
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 25ea81a3e454875044bbb0b9bbaec546ed1c1474:

# prologue.eagle --
# Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine (Eagle)
# Test Prologue File
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Joe Mistachkin.  All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: $

if {![info exists no([file tail [info script]])]} then {
  if {[info level] > 0} then {
    error "cannot run, current level is not global"

  # NOTE: Make sure all the variables used by this prologue are unset.
  unset -nocomplain expr pkg_dir pattern dummy directory name value \
      exec encoding host memory stack drive server database timeout \
      user password percent checkout timeStamp loaded

  # NOTE: Remove any stale test suite error messages from prior runs.
  unset -nocomplain test_suite_errors

  # NOTE: Indicate that the test suite is currently running.
  if {![info exists test_suite_running] || !$test_suite_running} then {
    set test_suite_running true

  # NOTE: Set the location of the test suite package, if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_all_path]} then {
    set test_all_path [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]

  # NOTE: Set the location of the primary test suite file, if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_suite_file]} then {
    set test_suite_file [file normalize [info script]]

  # NOTE: Set the location of the test suite, if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_path]} then {
    # NOTE: Build a reusable expression that can be used to verify the
    #       candidate paths.  This is done to avoid duplication of this
    #       (quite complex) expression several times (just below).
    set expr {![info exists test_path] || ![file exists $test_path] || \
        ![file isdirectory $test_path] || ([llength [info commands \
        glob]] > 0 && [llength [glob -directory $test_path -types {f r} \
        -nocomplain -- *]] == 0)}

    # NOTE: Search for the "Library/Tests" -OR- "Tests" sub-directories
    #       within the sub-directory one level up and then two levels up
    #       from the sub-directory containing the "all.eagle" file from
    #       the test suite package.
    set test_path [file normalize \
        [file join [file dirname $test_all_path] Library Tests]]

    if {[expr $expr]} then {
      set test_path [file normalize \
          [file join [file dirname [file dirname $test_all_path]] \
          Library Tests]]

    if {[expr $expr]} then {
      set test_path [file normalize \
          [file join [file dirname $test_all_path] Tests]]

    if {[expr $expr]} then {
      set test_path [file normalize \
          [file join [file dirname [file dirname $test_all_path]] \

    unset expr

  # NOTE: Set the location of the home directory for the current
  #       user.
  if {![info exists test_home_path]} then {
    set test_home_path [file normalize ~]

  # NOTE: Set the location of the test suite data, if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_data_path]} then {
    set test_data_path [file join $test_path data]

  # NOTE: Set the location of the base Eagle directory, if
  #       necessary.
  if {![info exists base_path]} then {
    # NOTE: Start out going up one level and check for a "lib"
    #       sub-directory.  If not found, go up another level
    #       because we will always be two levels down from the
    #       base directory when running inside the source tree.
    set base_path [file normalize [file dirname $test_path]]

    # HACK: We must verify that the "init.eagle" file can eventually
    #       be found under the "lib" directory since Visual Studio
    #       insists on creating a superfluous (and empty) "lib\Eagle1.0"
    #       sub-directory inside of the "Library" project directory
    #       simply due to the links contained in the project file that
    #       actually point to the "lib\Eagle1.0" sub-directory under the
    #       solution directory.
    # WARNING: The Eagle package name and version are hard-coded here.
    set pkg_dir Eagle1.0; # TODO: Change me.

    if {![file exists [file join $base_path lib]] || \
        ![file isdirectory [file join $base_path lib]] || \
        ![file exists [file join $base_path lib $pkg_dir]] || \
        ![file isdirectory [file join $base_path lib $pkg_dir]] || \
        ![file exists [file join $base_path lib $pkg_dir init.eagle]] || \
        ![file isfile [file join $base_path lib $pkg_dir init.eagle]]} then {
      # NOTE: We do not bother to check if the "lib" sub-directory actually
      #       exists as a child of this one.  This is the previous (legacy)
      #       behavior (i.e. where we always went up two levels to the base
      #       directory).
      set base_path [file dirname $base_path]

    unset pkg_dir


  # NOTE: Set the location of the Eagle main strong name keys directory,
  #       if necessary.
  if {![info exists key_path]} then {
    # NOTE: Normally, there should be a "Keys" sub-directory just within
    #       the base directory.
    set key_path [file join $base_path Keys]


  # NOTE: Set the executable file name for the process, if
  #       necessary.
  if {![info exists bin_file]} then {
    set bin_file [info nameofexecutable]

  # NOTE: Set the location of the directory containing the
  #       executable file for the process, if necessary.
  if {![info exists bin_path]} then {
    set bin_path [file normalize [file dirname $bin_file]]

  # NOTE: Set the location of the [non-script] library directory
  #       (i.e. the directory where the plugins are located), if
  #       necessary.  This variant is based on where the process
  #       executable is located.
  if {![info exists lib_path]} then {
    # NOTE: This should go one directory up from the directory
    #       containing the executable file for the process (e.g.
    #       the shell) and then into the "lib" directory just
    #       beneath that.
    set lib_path [file normalize [file join [file dirname $bin_path] lib]]

  # NOTE: Set the location of the Eagle core library -OR- Tcl core
  #       library file is located.  This may be different than the
  #       location of the (shell?) executable file.
  if {![info exists core_bin_path]} then {
    # NOTE: Attempt to obtain the information for the Eagle core
    #       library assembly.  This will not work for native Tcl.
    if {[catch {info assembly} bin_dir] == 0} then {
      # NOTE: Grab the directory for the core library assembly.
      set core_bin_path [file dirname [lindex $bin_dir end]]
    } else {
      # NOTE: This is native Tcl.  There is no way to query the
      #       path for the Tcl core library itself (e.g. "tcl*.dll",
      #       "libtcl*.so", etc); however, using [info library] is
      #       close enough.
      set core_bin_path [file dirname [info library]]

    unset bin_dir

  # NOTE: Set the location of the [non-script] library directory
  #       (i.e. the directory where the plugins are located), if
  #       necessary.  This variant is based on where the Eagle
  #       core library -OR- Tcl core library file is located.
  if {![info exists core_lib_path]} then {
    # NOTE: Start with the directory for the core library assembly.
    set core_lib_path $core_bin_path

    # NOTE: Perform a check for the .NET Core output directories
    #       (e.g. "netcoreapp2.0", etc), which must be removed
    #       if present, prior to further checks.
    if {![info exists no(dotNetCoreLibPath)] && \
        [string match net* [file tail $core_lib_path]]} then {
      # NOTE: Remove the .NET Core output directory name.
      set core_lib_path [file dirname $core_lib_path]

    # NOTE: Go up one level, to remove the "bin" directory and
    #       then append the "lib" directory.  This gives us the
    #       final path we need.
    set core_lib_path [file normalize \
        [file join [file dirname $core_lib_path] lib]]

  # NOTE: Set the web host to test against, if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_host]} then {
    set test_host

  # NOTE: Set the port to use for server sockets, if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_port]} then {
    set test_port 12346; # IANA, 12346-12752 Unassigned

  # NOTE: Set the network timeout, if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_timeout]} then {
    set test_timeout 2000; # in milliseconds.

  # NOTE: Set the channel to use for test output, if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_channel]} then {
    set test_channel stdout

  # NOTE: Set the primary package path, if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_package_path]} then {
    set test_package_path [file join $base_path lib]

  # NOTE: Make sure our primary package path is part of the auto-path.
  if {[info exists auto_path] && \
      [lsearch -exact $auto_path $test_package_path] == -1} then {
    lappend auto_path $test_package_path

  # NOTE: Make sure the test suite package is part of the auto-path.
  if {[info exists auto_path] && \
      [lsearch -exact $auto_path $test_all_path] == -1} then {
    lappend auto_path $test_all_path

  # NOTE: Make sure the test suite is part of the auto-path.  This is
  #       now done for legacy compatibility only.
  if {[info exists auto_path] && \
      [lsearch -exact $auto_path $test_path] == -1} then {
    lappend auto_path $test_path


  # NOTE: Check for and load the Eagle library package, if necessary.
  if {[catch {package present Eagle.Library}]} then {
    package require Eagle.Library

  # NOTE: Check for and load the Eagle test package, if necessary.
  if {[catch {package present Eagle.Test}]} then {
    package require Eagle.Test

  # NOTE: Check for and load the Eagle test constraints package, if
  #       necessary.
  if {[catch {package present Eagle.Test.Constraints}]} then {
    package require Eagle.Test.Constraints


  # NOTE: *SPECIAL* This test constraint must be checked first as it can
  #       determine if subsequent ones will emit warnings.  This is only
  #       applicable to Eagle.  This block requires the "Eagle.Test" and
  #       "Eagle.Test.Constraints" packages.
  if {[isEagle]} then {
    # NOTE: Has quiet testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(preQuiet)]} then {
      # NOTE: There are checks for the "quiet" test constraint prior to
      #       the real test constraints being initialized.  Prepare for
      #       those checks now.  This will have to be repeated later,
      #       after the real test constraints are initialized.
      checkForQuiet $test_channel true


