
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 44f998657ec849362484bb389c5728e821fc8c59:

** 2006 Oct 10
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
**    May you do good and not evil.
**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This is an SQLite module implementing full-text search.

** The code in this file is only compiled if:
**     * The FTS3 module is being built as an extension
**       (in which case SQLITE_CORE is not defined), or
**     * The FTS3 module is being built into the core of
**       SQLite (in which case SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 is defined).

/* The full-text index is stored in a series of b+tree (-like)
** structures called segments which map terms to doclists.  The
** structures are like b+trees in layout, but are constructed from the
** bottom up in optimal fashion and are not updatable.  Since trees
** are built from the bottom up, things will be described from the
** bottom up.
**** Varints ****
** The basic unit of encoding is a variable-length integer called a
** varint.  We encode variable-length integers in little-endian order
** using seven bits * per byte as follows:
** KEY:
**         A = 0xxxxxxx    7 bits of data and one flag bit
**         B = 1xxxxxxx    7 bits of data and one flag bit
**  7 bits - A
** 14 bits - BA
** 21 bits - BBA
** and so on.
** This is similar in concept to how sqlite encodes "varints" but
** the encoding is not the same.  SQLite varints are big-endian
** are are limited to 9 bytes in length whereas FTS3 varints are
** little-endian and can be up to 10 bytes in length (in theory).
** Example encodings:
**     1:    0x01
**   127:    0x7f
**   128:    0x81 0x00
**** Document lists ****
** A doclist (document list) holds a docid-sorted list of hits for a
** given term.  Doclists hold docids and associated token positions.
** A docid is the unique integer identifier for a single document.
** A position is the index of a word within the document.  The first 
** word of the document has a position of 0.
** FTS3 used to optionally store character offsets using a compile-time
** option.  But that functionality is no longer supported.
** A doclist is stored like this:
** array {
**   varint docid;
**   array {                (position list for column 0)
**     varint position;     (2 more than the delta from previous position)
**   }
**   array {
**     varint POS_COLUMN;   (marks start of position list for new column)
**     varint column;       (index of new column)
**     array {
**       varint position;   (2 more than the delta from previous position)
**     }
**   }
**   varint POS_END;        (marks end of positions for this document.
** }
** Here, array { X } means zero or more occurrences of X, adjacent in
** memory.  A "position" is an index of a token in the token stream
** generated by the tokenizer. Note that POS_END and POS_COLUMN occur 
** in the same logical place as the position element, and act as sentinals
** ending a position list array.  POS_END is 0.  POS_COLUMN is 1.
** The positions numbers are not stored literally but rather as two more
** than the difference from the prior position, or the just the position plus
** 2 for the first position.  Example:
**   label:       A B C D E  F  G H   I  J K
**   value:     123 5 9 1 1 14 35 0 234 72 0
** The 123 value is the first docid.  For column zero in this document
** there are two matches at positions 3 and 10 (5-2 and 9-2+3).  The 1
** at D signals the start of a new column; the 1 at E indicates that the
** new column is column number 1.  There are two positions at 12 and 45
** (14-2 and 35-2+12).  The 0 at H indicate the end-of-document.  The
** 234 at I is the next docid.  It has one position 72 (72-2) and then
** terminates with the 0 at K.
** A "position-list" is the list of positions for multiple columns for
** a single docid.  A "column-list" is the set of positions for a single
** column.  Hence, a position-list consists of one or more column-lists,
** a document record consists of a docid followed by a position-list and
** a doclist consists of one or more document records.
** A bare doclist omits the position information, becoming an 
** array of varint-encoded docids.
**** Segment leaf nodes ****
** Segment leaf nodes store terms and doclists, ordered by term.  Leaf
** nodes are written using LeafWriter, and read using LeafReader (to
** iterate through a single leaf node's data) and LeavesReader (to
** iterate through a segment's entire leaf layer).  Leaf nodes have
** the format:
** varint iHeight;             (height from leaf level, always 0)
** varint nTerm;               (length of first term)
** char pTerm[nTerm];          (content of first term)
** varint nDoclist;            (length of term's associated doclist)
** char pDoclist[nDoclist];    (content of doclist)
** array {
**                             (further terms are delta-encoded)
**   varint nPrefix;           (length of prefix shared with previous term)
**   varint nSuffix;           (length of unshared suffix)
**   char pTermSuffix[nSuffix];(unshared suffix of next term)
**   varint nDoclist;          (length of term's associated doclist)
**   char pDoclist[nDoclist];  (content of doclist)
** }
** Here, array { X } means zero or more occurrences of X, adjacent in
** memory.
** Leaf nodes are broken into blocks which are stored contiguously in
** the %_segments table in sorted order.  This means that when the end
** of a node is reached, the next term is in the node with the next
** greater node id.
** New data is spilled to a new leaf node when the current node
** exceeds LEAF_MAX bytes (default 2048).  New data which itself is
** larger than STANDALONE_MIN (default 1024) is placed in a standalone
** node (a leaf node with a single term and doclist).  The goal of
** these settings is to pack together groups of small doclists while
** making it efficient to directly access large doclists.  The
** assumption is that large doclists represent terms which are more
** likely to be query targets.
** TODO(shess) It may be useful for blocking decisions to be more
** dynamic.  For instance, it may make more sense to have a 2.5k leaf
** node rather than splitting into 2k and .5k nodes.  My intuition is
** that this might extend through 2x or 4x the pagesize.
**** Segment interior nodes ****
** Segment interior nodes store blockids for subtree nodes and terms
** to describe what data is stored by the each subtree.  Interior
** nodes are written using InteriorWriter, and read using
** InteriorReader.  InteriorWriters are created as needed when
** SegmentWriter creates new leaf nodes, or when an interior node
** itself grows too big and must be split.  The format of interior
** nodes:
** varint iHeight;           (height from leaf level, always >0)
** varint iBlockid;          (block id of node's leftmost subtree)
** optional {
**   varint nTerm;           (length of first term)
**   char pTerm[nTerm];      (content of first term)
**   array {
**                                (further terms are delta-encoded)
**     varint nPrefix;            (length of shared prefix with previous term)
**     varint nSuffix;            (length of unshared suffix)
**     char pTermSuffix[nSuffix]; (unshared suffix of next term)
**   }
** }
** Here, optional { X } means an optional element, while array { X }
** means zero or more occurrences of X, adjacent in memory.
** An interior node encodes n terms separating n+1 subtrees.  The
** subtree blocks are contiguous, so only the first subtree's blockid
** is encoded.  The subtree at iBlockid will contain all terms less
** than the first term encoded (or all terms if no term is encoded).
** Otherwise, for terms greater than or equal to pTerm[i] but less
** than pTerm[i+1], the subtree for that term will be rooted at
** iBlockid+i.  Interior nodes only store enough term data to
** distinguish adjacent children (if the rightmost term of the left
** child is "something", and the leftmost term of the right child is
** "wicked", only "w" is stored).
** New data is spilled to a new interior node at the same height when
** the current node exceeds INTERIOR_MAX bytes (default 2048).
** INTERIOR_MIN_TERMS (default 7) keeps large terms from monopolizing
** interior nodes and making the tree too skinny.  The interior nodes
** at a given height are naturally tracked by interior nodes at
** height+1, and so on.
**** Segment directory ****
** The segment directory in table %_segdir stores meta-information for
** merging and deleting segments, and also the root node of the
** segment's tree.
** The root node is the top node of the segment's tree after encoding
** the entire segment, restricted to ROOT_MAX bytes (default 1024).
** This could be either a leaf node or an interior node.  If the top
** node requires more than ROOT_MAX bytes, it is flushed to %_segments
** and a new root interior node is generated (which should always fit
** within ROOT_MAX because it only needs space for 2 varints, the
** height and the blockid of the previous root).
** The meta-information in the segment directory is:
**   level               - segment level (see below)
**   idx                 - index within level
**                       - (level,idx uniquely identify a segment)
**   start_block         - first leaf node
**   leaves_end_block    - last leaf node
**   end_block           - last block (including interior nodes)
**   root                - contents of root node
** If the root node is a leaf node, then start_block,
** leaves_end_block, and end_block are all 0.
**** Segment merging ****
** To amortize update costs, segments are grouped into levels and
** merged in batches.  Each increase in level represents exponentially
** more documents.
** New documents (actually, document updates) are tokenized and
** written individually (using LeafWriter) to a level 0 segment, with
** incrementing idx.  When idx reaches MERGE_COUNT (default 16), all
** level 0 segments are merged into a single level 1 segment.  Level 1
** is populated like level 0, and eventually MERGE_COUNT level 1
** segments are merged to a single level 2 segment (representing
** MERGE_COUNT^2 updates), and so on.
** A segment merge traverses all segments at a given level in
** parallel, performing a straightforward sorted merge.  Since segment
** leaf nodes are written in to the %_segments table in order, this
** merge traverses the underlying sqlite disk structures efficiently.
** After the merge, all segment blocks from the merged level are
** deleted.
** MERGE_COUNT controls how often we merge segments.  16 seems to be
** somewhat of a sweet spot for insertion performance.  32 and 64 show
** very similar performance numbers to 16 on insertion, though they're
** a tiny bit slower (perhaps due to more overhead in merge-time
** sorting).  8 is about 20% slower than 16, 4 about 50% slower than
** 16, 2 about 66% slower than 16.
** At query time, high MERGE_COUNT increases the number of segments
** which need to be scanned and merged.  For instance, with 100k docs
** inserted:
**    MERGE_COUNT   segments
**       16           25
**        8           12
**        4           10
**        2            6
** This appears to have only a moderate impact on queries for very
** frequent terms (which are somewhat dominated by segment merge
** costs), and infrequent and non-existent terms still seem to be fast
** even with many segments.
** TODO(shess) That said, it would be nice to have a better query-side
** argument for MERGE_COUNT of 16.  Also, it is possible/likely that
** optimizations to things like doclist merging will swing the sweet
** spot around.
**** Handling of deletions and updates ****
** Since we're using a segmented structure, with no docid-oriented
** index into the term index, we clearly cannot simply update the term
** index when a document is deleted or updated.  For deletions, we
** write an empty doclist (varint(docid) varint(POS_END)), for updates
** we simply write the new doclist.  Segment merges overwrite older
** data for a particular docid with newer data, so deletes or updates
** will eventually overtake the earlier data and knock it out.  The
** query logic likewise merges doclists so that newer data knocks out
** older data.
** TODO(shess) Provide a VACUUM type operation to clear out all
** deletions and duplications.  This would basically be a forced merge
** into a single segment.

#if !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3)

#if defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3) && !defined(SQLITE_CORE)
# define SQLITE_CORE 1

#include "fts3Int.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#include "fts3.h"
#ifndef SQLITE_CORE 
# include "sqlite3ext.h"

** Write a 64-bit variable-length integer to memory starting at p[0].
** The length of data written will be between 1 and FTS3_VARINT_MAX bytes.
** The number of bytes written is returned.
int sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(char *p, sqlite_int64 v){
  unsigned char *q = (unsigned char *) p;
  sqlite_uint64 vu = v;
    *q++ = (unsigned char) ((vu & 0x7f) | 0x80);
    vu >>= 7;
  }while( vu!=0 );
  q[-1] &= 0x7f;  /* turn off high bit in final byte */
  assert( q - (unsigned char *)p <= FTS3_VARINT_MAX );
  return (int) (q - (unsigned char *)p);

** Read a 64-bit variable-length integer from memory starting at p[0].
** Return the number of bytes read, or 0 on error.
** The value is stored in *v.
int sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(const char *p, sqlite_int64 *v){
  const unsigned char *q = (const unsigned char *) p;
  sqlite_uint64 x = 0, y = 1;
  while( (*q&0x80)==0x80 && q-(unsigned char *)p<FTS3_VARINT_MAX ){
    x += y * (*q++ & 0x7f);
    y <<= 7;
  x += y * (*q++);
  *v = (sqlite_int64) x;
  return (int) (q - (unsigned char *)p);

** Similar to sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(), except that the output is truncated to a
** 32-bit integer before it is returned.
int sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(const char *p, int *pi){
 sqlite_int64 i;
 int ret = sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(p, &i);
 *pi = (int) i;
 return ret;

** Return the number of bytes required to encode v as a varint
int sqlite3Fts3VarintLen(sqlite3_uint64 v){
  int i = 0;
    v >>= 7;
  }while( v!=0 );
  return i;

** Convert an SQL-style quoted string into a normal string by removing
** the quote characters.  The conversion is done in-place.  If the
** input does not begin with a quote character, then this routine
** is a no-op.
** Examples:
**     "abc"   becomes   abc
**     'xyz'   becomes   xyz
**     [pqr]   becomes   pqr
**     `mno`   becomes   mno
void sqlite3Fts3Dequote(char *z){
  char quote;                     /* Quote character (if any ) */

  quote = z[0];
  if( quote=='[' || quote=='\'' || quote=='"' || quote=='`' ){
    int iIn = 1;                  /* Index of next byte to read from input */
    int iOut = 0;                 /* Index of next byte to write to output */

    /* If the first byte was a '[', then the close-quote character is a ']' */
    if( quote=='[' ) quote = ']';  

    while( ALWAYS(z[iIn]) ){
      if( z[iIn]==quote ){
        if( z[iIn+1]!=quote ) break;
        z[iOut++] = quote;
        iIn += 2;
        z[iOut++] = z[iIn++];
    z[iOut] = '\0';

** Read a single varint from the doclist at *pp and advance *pp to point
** to the first byte past the end of the varint.  Add the value of the varint
** to *pVal.
static void fts3GetDeltaVarint(char **pp, sqlite3_int64 *pVal){
  sqlite3_int64 iVal;
  *pp += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(*pp, &iVal);
  *pVal += iVal;

** As long as *pp has not reached its end (pEnd), then do the same
** as fts3GetDeltaVarint(): read a single varint and add it to *pVal.
** But if we have reached the end of the varint, just set *pp=0 and
** leave *pVal unchanged.
static void fts3GetDeltaVarint2(char **pp, char *pEnd, sqlite3_int64 *pVal){
  if( *pp>=pEnd ){
    *pp = 0;
    fts3GetDeltaVarint(pp, pVal);

