directory we found.
          set dir2 [file join $dir Tests]

          # NOTE: We found the necessary directory to add to the auto-path;
          #       However, we cannot simply add it to the auto-path directly
          #       because the auto-path is dynamically constructed after this
          #       script is evaluated; therefore, set the Eagle library path
          #       environment variable and force the appropriate internal path
          #       list to be refreshed.
          if {![info exists ::env(EAGLELIBPATH)] || \
              [lsearch -exact $::env(EAGLELIBPATH) $dir2] == -1} then {
            # NOTE: If we have NOT been instructed to be quiet, report now.
            if {!$quiet} then {
              catch {
                tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                    "---- found vendor-specific test package directory \"" \
                    $dir2 "\", adding...\n"]

            # NOTE: Append the directory to the necessary environment variable
            #       so that it will get picked up when Eagle actually rebuilds
            #       the auto-path list (below).
            lappend ::env(EAGLELIBPATH) $dir2

            # NOTE: Force Eagle to rebuild the auto-path list for the current
            #       interpreter right now.
            object invoke Utility RefreshAutoPathList true

          # NOTE: We are done, return success.
          return true

        # NOTE: Keep going up the directory tree...
        set dir [file dirname $dir]

      # NOTE: If we have NOT been instructed to be quiet, report now.
      if {!$quiet} then {
        catch {
          tqputs $channel \
              "---- could not find vendor-specific test package directory\n"

      # NOTE: Directory not found, return failure.
      return false
    proc setupInterpreterTestPath { channel dir quiet } {
      set testPath [object invoke -flags +NonPublic Interpreter.GetActive \

      if {$dir ne $testPath} then {
        object invoke -flags +NonPublic Interpreter.GetActive TestPath $dir

        if {!$quiet} then {
          catch {
            tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                "---- set interpreter test path to \"" $dir \"\n]
    # NOTE: Check for any overridden settings that may have been specified via
    #       the command line, etc.
    checkForTestOverrides stdout [expr {[info exists test_overrides] ? \
        $test_overrides : [list binary_directory build_base_directory \
        build_directory common_directory connection_flags database_directory \
        datetime_format execute_on_setup release_version scratch_directory \
        temporary_directory test_configuration test_configurations \
        test_constraints test_machine test_net_fx test_overrides \
        test_platform test_suite test_year test_years test_year_clr_v2 \
        test_year_clr_v4 vendor_directory]}] false

    # NOTE: Set the name of the running test suite, if necessary.
    if {![info exists test_suite]} then {
      set test_suite "System.Data.SQLite Test Suite for Eagle"

    # NOTE: When being evaluated in a "safe" interpreter, some steps must be
    #       skipped due to missing commands and/or sub-commands.
    if {![interp issafe]} then {
      # NOTE: This variable will contain the name of the directory containing
      #       the vendor-specific testing infrastructure.  If the variable does
      #       not already exist, create it; otherwise, it has been overridden
      #       and the existing value should be left intact.
      set have_vendor_directory [info exists vendor_directory]

      if {!$have_vendor_directory} then {
        set vendor_directory ""

      # NOTE: This procedure will attempt to find the vendor-specific testing
      #       infrastructure directory and add it to the auto-path for the
      #       current interpreter.  Normally, this will also set the variable
      #       created above to point to the directory added to the auto-path;
      #       however, this will not be done if the variable was not created
      #       by us.
      addTestSuiteToAutoPath stdout [expr {$have_vendor_directory ? "" : \
          "vendor_directory"}] false

      unset have_vendor_directory

      # NOTE: If we actually found a vendor-specific testing infrastructure
      #       directory then modify the TestPath property of the current
      #       interpreter to point directly to it.
      if {[string length $vendor_directory] > 0} then {
        setupInterpreterTestPath stdout $vendor_directory false

    # HACK: Prevent the Eagle core test suite infrastructure from checking
    #       test constraints that are time-consuming and/or most likely to
    #       be superfluous to third-party test suites (i.e. those that are
    #       not testing the Eagle core library itself).
    set no(core) 1

    # NOTE: Make the per-test connection flag output a little less noisy.
    set no(emitLocalFlagsIfNone) 1
    set no(emitSharedFlagsIfNone) 1
    set no(emitGlobalFlagsIfNone) 1
    set no(emitCombinedFlagsIfNone) 1
############################### END VENDOR CODE ###############################