  # NOTE: Verify that the current call frame is correct and that the
  #       interpreter call stack has not been imbalanced by previous
  #       tests or other errors.  This check only applies to Eagle.
  #       This block requires the "Eagle.Library" package.
  if {[isEagle] && [llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
    # NOTE: Check the name of the current call frame against the one
    #       that should be used for evaluating this script file.
    if {[object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
            Interpreter.GetActive.CurrentFrame Name] ne \
        [list source [file normalize [info script]]]} then {
      unset -nocomplain test_suite_running
      error "cannot run prologue, current frame not for this script"

    # NOTE: Attempt to determine if the this script file being run as
    #       part of the overall test suite script file itself.  If not,
    #       issue a warning about the inability to detect "leaks" from
    #       the tests.
    if {[lsearch -glob -index 0 -- [object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
            Interpreter.GetActive ScriptLocations.ToString] \
            {*[/\]all.eagle}] == -1} then {
      # NOTE: Check if the warning should actually be emitted.  If this
      #       warning has specifically been disabled or we are in quiet
      #       mode, do nothing.
      if {![info exists no(warningForAllEagle)] && \
          ![haveConstraint quiet]} then {
        tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
            "==== WARNING: tests are not being run via suite script file " \
            "\"all.eagle\", resource leaks will probably not be reported.\n"]


  # NOTE: Set the local root directory of the source checkout (i.e. of Eagle
  #       or whatever project the Eagle binaries are being used by) using a
  #       Fossil binary in the PATH, if available.  This block now requires
  #       the "Eagle.Test.Constraints" package.
  if {![info exists root_path]} then {
    # NOTE: Is the use of Fossil by the test suite allowed?
    if {[canExecFossil]} then {
      set pattern {^local-root:\s+(.*?)$}

      if {[catch {exec -- fossil info} exec] || \
          ![regexp -line -- $pattern $exec dummy directory]} then {
        # NOTE: We could not query local root directory of the source
        #       checkout from Fossil; therefore, attempt to make an
        #       educated guess.  This value will probably be wrong for
        #       any project(s) other than Eagle.  In that case, this
        #       value should be overridden by that project to reflect
        #       the actual local root directory of the source checkout
        #       for that project.
        set root_path $base_path
      } else {
        # NOTE: We extracted the local root directory of the source
        #       checkout from Fossil.  Now, make sure it is fully
        #       normalized and has no trailing slashes.  Also, make
        #       sure and remove any trailing newline "just in case"
        #       the regular expression engine included it.
        set root_path [file normalize [string trim $directory]]

      unset -nocomplain directory dummy exec pattern
    } else {
      # NOTE: Use of Fossil by the test suite is forbidden.  Fallback
      #       to using the base path.
      set root_path $base_path


  # NOTE: If command line arguments were supplied, process them now.
  set test_flags(-suite) ""; # test suite name, default to empty.
  set test_flags(-machine) ""; # machine architecture, default to empty.
  set test_flags(-platform) ""; # build platform, default to empty.
  set test_flags(-configuration) ""; # build configuration, default to empty.
  set test_flags(-namePrefix) ""; # test name prefix, default to empty.
  set test_flags(-suffix) ""; # build suffix, default to empty.
  set test_flags(-file) [list *.eagle]; # default to running all test files.
  set test_flags(-notFile) [list l.*.eagle]; # COMPAT: Tcl.
  set test_flags(-startFile) [list]; # start running at these test files.
  set test_flags(-stopFile) [list]; # stop running after these test files.
  set test_flags(-match) [list *]; # default to running all tests.
  set test_flags(-skip) [list]; # default to skipping no tests.
  set test_flags(-constraints) [list]; # default to no manual constraints.
  set test_flags(-verbose) ""; # default to pass, body, skip, start, error.
  set test_flags(-logPath) ""; # default to using standard log file path.
  set test_flags(-logId) ""; # default to using no log identifier.
  set test_flags(-logFile) ""; # default to using standard log file naming.
  set test_flags(-threshold) ""; # default to requiring all tests to pass.
  set test_flags(-randomOrder) ""; # default to deterministic order.
  set test_flags(-uncountedLeaks) ""; # use defaults for uncounted resources.
  set test_flags(-breakOnLeak) ""; # default to continue on leak.
  set test_flags(-stopOnFailure) ""; # default to continue on failure.
  set test_flags(-stopOnLeak) ""; # default to continue on leak.
  set test_flags(-exitOnComplete) ""; # default to not exit after complete.
  set test_flags(-preTest) ""; # default to not evaluating anything.
  set test_flags(-postTest) ""; # default to not evaluating anything.
  set test_flags(-preWait) ""; # default to not waiting.
  set test_flags(-postWait) ""; # default to not waiting.
  set test_flags(-tclsh) ""; # Tcl shell, default to empty.
  set test_flags(-bad) [list]; # these are the unrecognized arguments.
  set test_flags(-no) [list]; # default to not having any restrictions.

  # NOTE: Check for and process any command line arguments.
  if {[info exists argv]} then {
    set test_flags(-bad) [eval processTestArguments test_flags false $argv]

    if {[info exists test_flags(-no)] && \
        [string length $test_flags(-no)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Set the test run restrictions based on the provided command line
      #       argument value (which is assumed to be a "dictionary-style" list
      #       containing name/value pairs to add to the global "no" array).
      foreach {name value} $test_flags(-no) {
        set no($name) $value

      unset -nocomplain name value

    if {[info exists test_flags(-logPath)] && \
        [string length $test_flags(-logPath)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Set the log path to the one provided by the command line.
      set test_log_path $test_flags(-logPath)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-logId)] && \
        [string length $test_flags(-logId)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Set the log identifier to the one provided by the command line.
      set test_log_id $test_flags(-logId)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-logFile)] && \
        [string length $test_flags(-logFile)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Set the log file name to the one provided by the command line.
      set test_log $test_flags(-logFile)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-threshold)] && \
        [string is integer -strict $test_flags(-threshold)]} then {
      # NOTE: Set the test pass threshold to the one provided by the command
      #       line.
      set test_threshold $test_flags(-threshold)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-randomOrder)] && \
        [string is boolean -strict $test_flags(-randomOrder)]} then {
      # NOTE: Set the test random-order flag to the one provided by the
      #       command line.
      set test_random_order $test_flags(-randomOrder)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-uncountedLeaks)] && \
        [string length $test_flags(-uncountedLeaks)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Set the test uncounted leaks "list" to the one provided by
      #       the command line.  We should probably use [string is list]
      #       here; however, that is not available until native Tcl 8.5.
      set test_uncounted_leaks $test_flags(-uncountedLeaks)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-breakOnLeak)] && \
        [string is boolean -strict $test_flags(-breakOnLeak)]} then {
      # NOTE: Set the test break-on-leak flag to the one provided by the
      #       command line.
      set test_break_on_leak $test_flags(-breakOnLeak)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-stopOnFailure)] && \
        [string is boolean -strict $test_flags(-stopOnFailure)]} then {
      # NOTE: Set the test stop-on-failure flag to the one provided by the
      #       command line.
      set test_stop_on_failure $test_flags(-stopOnFailure)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-stopOnLeak)] && \
        [string is boolean -strict $test_flags(-stopOnLeak)]} then {
      # NOTE: Set the test stop-on-leak flag to the one provided by the
      #       command line.
      set test_stop_on_leak $test_flags(-stopOnLeak)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-exitOnComplete)] && \
        [string is boolean -strict $test_flags(-exitOnComplete)]} then {
      # NOTE: Set the test exit-on-complete flag to the one provided by the
      #       command line.
      set test_exit_on_complete $test_flags(-exitOnComplete)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-preTest)] && \
        [string length $test_flags(-preTest)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Set the pre-test script to the one provided by the command line.
      set test_script(pre) $test_flags(-preTest)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-postTest)] && \
        [string length $test_flags(-postTest)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Set the pre-test script to the one provided by the command line.
      set test_script(post) $test_flags(-postTest)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-preWait)] && \
        [string is integer -strict $test_flags(-preWait)]} then {
      # NOTE: Set the specified wait (in milliseconds) before each file.
      set test_wait(pre) $test_flags(-preWait)

    if {[info exists test_flags(-postWait)] && \
        [string is integer -strict $test_flags(-postWait)]} then {
      # NOTE: Set the specified wait (in milliseconds) after each file.
      set test_wait(post) $test_flags(-postWait)

  # NOTE: Set the default test suite name, if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_suite]} then {
    set test_suite [getTestSuite]

  # NOTE: Set the default test machine (e.g. amd64, intel, etc), if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_machine]} then {
    set test_machine [getTestMachine]

  # NOTE: Set the default test platform (e.g. x86, x64, etc), if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_platform]} then {
    set test_platform [getTestPlatform]

  # NOTE: Set the default test configuration (i.e. Debug or Release), if
  #       necessary.
  if {![info exists test_configuration]} then {
    set test_configuration [getPlatformInfo configuration Release]

  # NOTE: Set the name prefix used for some tests, if necessary.
  if {![info exists test_name_prefix]} then {
    set test_name_prefix ""

