
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 47773585b9406411807047147b135c289dda2dce:

Ticket change [47773585b9] - Ticket [0b91277bb4] Add option for a process exclusive mode to open files on Windows status still Open with 5 other changes by mistachkin 2020-01-26 21:06:55.
D 2020-01-26T21:06:55.001
J icomment Since\sthis\sis\sa\schange\sto\sthe\score\slibrary,\scould\syou\splease\sbring\sthis\sup\son\sthe\r\npublic\smailing\slist?\r\n\r\n[]
J login mistachkin
J mimetype text/x-fossil-plain
J priority Medium
J resolution Mailing_List
K 0b91277bb4e13c7c68bdbbb76558871ed5dd5c35
U mistachkin
Z 68a0563a12fa8dd539c72447f18be2a4