** The xDisconnect() virtual table method.
static int fts3DisconnectMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
  Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pVtab;
  int i;

  assert( p->nPendingData==0 );
  assert( p->pSegments==0 );

  /* Free any prepared statements held */
  for(i=0; i<SizeofArray(p->aStmt); i++){

  /* Invoke the tokenizer destructor to free the tokenizer. */

  return SQLITE_OK;

** Construct one or more SQL statements from the format string given
** and then evaluate those statements. The success code is written
** into *pRc.
** If *pRc is initially non-zero then this routine is a no-op.
static void fts3DbExec(
  int *pRc,              /* Success code */
  sqlite3 *db,           /* Database in which to run SQL */
  const char *zFormat,   /* Format string for SQL */
  ...                    /* Arguments to the format string */
  va_list ap;
  char *zSql;
  if( *pRc ) return;
  va_start(ap, zFormat);
  zSql = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFormat, ap);
  if( zSql==0 ){
    *pRc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
    *pRc = sqlite3_exec(db, zSql, 0, 0, 0);

** The xDestroy() virtual table method.
static int fts3DestroyMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;              /* Return code */
  Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pVtab;
  sqlite3 *db = p->db;

  /* Drop the shadow tables */
  fts3DbExec(&rc, db, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %Q.'%q_content'", p->zDb, p->zName);
  fts3DbExec(&rc, db, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %Q.'%q_segments'", p->zDb,p->zName);
  fts3DbExec(&rc, db, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %Q.'%q_segdir'", p->zDb, p->zName);
  fts3DbExec(&rc, db, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %Q.'%q_docsize'", p->zDb, p->zName);
  fts3DbExec(&rc, db, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %Q.'%q_stat'", p->zDb, p->zName);

  /* If everything has worked, invoke fts3DisconnectMethod() to free the
  ** memory associated with the Fts3Table structure and return SQLITE_OK.
  ** Otherwise, return an SQLite error code.
  return (rc==SQLITE_OK ? fts3DisconnectMethod(pVtab) : rc);

** Invoke sqlite3_declare_vtab() to declare the schema for the FTS3 table
** passed as the first argument. This is done as part of the xConnect()
** and xCreate() methods.
** If *pRc is non-zero when this function is called, it is a no-op. 
** Otherwise, if an error occurs, an SQLite error code is stored in *pRc
** before returning.
static void fts3DeclareVtab(int *pRc, Fts3Table *p){
  if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){
    int i;                        /* Iterator variable */
    int rc;                       /* Return code */
    char *zSql;                   /* SQL statement passed to declare_vtab() */
    char *zCols;                  /* List of user defined columns */

    /* Create a list of user columns for the virtual table */
    zCols = sqlite3_mprintf("%Q, ", p->azColumn[0]);
    for(i=1; zCols && i<p->nColumn; i++){
      zCols = sqlite3_mprintf("%z%Q, ", zCols, p->azColumn[i]);

    /* Create the whole "CREATE TABLE" statement to pass to SQLite */
    zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
        "CREATE TABLE x(%s %Q HIDDEN, docid HIDDEN)", zCols, p->zName
    if( !zCols || !zSql ){
      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
      rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(p->db, zSql);

    *pRc = rc;

** Create the backing store tables (%_content, %_segments and %_segdir)
** required by the FTS3 table passed as the only argument. This is done
** as part of the vtab xCreate() method.
** If the p->bHasDocsize boolean is true (indicating that this is an
** FTS4 table, not an FTS3 table) then also create the %_docsize and
** %_stat tables required by FTS4.
static int fts3CreateTables(Fts3Table *p){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
  int i;                          /* Iterator variable */
  char *zContentCols;             /* Columns of %_content table */
  sqlite3 *db = p->db;            /* The database connection */

  /* Create a list of user columns for the content table */
  zContentCols = sqlite3_mprintf("docid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY");
  for(i=0; zContentCols && i<p->nColumn; i++){
    char *z = p->azColumn[i];
    zContentCols = sqlite3_mprintf("%z, 'c%d%q'", zContentCols, i, z);
  if( zContentCols==0 ) rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;

  /* Create the content table */
  fts3DbExec(&rc, db, 
     "CREATE TABLE %Q.'%q_content'(%s)",
     p->zDb, p->zName, zContentCols
  /* Create other tables */
  fts3DbExec(&rc, db, 
      "CREATE TABLE %Q.'%q_segments'(blockid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, block BLOB);",
      p->zDb, p->zName
  fts3DbExec(&rc, db, 
      "CREATE TABLE %Q.'%q_segdir'("
        "level INTEGER,"
        "idx INTEGER,"
        "start_block INTEGER,"
        "leaves_end_block INTEGER,"
        "end_block INTEGER,"
        "root BLOB,"
        "PRIMARY KEY(level, idx)"
      p->zDb, p->zName
  if( p->bHasDocsize ){
    fts3DbExec(&rc, db, 
        "CREATE TABLE %Q.'%q_docsize'(docid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, size BLOB);",
        p->zDb, p->zName
  if( p->bHasStat ){
    fts3DbExec(&rc, db, 
        "CREATE TABLE %Q.'%q_stat'(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value BLOB);",
        p->zDb, p->zName
  return rc;

** Store the current database page-size in bytes in p->nPgsz.
** If *pRc is non-zero when this function is called, it is a no-op. 
** Otherwise, if an error occurs, an SQLite error code is stored in *pRc
** before returning.
static void fts3DatabasePageSize(int *pRc, Fts3Table *p){
  if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){
    int rc;                       /* Return code */
    char *zSql;                   /* SQL text "PRAGMA %Q.page_size" */
    sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;          /* Compiled "PRAGMA %Q.page_size" statement */
    zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("PRAGMA %Q.page_size", p->zDb);
    if( !zSql ){
      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
      rc = sqlite3_prepare(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        p->nPgsz = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0);
        rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
    assert( p->nPgsz>0 || rc!=SQLITE_OK );
    *pRc = rc;

** "Special" FTS4 arguments are column specifications of the following form:
**   <key> = <value>
** There may not be whitespace surrounding the "=" character. The <value> 
** term may be quoted, but the <key> may not.
static int fts3IsSpecialColumn(
  const char *z, 
  int *pnKey,
  char **pzValue
  char *zValue;
  const char *zCsr = z;

  while( *zCsr!='=' ){
    if( *zCsr=='\0' ) return 0;

  *pnKey = (int)(zCsr-z);
  zValue = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", &zCsr[1]);
  if( zValue ){
  *pzValue = zValue;
  return 1;

** This function is the implementation of both the xConnect and xCreate
** methods of the FTS3 virtual table.
** The argv[] array contains the following:
**   argv[0]   -> module name  ("fts3" or "fts4")
**   argv[1]   -> database name
**   argv[2]   -> table name
**   argv[...] -> "column name" and other module argument fields.
static int fts3InitVtab(
  int isCreate,                   /* True for xCreate, false for xConnect */
  sqlite3 *db,                    /* The SQLite database connection */
  void *pAux,                     /* Hash table containing tokenizers */
  int argc,                       /* Number of elements in argv array */
  const char * const *argv,       /* xCreate/xConnect argument array */
  sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab,          /* Write the resulting vtab structure here */
  char **pzErr                    /* Write any error message here */
  Fts3Hash *pHash = (Fts3Hash *)pAux;
  Fts3Table *p = 0;               /* Pointer to allocated vtab */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
  int i;                          /* Iterator variable */
  int nByte;                      /* Size of allocation used for *p */
  int iCol;                       /* Column index */
  int nString = 0;                /* Bytes required to hold all column names */
  int nCol = 0;                   /* Number of columns in the FTS table */
  char *zCsr;                     /* Space for holding column names */
  int nDb;                        /* Bytes required to hold database name */
  int nName;                      /* Bytes required to hold table name */
  int isFts4 = (argv[0][3]=='4'); /* True for FTS4, false for FTS3 */
  int bNoDocsize = 0;             /* True to omit %_docsize table */
  const char **aCol;              /* Array of column names */
  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer = 0;        /* Tokenizer for this table */

  assert( strlen(argv[0])==4 );
  assert( (sqlite3_strnicmp(argv[0], "fts4", 4)==0 && isFts4)
       || (sqlite3_strnicmp(argv[0], "fts3", 4)==0 && !isFts4)

  nDb = (int)strlen(argv[1]) + 1;
  nName = (int)strlen(argv[2]) + 1;

  aCol = (const char **)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(const char *) * (argc-2) );
  if( !aCol ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset((void *)aCol, 0, sizeof(const char *) * (argc-2));

  /* Loop through all of the arguments passed by the user to the FTS3/4
  ** module (i.e. all the column names and special arguments). This loop
  ** does the following:
  **   + Figures out the number of columns the FTSX table will have, and
  **     the number of bytes of space that must be allocated to store copies
  **     of the column names.
  **   + If there is a tokenizer specification included in the arguments,
  **     initializes the tokenizer pTokenizer.
  for(i=3; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<argc; i++){
    char const *z = argv[i];
    int nKey;
    char *zVal;

    /* Check if this is a tokenizer specification */
    if( !pTokenizer 
     && strlen(z)>8
     && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(z, "tokenize", 8) 
     && 0==sqlite3Fts3IsIdChar(z[8])
      rc = sqlite3Fts3InitTokenizer(pHash, &z[9], &pTokenizer, pzErr);

    /* Check if it is an FTS4 special argument. */
    else if( isFts4 && fts3IsSpecialColumn(z, &nKey, &zVal) ){
      if( !zVal ){
        rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
        goto fts3_init_out;
      if( nKey==9 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(z, "matchinfo", 9) ){
        if( strlen(zVal)==4 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zVal, "fts3", 4) ){
          bNoDocsize = 1;
          *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unrecognized matchinfo: %s", zVal);
          rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
        *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unrecognized parameter: %s", z);
        rc = SQLITE_ERROR;

    /* Otherwise, the argument is a column name. */
    else {
      nString += (int)(strlen(z) + 1);
      aCol[nCol++] = z;
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto fts3_init_out;

  if( nCol==0 ){
    assert( nString==0 );
    aCol[0] = "content";
    nString = 8;
    nCol = 1;

  if( pTokenizer==0 ){
    rc = sqlite3Fts3InitTokenizer(pHash, "simple", &pTokenizer, pzErr);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto fts3_init_out;
  assert( pTokenizer );

  /* Allocate and populate the Fts3Table structure. */
  nByte = sizeof(Fts3Table) +              /* Fts3Table */
          nCol * sizeof(char *) +              /* azColumn */
          nName +                              /* zName */
          nDb +                                /* zDb */
          nString;                             /* Space for azColumn strings */
  p = (Fts3Table*)sqlite3_malloc(nByte);
  if( p==0 ){
    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
    goto fts3_init_out;
  memset(p, 0, nByte);
  p->db = db;
  p->nColumn = nCol;
  p->nPendingData = 0;
  p->azColumn = (char **)&p[1];
  p->pTokenizer = pTokenizer;
  p->nNodeSize = 1000;
  p->nMaxPendingData = FTS3_MAX_PENDING_DATA;
  p->bHasDocsize = (isFts4 && bNoDocsize==0);
  p->bHasStat = isFts4;
  fts3HashInit(&p->pendingTerms, FTS3_HASH_STRING, 1);

  /* Fill in the zName and zDb fields of the vtab structure. */
  zCsr = (char *)&p->azColumn[nCol];
  p->zName = zCsr;
  memcpy(zCsr, argv[2], nName);
  zCsr += nName;
  p->zDb = zCsr;
  memcpy(zCsr, argv[1], nDb);
  zCsr += nDb;

  /* Fill in the azColumn array */
  for(iCol=0; iCol<nCol; iCol++){
    char *z; 
    int n;
    z = (char *)sqlite3Fts3NextToken(aCol[iCol], &n);
    memcpy(zCsr, z, n);
    zCsr[n] = '\0';
    p->azColumn[iCol] = zCsr;
    zCsr += n+1;
    assert( zCsr <= &((char *)p)[nByte] );

  /* If this is an xCreate call, create the underlying tables in the 
  ** database. TODO: For xConnect(), it could verify that said tables exist.
  if( isCreate ){
    rc = fts3CreateTables(p);

  /* Figure out the page-size for the database. This is required in order to
  ** estimate the cost of loading large doclists from the database (see 
  ** function sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCost() for details).
  fts3DatabasePageSize(&rc, p);

  /* Declare the table schema to SQLite. */
  fts3DeclareVtab(&rc, p);


  sqlite3_free((void *)aCol);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    if( p ){
      fts3DisconnectMethod((sqlite3_vtab *)p);
    }else if( pTokenizer ){
    *ppVTab = &p->base;
  return rc;

** The xConnect() and xCreate() methods for the virtual table. All the
** work is done in function fts3InitVtab().
static int fts3ConnectMethod(
  sqlite3 *db,                    /* Database connection */
  void *pAux,                     /* Pointer to tokenizer hash table */
  int argc,                       /* Number of elements in argv array */
  const char * const *argv,       /* xCreate/xConnect argument array */
  sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,          /* OUT: New sqlite3_vtab object */
  char **pzErr                    /* OUT: sqlite3_malloc'd error message */
  return fts3InitVtab(0, db, pAux, argc, argv, ppVtab, pzErr);
static int fts3CreateMethod(
  sqlite3 *db,                    /* Database connection */
  void *pAux,                     /* Pointer to tokenizer hash table */
  int argc,                       /* Number of elements in argv array */
  const char * const *argv,       /* xCreate/xConnect argument array */
  sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,          /* OUT: New sqlite3_vtab object */
  char **pzErr                    /* OUT: sqlite3_malloc'd error message */
  return fts3InitVtab(1, db, pAux, argc, argv, ppVtab, pzErr);

** Implementation of the xBestIndex method for FTS3 tables. There
** are three possible strategies, in order of preference:
**   1. Direct lookup by rowid or docid. 
**   2. Full-text search using a MATCH operator on a non-docid column.
**   3. Linear scan of %_content table.
static int fts3BestIndexMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_index_info *pInfo){
  Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pVTab;
  int i;                          /* Iterator variable */
  int iCons = -1;                 /* Index of constraint to use */