  # NOTE: Has automatic log file naming been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(logFileName)]} then {
    # NOTE: Set the log to use for test output, if necessary.
    if {![info exists test_log]} then {
      set test_log [getDefaultTestLog]


  # NOTE: Has native Tcl shell detection and use been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(tclsh)]} then {
    # NOTE: By default, disable verbose output when using the native
    #       Tcl shell within the test suite.
    if {![info exists test_tclsh_verbose]} then {
      set test_tclsh_verbose 0

    # NOTE: Set the Tcl shell executable to use for those specialized
    #       tests that may require it, if necessary.
    if {![info exists test_tclsh]} then {
      # NOTE: When running in Eagle, more complex logic is required to
      #       determine the native Tcl shell to use for the various tests
      #       that require it.  Also, this same logic is used with Tcl
      #       when it is not running from an instance of the Tcl shell
      #       executable.
      if {[isEagle] || ![string match tclsh* $bin_file]} then {
        if {[info exists test_flags(-tclsh)] && \
            [string length $test_flags(-tclsh)] > 0} then {
          # NOTE: Use the native Tcl shell specified via the command line.
          set test_tclsh $test_flags(-tclsh)
        } else {
          if {[canExecTclShell] && \
              ![info exists no(getTclShellFileName)]} then {
            # NOTE: Attempt to automatically select the native Tcl shell
            #       to use.
            if {![info exists no(warningForTclShell)] && \
                ![info exists no(automaticTclShell)] && \
                ![haveConstraint quiet]} then {
              tputs $test_channel \
                  "==== WARNING: attempting automatic Tcl shell selection...\n"

            set test_tclsh [getTclShellFileName \
                [expr {![info exists no(automaticTclShell)]}] \
                [expr {![info exists no(tclKit)]}] \
                [expr {[info exists test_machine] ? $test_machine : ""}]]
          } else {
            # NOTE: Skip detection and use the fallback default.
            set test_tclsh tclsh
      } else {
        set test_tclsh $bin_file

  # NOTE: When running in Eagle, check for any non-core plugins loaded into
  #       the interpreter and issue warnings if any are found.  The warning
  #       may be used to explain subsequent test failures due to the extra
  #       plugins being loaded (i.e. there are some tests are sensitive to
  #       having "unexpected" plugins loaded).
  if {[isEagle] && \
      ![info exists no(warningForPlugin)] && \
      ![haveConstraint quiet]} then {
    foreach loaded [info loaded] {
      # HACK: This code assumes that all plugins in the "Eagle._Plugins"
      #       namespace belong to the Eagle core library itself.
      if {![string match Eagle._Plugins.* [lindex $loaded 1]]} then {
        tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
            "==== WARNING: extra plugin found: " $loaded \n]

    unset -nocomplain loaded

  # NOTE: Show both the pre-test and post-test scripts now, prior to actually
  #       evaluating either of them (even if their use has been disabled).
  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- pre-test script: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_script(pre)] && \
      [string length $test_script(pre)] > 0 ? \
      [appendArgs \" $test_script(pre) \"] : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- post-test script: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_script(post)] && \
      [string length $test_script(post)] > 0 ? \
      [appendArgs \" $test_script(post) \"] : "<none>"}] \n]

  # NOTE: Show both the pre-test and post-test waits now, prior to actually
  #       using either of them (even if their use has been disabled).
  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- pre-test wait: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_wait(pre)] && \
      [string is integer -strict $test_wait(pre)] ? \
      [appendArgs $test_wait(pre) " milliseconds"] : \
      "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- post-test wait: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_wait(post)] && \
      [string is integer -strict $test_wait(post)] ? \
      [appendArgs $test_wait(post) " milliseconds"] : \
      "<none>"}] \n]

  # NOTE: Are we being prevented from evaluating the "pre-test" script?
  if {![info exists no(preTest)]} then {
    # NOTE: Evaluate the specified pre-test script now, if any.
    if {[info exists test_script(pre)] && \
        [string length $test_script(pre)] > 0} then {
      # TODO: Perhaps use [uplevel] here instead of [eval].  For now, it does
      #       not matter since we enforce this file being evaluated at the
      #       top-level.
      if {[catch $test_script(pre) test_script(pre,result)]} then {
        # NOTE: Make 100% sure, even in "quiet" mode, that this script error
        #       gets into the test log file.
        tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- pre-test script error: " \
            $test_script(pre,result) \n]

        # NOTE: The pre-test script failed in some way.  This is considered
        #       to be an overall failure of the test suite; therefore, raise
        #       the error now that we are sure it has been recorded in the
        #       test log file.
        unset -nocomplain test_suite_running
        error $test_script(pre,result)

  # NOTE: Check for and process any custom test prologue script that may be set
  #       in the environment.  This must be done after the Eagle test package
  #       has been made available and after the log file has been setup.
  sourceIfValid prologue [getEnvironmentVariable testPrologue]

  # NOTE: Show the name of the executable and the command line arguments, if
  #       any.  This must be done after the log file has been setup; otherwise,
  #       this information will not be visible in the log file.
  if {![info exists test_run_id]} then {
    set test_run_id [getNewTestRunId]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- testRunId: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_run_id] ? \
          $test_run_id : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- processId: " \
      [pid] \n]

  set ppid(0) [catch {info ppid} ppid(1)]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- parentProcessId: " \
      [expr {$ppid(0) == 0 ? \
          $ppid(1) : "<none>"}] \n]

  unset ppid

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- test suite: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_suite] ? \
          $test_suite : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- test channel: " \
      $test_channel \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- test machine: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_machine] ? \
          $test_machine : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- test platform: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_platform] ? \
          $test_platform : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- test configuration: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_configuration] ? \
          $test_configuration : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- test name prefix: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_name_prefix] ? \
          $test_name_prefix : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- test suffix: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_suffix] ? \
          $test_suffix : "<none>"}] \n]

  if {[isEagle]} then {
    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- original command line: " \
        [info cmdline] \n]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- threadId: " \
        [info tid] \n]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- processors: " \
        [info processors] \n]

    if {[llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
      set encoding(0) [catch {
        object invoke Console.InputEncoding WebName
      } encoding(1)]
    } else {
      set encoding(0) 0; set encoding(1) unavailable

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- input encoding: " \
        [expr {$encoding(0) == 0 ? $encoding(1) : "<none>"}] \n]

    if {[llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
      set encoding(0) [catch {
        object invoke Console.OutputEncoding WebName
      } encoding(1)]
    } else {
      set encoding(0) 0; set encoding(1) unavailable

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- output encoding: " \
        [expr {$encoding(0) == 0 ? $encoding(1) : "<none>"}] \n]

    unset encoding
    set host(0) [catch {host query} host(1)]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- host query: " \
        [formatListAsDict [expr {$host(0) == 0 ? $host(1) : ""}] \
        <none>] \n]

    unset host
    set memory(0) [catch {debug memory} memory(1)]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- starting memory: " \
        [formatListAsDict [expr {$memory(0) == 0 ? $memory(1) : ""}] \
        <none>] \n]

    unset memory
    set stack(0) [catch {debug stack true} stack(1)]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- starting stack: " \
        [formatListAsDict [expr {$stack(0) == 0 ? $stack(1) : ""}] \
        <none>] \n]

    unset stack
    set drive(0) [catch {file drive} drive(1)]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- system drive: " \
        [formatListAsDict [expr {$drive(0) == 0 ? $drive(1) : ""}] \
        <none>] \n]

    unset drive

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- executable: \"" \
      $bin_file \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- command line: " \
      [expr {[info exists argv] && [string length $argv] > 0 ? \
          $argv : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- unrecognized arguments: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_flags(-bad)] && \
          [string length $test_flags(-bad)] > 0 ? \
              $test_flags(-bad) : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- logging path: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_log_path] && \
          [string length $test_log_path] > 0 ? \
              [appendArgs \" $test_log_path \"] : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- logging identifier: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_log_id] && \
          [string length $test_log_id] > 0 ? \
              [appendArgs \" $test_log_id \"] : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- logging to: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_log] && [string length $test_log] > 0 ? \
          [appendArgs \" $test_log \"] : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- pass threshold: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_threshold] && \
          [string is integer -strict $test_threshold] ? \
              [appendArgs $test_threshold %] : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- random order: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_random_order] && \
          [string is boolean -strict $test_random_order] ? \
              $test_random_order : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- uncounted leaks: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_uncounted_leaks] && \
          [string length $test_uncounted_leaks] > 0 ? \
              $test_uncounted_leaks : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- break on leak: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_break_on_leak] && \
          [string is boolean -strict $test_break_on_leak] ? \
              $test_break_on_leak : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- stop on failure: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_stop_on_failure] && \
          [string is boolean -strict $test_stop_on_failure] ? \
              $test_stop_on_failure : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- stop on leak: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_stop_on_leak] && \
          [string is boolean -strict $test_stop_on_leak] ? \
              $test_stop_on_leak : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- exit on complete: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_exit_on_complete] && \
          [string is boolean -strict $test_exit_on_complete] ? \
              $test_exit_on_complete : "<none>"}] \n]

  # NOTE: Show the information about which tests and files are being run
  #       and/or skipped (COMPAT: Tcl).
  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- running test files that match: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_flags(-file)] && \
          [llength $test_flags(-file)] > 0 ? \
              $test_flags(-file) : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- skipping test files that match: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_flags(-notFile)] && \
          [llength $test_flags(-notFile)] > 0 ? \
              $test_flags(-notFile) : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- starting with test files that match: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_flags(-startFile)] && \
          [llength $test_flags(-startFile)] > 0 ? \
              $test_flags(-startFile) : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- stopping after test files that match: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_flags(-stopFile)] && \
          [llength $test_flags(-stopFile)] > 0 ? \
              $test_flags(-stopFile) : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- running tests that match: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_flags(-match)] && \
          [llength $test_flags(-match)] > 0 ? \
              $test_flags(-match) : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- skipping tests that match: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_flags(-skip)] && \
          [llength $test_flags(-skip)] > 0 ? \
              $test_flags(-skip) : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- verbosity level for tests: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_flags(-verbose)] && \
          [string length $test_flags(-verbose)] > 0 ? \
              $test_flags(-verbose) : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- path: " \
      [expr {[info exists path] && [string length $path] > 0 ? \
          [appendArgs \" $path \"] : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- base path: \"" \
      $base_path \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- key path: \"" \
      $key_path \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- root path: \"" \
      $root_path \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- binary path: \"" \
      $bin_path \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- library path: \"" \
      $lib_path \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- core binary path: \"" \
      $core_bin_path \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- core library path: \"" \
      $core_lib_path \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- test home path: \"" \
      $test_home_path \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- test suite files located in: \"" \
      $test_all_path \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- test script files located in: \"" \
      $test_path \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- test data files located in: \"" \
      $test_data_path \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- running in: \"" \
      [pwd] \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- temporary files stored in: \"" \
      [getTemporaryPath] \"\n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- native Tcl shell: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_tclsh] && [string length $test_tclsh] > 0 ? \
          [appendArgs \" $test_tclsh \"] : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- verbosity level for native Tcl shell: " [expr {[info exists \
          test_tclsh_verbose] && [string length $test_tclsh_verbose] > 0 ? \
          $test_tclsh_verbose : "<none>"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- disabled options: " \
      [formatList [lsort [array names no]] <none>] \n]

  # NOTE: Is the use of Fossil by the test suite allowed?
  if {[canExecFossil]} then {
    # NOTE: Get the source checkout and tags (i.e. of Eagle or whatever
    #       project the Eagle binaries are being used by) using a Fossil
    #       binary in the PATH, if available.
    if {[catch {exec -- fossil info} exec] == 0} then {
      set pattern {^checkout:\s+(.*?)$}

      if {[regexp -line -- $pattern $exec dummy checkout]} then {
        # NOTE: Remove any trailing newline.
        set checkout [string trim $checkout]
      } else {
        # NOTE: We could not query the source checkout from Fossil.
        set checkout <none>

      set pattern {^tags:\s+(.*?)$}

      if {[regexp -line -- $pattern $exec dummy tags]} then {
        # NOTE: Remove any trailing newline.
        set tags [string trim $tags]
      } else {
        # NOTE: We could not query the tags from Fossil.
        set tags <none>
    } else {
      # NOTE: We could not query information from Fossil.
      set checkout <none>
      set tags <none>

    unset -nocomplain dummy exec pattern
  } else {
    # NOTE: Use of Fossil by the test suite is forbidden.
    set checkout <none>
    set tags <none>

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- checkout: " \
      $checkout \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- tags: " \
      $tags \n]

  unset tags checkout

  # NOTE: Initialize the Eagle test constraints.
  if {[isEagle]} then {
    # NOTE: *WARNING* This has the effect of removing test constraints
    #       added prior to this point.
    initializeTests; configureTcltest "" [list] [list] [list] [list] false

    # NOTE: If the "no(mono)" variable is set (to anything) then any
    #       special test suite hacks for Mono will be disabled. This
    #       does not control or change any hacks for Mono that may
    #       be present in the library itself.
    # if {[isMono]} then {
    #   set no(mono) true
    # }

    ######################### BEGIN Eagle Constraints #########################

    tputs $test_channel \
        "---- start of Eagle specific test constraints...\n"

    # NOTE: *WARNING* Has quiet testing support been disabled?
    #       Please do not move this "quietness" test constraint
    #       check as subsequent test constraints may rely on it
    #       when determining if a warning should be emitted.
    if {![info exists no(quiet)]} then {
      # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.36", "benchmark-1.*", "debug-1.3",
      #       "debug-1.4.*", "glob-99.*", "object-10.*", "perf-2.2",
      #       and various other places within the test suite code
      #       itself.
      checkForQuiet $test_channel false

    # NOTE: Has administrator detection support been disabled?  We do
    #       this check [nearly] first as it may [eventually] be used
    #       to help determine if other constraints should be skipped.
    if {![info exists no(administrator)]} then {
      checkForAdministrator $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has host detection support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(host)]} then {
      checkForHost $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has host type detection support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(hostType)]} then {
      checkForHostType $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has primary thread detection support been disabled?  We do
    #       this check [nearly] first as it may [eventually] be used
    #       to help determine if other constraints should be skipped.
    if {![info exists no(primaryThread)]} then {
      checkForPrimaryThread $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has default application domain detection support been
    #       disabled?  We do this check [nearly] first as it may
    #       [eventually] be used to help determine if other
    #       constraints should be skipped.
    if {![info exists no(defaultAppDomain)]} then {
      checkForDefaultAppDomain $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has runtime detection support been disabled?  We do this
    #       checking [nearly] first as it may skip other constraints.
    if {![info exists no(runtime)]} then {
      checkForRuntime $test_channel

    # NOTE: Check the variant and/or version of the CLR that we are
    #       currently running on.
    if {![info exists no(checkForRuntimeVersion)]} then {
      checkForRuntimeVersion $test_channel

    # NOTE: Check the framework version (i.e. regardless of runtime) that
    #       we are currently running on.
    if {![info exists no(frameworkVersion)]} then {
      checkForFrameworkVersion $test_channel

    # NOTE: Check the image runtime version (i.e. the runtime version that
    #       this assembly compiled against).
    if {![info exists no(imageRuntimeVersion)]} then {
      checkForImageRuntimeVersion $test_channel

    # NOTE: Check if the image runtime version matches the framework.
    if {![info exists no(matchingFrameworkVersion)]} then {
      checkForMatchingFrameworkVersion $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has process bits detection support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(processBits)]} then {
      checkForProcessBits $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has machine detection support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(machine)]} then {
      checkForMachine $test_channel 32 intel; # (i.e. x86)
      checkForMachine $test_channel 32 arm;   # (i.e. arm)
      checkForMachine $test_channel 64 ia64;  # (i.e. itanium)
      checkForMachine $test_channel 64 amd64; # (i.e. x64)
      checkForMachine $test_channel 64 arm64; # (i.e. arm64)

    # NOTE: Has test suite call stack probing been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(testCallStack)]} then {
      checkForTestCallStack $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has culture detection support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(culture)]} then {
      checkForCulture $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has thread culture detection support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(threadCulture)]} then {
      checkForThreadCulture $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has security detection support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(security)]} then {
      checkForSecurity $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has software update trust detection support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(softwareUpdate)]} then {
      checkForSoftwareUpdateTrust $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has library assembly name detection support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(libraryAssemblyName)]} then {
      checkForLibraryAssemblyName $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has strong name detection support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(strongName)]} then {
      checkForStrongName $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has strong name key detection been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(strongNameKey)]} then {
      checkForStrongNameKey $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has certificate detection support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(certificate)]} then {
      checkForCertificate $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has database testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(core)] && ![info exists no(database)]} then {
      # NOTE: Set the server name, if necessary.
      if {![info exists server]} then {
        set server .

      # NOTE: Set the database name, if necessary.
      if {![info exists database]} then {
        set database master

      # NOTE: Set the connection timeout, if necessary.
      if {![info exists timeout]} then {
        set timeout [expr {$test_timeout / 1000}]; # milliseconds to seconds.

      # NOTE: Set the test user name, if necessary.
      if {![info exists user]} then {
        set user [getEnvironmentVariable user]

      # NOTE: Set the test password, if necessary.
      if {![info exists password]} then {
        set password [getEnvironmentVariable password]

      # NOTE: Set the test database connection type, if necessary.
      if {![info exists test_database_type]} then {
        # NOTE: Use the default database connection type.
        set test_database_type Sql; # TODO: Good test default?