  /* By default use a full table scan. This is an expensive option,
  ** so search through the constraints to see if a more efficient 
  ** strategy is possible.
  pInfo->idxNum = FTS3_FULLSCAN_SEARCH;
  pInfo->estimatedCost = 500000;
  for(i=0; i<pInfo->nConstraint; i++){
    struct sqlite3_index_constraint *pCons = &pInfo->aConstraint[i];
    if( pCons->usable==0 ) continue;

    /* A direct lookup on the rowid or docid column. Assign a cost of 1.0. */
     && (pCons->iColumn<0 || pCons->iColumn==p->nColumn+1 )
      pInfo->idxNum = FTS3_DOCID_SEARCH;
      pInfo->estimatedCost = 1.0;
      iCons = i;

    /* A MATCH constraint. Use a full-text search.
    ** If there is more than one MATCH constraint available, use the first
    ** one encountered. If there is both a MATCH constraint and a direct
    ** rowid/docid lookup, prefer the MATCH strategy. This is done even 
    ** though the rowid/docid lookup is faster than a MATCH query, selecting
    ** it would lead to an "unable to use function MATCH in the requested 
    ** context" error.
     && pCons->iColumn>=0 && pCons->iColumn<=p->nColumn
      pInfo->idxNum = FTS3_FULLTEXT_SEARCH + pCons->iColumn;
      pInfo->estimatedCost = 2.0;
      iCons = i;

  if( iCons>=0 ){
    pInfo->aConstraintUsage[iCons].argvIndex = 1;
    pInfo->aConstraintUsage[iCons].omit = 1;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Implementation of xOpen method.
static int fts3OpenMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCsr){
  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCsr;               /* Allocated cursor */


  /* Allocate a buffer large enough for an Fts3Cursor structure. If the
  ** allocation succeeds, zero it and return SQLITE_OK. Otherwise, 
  ** if the allocation fails, return SQLITE_NOMEM.
  *ppCsr = pCsr = (sqlite3_vtab_cursor *)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts3Cursor));
  if( !pCsr ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(pCsr, 0, sizeof(Fts3Cursor));
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Close the cursor.  For additional information see the documentation
** on the xClose method of the virtual table interface.
static int fts3CloseMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr = (Fts3Cursor *)pCursor;
  assert( ((Fts3Table *)pCsr->base.pVtab)->pSegments==0 );
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Position the pCsr->pStmt statement so that it is on the row
** of the %_content table that contains the last match.  Return
** SQLITE_OK on success.  
static int fts3CursorSeek(sqlite3_context *pContext, Fts3Cursor *pCsr){
  if( pCsr->isRequireSeek ){
    pCsr->isRequireSeek = 0;
    sqlite3_bind_int64(pCsr->pStmt, 1, pCsr->iPrevId);
    if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pCsr->pStmt) ){
      return SQLITE_OK;
      int rc = sqlite3_reset(pCsr->pStmt);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        /* If no row was found and no error has occured, then the %_content
        ** table is missing a row that is present in the full-text index.
        ** The data structures are corrupt.
        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT;
      pCsr->isEof = 1;
      if( pContext ){
        sqlite3_result_error_code(pContext, rc);
      return rc;
    return SQLITE_OK;

** This function is used to process a single interior node when searching
** a b-tree for a term or term prefix. The node data is passed to this 
** function via the zNode/nNode parameters. The term to search for is
** passed in zTerm/nTerm.
** If piFirst is not NULL, then this function sets *piFirst to the blockid
** of the child node that heads the sub-tree that may contain the term.
** If piLast is not NULL, then *piLast is set to the right-most child node
** that heads a sub-tree that may contain a term for which zTerm/nTerm is
** a prefix.
** If an OOM error occurs, SQLITE_NOMEM is returned. Otherwise, SQLITE_OK.
static int fts3ScanInteriorNode(
  const char *zTerm,              /* Term to select leaves for */
  int nTerm,                      /* Size of term zTerm in bytes */
  const char *zNode,              /* Buffer containing segment interior node */
  int nNode,                      /* Size of buffer at zNode */
  sqlite3_int64 *piFirst,         /* OUT: Selected child node */
  sqlite3_int64 *piLast           /* OUT: Selected child node */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
  const char *zCsr = zNode;       /* Cursor to iterate through node */
  const char *zEnd = &zCsr[nNode];/* End of interior node buffer */
  char *zBuffer = 0;              /* Buffer to load terms into */
  int nAlloc = 0;                 /* Size of allocated buffer */
  int isFirstTerm = 1;            /* True when processing first term on page */
  sqlite3_int64 iChild;           /* Block id of child node to descend to */

  /* Skip over the 'height' varint that occurs at the start of every 
  ** interior node. Then load the blockid of the left-child of the b-tree
  ** node into variable iChild.  
  ** Even if the data structure on disk is corrupted, this (reading two
  ** varints from the buffer) does not risk an overread. If zNode is a
  ** root node, then the buffer comes from a SELECT statement. SQLite does
  ** not make this guarantee explicitly, but in practice there are always
  ** either more than 20 bytes of allocated space following the nNode bytes of
  ** contents, or two zero bytes. Or, if the node is read from the %_segments
  ** table, then there are always 20 bytes of zeroed padding following the
  ** nNode bytes of content (see sqlite3Fts3ReadBlock() for details).
  zCsr += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(zCsr, &iChild);
  zCsr += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(zCsr, &iChild);
  if( zCsr>zEnd ){
    return SQLITE_CORRUPT;
  while( zCsr<zEnd && (piFirst || piLast) ){
    int cmp;                      /* memcmp() result */
    int nSuffix;                  /* Size of term suffix */
    int nPrefix = 0;              /* Size of term prefix */
    int nBuffer;                  /* Total term size */
    /* Load the next term on the node into zBuffer. Use realloc() to expand
    ** the size of zBuffer if required.  */
    if( !isFirstTerm ){
      zCsr += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(zCsr, &nPrefix);
    isFirstTerm = 0;
    zCsr += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(zCsr, &nSuffix);
    if( nPrefix<0 || nSuffix<0 || &zCsr[nSuffix]>zEnd ){
      rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT;
      goto finish_scan;
    if( nPrefix+nSuffix>nAlloc ){
      char *zNew;
      nAlloc = (nPrefix+nSuffix) * 2;
      zNew = (char *)sqlite3_realloc(zBuffer, nAlloc);
      if( !zNew ){
        rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
        goto finish_scan;
      zBuffer = zNew;
    memcpy(&zBuffer[nPrefix], zCsr, nSuffix);
    nBuffer = nPrefix + nSuffix;
    zCsr += nSuffix;

    /* Compare the term we are searching for with the term just loaded from
    ** the interior node. If the specified term is greater than or equal
    ** to the term from the interior node, then all terms on the sub-tree 
    ** headed by node iChild are smaller than zTerm. No need to search 
    ** iChild.
    ** If the interior node term is larger than the specified term, then
    ** the tree headed by iChild may contain the specified term.
    cmp = memcmp(zTerm, zBuffer, (nBuffer>nTerm ? nTerm : nBuffer));
    if( piFirst && (cmp<0 || (cmp==0 && nBuffer>nTerm)) ){
      *piFirst = iChild;
      piFirst = 0;

    if( piLast && cmp<0 ){
      *piLast = iChild;
      piLast = 0;


  if( piFirst ) *piFirst = iChild;
  if( piLast ) *piLast = iChild;

  return rc;

** The buffer pointed to by argument zNode (size nNode bytes) contains an
** interior node of a b-tree segment. The zTerm buffer (size nTerm bytes)
** contains a term. This function searches the sub-tree headed by the zNode
** node for the range of leaf nodes that may contain the specified term
** or terms for which the specified term is a prefix.
** If piLeaf is not NULL, then *piLeaf is set to the blockid of the 
** left-most leaf node in the tree that may contain the specified term.
** If piLeaf2 is not NULL, then *piLeaf2 is set to the blockid of the
** right-most leaf node that may contain a term for which the specified
** term is a prefix.
** It is possible that the range of returned leaf nodes does not contain 
** the specified term or any terms for which it is a prefix. However, if the 
** segment does contain any such terms, they are stored within the identified
** range. Because this function only inspects interior segment nodes (and
** never loads leaf nodes into memory), it is not possible to be sure.
** If an error occurs, an error code other than SQLITE_OK is returned.
static int fts3SelectLeaf(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  const char *zTerm,              /* Term to select leaves for */
  int nTerm,                      /* Size of term zTerm in bytes */
  const char *zNode,              /* Buffer containing segment interior node */
  int nNode,                      /* Size of buffer at zNode */
  sqlite3_int64 *piLeaf,          /* Selected leaf node */
  sqlite3_int64 *piLeaf2          /* Selected leaf node */
  int rc;                         /* Return code */
  int iHeight;                    /* Height of this node in tree */

  assert( piLeaf || piLeaf2 );

  sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(zNode, &iHeight);
  rc = fts3ScanInteriorNode(zTerm, nTerm, zNode, nNode, piLeaf, piLeaf2);
  assert( !piLeaf2 || !piLeaf || rc!=SQLITE_OK || (*piLeaf<=*piLeaf2) );

  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && iHeight>1 ){
    char *zBlob = 0;              /* Blob read from %_segments table */
    int nBlob;                    /* Size of zBlob in bytes */

    if( piLeaf && piLeaf2 && (*piLeaf!=*piLeaf2) ){
      rc = sqlite3Fts3ReadBlock(p, *piLeaf, &zBlob, &nBlob);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        rc = fts3SelectLeaf(p, zTerm, nTerm, zBlob, nBlob, piLeaf, 0);
      piLeaf = 0;
      zBlob = 0;

    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = sqlite3Fts3ReadBlock(p, piLeaf ? *piLeaf : *piLeaf2, &zBlob, &nBlob);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = fts3SelectLeaf(p, zTerm, nTerm, zBlob, nBlob, piLeaf, piLeaf2);

  return rc;

** This function is used to create delta-encoded serialized lists of FTS3 
** varints. Each call to this function appends a single varint to a list.
static void fts3PutDeltaVarint(
  char **pp,                      /* IN/OUT: Output pointer */
  sqlite3_int64 *piPrev,          /* IN/OUT: Previous value written to list */
  sqlite3_int64 iVal              /* Write this value to the list */
  assert( iVal-*piPrev > 0 || (*piPrev==0 && iVal==0) );
  *pp += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(*pp, iVal-*piPrev);
  *piPrev = iVal;

** When this function is called, *ppPoslist is assumed to point to the 
** start of a position-list. After it returns, *ppPoslist points to the
** first byte after the position-list.
** A position list is list of positions (delta encoded) and columns for 
** a single document record of a doclist.  So, in other words, this
** routine advances *ppPoslist so that it points to the next docid in
** the doclist, or to the first byte past the end of the doclist.
** If pp is not NULL, then the contents of the position list are copied
** to *pp. *pp is set to point to the first byte past the last byte copied
** before this function returns.
static void fts3PoslistCopy(char **pp, char **ppPoslist){
  char *pEnd = *ppPoslist;
  char c = 0;

  /* The end of a position list is marked by a zero encoded as an FTS3 
  ** varint. A single POS_END (0) byte. Except, if the 0 byte is preceded by
  ** a byte with the 0x80 bit set, then it is not a varint 0, but the tail
  ** of some other, multi-byte, value.
  ** The following while-loop moves pEnd to point to the first byte that is not 
  ** immediately preceded by a byte with the 0x80 bit set. Then increments
  ** pEnd once more so that it points to the byte immediately following the
  ** last byte in the position-list.
  while( *pEnd | c ){
    c = *pEnd++ & 0x80;
    testcase( c!=0 && (*pEnd)==0 );
  pEnd++;  /* Advance past the POS_END terminator byte */

  if( pp ){
    int n = (int)(pEnd - *ppPoslist);
    char *p = *pp;
    memcpy(p, *ppPoslist, n);
    p += n;
    *pp = p;
  *ppPoslist = pEnd;

** When this function is called, *ppPoslist is assumed to point to the 
** start of a column-list. After it returns, *ppPoslist points to the
** to the terminator (POS_COLUMN or POS_END) byte of the column-list.
** A column-list is list of delta-encoded positions for a single column
** within a single document within a doclist.
** The column-list is terminated either by a POS_COLUMN varint (1) or
** a POS_END varint (0).  This routine leaves *ppPoslist pointing to
** the POS_COLUMN or POS_END that terminates the column-list.
** If pp is not NULL, then the contents of the column-list are copied
** to *pp. *pp is set to point to the first byte past the last byte copied
** before this function returns.  The POS_COLUMN or POS_END terminator
** is not copied into *pp.
static void fts3ColumnlistCopy(char **pp, char **ppPoslist){
  char *pEnd = *ppPoslist;
  char c = 0;

  /* A column-list is terminated by either a 0x01 or 0x00 byte that is
  ** not part of a multi-byte varint.
  while( 0xFE & (*pEnd | c) ){
    c = *pEnd++ & 0x80;
    testcase( c!=0 && ((*pEnd)&0xfe)==0 );
  if( pp ){
    int n = (int)(pEnd - *ppPoslist);
    char *p = *pp;
    memcpy(p, *ppPoslist, n);
    p += n;
    *pp = p;
  *ppPoslist = pEnd;

** Value used to signify the end of an position-list. This is safe because
** it is not possible to have a document with 2^31 terms.
#define POSITION_LIST_END 0x7fffffff

** This function is used to help parse position-lists. When this function is
** called, *pp may point to the start of the next varint in the position-list
** being parsed, or it may point to 1 byte past the end of the position-list
** (in which case **pp will be a terminator bytes POS_END (0) or
** (1)).
** If *pp points past the end of the current position-list, set *pi to 
** POSITION_LIST_END and return. Otherwise, read the next varint from *pp,
** increment the current value of *pi by the value read, and set *pp to
** point to the next value before returning.
** Before calling this routine *pi must be initialized to the value of
** the previous position, or zero if we are reading the first position
** in the position-list.  Because positions are delta-encoded, the value
** of the previous position is needed in order to compute the value of
** the next position.
static void fts3ReadNextPos(
  char **pp,                    /* IN/OUT: Pointer into position-list buffer */
  sqlite3_int64 *pi             /* IN/OUT: Value read from position-list */
  if( (**pp)&0xFE ){
    fts3GetDeltaVarint(pp, pi);
    *pi -= 2;