      # NOTE: Set the test database connection string, if necessary.
      if {![info exists test_database]} then {
        # NOTE: Mono does not have support for "trusted connections";
        #       therefore, we must emit a different connection string
        #       when running there.
        set test_database [subst \
            {Data Source=${server};Initial Catalog=${database};Connect\
            Timeout=${timeout};[expr {[isMono] ? [subst \
            {User Id=${user};Password=${password};}] : {Integrated\
            Security=SSPI;}}]}]; # NOTE: Microsoft SQL Server specific.
      } elseif {[info exists test_database_subst]} then {
        # NOTE: The test database connection string must be dynamically
        #       post-processed using [subst], per request.  This allows
        #       the [custom] test database connection string to contain
        #       references to the other test database variables setup
        #       by this test prologue.
        set test_database [subst $test_database]

      # NOTE: Set the test database table, if necessary.
      if {![info exists test_database_table]} then {
        # NOTE: Use the default database table.
        set test_database_table eagle_sql_test_ok_to_delete

      # NOTE: Can we access the configured test database?
      checkForDatabase $test_channel $test_database_type $test_database

      unset password user timeout database server

    # NOTE: Has symbol testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(assemblySymbols)]} then {
      checkForSymbols $test_channel [lindex [info assembly] end] assembly

    # NOTE: Has object handle reference count tracking support been disabled
    #       (at compile-time)?
    if {![info exists no(refCount)]} then {
      # NOTE: For tests "excel-*", "object-2.*", "object-7.1", "object-8.*",
      #       and "object-98.*".
      checkForReferenceCountTracking $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has compile/runtime option testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(compileOptions)]} then {
      # NOTE: Has "known" compile option testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(knownCompileOptions)]} then {
        # NOTE: Check for all "known" compile options.
        checkForKnownCompileOptions $test_channel
      } else {
        # NOTE: Has callback queue support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileCallbackQueue)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.54" and "commands-1.4".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel CALLBACK_QUEUE

        # NOTE: Has legacy CAS policy support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileCasPolicy)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "load-1.6" and "load-1.7".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel CAS_POLICY

        # NOTE: Has configuration support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileConfiguration)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "debug-1.3", "object-99.1", "object-11.4",
          #       and "garuda-1.2".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel CONFIGURATION

        # NOTE: Has console support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileConsole)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "host-1.2".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel CONSOLE

        # NOTE: Has database support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileData)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "sql-1.1" and "upvar-99.1".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel DATA

        # NOTE: Has script debugger support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileDebugger)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "debug-1.1", "debug-2.1", "debug-3.1",
          #       "debug-4.1", and "proc-2.1".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel DEBUGGER

        # NOTE: Has script debugger arguments support been enabled (at
        #       compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileDebuggerArguments)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "object-5.1.*".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel DEBUGGER_ARGUMENTS

        # NOTE: Has script arguments stack support been enabled (at
        #       compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileScriptArguments)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "debug-2.86".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS

        # NOTE: Has script breakpoint support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileBreakpoints)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "proc-2.1".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel BREAKPOINTS

        # NOTE: Has application domain management support been enabled (at
        #       compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileAppDomains)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "interp-1.27".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel APPDOMAINS

        # NOTE: Has isolated interpreter support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileIsolatedInterpreters)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "xaml-1.2".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel ISOLATED_INTERPRETERS

        # NOTE: Has expression flags support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileExpressionFlags)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "function-2.16".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel EXPRESSION_FLAGS

        # NOTE: Has isolated plugin support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileIsolatedPlugins)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "load-1.1.1".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel ISOLATED_PLUGINS

        # NOTE: Has PowerShell approved-verbs support been enabled (at
        #       compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileApprovedVerbs)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "object-4.8".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel APPROVED_VERBS

        # NOTE: Has embedded library support been enabled (at
        #       compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileEmbeddedLibrary)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "interp-1.400".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel EMBEDDED_LIBRARY

        # NOTE: Has System.Reflection.Emit support been enabled (at
        #       compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileEmit)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "commands-1.1.*", "debug-9.1", "library-*",
          #       "object-4.10", "object-4.11", "object-4.12",
          #       "object-8.1??", and "perf-101.0".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel EMIT

        # NOTE: Has .NET Standard 2.0 support been enabled (at
        #       compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileNetStandard20)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.29.*", "basic-1.30.*", "host-1.1",
          #       "interp-1.601", "redefine-6.2", and "sql-1.17".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel NET_STANDARD_20

        # NOTE: Has Mono support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileMono)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "object-4.13".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel MONO

        # NOTE: Has Windows support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileWindows)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "garuda-1.1" and "garuda-1.2".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel WINDOWS

        # NOTE: Has Windows Forms support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileWinForms)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "object-10.21", "tclLoad-1.2", "winForms-*.*".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel WINFORMS

        # NOTE: Has native library support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileLibrary)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "commands-1.*".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel LIBRARY

        # NOTE: Has native code support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileNative)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "debug-3.2", "expr-3.2", and "host-1.1".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel NATIVE

        # NOTE: Has native package support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileNativePackage)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "garuda-1.1" and "garuda-1.2".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel NATIVE_PACKAGE

        # NOTE: Has network support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileNetwork)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "commands-1.4", "socket-1.*", "socket-2.1", and
          #       "socket-3.1".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel NETWORK

        # NOTE: Has notification support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileNotify)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "basic-1.75".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel NOTIFY

        # NOTE: Has notification argument support been enabled (at
        #       compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileNotifyArguments)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "basic-1.75".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel NOTIFY_ARGUMENTS

        # NOTE: Has native Tcl support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileTcl)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "commands-1.1.*", "excel-2.2", "tclCancel-1.1",
          #       "tclEncoding-1.*", "tclErrorInfo-1.*", "tclLoad-*.*",
          #       "tclResetCancel-1.1", "tclResetCancel-2.1",
          #       "tclResetCancel-2.2", "tclResetCancel-3.1",
          #       "tclResetCancel-4.1", "tclSet-1.1", and "tclSubst-1.1".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel TCL

        # NOTE: Has XML support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileXml)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "commands-1.4", "object-7.3" and "xml-1.1.*".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel XML

        # NOTE: Has serialization support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileSerialization)]} then {
          # NOTE: For test "interp-1.10".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel SERIALIZATION

        # NOTE: Has remoting support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileRemoting)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "remotingServer-1.*".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel REMOTING

        # NOTE: Has result size limit support been enabled (at
        #       compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileResultLimits)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "interp-1.500" and "interp-1.501".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel RESULT_LIMITS

        # NOTE: Has dedicated test support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileTest)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.20", "basic-1.21", "function-1.1",
          #       "object-2.1", "object-3.1", "object-4.1", "object-7.1",
          #       "object-7.2", "object-7.4", "object-14.4", "object-14.5",
          #       "object-14.6", "remotingServer-1.*", and "debug-5.*".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel TEST

        # NOTE: Has threading support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileThreading)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "object-10.2" and "object-10.3".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel THREADING

        # NOTE: Has Tcl threading support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileTclThreaded)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "tclLoad-3.*".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel TCL_THREADED

        # NOTE: Has Tcl isolated interpreter thread support been enabled (at
        #       compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileTclThreads)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "tclLoad-3.*".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel TCL_THREADS

        # NOTE: Has GDI+ drawing support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileDrawing)]} then {
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel DRAWING

        # NOTE: Has runtime license checking support been disabled (at
        #       compile-time)?  This only applies to third-party plugins
        #       and applications.
        if {![info exists no(compileLicensing)]} then {
          # NOTE: This is not currently used by any tests.
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel LICENSING

        # NOTE: Has runtime "limited edition" checking support been
        #       disabled (at compile-time)?  This only applies to
        #       third-party plugins and applications.
        if {![info exists no(compileLimitedEdition)]} then {
          # NOTE: This is not currently used by any tests.
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel LIMITED_EDITION

        # NOTE: Has runtime "demo edition" checking support been
        #       disabled (at compile-time)?  This only applies to
        #       third-party plugins and applications.
        if {![info exists no(compileDemoEdition)]} then {
          # NOTE: This is not currently used by any tests.
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel DEMO_EDITION

    # NOTE: Has testing using the C# compiler been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(checkForCompileCSharp)]} then {
      checkForCompileCSharp $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has dynamic loading testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(dynamic)]} then {
      # NOTE: For tests "commands-1.1.*", "library-3.*", and "tcl*-*.*".
      checkForDynamicLoading $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has Tcl testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(tcl)]} then {
      if {![info exists no(tclInstalls)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "commands-1.1.*", "library-3.*", and "tcl*-*.*".
        checkForTclInstalls $test_channel

      if {![info exists no(tclReady)]} then {
        checkForTclReady $test_channel

      if {![info exists no(tclSelect)]} then {
        checkForTclSelect $test_channel

      if {![info exists no(tclShell)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "garuda-1.1".
        checkForTclShell $test_channel

      if {![info exists no(tkPackage)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "tclLoad-1.1".
        checkForTkPackage $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has custom test method support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(core)] && ![info exists no(test)]} then {
      # NOTE: Has UnknownCallback testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testUnknownCallback)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "unknown-*".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has PackageCallback testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testPackageCallback)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "package-2.1".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has ExecuteCallback testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testExecuteCallback)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "executeCallback-1.*".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has SleepWaitCallback testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testSleepWaitCallback)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "vwait-1.31".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has WriteHeader testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testWriteHeader)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "host-1.5".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has optional parameter testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testOptionalParameter)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "object-2.81", "object-2.82", "object-2.83",
        #       and "object-2.84".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has plugin policy testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testPluginPolicy)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "load-2.0" and "load-2.1".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has script stream testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testScriptStream)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.46" and "basic-1.47".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has complaint testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testComplain)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "debug-1.98" and "debug-1.99".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has new interpreter callback testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testNewInterpreter)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "interp-1.101" and "interp-1.102".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has use interpreter callback testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testUseInterpreter)]} then {
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has custom match mode testing been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testMatchMode)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "stringMatch-101.1".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has web client testing been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testWebClient)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "socket-3.50".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      if {![info exists no(testLoad)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "load-1.6" and "load-1.7".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      if {![info exists no(testPermute)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "lpermute-1.3" and "lpermute-1.4".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      if {![info exists no(testDynamicCallback)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "object-8.1??".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has DateTime testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testDateTime)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "vwait-1.11".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has remoting testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testRemoting)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "remotingServer-1.*".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has embedded resource testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testResources)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "interp-1.400".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has asynchronous testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testAsynchronous)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.20" and "basic-1.21".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has custom function testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testFunction)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "function-1.1".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For tests "function-5.*".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "interp-1.19".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For tests "function-5.*".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has write-box testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testWriteBox)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "debug-5.*".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has shell testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testShell)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "debug-1.3".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has quiet property testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testSetQuiet)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.36" and "debug-1.3".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has complaint testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testSetComplain)]} then {
        # NOTE: This is not currently used by any tests.
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has special variable testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testSetVariable)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "basic-1.107".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has enumerable variable testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testEnumerableVariables)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "basic-1.105".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has linked variable testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testLinkedVariables)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.39", "basic-1.40", "basic-1.41",
        #       "basic-1.42", and "basic-1.43".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has system array variable testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testSystemArrayVariables)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.62", "basic-1.63", "basic-1.64",
        #       and "basic-1.65".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has reparse point testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(reparsePoints)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "fileIO-14.*".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has field testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testFields)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.39", "basic-1.40", "basic-1.41",
        #       "basic-1.42", and "basic-1.43".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has property testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testProperties)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.39", "basic-1.40", "basic-1.41",
        #       "basic-1.42", and "basic-1.43".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-3.1".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has core marshaller testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testMarshaller)]} then {
        # NOTE: These are not currently used by any tests.
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "basic-1.29.*".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.30.*" and "basic-1.31".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "namespace-97.10".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-2.1".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-2.12".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-2.3".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-2.11".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For tests "object-3.6" and "object-3.7".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-3.8".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-3.9".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-3.10".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-3.11".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For tests "object-3.12" and "object-3.13".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For tests "object-3.14" and "object-3.15".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-3.17".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-4.1".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For tests "basic-1.66", "basic-1.67", "basic-1.68",
        #       and "basic-1.69".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "array-4.1".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-7.1".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For tests "object-7.2" and "object-7.4".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For tests "object-7.6" and "object-7.7".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-7.5".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For tests "object-14.4" and "object-14.5".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

        # NOTE: For test "object-14.6".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default \

      # NOTE: Has IDisposable testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testDisposable)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "object-2.8".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default+Disposable \
            *ToString* Eagle._Tests.Default.Disposable.ToString

      # NOTE: Has ISubCommand testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testSubCommand)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "redefine-2.*".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default+SubCommand \
            *ToString* Eagle._Tests.Default.SubCommand.ToString

      # NOTE: Has IResolve testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testResolve)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "resolver-1.*".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default+Resolve \
            *ToString* Eagle._Tests.Default.Resolve.ToString

      # NOTE: Has script limiter testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testLimiter)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "interp-1.90?".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel \
            Eagle._Tests.Default+ScriptLimiter *ToString* \

      # NOTE: Has TraceListener testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testTraceListener)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "basic-1.74".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default+Listener \
            *WriteLine* Eagle._Tests.Default.Listener.WriteLine

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default+Listener \
            *Flush* Eagle._Tests.Default.Listener.Flush

        # NOTE: For test "basic-1.75".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel Eagle._Tests.Default+Listener \
            * Eagle._Tests.Default.Listener

      # NOTE: Has script event thread testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(testScriptEventThread)]} then {
        # NOTE: For test "interp-1.801".
        checkForObjectMember $test_channel \
            Eagle._Tests.Default+ScriptEventState \
            *ToString* Eagle._Tests.Default.ScriptEventState.ToString

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel \
            Eagle._Tests.Default+ScriptEventThread \
            *ToString* Eagle._Tests.Default.ScriptEventThread.ToString

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel \
            Eagle._Tests.Default+ScriptThreadClientData \
            *ToString* Eagle._Tests.Default.ScriptThreadClientData.ToString

        checkForObjectMember $test_channel \
            Eagle._Tests.Default+ScriptTimeoutThread \
            *ToString* Eagle._Tests.Default.ScriptTimeoutThread.ToString

    # NOTE: Has MSBuild testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(msBuild)]} then {
      # NOTE: For test "object-4.13".
      checkForAssembly $test_channel Microsoft.Build.Framework

      # NOTE: For test "object-6.1".
      checkForAssembly $test_channel Microsoft.Build.Engine

    # NOTE: Has Excel testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(excel)]} then {
      # NOTE: For tests "excel-*.*".
      checkForAssembly $test_channel Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

      # NOTE: Has Excel usability testing been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(excelUsable)]} then {
        # NOTE: For tests "excel-*.*".
        checkForExcelUsable $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has speech testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(speech)]} then {
      # NOTE: Set the audio volume, if necessary.
      if {![info exists test_volume]} then {
        set test_volume 0; # in percent, 0 is silent.

      # NOTE: For test "object-4.5".
      checkForAssembly $test_channel System.Speech

    # NOTE: Has WinForms testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(winForms)]} then {
      # NOTE: For tests "object-13.1.*", "object-13.2.*", and
      #       "winForms-*.*".
      checkForWindowsForms $test_channel

    # NOTE: Are we running in a WoW64 process?
    if {![info exists no(wow64)]} then {
      # NOTE: This is not currently used by any tests.
      checkForWoW64 $test_channel

    # NOTE: Are we running in an STA thread?
    if {![info exists no(staThread)]} then {
      # NOTE: For tests "xaml-1.*".
      checkForStaThread $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has WPF testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(wpf)]} then {
      # NOTE: For tests "xaml-1.*".
      checkForWindowsPresentationFoundation $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has PowerShell testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(powerShell)]} then {
      # NOTE: For tests "object-4.7", "object-4.8", and "object-4.9".
      checkForPowerShell $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack testing support been
    #       disabled?
    if {![info exists no(netFx20Sp)]} then {
      # NOTE: For test "hash-1.1".
      checkForNetFx20ServicePack $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has .NET Framework 4.x testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(netFx4x)]} then {
      # NOTE: For test "object-12.1.*".
      checkForNetFx4x $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has target framework testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(targetFramework)]} then {
      checkForTargetFramework $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has native utility testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(nativeUtility)]} then {
      checkForNativeUtility $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has Visual Studio testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(visualStudio)]} then {
      checkForVisualStudioViaRegistry $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has WiX testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(wix)]} then {
      # NOTE: For test "object-4.10".
      checkForWix $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has native debugger testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(nativeDebugger)]} then {
      checkForNativeDebugger $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has managed debugger testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(managedDebugger)]} then {
      checkForManagedDebugger $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has managed debugging assistants testing support been
    #       disabled?
    if {![info exists no(managedDebuggingAssistants)]} then {
      checkForManagedDebuggingAssistants $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has script debugger testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(scriptDebugger)]} then {
      # NOTE: For tests "debug-1.1", "debug-2.1", "debug-3.1", and
      #       "debug-4.1".
      checkForScriptDebugger $test_channel

    # NOTE: Has script debugger interpreter testing support been
    #       disabled?
    if {![info exists no(scriptDebuggerInterpreter)]} then {
      # NOTE: For test "debug-2.1".
      checkForScriptDebuggerInterpreter $test_channel

    # NOTE: Are we running under the Mono debugger?  If so, several
    #       tests will have to be disabled because they do not appear
    #       to work there.
    if {![info exists no(monoDebugger)]} then {
      tputs $test_channel "---- checking for Mono debugger... "

      if {[haveConstraint mono] && [haveConstraint managedDebugger]} then {
        # NOTE: Add a special test constraint to simplify the Mono debugger
        #       test constraint checking for the tests that need it.
        addConstraint monoDebugger

        tputs $test_channel yes\n
      } else {
        tputs $test_channel no\n

    # NOTE: Has Garuda testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(garudaDll)]} then {
      # NOTE: For tests "garuda-1.1" and "garuda-1.2".
      checkForGarudaDll $test_channel