** If parameter iCol is not 0, write an POS_COLUMN (1) byte followed by
** the value of iCol encoded as a varint to *pp.   This will start a new
** column list.
** Set *pp to point to the byte just after the last byte written before 
** returning (do not modify it if iCol==0). Return the total number of bytes
** written (0 if iCol==0).
static int fts3PutColNumber(char **pp, int iCol){
  int n = 0;                      /* Number of bytes written */
  if( iCol ){
    char *p = *pp;                /* Output pointer */
    n = 1 + sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(&p[1], iCol);
    *p = 0x01;
    *pp = &p[n];
  return n;

** Compute the union of two position lists.  The output written
** into *pp contains all positions of both *pp1 and *pp2 in sorted
** order and with any duplicates removed.  All pointers are
** updated appropriately.   The caller is responsible for insuring
** that there is enough space in *pp to hold the complete output.
static void fts3PoslistMerge(
  char **pp,                      /* Output buffer */
  char **pp1,                     /* Left input list */
  char **pp2                      /* Right input list */
  char *p = *pp;
  char *p1 = *pp1;
  char *p2 = *pp2;

  while( *p1 || *p2 ){
    int iCol1;         /* The current column index in pp1 */
    int iCol2;         /* The current column index in pp2 */

    if( *p1==POS_COLUMN ) sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(&p1[1], &iCol1);
    else if( *p1==POS_END ) iCol1 = POSITION_LIST_END;
    else iCol1 = 0;

    if( *p2==POS_COLUMN ) sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(&p2[1], &iCol2);
    else if( *p2==POS_END ) iCol2 = POSITION_LIST_END;
    else iCol2 = 0;

    if( iCol1==iCol2 ){
      sqlite3_int64 i1 = 0;       /* Last position from pp1 */
      sqlite3_int64 i2 = 0;       /* Last position from pp2 */
      sqlite3_int64 iPrev = 0;
      int n = fts3PutColNumber(&p, iCol1);
      p1 += n;
      p2 += n;

      /* At this point, both p1 and p2 point to the start of column-lists
      ** for the same column (the column with index iCol1 and iCol2).
      ** A column-list is a list of non-negative delta-encoded varints, each 
      ** incremented by 2 before being stored. Each list is terminated by a
      ** POS_END (0) or POS_COLUMN (1). The following block merges the two lists
      ** and writes the results to buffer p. p is left pointing to the byte
      ** after the list written. No terminator (POS_END or POS_COLUMN) is
      ** written to the output.
      fts3GetDeltaVarint(&p1, &i1);
      fts3GetDeltaVarint(&p2, &i2);
      do {
        fts3PutDeltaVarint(&p, &iPrev, (i1<i2) ? i1 : i2); 
        iPrev -= 2;
        if( i1==i2 ){
          fts3ReadNextPos(&p1, &i1);
          fts3ReadNextPos(&p2, &i2);
        }else if( i1<i2 ){
          fts3ReadNextPos(&p1, &i1);
          fts3ReadNextPos(&p2, &i2);
      }while( i1!=POSITION_LIST_END || i2!=POSITION_LIST_END );
    }else if( iCol1<iCol2 ){
      p1 += fts3PutColNumber(&p, iCol1);
      fts3ColumnlistCopy(&p, &p1);
      p2 += fts3PutColNumber(&p, iCol2);
      fts3ColumnlistCopy(&p, &p2);

  *p++ = POS_END;
  *pp = p;
  *pp1 = p1 + 1;
  *pp2 = p2 + 1;

** nToken==1 searches for adjacent positions.
** This function is used to merge two position lists into one. When it is
** called, *pp1 and *pp2 must both point to position lists. A position-list is
** the part of a doclist that follows each document id. For example, if a row
** contains:
**     'a b c'|'x y z'|'a b b a'
** Then the position list for this row for token 'b' would consist of:
**     0x02 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x03 0x00
** When this function returns, both *pp1 and *pp2 are left pointing to the
** byte following the 0x00 terminator of their respective position lists.
** If isSaveLeft is 0, an entry is added to the output position list for 
** each position in *pp2 for which there exists one or more positions in
** *pp1 so that (pos(*pp2)>pos(*pp1) && pos(*pp2)-pos(*pp1)<=nToken). i.e.
** when the *pp1 token appears before the *pp2 token, but not more than nToken
** slots before it.
static int fts3PoslistPhraseMerge(
  char **pp,                      /* IN/OUT: Preallocated output buffer */
  int nToken,                     /* Maximum difference in token positions */
  int isSaveLeft,                 /* Save the left position */
  int isExact,                    /* If *pp1 is exactly nTokens before *pp2 */
  char **pp1,                     /* IN/OUT: Left input list */
  char **pp2                      /* IN/OUT: Right input list */
  char *p = (pp ? *pp : 0);
  char *p1 = *pp1;
  char *p2 = *pp2;
  int iCol1 = 0;
  int iCol2 = 0;

  /* Never set both isSaveLeft and isExact for the same invocation. */
  assert( isSaveLeft==0 || isExact==0 );

  assert( *p1!=0 && *p2!=0 );
  if( *p1==POS_COLUMN ){ 
    p1 += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(p1, &iCol1);
  if( *p2==POS_COLUMN ){ 
    p2 += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(p2, &iCol2);

  while( 1 ){
    if( iCol1==iCol2 ){
      char *pSave = p;
      sqlite3_int64 iPrev = 0;
      sqlite3_int64 iPos1 = 0;
      sqlite3_int64 iPos2 = 0;

      if( pp && iCol1 ){
        *p++ = POS_COLUMN;
        p += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(p, iCol1);

      assert( *p1!=POS_END && *p1!=POS_COLUMN );
      assert( *p2!=POS_END && *p2!=POS_COLUMN );
      fts3GetDeltaVarint(&p1, &iPos1); iPos1 -= 2;
      fts3GetDeltaVarint(&p2, &iPos2); iPos2 -= 2;

      while( 1 ){
        if( iPos2==iPos1+nToken 
         || (isExact==0 && iPos2>iPos1 && iPos2<=iPos1+nToken) 
          sqlite3_int64 iSave;
          if( !pp ){
            fts3PoslistCopy(0, &p2);
            fts3PoslistCopy(0, &p1);
            *pp1 = p1;
            *pp2 = p2;
            return 1;
          iSave = isSaveLeft ? iPos1 : iPos2;
          fts3PutDeltaVarint(&p, &iPrev, iSave+2); iPrev -= 2;
          pSave = 0;
        if( (!isSaveLeft && iPos2<=(iPos1+nToken)) || iPos2<=iPos1 ){
          if( (*p2&0xFE)==0 ) break;
          fts3GetDeltaVarint(&p2, &iPos2); iPos2 -= 2;
          if( (*p1&0xFE)==0 ) break;
          fts3GetDeltaVarint(&p1, &iPos1); iPos1 -= 2;

      if( pSave ){
        assert( pp && p );
        p = pSave;

      fts3ColumnlistCopy(0, &p1);
      fts3ColumnlistCopy(0, &p2);
      assert( (*p1&0xFE)==0 && (*p2&0xFE)==0 );
      if( 0==*p1 || 0==*p2 ) break;

      p1 += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(p1, &iCol1);
      p2 += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(p2, &iCol2);

    /* Advance pointer p1 or p2 (whichever corresponds to the smaller of
    ** iCol1 and iCol2) so that it points to either the 0x00 that marks the
    ** end of the position list, or the 0x01 that precedes the next 
    ** column-number in the position list. 
    else if( iCol1<iCol2 ){
      fts3ColumnlistCopy(0, &p1);
      if( 0==*p1 ) break;
      p1 += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(p1, &iCol1);
      fts3ColumnlistCopy(0, &p2);
      if( 0==*p2 ) break;
      p2 += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(p2, &iCol2);

  fts3PoslistCopy(0, &p2);
  fts3PoslistCopy(0, &p1);
  *pp1 = p1;
  *pp2 = p2;
  if( !pp || *pp==p ){
    return 0;
  *p++ = 0x00;
  *pp = p;
  return 1;

** Merge two position-lists as required by the NEAR operator.
static int fts3PoslistNearMerge(
  char **pp,                      /* Output buffer */
  char *aTmp,                     /* Temporary buffer space */
  int nRight,                     /* Maximum difference in token positions */
  int nLeft,                      /* Maximum difference in token positions */
  char **pp1,                     /* IN/OUT: Left input list */
  char **pp2                      /* IN/OUT: Right input list */
  char *p1 = *pp1;
  char *p2 = *pp2;

  if( !pp ){
    if( fts3PoslistPhraseMerge(0, nRight, 0, 0, pp1, pp2) ) return 1;
    *pp1 = p1;
    *pp2 = p2;
    return fts3PoslistPhraseMerge(0, nLeft, 0, 0, pp2, pp1);
    char *pTmp1 = aTmp;
    char *pTmp2;
    char *aTmp2;
    int res = 1;

    fts3PoslistPhraseMerge(&pTmp1, nRight, 0, 0, pp1, pp2);
    aTmp2 = pTmp2 = pTmp1;
    *pp1 = p1;
    *pp2 = p2;
    fts3PoslistPhraseMerge(&pTmp2, nLeft, 1, 0, pp2, pp1);
    if( pTmp1!=aTmp && pTmp2!=aTmp2 ){
      fts3PoslistMerge(pp, &aTmp, &aTmp2);
    }else if( pTmp1!=aTmp ){
      fts3PoslistCopy(pp, &aTmp);
    }else if( pTmp2!=aTmp2 ){
      fts3PoslistCopy(pp, &aTmp2);
      res = 0;

    return res;

** Values that may be used as the first parameter to fts3DoclistMerge().
#define MERGE_NOT        2        /* D + D -> D */
#define MERGE_AND        3        /* D + D -> D */
#define MERGE_OR         4        /* D + D -> D */
#define MERGE_POS_OR     5        /* P + P -> P */
#define MERGE_PHRASE     6        /* P + P -> D */
#define MERGE_POS_PHRASE 7        /* P + P -> P */
#define MERGE_NEAR       8        /* P + P -> D */
#define MERGE_POS_NEAR   9        /* P + P -> P */

** Merge the two doclists passed in buffer a1 (size n1 bytes) and a2
** (size n2 bytes). The output is written to pre-allocated buffer aBuffer,
** which is guaranteed to be large enough to hold the results. The number
** of bytes written to aBuffer is stored in *pnBuffer before returning.
** If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise, if a malloc error
** occurs while allocating a temporary buffer as part of the merge operation,
** SQLITE_NOMEM is returned.
static int fts3DoclistMerge(
  int mergetype,                  /* One of the MERGE_XXX constants */
  int nParam1,                    /* Used by MERGE_NEAR and MERGE_POS_NEAR */
  int nParam2,                    /* Used by MERGE_NEAR and MERGE_POS_NEAR */
  char *aBuffer,                  /* Pre-allocated output buffer */
  int *pnBuffer,                  /* OUT: Bytes written to aBuffer */
  char *a1,                       /* Buffer containing first doclist */
  int n1,                         /* Size of buffer a1 */
  char *a2,                       /* Buffer containing second doclist */
  int n2,                         /* Size of buffer a2 */
  int *pnDoc                      /* OUT: Number of docids in output */
  sqlite3_int64 i1 = 0;
  sqlite3_int64 i2 = 0;
  sqlite3_int64 iPrev = 0;

  char *p = aBuffer;
  char *p1 = a1;
  char *p2 = a2;
  char *pEnd1 = &a1[n1];
  char *pEnd2 = &a2[n2];
  int nDoc = 0;

  assert( mergetype==MERGE_OR     || mergetype==MERGE_POS_OR 
       || mergetype==MERGE_AND    || mergetype==MERGE_NOT
       || mergetype==MERGE_PHRASE || mergetype==MERGE_POS_PHRASE
       || mergetype==MERGE_NEAR   || mergetype==MERGE_POS_NEAR

  if( !aBuffer ){
    *pnBuffer = 0;
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;

  /* Read the first docid from each doclist */
  fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p1, pEnd1, &i1);
  fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p2, pEnd2, &i2);

  switch( mergetype ){
    case MERGE_OR:
    case MERGE_POS_OR:
      while( p1 || p2 ){
        if( p2 && p1 && i1==i2 ){
          fts3PutDeltaVarint(&p, &iPrev, i1);
          if( mergetype==MERGE_POS_OR ) fts3PoslistMerge(&p, &p1, &p2);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p1, pEnd1, &i1);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p2, pEnd2, &i2);
        }else if( !p2 || (p1 && i1<i2) ){
          fts3PutDeltaVarint(&p, &iPrev, i1);
          if( mergetype==MERGE_POS_OR ) fts3PoslistCopy(&p, &p1);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p1, pEnd1, &i1);
          fts3PutDeltaVarint(&p, &iPrev, i2);
          if( mergetype==MERGE_POS_OR ) fts3PoslistCopy(&p, &p2);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p2, pEnd2, &i2);

    case MERGE_AND:
      while( p1 && p2 ){
        if( i1==i2 ){
          fts3PutDeltaVarint(&p, &iPrev, i1);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p1, pEnd1, &i1);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p2, pEnd2, &i2);
        }else if( i1<i2 ){
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p1, pEnd1, &i1);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p2, pEnd2, &i2);

    case MERGE_NOT:
      while( p1 ){
        if( p2 && i1==i2 ){
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p1, pEnd1, &i1);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p2, pEnd2, &i2);
        }else if( !p2 || i1<i2 ){
          fts3PutDeltaVarint(&p, &iPrev, i1);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p1, pEnd1, &i1);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p2, pEnd2, &i2);

    case MERGE_PHRASE: {
      char **ppPos = (mergetype==MERGE_PHRASE ? 0 : &p);
      while( p1 && p2 ){
        if( i1==i2 ){
          char *pSave = p;
          sqlite3_int64 iPrevSave = iPrev;
          fts3PutDeltaVarint(&p, &iPrev, i1);
          if( 0==fts3PoslistPhraseMerge(ppPos, nParam1, 0, 1, &p1, &p2) ){
            p = pSave;
            iPrev = iPrevSave;
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p1, pEnd1, &i1);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p2, pEnd2, &i2);
        }else if( i1<i2 ){
          fts3PoslistCopy(0, &p1);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p1, pEnd1, &i1);
          fts3PoslistCopy(0, &p2);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p2, pEnd2, &i2);

    default: assert( mergetype==MERGE_POS_NEAR || mergetype==MERGE_NEAR ); {
      char *aTmp = 0;
      char **ppPos = 0;

      if( mergetype==MERGE_POS_NEAR ){
        ppPos = &p;
        aTmp = sqlite3_malloc(2*(n1+n2+1));
        if( !aTmp ){
          return SQLITE_NOMEM;

      while( p1 && p2 ){
        if( i1==i2 ){
          char *pSave = p;
          sqlite3_int64 iPrevSave = iPrev;
          fts3PutDeltaVarint(&p, &iPrev, i1);

          if( !fts3PoslistNearMerge(ppPos, aTmp, nParam1, nParam2, &p1, &p2) ){
            iPrev = iPrevSave;
            p = pSave;