    ########################## END Eagle Constraints ##########################
  } else {
    # NOTE: Make sure that Tcl honors the Eagle test constraints.
    configureTcltest \
        [expr {[info exists test_flags(-verbose)] ? \
            $test_flags(-verbose) : ""}] \
        [expr {[info exists test_flags(-match)] ? \
            $test_flags(-match) : [list]}] \
        [expr {[info exists test_flags(-skip)] ? \
            $test_flags(-skip) : [list]}] \
        [expr {[info exists test_flags(-constraints)] ? \
            $test_flags(-constraints) : [list]}] \
        [list] false

    # HACK: Reset the test counts for tcltest.
    set ::tcltest::numTests(Total) 0
    set ::tcltest::numTests(Skipped) 0
    set ::tcltest::numTests(Passed) 0
    set ::tcltest::numTests(Failed) 0

    # HACK: Reset the list of failed files.
    set ::tcltest::failFiles [list]

    ########################## BEGIN Tcl Constraints ##########################

    tputs $test_channel \
        "---- start of Tcl specific test constraints...\n"

    # NOTE: Has compile/runtime option testing support been disabled?
    if {![info exists no(compileOptions)]} then {
      # NOTE: Has "known" compile option testing support been disabled?
      if {![info exists no(knownCompileOptions)]} then {
        # NOTE: Check for all "known" compile options.
        checkForKnownCompileOptions $test_channel
      } else {
        # NOTE: Has dedicated test support been enabled (at compile-time)?
        if {![info exists no(compileTest)]} then {
          # NOTE: For tests "tclLoad-13.1.1" and "tclLoad-13.1.2".
          checkForCompileOption $test_channel TEST

    ########################### END Tcl Constraints ###########################

  ####################### BEGIN Tcl & Eagle Constraints #######################

  tputs $test_channel \
      "---- start of common (Tcl & Eagle) test constraints...\n"

  # NOTE: Force tests that are normally blocked by Mono issues to run?
  if {[info exists no(monoHacks)]} then {
    addKnownMonoConstraints true
    addKnownMonoConstraints false

    tputs $test_channel \
        "---- added all known Mono test constraints (forced)\n"

  # NOTE: Has Visual Studio testing support been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(visualStudio)]} then {
    checkForVisualStudioViaVsWhere $test_channel

  # NOTE: Check for Eagle core library package names...
  if {![info exists no(corePackageNames)]} then {
    checkForPackage $test_channel {^Eagle\._Plugins\.Core, .*$}
    checkForPackage $test_channel {^Eagle\._Plugins\.Object, .*$}
    checkForPackage $test_channel {^Eagle\._Plugins\.Test, .*$}
    checkForPackage $test_channel {^Eagle\._Plugins\.Trace, .*$}

  # NOTE: Check for Eagle Enterprise Edition package names...
  if {![info exists no(enterprisePackageNames)]} then {
    # NOTE: These are from various SKUs of the Harpy plugin.
    checkForPackage $test_channel {^Licensing\.Core, .*$}
    checkForPackage $test_channel {^Licensing\.Standard, .*$}
    checkForPackage $test_channel {^Licensing\.Enterprise, .*$}
    checkForPackage $test_channel {^Security\.Core, .*$}

    # NOTE: These are from various SKUs of the Badge plugin.
    checkForPackage $test_channel {^Badge\.Enterprise, .*$}
    checkForPackage $test_channel {^Security\.Certificates, .*$}

  # NOTE: Check for the test suite infrastructure files...
  if {![info exists no(testSuiteFiles)]} then {
    checkForTestSuiteFiles $test_channel

  # NOTE: Has all use of [exec] for tests been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(checkForTestExec)]} then {
    checkForTestExec $test_channel [haveConstraint quiet]

  # NOTE: Has checking for the test machine been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(testMachine)]} then {
    checkForTestMachine $test_channel

  # NOTE: Has checking for the test platform been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(testPlatform)]} then {
    checkForTestPlatform $test_channel

  # NOTE: Has checking for the test configuration been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(testConfiguration)]} then {
    checkForTestConfiguration $test_channel

  # NOTE: Has checking for the test name prefix been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(testNamePrefix)]} then {
    checkForTestNamePrefix $test_channel

  # NOTE: Has checking for the test suffix been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(testSuffix)]} then {
    checkForTestSuffix $test_channel

  # NOTE: Has checking for the extra files needed by various tests in the
  #       Eagle core test suite been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(core)] && ![info exists no(checkForFile)]} then {
    # NOTE: For tests "benchmark-1.3[89]" and "benchmark-1.40".
    if {![info exists no(benchmark.txt)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path benchmark.txt]

    # NOTE: For test "benchmark-1.42".
    if {![info exists no(pngDump.txt)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path pngDump.txt]

    # NOTE: For test "garuda-1.1".
    if {![info exists no(pkgAll.tcl)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $base_path Native Package \
          Tests all.tcl] pkgAll.tcl

    # NOTE: For tests "subst-1.*".
    if {![info exists no(bad_subst.txt)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path bad_subst.txt]

    # NOTE: For test "processIsolation-1.1".
    if {![info exists no(isolated.eagle)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path isolated.eagle]

    # NOTE: For test "basic-1.73".
    if {![info exists no(callStack.eagle)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path callStack.eagle]

    # NOTE: This is not currently used by any tests.  However, it is
    #       used by the sample targets file "Eagle.Sample.targets".
    if {![info exists no(evaluate.eagle)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path evaluate.eagle]

    # NOTE: This is not currently used by any tests.  However, it is
    #       used by the sample targets file "Eagle.Sample.targets".
    if {![info exists no(substitute.eagle)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path substitute.eagle]

    # NOTE: This is not currently used by any tests.
    if {![info exists no(unicode_bom.txt)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path unicode_bom.txt]

    # NOTE: This is not currently used by any tests.
    if {![info exists no(unicode_no_bom.txt)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path unicode_no_bom.txt]

    # NOTE: This is not currently used by any tests.
    if {![info exists no(utf8.txt)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path utf8.txt]

    # NOTE: For tests "fileIO-1.*".
    if {![info exists no(file.dat)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path file.dat]

    # NOTE: For tests "fileIO-5.6.*".
    if {![info exists no(HomeDocuments)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join \
          $test_home_path Documents] HomeDocuments

    # NOTE: For test "garbage-1.1".
    if {![info exists no(garbage.txt)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path garbage.txt]

    # NOTE: For tests "xaml-1.*".
    if {![info exists no(test.png)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path test.png]

    # NOTE: For test "socket-1.2".
    if {![info exists no(client.tcl)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path client.tcl]

    # NOTE: For test "tclLoad-1.2".
    if {![info exists no(tcl_unload.tcl)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path tcl_unload.tcl]

    # NOTE: For test "basic-1.4".
    if {![info exists no(read.eagle)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path read.eagle]

    # NOTE: For test "basic-1.5".
    if {![info exists no(read2.eagle)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path read2.eagle]

    # NOTE: For test "basic-1.6".
    if {![info exists no(read3.eagle)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path read3.eagle]

    # NOTE: For test "basic-1.7".
    if {![info exists no(read4.eagle)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path read4.eagle]

    # NOTE: For test "infoScript-1.1".
    if {![info exists no(script.eagle)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path script.eagle]

    # NOTE: For test "basic-1.1".
    if {![info exists no(source.eagle)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path source.eagle]

    # NOTE: For test "basic-1.2".
    if {![info exists no(unbalanced_brace.eagle)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join \
          $test_data_path unbalanced_brace.eagle]

    # NOTE: For test "basic-1.3".
    if {![info exists no(unbalanced_brace2.eagle)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join \
          $test_data_path unbalanced_brace2.eagle]

    # NOTE: For tests "excel-2.*".
    if {![info exists no(test.xls)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path test.xls]

    # NOTE: For test "proc-1.9".
    if {![info exists no(testProcs.tcl)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path testProcs.tcl]

    # NOTE: For test "interp-1.10".
    if {![info exists no(settings.xml)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path settings.xml]

    # NOTE: For tests "load-1.1.*".
    if {![info exists no(Plugin.dll)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join \
          $core_lib_path Plugin1.0 [getDotNetCoreLibPathDirectoryNameOnly \
          Plugin1.0] Plugin.dll]

    # NOTE: For test "object-6.1".
    if {![info exists no(Sample.exe)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $core_bin_path Sample.exe]

    # NOTE: For test "object-4.8".
    if {![info exists no(EagleCmdlets.dll)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $core_bin_path EagleCmdlets.dll]

    # NOTE: For test "object-4.10".
    if {![info exists no(EagleExtensions.dll)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $core_bin_path EagleExtensions.dll]

    # NOTE: For test "object-4.10".
    if {![info exists no(test.wxs)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $base_path Installer Tests test.wxs]

    # NOTE: For tests "sql-1.2", "sql-1.4", "sql-1.5", "sql-1.6", "sql-1.7",
    #       "sql-1.8", and "sql-1.9".
    if {![info exists no(sqlite3.dll)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $core_bin_path sqlite3.dll]