          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p1, pEnd1, &i1);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p2, pEnd2, &i2);
        }else if( i1<i2 ){
          fts3PoslistCopy(0, &p1);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p1, pEnd1, &i1);
          fts3PoslistCopy(0, &p2);
          fts3GetDeltaVarint2(&p2, pEnd2, &i2);

  if( pnDoc ) *pnDoc = nDoc;
  *pnBuffer = (int)(p-aBuffer);
  return SQLITE_OK;

** A pointer to an instance of this structure is used as the context 
** argument to sqlite3Fts3SegReaderIterate()
typedef struct TermSelect TermSelect;
struct TermSelect {
  int isReqPos;
  char *aaOutput[16];             /* Malloc'd output buffer */
  int anOutput[16];               /* Size of output in bytes */

** Merge all doclists in the TermSelect.aaOutput[] array into a single
** doclist stored in TermSelect.aaOutput[0]. If successful, delete all
** other doclists (except the aaOutput[0] one) and return SQLITE_OK.
** If an OOM error occurs, return SQLITE_NOMEM. In this case it is
** the responsibility of the caller to free any doclists left in the
** TermSelect.aaOutput[] array.
static int fts3TermSelectMerge(TermSelect *pTS){
  int mergetype = (pTS->isReqPos ? MERGE_POS_OR : MERGE_OR);
  char *aOut = 0;
  int nOut = 0;
  int i;

  /* Loop through the doclists in the aaOutput[] array. Merge them all
  ** into a single doclist.
  for(i=0; i<SizeofArray(pTS->aaOutput); i++){
    if( pTS->aaOutput[i] ){
      if( !aOut ){
        aOut = pTS->aaOutput[i];
        nOut = pTS->anOutput[i];
        pTS->aaOutput[i] = 0;
        int nNew = nOut + pTS->anOutput[i];
        char *aNew = sqlite3_malloc(nNew);
        if( !aNew ){
          return SQLITE_NOMEM;
        fts3DoclistMerge(mergetype, 0, 0,
            aNew, &nNew, pTS->aaOutput[i], pTS->anOutput[i], aOut, nOut, 0
        pTS->aaOutput[i] = 0;
        aOut = aNew;
        nOut = nNew;

  pTS->aaOutput[0] = aOut;
  pTS->anOutput[0] = nOut;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** This function is used as the sqlite3Fts3SegReaderIterate() callback when
** querying the full-text index for a doclist associated with a term or
** term-prefix.
static int fts3TermSelectCb(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table object */
  void *pContext,                 /* Pointer to TermSelect structure */
  char *zTerm,
  int nTerm,
  char *aDoclist,
  int nDoclist
  TermSelect *pTS = (TermSelect *)pContext;


  if( pTS->aaOutput[0]==0 ){
    /* If this is the first term selected, copy the doclist to the output
    ** buffer using memcpy(). TODO: Add a way to transfer control of the
    ** aDoclist buffer from the caller so as to avoid the memcpy().
    pTS->aaOutput[0] = sqlite3_malloc(nDoclist);
    pTS->anOutput[0] = nDoclist;
    if( pTS->aaOutput[0] ){
      memcpy(pTS->aaOutput[0], aDoclist, nDoclist);
      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    int mergetype = (pTS->isReqPos ? MERGE_POS_OR : MERGE_OR);
    char *aMerge = aDoclist;
    int nMerge = nDoclist;
    int iOut;

    for(iOut=0; iOut<SizeofArray(pTS->aaOutput); iOut++){
      char *aNew;
      int nNew;
      if( pTS->aaOutput[iOut]==0 ){
        assert( iOut>0 );
        pTS->aaOutput[iOut] = aMerge;
        pTS->anOutput[iOut] = nMerge;

      nNew = nMerge + pTS->anOutput[iOut];
      aNew = sqlite3_malloc(nNew);
      if( !aNew ){
        if( aMerge!=aDoclist ){
        return SQLITE_NOMEM;
      fts3DoclistMerge(mergetype, 0, 0, aNew, &nNew, 
          pTS->aaOutput[iOut], pTS->anOutput[iOut], aMerge, nMerge, 0

      if( iOut>0 ) sqlite3_free(aMerge);
      pTS->aaOutput[iOut] = 0;

      aMerge = aNew;
      nMerge = nNew;
      if( (iOut+1)==SizeofArray(pTS->aaOutput) ){
        pTS->aaOutput[iOut] = aMerge;
        pTS->anOutput[iOut] = nMerge;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int fts3DeferredTermSelect(
  Fts3DeferredToken *pToken,      /* Phrase token */
  int isTermPos,                  /* True to include positions */
  int *pnOut,                     /* OUT: Size of list */
  char **ppOut                    /* OUT: Body of list */
  char *aSource;
  int nSource;

  aSource = sqlite3Fts3DeferredDoclist(pToken, &nSource);
  if( !aSource ){
    *pnOut = 0;
    *ppOut = 0;
  }else if( isTermPos ){
    *ppOut = sqlite3_malloc(nSource);
    if( !*ppOut ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    memcpy(*ppOut, aSource, nSource);
    *pnOut = nSource;
    sqlite3_int64 docid;
    *pnOut = sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(aSource, &docid);
    *ppOut = sqlite3_malloc(*pnOut);
    if( !*ppOut ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(*ppOut, docid);

  return SQLITE_OK;

** An Fts3SegReaderArray is used to store an array of Fts3SegReader objects.
** Elements are added to the array using fts3SegReaderArrayAdd(). 
struct Fts3SegReaderArray {
  int nSegment;                   /* Number of valid entries in apSegment[] */
  int nAlloc;                     /* Allocated size of apSegment[] */
  int nCost;                      /* The cost of executing SegReaderIterate() */
  Fts3SegReader *apSegment[1];    /* Array of seg-reader objects */

** Free an Fts3SegReaderArray object. Also free all seg-readers in the
** array (using sqlite3Fts3SegReaderFree()).
static void fts3SegReaderArrayFree(Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray){
  if( pArray ){
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<pArray->nSegment; i++){

static int fts3SegReaderArrayAdd(
  Fts3SegReaderArray **ppArray, 
  Fts3SegReader *pNew
  Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray = *ppArray;

  if( !pArray || pArray->nAlloc==pArray->nSegment ){
    int nNew = (pArray ? pArray->nAlloc+16 : 16);
    pArray = (Fts3SegReaderArray *)sqlite3_realloc(pArray, 
        sizeof(Fts3SegReaderArray) + (nNew-1) * sizeof(Fts3SegReader*)
    if( !pArray ){
      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    if( nNew==16 ){
      pArray->nSegment = 0;
      pArray->nCost = 0;
    pArray->nAlloc = nNew;
    *ppArray = pArray;

  pArray->apSegment[pArray->nSegment++] = pNew;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int fts3TermSegReaderArray(
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr,               /* Virtual table cursor handle */
  const char *zTerm,              /* Term to query for */
  int nTerm,                      /* Size of zTerm in bytes */
  int isPrefix,                   /* True for a prefix search */
  Fts3SegReaderArray **ppArray    /* OUT: Allocated seg-reader array */
  Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pCsr->base.pVtab;
  int rc;                         /* Return code */
  Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray = 0; /* Array object to build */
  Fts3SegReader *pReader = 0;     /* Seg-reader to add to pArray */ 
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;        /* SQL statement to scan %_segdir table */
  int iAge = 0;                   /* Used to assign ages to segments */

  /* Allocate a seg-reader to scan the pending terms, if any. */
  rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderPending(p, zTerm, nTerm, isPrefix, &pReader);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pReader ) {
    rc = fts3SegReaderArrayAdd(&pArray, pReader);

  /* Loop through the entire %_segdir table. For each segment, create a
  ** Fts3SegReader to iterate through the subset of the segment leaves
  ** that may contain a term that matches zTerm/nTerm. For non-prefix
  ** searches, this is always a single leaf. For prefix searches, this
  ** may be a contiguous block of leaves.
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    rc = sqlite3Fts3AllSegdirs(p, &pStmt);
  while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==(rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt)) ){
    Fts3SegReader *pNew = 0;
    int nRoot = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, 4);
    char const *zRoot = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 4);
    if( sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt, 1)==0 ){
      /* The entire segment is stored on the root node (which must be a
      ** leaf). Do not bother inspecting any data in this case, just
      ** create a Fts3SegReader to scan the single leaf. 
      rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderNew(iAge, 0, 0, 0, zRoot, nRoot, &pNew);
      sqlite3_int64 i1;           /* First leaf that may contain zTerm */
      sqlite3_int64 i2;           /* Final leaf that may contain zTerm */
      rc = fts3SelectLeaf(p, zTerm, nTerm, zRoot, nRoot, &i1, (isPrefix?&i2:0));
      if( isPrefix==0 ) i2 = i1;
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderNew(iAge, i1, i2, 0, 0, 0, &pNew);
    assert( (pNew==0)==(rc!=SQLITE_OK) );

    /* If a new Fts3SegReader was allocated, add it to the array. */
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = fts3SegReaderArrayAdd(&pArray, pNew);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderCost(pCsr, pNew, &pArray->nCost);

  if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
    rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    pArray = 0;
  *ppArray = pArray;
  return rc;

** This function retreives the doclist for the specified term (or term
** prefix) from the database. 
** The returned doclist may be in one of two formats, depending on the 
** value of parameter isReqPos. If isReqPos is zero, then the doclist is
** a sorted list of delta-compressed docids (a bare doclist). If isReqPos
** is non-zero, then the returned list is in the same format as is stored 
** in the database without the found length specifier at the start of on-disk
** doclists.
static int fts3TermSelect(
  Fts3Table *p,                   /* Virtual table handle */
  Fts3PhraseToken *pTok,          /* Token to query for */
  int iColumn,                    /* Column to query (or -ve for all columns) */
  int isReqPos,                   /* True to include position lists in output */
  int *pnOut,                     /* OUT: Size of buffer at *ppOut */
  char **ppOut                    /* OUT: Malloced result buffer */
  int rc;                         /* Return code */
  Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray;     /* Seg-reader array for this term */
  TermSelect tsc;               /* Context object for fts3TermSelectCb() */
  Fts3SegFilter filter;         /* Segment term filter configuration */

  pArray = pTok->pArray;
  memset(&tsc, 0, sizeof(TermSelect));
  tsc.isReqPos = isReqPos;

  filter.flags = FTS3_SEGMENT_IGNORE_EMPTY 
        | (pTok->isPrefix ? FTS3_SEGMENT_PREFIX : 0)
        | (isReqPos ? FTS3_SEGMENT_REQUIRE_POS : 0)
        | (iColumn<p->nColumn ? FTS3_SEGMENT_COLUMN_FILTER : 0);
  filter.iCol = iColumn;
  filter.zTerm = pTok->z;
  filter.nTerm = pTok->n;

  rc = sqlite3Fts3SegReaderIterate(p, pArray->apSegment, pArray->nSegment, 
      &filter, fts3TermSelectCb, (void *)&tsc
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    rc = fts3TermSelectMerge(&tsc);

  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    *ppOut = tsc.aaOutput[0];
    *pnOut = tsc.anOutput[0];
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<SizeofArray(tsc.aaOutput); i++){

  pTok->pArray = 0;
  return rc;

** This function counts the total number of docids in the doclist stored
** in buffer aList[], size nList bytes.
** If the isPoslist argument is true, then it is assumed that the doclist
** contains a position-list following each docid. Otherwise, it is assumed
** that the doclist is simply a list of docids stored as delta encoded 
** varints.
static int fts3DoclistCountDocids(int isPoslist, char *aList, int nList){
  int nDoc = 0;                   /* Return value */
  if( aList ){
    char *aEnd = &aList[nList];   /* Pointer to one byte after EOF */
    char *p = aList;              /* Cursor */
    if( !isPoslist ){
      /* The number of docids in the list is the same as the number of 
      ** varints. In FTS3 a varint consists of a single byte with the 0x80 
      ** bit cleared and zero or more bytes with the 0x80 bit set. So to
      ** count the varints in the buffer, just count the number of bytes
      ** with the 0x80 bit clear.  */
      while( p<aEnd ) nDoc += (((*p++)&0x80)==0);
      while( p<aEnd ){
        while( (*p++)&0x80 );     /* Skip docid varint */
        fts3PoslistCopy(0, &p);   /* Skip over position list */

  return nDoc;

** Call sqlite3Fts3DeferToken() for each token in the expression pExpr.
static int fts3DeferExpression(Fts3Cursor *pCsr, Fts3Expr *pExpr){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  if( pExpr ){
    rc = fts3DeferExpression(pCsr, pExpr->pLeft);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = fts3DeferExpression(pCsr, pExpr->pRight);
    if( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE ){
      int iCol = pExpr->pPhrase->iColumn;
      int i;
      for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<pExpr->pPhrase->nToken; i++){
        Fts3PhraseToken *pToken = &pExpr->pPhrase->aToken[i];
        if( pToken->pDeferred==0 ){
          rc = sqlite3Fts3DeferToken(pCsr, pToken, iCol);
  return rc;

** This function removes the position information from a doclist. When
** called, buffer aList (size *pnList bytes) contains a doclist that includes
** position information. This function removes the position information so
** that aList contains only docids, and adjusts *pnList to reflect the new
** (possibly reduced) size of the doclist.
static void fts3DoclistStripPositions(
  char *aList,                    /* IN/OUT: Buffer containing doclist */
  int *pnList                     /* IN/OUT: Size of doclist in bytes */
  if( aList ){
    char *aEnd = &aList[*pnList]; /* Pointer to one byte after EOF */
    char *p = aList;              /* Input cursor */
    char *pOut = aList;           /* Output cursor */
    while( p<aEnd ){
      sqlite3_int64 delta;
      p += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint(p, &delta);
      fts3PoslistCopy(0, &p);
      pOut += sqlite3Fts3PutVarint(pOut, delta);

    *pnList = (int)(pOut - aList);

** Return a DocList corresponding to the phrase *pPhrase.
** If this function returns SQLITE_OK, but *pnOut is set to a negative value,
** then no tokens in the phrase were looked up in the full-text index. This
** is only possible when this function is called from within xFilter(). The
** caller should assume that all documents match the phrase. The actual
** filtering will take place in xNext().
static int fts3PhraseSelect(
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr,               /* Virtual table cursor handle */
  Fts3Phrase *pPhrase,            /* Phrase to return a doclist for */
  int isReqPos,                   /* True if output should contain positions */
  char **paOut,                   /* OUT: Pointer to malloc'd result buffer */
  int *pnOut                      /* OUT: Size of buffer at *paOut */
  char *pOut = 0;
  int nOut = 0;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int ii;
  int iCol = pPhrase->iColumn;
  int isTermPos = (pPhrase->nToken>1 || isReqPos);
  Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pCsr->base.pVtab;
  int isFirst = 1;

  int iPrevTok = 0;
  int nDoc = 0;

  /* If this is an xFilter() evaluation, create a segment-reader for each
  ** phrase token. Or, if this is an xNext() or snippet/offsets/matchinfo
  ** evaluation, only create segment-readers if there are no Fts3DeferredToken
  ** objects attached to the phrase-tokens.
  for(ii=0; ii<pPhrase->nToken; ii++){
    Fts3PhraseToken *pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[ii];
    if( pTok->pArray==0 ){
      if( (pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_FILTER)
       || (pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_NEXT && pCsr->pDeferred==0) 
       || (pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_MATCHINFO && pTok->bFulltext) 
        rc = fts3TermSegReaderArray(
            pCsr, pTok->z, pTok->n, pTok->isPrefix, &pTok->pArray
        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

  for(ii=0; ii<pPhrase->nToken; ii++){
    Fts3PhraseToken *pTok;        /* Token to find doclist for */
    int iTok = 0;                 /* The token being queried this iteration */
    char *pList = 0;              /* Pointer to token doclist */
    int nList = 0;                /* Size of buffer at pList */

    /* Select a token to process. If this is an xFilter() call, then tokens 
    ** are processed in order from least to most costly. Otherwise, tokens 
    ** are processed in the order in which they occur in the phrase.
    if( pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_MATCHINFO ){
      assert( isReqPos );
      iTok = ii;
      pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[iTok];
      if( pTok->bFulltext==0 ) continue;
    }else if( pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_NEXT || isReqPos ){
      iTok = ii;
      pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[iTok];
      int nMinCost = 0x7FFFFFFF;
      int jj;

      /* Find the remaining token with the lowest cost. */
      for(jj=0; jj<pPhrase->nToken; jj++){
        Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray = pPhrase->aToken[jj].pArray;
        if( pArray && pArray->nCost<nMinCost ){
          iTok = jj;
          nMinCost = pArray->nCost;
      pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[iTok];

      /* This branch is taken if it is determined that loading the doclist
      ** for the next token would require more IO than loading all documents
      ** currently identified by doclist pOut/nOut. No further doclists will
      ** be loaded from the full-text index for this phrase.
      if( nMinCost>nDoc && ii>0 ){
        rc = fts3DeferExpression(pCsr, pCsr->pExpr);

    if( pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_NEXT && pTok->pDeferred ){
      rc = fts3DeferredTermSelect(pTok->pDeferred, isTermPos, &nList, &pList);
      if( pTok->pArray ){
        rc = fts3TermSelect(p, pTok, iCol, isTermPos, &nList, &pList);
      pTok->bFulltext = 1;
    assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || pCsr->eEvalmode || pTok->pArray==0 );
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;

    if( isFirst ){
      pOut = pList;
      nOut = nList;
      if( pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_FILTER && pPhrase->nToken>1 ){
        nDoc = fts3DoclistCountDocids(1, pOut, nOut);
      isFirst = 0;
      iPrevTok = iTok;
      /* Merge the new term list and the current output. */
      char *aLeft, *aRight;
      int nLeft, nRight;
      int nDist;
      int mt;

      /* If this is the final token of the phrase, and positions were not
      ** requested by the caller, use MERGE_PHRASE instead of POS_PHRASE.
      ** This drops the position information from the output list.
      mt = MERGE_POS_PHRASE;
      if( ii==pPhrase->nToken-1 && !isReqPos ) mt = MERGE_PHRASE;

      assert( iPrevTok!=iTok );
      if( iPrevTok<iTok ){
        aLeft = pOut;
        nLeft = nOut;
        aRight = pList;
        nRight = nList;
        nDist = iTok-iPrevTok;
        iPrevTok = iTok;
        aRight = pOut;
        nRight = nOut;
        aLeft = pList;
        nLeft = nList;
        nDist = iPrevTok-iTok;
      pOut = aRight;
          mt, nDist, 0, pOut, &nOut, aLeft, nLeft, aRight, nRight, &nDoc
    assert( nOut==0 || pOut!=0 );

  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    if( ii!=pPhrase->nToken ){
      assert( pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_FILTER && isReqPos==0 );
      fts3DoclistStripPositions(pOut, &nOut);
    *paOut = pOut;
    *pnOut = nOut;
  return rc;

** This function merges two doclists according to the requirements of a
** NEAR operator.
** Both input doclists must include position information. The output doclist 
** includes position information if the first argument to this function
** is MERGE_POS_NEAR, or does not if it is MERGE_NEAR.
static int fts3NearMerge(
  int mergetype,                  /* MERGE_POS_NEAR or MERGE_NEAR */
  int nNear,                      /* Parameter to NEAR operator */
  int nTokenLeft,                 /* Number of tokens in LHS phrase arg */
  char *aLeft,                    /* Doclist for LHS (incl. positions) */
  int nLeft,                      /* Size of LHS doclist in bytes */
  int nTokenRight,                /* As nTokenLeft */
  char *aRight,                   /* As aLeft */
  int nRight,                     /* As nRight */
  char **paOut,                   /* OUT: Results of merge (malloced) */
  int *pnOut                      /* OUT: Sized of output buffer */
  char *aOut;                     /* Buffer to write output doclist to */
  int rc;                         /* Return code */

  assert( mergetype==MERGE_POS_NEAR || MERGE_NEAR );

  aOut = sqlite3_malloc(nLeft+nRight+1);
  if( aOut==0 ){
    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
    rc = fts3DoclistMerge(mergetype, nNear+nTokenRight, nNear+nTokenLeft, 
      aOut, pnOut, aLeft, nLeft, aRight, nRight, 0
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      aOut = 0;

  *paOut = aOut;
  return rc;

** This function is used as part of the processing for the snippet() and
** offsets() functions.
** Both pLeft and pRight are expression nodes of type FTSQUERY_PHRASE. Both
** have their respective doclists (including position information) loaded
** in Fts3Expr.aDoclist/nDoclist. This function removes all entries from
** each doclist that are not within nNear tokens of a corresponding entry
** in the other doclist.
int sqlite3Fts3ExprNearTrim(Fts3Expr *pLeft, Fts3Expr *pRight, int nNear){
  int rc;                         /* Return code */

  assert( pLeft->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE );
  assert( pRight->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE );
  assert( pLeft->isLoaded && pRight->isLoaded );

  if( pLeft->aDoclist==0 || pRight->aDoclist==0 ){
    pRight->aDoclist = 0;
    pLeft->aDoclist = 0;
    rc = SQLITE_OK;
    char *aOut;                   /* Buffer in which to assemble new doclist */
    int nOut;                     /* Size of buffer aOut in bytes */

    rc = fts3NearMerge(MERGE_POS_NEAR, nNear, 
        pLeft->pPhrase->nToken, pLeft->aDoclist, pLeft->nDoclist,
        pRight->pPhrase->nToken, pRight->aDoclist, pRight->nDoclist,
        &aOut, &nOut
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
    pRight->aDoclist = aOut;
    pRight->nDoclist = nOut;

    rc = fts3NearMerge(MERGE_POS_NEAR, nNear, 
        pRight->pPhrase->nToken, pRight->aDoclist, pRight->nDoclist,
        pLeft->pPhrase->nToken, pLeft->aDoclist, pLeft->nDoclist,
        &aOut, &nOut
    pLeft->aDoclist = aOut;
    pLeft->nDoclist = nOut;
  return rc;

** Allocate an Fts3SegReaderArray for each token in the expression pExpr. 
** The allocated objects are stored in the Fts3PhraseToken.pArray member
** variables of each token structure.
static int fts3ExprAllocateSegReaders(
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr,               /* FTS3 table */
  Fts3Expr *pExpr,                /* Expression to create seg-readers for */
  int *pnExpr                     /* OUT: Number of AND'd expressions */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */

  assert( pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_FILTER );
  if( pnExpr && pExpr->eType!=FTSQUERY_AND ){
    pnExpr = 0;

  if( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE ){
    Fts3Phrase *pPhrase = pExpr->pPhrase;
    int ii;

    for(ii=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && ii<pPhrase->nToken; ii++){
      Fts3PhraseToken *pTok = &pPhrase->aToken[ii];
      if( pTok->pArray==0 ){
        rc = fts3TermSegReaderArray(
            pCsr, pTok->z, pTok->n, pTok->isPrefix, &pTok->pArray
    rc = fts3ExprAllocateSegReaders(pCsr, pExpr->pLeft, pnExpr);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = fts3ExprAllocateSegReaders(pCsr, pExpr->pRight, pnExpr);
  return rc;

** Free the Fts3SegReaderArray objects associated with each token in the
** expression pExpr. In other words, this function frees the resources
** allocated by fts3ExprAllocateSegReaders().
static void fts3ExprFreeSegReaders(Fts3Expr *pExpr){
  if( pExpr ){
    Fts3Phrase *pPhrase = pExpr->pPhrase;
    if( pPhrase ){
      int kk;
      for(kk=0; kk<pPhrase->nToken; kk++){
        pPhrase->aToken[kk].pArray = 0;

** Return the sum of the costs of all tokens in the expression pExpr. This
** function must be called after Fts3SegReaderArrays have been allocated
** for all tokens using fts3ExprAllocateSegReaders().
static int fts3ExprCost(Fts3Expr *pExpr){
  int nCost;                      /* Return value */
  if( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE ){
    Fts3Phrase *pPhrase = pExpr->pPhrase;
    int ii;
    nCost = 0;
    for(ii=0; ii<pPhrase->nToken; ii++){
      Fts3SegReaderArray *pArray = pPhrase->aToken[ii].pArray;
      if( pArray ){
        nCost += pPhrase->aToken[ii].pArray->nCost;
    nCost = fts3ExprCost(pExpr->pLeft) + fts3ExprCost(pExpr->pRight);
  return nCost;

** The following is a helper function (and type) for fts3EvalExpr(). It
** must be called after Fts3SegReaders have been allocated for every token
** in the expression. See the context it is called from in fts3EvalExpr()
** for further explanation.
typedef struct ExprAndCost ExprAndCost;
struct ExprAndCost {
  Fts3Expr *pExpr;
  int nCost;
static void fts3ExprAssignCosts(
  Fts3Expr *pExpr,                /* Expression to create seg-readers for */
  ExprAndCost **ppExprCost        /* OUT: Write to *ppExprCost */
  if( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_AND ){
    fts3ExprAssignCosts(pExpr->pLeft, ppExprCost);
    fts3ExprAssignCosts(pExpr->pRight, ppExprCost);
    (*ppExprCost)->pExpr = pExpr;
    (*ppExprCost)->nCost = fts3ExprCost(pExpr);

** Evaluate the full-text expression pExpr against FTS3 table pTab. Store
** the resulting doclist in *paOut and *pnOut. This routine mallocs for
** the space needed to store the output. The caller is responsible for
** freeing the space when it has finished.
** This function is called in two distinct contexts:
**   * From within the virtual table xFilter() method. In this case, the
**     output doclist contains entries for all rows in the table, based on
**     data read from the full-text index.
**     In this case, if the query expression contains one or more tokens that 
**     are very common, then the returned doclist may contain a superset of 
**     the documents that actually match the expression.
**   * From within the virtual table xNext() method. This call is only made
**     if the call from within xFilter() found that there were very common 
**     tokens in the query expression and did return a superset of the 
**     matching documents. In this case the returned doclist contains only
**     entries that correspond to the current row of the table. Instead of
**     reading the data for each token from the full-text index, the data is
**     already available in-memory in the Fts3PhraseToken.pDeferred structures.
**     See fts3EvalDeferred() for how it gets there.
** In the first case above, Fts3Cursor.doDeferred==0. In the second (if it is
** required) Fts3Cursor.doDeferred==1.
** If the SQLite invokes the snippet(), offsets() or matchinfo() function
** as part of a SELECT on an FTS3 table, this function is called on each
** individual phrase expression in the query. If there were very common tokens
** found in the xFilter() call, then this function is called once for phrase
** for each row visited, and the returned doclist contains entries for the
** current row only. Otherwise, if there were no very common tokens, then this
** function is called once only for each phrase in the query and the returned
** doclist contains entries for all rows of the table.
** Fts3Cursor.doDeferred==1 when this function is called on phrases as a
** result of a snippet(), offsets() or matchinfo() invocation.
static int fts3EvalExpr(
  Fts3Cursor *p,                  /* Virtual table cursor handle */
  Fts3Expr *pExpr,                /* Parsed fts3 expression */
  char **paOut,                   /* OUT: Pointer to malloc'd result buffer */
  int *pnOut,                     /* OUT: Size of buffer at *paOut */
  int isReqPos                    /* Require positions in output buffer */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */

  /* Zero the output parameters. */
  *paOut = 0;
  *pnOut = 0;

  if( pExpr ){
    assert( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_NEAR   || pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_OR     
         || pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_AND    || pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_NOT
         || pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE
    assert( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE || isReqPos==0 );

    if( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE ){
      rc = fts3PhraseSelect(p, pExpr->pPhrase,
          isReqPos || (pExpr->pParent && pExpr->pParent->eType==FTSQUERY_NEAR),
          paOut, pnOut
    }else if( p->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_FILTER && pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_AND ){
      ExprAndCost *aExpr = 0;     /* Array of AND'd expressions and costs */
      int nExpr = 0;              /* Size of aExpr[] */
      char *aRet = 0;             /* Doclist to return to caller */
      int nRet = 0;               /* Length of aRet[] in bytes */
      int nDoc = 0x7FFFFFFF;

      assert( !isReqPos );

      rc = fts3ExprAllocateSegReaders(p, pExpr, &nExpr);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        assert( nExpr>1 );
        aExpr = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(ExprAndCost) * nExpr);
        if( !aExpr ) rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        int ii;                   /* Used to iterate through expressions */

        fts3ExprAssignCosts(pExpr, &aExpr);
        aExpr -= nExpr;
        for(ii=0; ii<nExpr; ii++){
          char *aNew;
          int nNew;
          int jj;
          ExprAndCost *pBest = 0;
          for(jj=0; jj<nExpr; jj++){
            ExprAndCost *pCand = &aExpr[jj];
            if( pCand->pExpr && (pBest==0 || pCand->nCost<pBest->nCost) ){
              pBest = pCand;
          if( pBest->nCost>nDoc ){
            rc = fts3DeferExpression(p, p->pExpr);
            rc = fts3EvalExpr(p, pBest->pExpr, &aNew, &nNew, 0);
            if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
            pBest->pExpr = 0;
            if( ii==0 ){
              aRet = aNew;
              nRet = nNew;
              nDoc = fts3DoclistCountDocids(0, aRet, nRet);
                  MERGE_AND, 0, 0, aRet, &nRet, aRet, nRet, aNew, nNew, &nDoc

      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        *paOut = aRet;
        *pnOut = nRet;
        assert( *paOut==0 );

      char *aLeft;
      char *aRight;
      int nLeft;
      int nRight;

      assert( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_NEAR 
           || pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_OR
           || pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_NOT
           || (pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_AND && p->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_NEXT)

      if( 0==(rc = fts3EvalExpr(p, pExpr->pRight, &aRight, &nRight, isReqPos))
       && 0==(rc = fts3EvalExpr(p, pExpr->pLeft, &aLeft, &nLeft, isReqPos))
        switch( pExpr->eType ){
          case FTSQUERY_NEAR: {
            Fts3Expr *pLeft;
            Fts3Expr *pRight;
            int mergetype = MERGE_NEAR;
            if( pExpr->pParent && pExpr->pParent->eType==FTSQUERY_NEAR ){
              mergetype = MERGE_POS_NEAR;
            pLeft = pExpr->pLeft;
            while( pLeft->eType==FTSQUERY_NEAR ){ 
            pRight = pExpr->pRight;
            assert( pRight->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE );
            assert( pLeft->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE );

            rc = fts3NearMerge(mergetype, pExpr->nNear, 
                pLeft->pPhrase->nToken, aLeft, nLeft,
                pRight->pPhrase->nToken, aRight, nRight,
                paOut, pnOut

          case FTSQUERY_OR: {
            /* Allocate a buffer for the output. The maximum size is the
            ** sum of the sizes of the two input buffers. The +1 term is
            ** so that a buffer of zero bytes is never allocated - this can
            ** cause fts3DoclistMerge() to incorrectly return SQLITE_NOMEM.
            char *aBuffer = sqlite3_malloc(nRight+nLeft+1);
            rc = fts3DoclistMerge(MERGE_OR, 0, 0, aBuffer, pnOut,
                aLeft, nLeft, aRight, nRight, 0
            *paOut = aBuffer;

          default: {
            fts3DoclistMerge(pExpr->eType, 0, 0, aLeft, pnOut,
                aLeft, nLeft, aRight, nRight, 0
            *paOut = aLeft;

  assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || *paOut==0 );
  return rc;

** This function is called from within xNext() for each row visited by
** an FTS3 query. If evaluating the FTS3 query expression within xFilter()
** was able to determine the exact set of matching rows, this function sets
** *pbRes to true and returns SQLITE_IO immediately.
** Otherwise, if evaluating the query expression within xFilter() returned a
** superset of the matching documents instead of an exact set (this happens
** when the query includes very common tokens and it is deemed too expensive to
** load their doclists from disk), this function tests if the current row
** really does match the FTS3 query.
** If an error occurs, an SQLite error code is returned. Otherwise, SQLITE_OK
** is returned and *pbRes is set to true if the current row matches the
** FTS3 query (and should be included in the results returned to SQLite), or
** false otherwise.
static int fts3EvalDeferred(
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr,               /* FTS3 cursor pointing at row to test */
  int *pbRes                      /* OUT: Set to true if row is a match */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  if( pCsr->pDeferred==0 ){
    *pbRes = 1;
    rc = fts3CursorSeek(0, pCsr);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = sqlite3Fts3CacheDeferredDoclists(pCsr);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      char *a = 0;
      int n = 0;
      rc = fts3EvalExpr(pCsr, pCsr->pExpr, &a, &n, 0);
      assert( n>=0 );
      *pbRes = (n>0);
  return rc;

** Advance the cursor to the next row in the %_content table that
** matches the search criteria.  For a MATCH search, this will be
** the next row that matches. For a full-table scan, this will be
** simply the next row in the %_content table.  For a docid lookup,
** this routine simply sets the EOF flag.
** Return SQLITE_OK if nothing goes wrong.  SQLITE_OK is returned
** even if we reach end-of-file.  The fts3EofMethod() will be called
** subsequently to determine whether or not an EOF was hit.
static int fts3NextMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
  int res;
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;             /* Return code */
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr = (Fts3Cursor *)pCursor;

  pCsr->eEvalmode = FTS3_EVAL_NEXT;
  do {
    if( pCsr->aDoclist==0 ){
      if( SQLITE_ROW!=sqlite3_step(pCsr->pStmt) ){
        pCsr->isEof = 1;
        rc = sqlite3_reset(pCsr->pStmt);
      pCsr->iPrevId = sqlite3_column_int64(pCsr->pStmt, 0);
      if( pCsr->pNextId>=&pCsr->aDoclist[pCsr->nDoclist] ){
        pCsr->isEof = 1;
      fts3GetDeltaVarint(&pCsr->pNextId, &pCsr->iPrevId);
      pCsr->isRequireSeek = 1;
      pCsr->isMatchinfoNeeded = 1;
  }while( SQLITE_OK==(rc = fts3EvalDeferred(pCsr, &res)) && res==0 );

  return rc;

** This is the xFilter interface for the virtual table.  See
** the virtual table xFilter method documentation for additional
** information.
** If idxNum==FTS3_FULLSCAN_SEARCH then do a full table scan against
** the %_content table.
** If idxNum==FTS3_DOCID_SEARCH then do a docid lookup for a single entry
** in the %_content table.
** If idxNum>=FTS3_FULLTEXT_SEARCH then use the full text index.  The
** column on the left-hand side of the MATCH operator is column
** number idxNum-FTS3_FULLTEXT_SEARCH, 0 indexed.  argv[0] is the right-hand
** side of the MATCH operator.
static int fts3FilterMethod(
  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor,   /* The cursor used for this query */
  int idxNum,                     /* Strategy index */
  const char *idxStr,             /* Unused */
  int nVal,                       /* Number of elements in apVal */
  sqlite3_value **apVal           /* Arguments for the indexing scheme */
  const char *azSql[] = {
    "SELECT * FROM %Q.'%q_content' WHERE docid = ?", /* non-full-table-scan */
    "SELECT * FROM %Q.'%q_content'",                 /* full-table-scan */
  int rc;                         /* Return code */
  char *zSql;                     /* SQL statement used to access %_content */
  Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pCursor->pVtab;
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr = (Fts3Cursor *)pCursor;


  assert( idxNum>=0 && idxNum<=(FTS3_FULLTEXT_SEARCH+p->nColumn) );
  assert( nVal==0 || nVal==1 );
  assert( (nVal==0)==(idxNum==FTS3_FULLSCAN_SEARCH) );
  assert( p->pSegments==0 );

  /* In case the cursor has been used before, clear it now. */
  memset(&pCursor[1], 0, sizeof(Fts3Cursor)-sizeof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor));

  if( idxNum!=FTS3_DOCID_SEARCH && idxNum!=FTS3_FULLSCAN_SEARCH ){
    int iCol = idxNum-FTS3_FULLTEXT_SEARCH;
    const char *zQuery = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]);

    if( zQuery==0 && sqlite3_value_type(apVal[0])!=SQLITE_NULL ){
      return SQLITE_NOMEM;

    rc = sqlite3Fts3ExprParse(p->pTokenizer, p->azColumn, p->nColumn, 
        iCol, zQuery, -1, &pCsr->pExpr
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      if( rc==SQLITE_ERROR ){
        p->base.zErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("malformed MATCH expression: [%s]",
      return rc;

    rc = sqlite3Fts3ReadLock(p);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

    rc = fts3EvalExpr(pCsr, pCsr->pExpr, &pCsr->aDoclist, &pCsr->nDoclist, 0);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
    pCsr->pNextId = pCsr->aDoclist;
    pCsr->iPrevId = 0;

  /* Compile a SELECT statement for this cursor. For a full-table-scan, the
  ** statement loops through all rows of the %_content table. For a
  ** full-text query or docid lookup, the statement retrieves a single
  ** row by docid.
  zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(azSql[idxNum==FTS3_FULLSCAN_SEARCH], p->zDb, p->zName);
  if( !zSql ){
    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
    rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pCsr->pStmt, 0);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && idxNum==FTS3_DOCID_SEARCH ){
    rc = sqlite3_bind_value(pCsr->pStmt, 1, apVal[0]);
  pCsr->eSearch = (i16)idxNum;

  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
  return fts3NextMethod(pCursor);

** This is the xEof method of the virtual table. SQLite calls this 
** routine to find out if it has reached the end of a result set.
static int fts3EofMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
  return ((Fts3Cursor *)pCursor)->isEof;

** This is the xRowid method. The SQLite core calls this routine to
** retrieve the rowid for the current row of the result set. fts3
** exposes %_content.docid as the rowid for the virtual table. The
** rowid should be written to *pRowid.
static int fts3RowidMethod(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, sqlite_int64 *pRowid){
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr = (Fts3Cursor *) pCursor;
  if( pCsr->aDoclist ){
    *pRowid = pCsr->iPrevId;
    /* This branch runs if the query is implemented using a full-table scan
    ** (not using the full-text index). In this case grab the rowid from the
    ** SELECT statement.
    assert( pCsr->isRequireSeek==0 );
    *pRowid = sqlite3_column_int64(pCsr->pStmt, 0);
  return SQLITE_OK;

** This is the xColumn method, called by SQLite to request a value from
** the row that the supplied cursor currently points to.
static int fts3ColumnMethod(
  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor,   /* Cursor to retrieve value from */
  sqlite3_context *pContext,      /* Context for sqlite3_result_xxx() calls */
  int iCol                        /* Index of column to read value from */
  int rc;                         /* Return Code */
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr = (Fts3Cursor *) pCursor;
  Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pCursor->pVtab;

  /* The column value supplied by SQLite must be in range. */
  assert( iCol>=0 && iCol<=p->nColumn+1 );

  if( iCol==p->nColumn+1 ){
    /* This call is a request for the "docid" column. Since "docid" is an 
    ** alias for "rowid", use the xRowid() method to obtain the value.
    sqlite3_int64 iRowid;
    rc = fts3RowidMethod(pCursor, &iRowid);
    sqlite3_result_int64(pContext, iRowid);
  }else if( iCol==p->nColumn ){
    /* The extra column whose name is the same as the table.
    ** Return a blob which is a pointer to the cursor.
    sqlite3_result_blob(pContext, &pCsr, sizeof(pCsr), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
    rc = SQLITE_OK;
    rc = fts3CursorSeek(0, pCsr);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      sqlite3_result_value(pContext, sqlite3_column_value(pCsr->pStmt, iCol+1));
  return rc;

** This function is the implementation of the xUpdate callback used by 
** FTS3 virtual tables. It is invoked by SQLite each time a row is to be
** inserted, updated or deleted.
static int fts3UpdateMethod(
  sqlite3_vtab *pVtab,            /* Virtual table handle */
  int nArg,                       /* Size of argument array */
  sqlite3_value **apVal,          /* Array of arguments */
  sqlite_int64 *pRowid            /* OUT: The affected (or effected) rowid */
  return sqlite3Fts3UpdateMethod(pVtab, nArg, apVal, pRowid);

** Implementation of xSync() method. Flush the contents of the pending-terms
** hash-table to the database.
static int fts3SyncMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
  int rc = sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsFlush((Fts3Table *)pVtab);
  sqlite3Fts3SegmentsClose((Fts3Table *)pVtab);
  return rc;

** Implementation of xBegin() method. This is a no-op.
static int fts3BeginMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
  assert( ((Fts3Table *)pVtab)->nPendingData==0 );
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Implementation of xCommit() method. This is a no-op. The contents of
** the pending-terms hash-table have already been flushed into the database
** by fts3SyncMethod().
static int fts3CommitMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
  assert( ((Fts3Table *)pVtab)->nPendingData==0 );
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Implementation of xRollback(). Discard the contents of the pending-terms
** hash-table. Any changes made to the database are reverted by SQLite.
static int fts3RollbackMethod(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
  sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsClear((Fts3Table *)pVtab);
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Load the doclist associated with expression pExpr to pExpr->aDoclist.
** The loaded doclist contains positions as well as the document ids.
** This is used by the matchinfo(), snippet() and offsets() auxillary
** functions.
int sqlite3Fts3ExprLoadDoclist(Fts3Cursor *pCsr, Fts3Expr *pExpr){
  int rc;
  assert( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE && pExpr->pPhrase );
  assert( pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_NEXT );
  rc = fts3EvalExpr(pCsr, pExpr, &pExpr->aDoclist, &pExpr->nDoclist, 1);
  return rc;

int sqlite3Fts3ExprLoadFtDoclist(
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr, 
  Fts3Expr *pExpr,
  char **paDoclist,
  int *pnDoclist
  int rc;
  assert( pCsr->eEvalmode==FTS3_EVAL_NEXT );
  assert( pExpr->eType==FTSQUERY_PHRASE && pExpr->pPhrase );
  pCsr->eEvalmode = FTS3_EVAL_MATCHINFO;
  rc = fts3EvalExpr(pCsr, pExpr, paDoclist, pnDoclist, 1);
  pCsr->eEvalmode = FTS3_EVAL_NEXT;
  return rc;

** After ExprLoadDoclist() (see above) has been called, this function is
** used to iterate/search through the position lists that make up the doclist
** stored in pExpr->aDoclist.
char *sqlite3Fts3FindPositions(
  Fts3Expr *pExpr,                /* Access this expressions doclist */
  sqlite3_int64 iDocid,           /* Docid associated with requested pos-list */
  int iCol                        /* Column of requested pos-list */
  assert( pExpr->isLoaded );
  if( pExpr->aDoclist ){
    char *pEnd = &pExpr->aDoclist[pExpr->nDoclist];
    char *pCsr = pExpr->pCurrent;

    assert( pCsr );
    while( pCsr<pEnd ){
      if( pExpr->iCurrent<iDocid ){
        fts3PoslistCopy(0, &pCsr);
        if( pCsr<pEnd ){
          fts3GetDeltaVarint(&pCsr, &pExpr->iCurrent);
        pExpr->pCurrent = pCsr;
        if( pExpr->iCurrent==iDocid ){
          int iThis = 0;
          if( iCol<0 ){
            /* If iCol is negative, return a pointer to the start of the
            ** position-list (instead of a pointer to the start of a list
            ** of offsets associated with a specific column).
            return pCsr;
          while( iThis<iCol ){
            fts3ColumnlistCopy(0, &pCsr);
            if( *pCsr==0x00 ) return 0;
            pCsr += sqlite3Fts3GetVarint32(pCsr, &iThis);
          if( iCol==iThis && (*pCsr&0xFE) ) return pCsr;
        return 0;

  return 0;

** Helper function used by the implementation of the overloaded snippet(),
** offsets() and optimize() SQL functions.
** If the value passed as the third argument is a blob of size
** sizeof(Fts3Cursor*), then the blob contents are copied to the 
** output variable *ppCsr and SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise, an error
** message is written to context pContext and SQLITE_ERROR returned. The
** string passed via zFunc is used as part of the error message.
static int fts3FunctionArg(
  sqlite3_context *pContext,      /* SQL function call context */
  const char *zFunc,              /* Function name */
  sqlite3_value *pVal,            /* argv[0] passed to function */
  Fts3Cursor **ppCsr              /* OUT: Store cursor handle here */
  Fts3Cursor *pRet;
  if( sqlite3_value_type(pVal)!=SQLITE_BLOB 
   || sqlite3_value_bytes(pVal)!=sizeof(Fts3Cursor *)
    char *zErr = sqlite3_mprintf("illegal first argument to %s", zFunc);
    sqlite3_result_error(pContext, zErr, -1);
    return SQLITE_ERROR;
  memcpy(&pRet, sqlite3_value_blob(pVal), sizeof(Fts3Cursor *));
  *ppCsr = pRet;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Implementation of the snippet() function for FTS3
static void fts3SnippetFunc(
  sqlite3_context *pContext,      /* SQLite function call context */
  int nVal,                       /* Size of apVal[] array */
  sqlite3_value **apVal           /* Array of arguments */
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr;               /* Cursor handle passed through apVal[0] */
  const char *zStart = "<b>";
  const char *zEnd = "</b>";
  const char *zEllipsis = "<b>...</b>";
  int iCol = -1;
  int nToken = 15;                /* Default number of tokens in snippet */

  /* There must be at least one argument passed to this function (otherwise
  ** the non-overloaded version would have been called instead of this one).
  assert( nVal>=1 );

  if( nVal>6 ){
        "wrong number of arguments to function snippet()", -1);
  if( fts3FunctionArg(pContext, "snippet", apVal[0], &pCsr) ) return;

  switch( nVal ){
    case 6: nToken = sqlite3_value_int(apVal[5]);
    case 5: iCol = sqlite3_value_int(apVal[4]);
    case 4: zEllipsis = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[3]);
    case 3: zEnd = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[2]);
    case 2: zStart = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[1]);
  if( !zEllipsis || !zEnd || !zStart ){
  }else if( SQLITE_OK==fts3CursorSeek(pContext, pCsr) ){
    sqlite3Fts3Snippet(pContext, pCsr, zStart, zEnd, zEllipsis, iCol, nToken);

** Implementation of the offsets() function for FTS3
static void fts3OffsetsFunc(
  sqlite3_context *pContext,      /* SQLite function call context */
  int nVal,                       /* Size of argument array */
  sqlite3_value **apVal           /* Array of arguments */
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr;               /* Cursor handle passed through apVal[0] */


  assert( nVal==1 );
  if( fts3FunctionArg(pContext, "offsets", apVal[0], &pCsr) ) return;
  assert( pCsr );
  if( SQLITE_OK==fts3CursorSeek(pContext, pCsr) ){
    sqlite3Fts3Offsets(pContext, pCsr);

** Implementation of the special optimize() function for FTS3. This 
** function merges all segments in the database to a single segment.
** Example usage is:
**   SELECT optimize(t) FROM t LIMIT 1;
** where 't' is the name of an FTS3 table.
static void fts3OptimizeFunc(
  sqlite3_context *pContext,      /* SQLite function call context */
  int nVal,                       /* Size of argument array */
  sqlite3_value **apVal           /* Array of arguments */
  int rc;                         /* Return code */
  Fts3Table *p;                   /* Virtual table handle */
  Fts3Cursor *pCursor;            /* Cursor handle passed through apVal[0] */


  assert( nVal==1 );
  if( fts3FunctionArg(pContext, "optimize", apVal[0], &pCursor) ) return;
  p = (Fts3Table *)pCursor->base.pVtab;
  assert( p );

  rc = sqlite3Fts3Optimize(p);

  switch( rc ){
    case SQLITE_OK:
      sqlite3_result_text(pContext, "Index optimized", -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
    case SQLITE_DONE:
      sqlite3_result_text(pContext, "Index already optimal", -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
      sqlite3_result_error_code(pContext, rc);

** Implementation of the matchinfo() function for FTS3
static void fts3MatchinfoFunc(
  sqlite3_context *pContext,      /* SQLite function call context */
  int nVal,                       /* Size of argument array */
  sqlite3_value **apVal           /* Array of arguments */
  Fts3Cursor *pCsr;               /* Cursor handle passed through apVal[0] */
  assert( nVal==1 || nVal==2 );
  if( SQLITE_OK==fts3FunctionArg(pContext, "matchinfo", apVal[0], &pCsr) ){
    const char *zArg = 0;
    if( nVal>1 ){
      zArg = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[1]);
    sqlite3Fts3Matchinfo(pContext, pCsr, zArg);

** This routine implements the xFindFunction method for the FTS3
** virtual table.
static int fts3FindFunctionMethod(
  sqlite3_vtab *pVtab,            /* Virtual table handle */
  int nArg,                       /* Number of SQL function arguments */
  const char *zName,              /* Name of SQL function */
  void (**pxFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), /* OUT: Result */
  void **ppArg                    /* Unused */
  struct Overloaded {
    const char *zName;
    void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**);
  } aOverload[] = {
    { "snippet", fts3SnippetFunc },
    { "offsets", fts3OffsetsFunc },
    { "optimize", fts3OptimizeFunc },
    { "matchinfo", fts3MatchinfoFunc },
  int i;                          /* Iterator variable */


  for(i=0; i<SizeofArray(aOverload); i++){
    if( strcmp(zName, aOverload[i].zName)==0 ){
      *pxFunc = aOverload[i].xFunc;
      return 1;

  /* No function of the specified name was found. Return 0. */
  return 0;

** Implementation of FTS3 xRename method. Rename an fts3 table.
static int fts3RenameMethod(
  sqlite3_vtab *pVtab,            /* Virtual table handle */
  const char *zName               /* New name of table */
  Fts3Table *p = (Fts3Table *)pVtab;
  sqlite3 *db = p->db;            /* Database connection */
  int rc;                         /* Return Code */

  rc = sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsFlush(p);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  fts3DbExec(&rc, db,
    "ALTER TABLE %Q.'%q_content'  RENAME TO '%q_content';",
    p->zDb, p->zName, zName
  if( p->bHasDocsize ){
    fts3DbExec(&rc, db,
      "ALTER TABLE %Q.'%q_docsize'  RENAME TO '%q_docsize';",
      p->zDb, p->zName, zName
  if( p->bHasStat ){
    fts3DbExec(&rc, db,
      "ALTER TABLE %Q.'%q_stat'  RENAME TO '%q_stat';",
      p->zDb, p->zName, zName
  fts3DbExec(&rc, db,
    "ALTER TABLE %Q.'%q_segments' RENAME TO '%q_segments';",
    p->zDb, p->zName, zName
  fts3DbExec(&rc, db,
    "ALTER TABLE %Q.'%q_segdir'   RENAME TO '%q_segdir';",
    p->zDb, p->zName, zName
  return rc;

static const sqlite3_module fts3Module = {
  /* iVersion      */ 0,
  /* xCreate       */ fts3CreateMethod,
  /* xConnect      */ fts3ConnectMethod,
  /* xBestIndex    */ fts3BestIndexMethod,
  /* xDisconnect   */ fts3DisconnectMethod,
  /* xDestroy      */ fts3DestroyMethod,
  /* xOpen         */ fts3OpenMethod,
  /* xClose        */ fts3CloseMethod,
  /* xFilter       */ fts3FilterMethod,
  /* xNext         */ fts3NextMethod,
  /* xEof          */ fts3EofMethod,
  /* xColumn       */ fts3ColumnMethod,
  /* xRowid        */ fts3RowidMethod,
  /* xUpdate       */ fts3UpdateMethod,
  /* xBegin        */ fts3BeginMethod,
  /* xSync         */ fts3SyncMethod,
  /* xCommit       */ fts3CommitMethod,
  /* xRollback     */ fts3RollbackMethod,
  /* xFindFunction */ fts3FindFunctionMethod,
  /* xRename */       fts3RenameMethod,

** This function is registered as the module destructor (called when an
** FTS3 enabled database connection is closed). It frees the memory
** allocated for the tokenizer hash table.
static void hashDestroy(void *p){
  Fts3Hash *pHash = (Fts3Hash *)p;

** The fts3 built-in tokenizers - "simple", "porter" and "icu"- are 
** implemented in files fts3_tokenizer1.c, fts3_porter.c and fts3_icu.c
** respectively. The following three forward declarations are for functions
** declared in these files used to retrieve the respective implementations.
** Calling sqlite3Fts3SimpleTokenizerModule() sets the value pointed
** to by the argument to point to the "simple" tokenizer implementation.
** And so on.
void sqlite3Fts3SimpleTokenizerModule(sqlite3_tokenizer_module const**ppModule);
void sqlite3Fts3PorterTokenizerModule(sqlite3_tokenizer_module const**ppModule);
void sqlite3Fts3IcuTokenizerModule(sqlite3_tokenizer_module const**ppModule);

** Initialise the fts3 extension. If this extension is built as part
** of the sqlite library, then this function is called directly by
** SQLite. If fts3 is built as a dynamically loadable extension, this
** function is called by the sqlite3_extension_init() entry point.
int sqlite3Fts3Init(sqlite3 *db){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  Fts3Hash *pHash = 0;
  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pSimple = 0;
  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pPorter = 0;

  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pIcu = 0;


  /* Allocate and initialise the hash-table used to store tokenizers. */
  pHash = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Fts3Hash));
  if( !pHash ){
    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
    sqlite3Fts3HashInit(pHash, FTS3_HASH_STRING, 1);

  /* Load the built-in tokenizers into the hash table */
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    if( sqlite3Fts3HashInsert(pHash, "simple", 7, (void *)pSimple)
     || sqlite3Fts3HashInsert(pHash, "porter", 7, (void *)pPorter) 
     || (pIcu && sqlite3Fts3HashInsert(pHash, "icu", 4, (void *)pIcu))
      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;

  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    rc = sqlite3Fts3ExprInitTestInterface(db);

  /* Create the virtual table wrapper around the hash-table and overload 
  ** the two scalar functions. If this is successful, register the
  ** module with sqlite.
  if( SQLITE_OK==rc 
   && SQLITE_OK==(rc = sqlite3Fts3InitHashTable(db, pHash, "fts3_tokenizer"))
   && SQLITE_OK==(rc = sqlite3_overload_function(db, "snippet", -1))
   && SQLITE_OK==(rc = sqlite3_overload_function(db, "offsets", 1))
   && SQLITE_OK==(rc = sqlite3_overload_function(db, "matchinfo", 1))
   && SQLITE_OK==(rc = sqlite3_overload_function(db, "matchinfo", 2))
   && SQLITE_OK==(rc = sqlite3_overload_function(db, "optimize", 1))
    rc = sqlite3_create_module_v2(
        db, "fts3", &fts3Module, (void *)pHash, hashDestroy
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = sqlite3_create_module_v2(
          db, "fts4", &fts3Module, (void *)pHash, 0
    return rc;

  /* An error has occurred. Delete the hash table and return the error code. */
  assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
  if( pHash ){
  return rc;

int sqlite3_extension_init(
  sqlite3 *db, 
  char **pzErrMsg,
  const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi
  return sqlite3Fts3Init(db);