      # NOTE: Did we manage to find the native SQLite library yet?  If not,
      #       try to check using the machine type as a sub-directory.
      if {![haveConstraint file_sqlite3.dll]} then {
        # NOTE: Ok, now try to check for the machine specific native
        #       SQLite library.
        checkForFile $test_channel [file join $core_bin_path \
            [machineToPlatform $test_machine true] sqlite3.dll]

        # NOTE: Did we manage to find the native SQLite library yet?
        if {![haveConstraint file_sqlite3.dll]} then {
          # NOTE: Ok, now try to check for the platform specific native
          #       SQLite library.
          checkForFile $test_channel [file join $core_bin_path \
              [machineToPlatform $test_machine false] sqlite3.dll]

      if {[isEagle] && ![isWindows]} then {
        # NOTE: Did we manage to find the native SQLite library yet?  If not,
        #       try to check using the machine type as a sub-directory -AND-
        #       using the Unix file name.
        if {![haveConstraint file_sqlite3.dll]} then {
          # NOTE: Ok, now try to check for the machine specific native
          #       SQLite library, near the binary, using the Unix name.
          checkForFile $test_channel [file join $core_bin_path \
              [machineToPlatform $test_machine true] [appendArgs \
              libsqlite3 [info sharedlibextension]]] sqlite3.dll

          # NOTE: Did we manage to find the native SQLite library yet?
          if {![haveConstraint file_sqlite3.dll]} then {
            # NOTE: Ok, now try to check for the platform specific native
            #       SQLite library, near the binary, using the Unix name.
            checkForFile $test_channel [file join $core_bin_path \
                [machineToPlatform $test_machine false] [appendArgs \
                libsqlite3 [info sharedlibextension]]] sqlite3.dll

        # NOTE: Did we manage to find the native SQLite library yet?  If not,
        #       try to check using the Unix library directories -AND- using
        #       the Unix file name.
        if {![haveConstraint file_sqlite3.dll]} then {
          # NOTE: Attempt to obtain the path information for the Unix
          #       local library directory.  This will not work for
          #       native Tcl.
          if {[catch {
            info path "=NativeLibrary +Local"
          } lib_dir] == 0} then {
            # NOTE: Ok, now try to check for the machine specific native
            #       SQLite library, in the Unix local library directory,
            #       and the Unix file name.
            checkForFile $test_channel [file join $lib_dir [appendArgs \
                libsqlite3 [info sharedlibextension]]] sqlite3.dll

          # NOTE: Did we manage to find the native SQLite library yet?
          if {![haveConstraint file_sqlite3.dll]} then {
            # NOTE: Attempt to obtain the path information for the Unix
            #       global library directory.  This will not work for
            #       native Tcl.
            if {[catch {
              info path "=NativeLibrary -Local"
            } lib_dir] == 0} then {
              # NOTE: Ok, now try to check for the machine specific native
              #       SQLite library, in the Unix global library directory,
              #       and the Unix file name.
              checkForFile $test_channel [file join $lib_dir [appendArgs \
                  libsqlite3 [info sharedlibextension]]] sqlite3.dll

          unset lib_dir

        # NOTE: Did we manage to find the native SQLite library yet?  If not,
        #       try to check using the Unix library directories -AND- using
        #       the Unix file name, without using the processor name.
        if {![haveConstraint file_sqlite3.dll]} then {
          # NOTE: Attempt to obtain the path information for the Unix
          #       local library directory without the processor name.
          #       This will not work for native Tcl.
          if {[catch {
            info path "=NativeLibrary +Local +NoProcessor"
          } lib_dir] == 0} then {
            # NOTE: Ok, now try to check for the machine specific native
            #       SQLite library, in the Unix local library directory,
            #       and the Unix file name.
            checkForFile $test_channel [file join $lib_dir [appendArgs \
                libsqlite3 [info sharedlibextension]]] sqlite3.dll

          # NOTE: Did we manage to find the native SQLite library yet?
          if {![haveConstraint file_sqlite3.dll]} then {
            # NOTE: Attempt to obtain the path information for the Unix
            #       global library directory without the processor name.
            #       This will not work for native Tcl.
            if {[catch {
              info path "=NativeLibrary -Local +NoProcessor"
            } lib_dir] == 0} then {
              # NOTE: Ok, now try to check for the machine specific native
              #       SQLite library, in the Unix global library directory,
              #       and the Unix file name.
              checkForFile $test_channel [file join $lib_dir [appendArgs \
                  libsqlite3 [info sharedlibextension]]] sqlite3.dll

          unset lib_dir

    if {![info exists no(System.Data.SQLite.dll)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $core_bin_path \

    if {![info exists no(test.sqlite3)]} then {
      checkForFile $test_channel [file join $test_data_path test.sqlite3]

  # NOTE: Check the core test constraints unless they have been
  #       explicitly disabled.
  if {![info exists no(platform)]} then {
    checkForPlatform $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(windowsVersion)]} then {
    checkForWindowsVersion $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(getInstalledUpdates)]} then {
    checkForGetInstalledUpdates $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(operatingSystemUpdates)]} then {
    if {[isEagle] && [info exists tcl_platform(osExtra)]} then {
      vwaitWithTimeout tcl_platform(osExtra) $test_timeout

    checkForOperatingSystemUpdate $test_channel KB936929
    checkForOperatingSystemUpdate $test_channel KB976932
    checkForOperatingSystemUpdate $test_channel "November Update"
    checkForOperatingSystemUpdate $test_channel "Anniversary Update"
    checkForOperatingSystemUpdate $test_channel "Creators Update"
    checkForOperatingSystemUpdate $test_channel "Fall Creators Update"
    checkForOperatingSystemUpdate $test_channel "April 2018 Update"
    checkForOperatingSystemUpdate $test_channel "October 2018 Update"
    checkForOperatingSystemUpdate $test_channel "May 2019 Update"

  if {![info exists no(scriptLibrary)]} then {
    checkForScriptLibrary $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tclOptions)]} then {
    checkForTclOptions $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(checkForBigLists)]} then {
    checkForBigLists $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(checkForProcessorIntensive)]} then {
    checkForProcessorIntensive $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(checkForTimeIntensive)]} then {
    checkForTimeIntensive $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(checkForFullTest)]} then {
    checkForFullTest $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(checkForMemoryIntensive)]} then {
    checkForMemoryIntensive $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(checkForStackIntensive)]} then {
    checkForStackIntensive $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(checkForStackSize)]} then {
    checkForStackSize $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(windowsCommandProcessor)]} then {
    checkForWindowsCommandProcessor $test_channel cmd.exe

  if {![info exists no(fossil)]} then {
    checkForFossil $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(testRepositoryUrl)]} then {
    checkForVariable $test_channel test_repository_url

  if {![info exists no(testRepositoryFile)]} then {
    checkForVariable $test_channel test_repository_file

  if {![info exists no(version)]} then {
    checkForVersion $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(eagle)]} then {
    checkForEagle $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(noLogFile)]} then {
    checkForLogFile $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(executableSymbols)]} then {
    checkForSymbols $test_channel [info nameofexecutable] executable

  if {![info exists no(garuda)]} then {
    checkForGaruda $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(shell)]} then {
    checkForShell $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(officialStableReleaseInProgress)]} then {
    checkForOfficialStableReleaseInProgress $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(debug)]} then {
    checkForDebug $test_channel

  # NOTE: Has Tk testing support been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(tk)]} then {
    checkForTk $test_channel

  # NOTE: Has native code detection support been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(native)]} then {
    checkForNativeCode $test_channel

  # NOTE: Check for various extra commands that may be present.
  if {![info exists no(base64Command)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel base64

  if {![info exists no(bgerrorCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel bgerror

  if {![info exists no(callbackCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel callback

  if {![info exists no(debugCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel debug

  if {![info exists no(doCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel do

  if {![info exists no(downlevelCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel downlevel

  if {![info exists no(guidCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel guid

  if {![info exists no(hashCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel hash

  if {![info exists no(hostCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel host

  if {![info exists no(invokeCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel invoke

  if {![info exists no(killCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel kill

  if {![info exists no(lgetCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel lget

  if {![info exists no(libraryCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel library

  if {![info exists no(lremoveCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel lremove

  if {![info exists no(nopCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel nop

  if {![info exists no(nprocCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel nproc

  if {![info exists no(objectCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel object

  if {![info exists no(parseCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel parse

  if {![info exists no(scopeCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel scope

  if {![info exists no(socketCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel socket

  if {![info exists no(sqlCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel sql

  if {![info exists no(tclCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel tcl

  if {![info exists no(throwCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel throw

  if {![info exists no(truncateCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel truncate

  if {![info exists no(tryCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel try

  if {![info exists no(uriCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel uri

  if {![info exists no(versionCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel version

  if {![info exists no(xmlCommand)]} then {
    checkForCommand $test_channel xml

  # NOTE: Has "eformat" detection support been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(eformat)]} then {
    checkForEFormat $test_channel

  # NOTE: Has namespace detection support been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(namespaces)]} then {
    checkForNamespaces $test_channel [haveConstraint quiet]

  # NOTE: Check for various native Tcl features that were added
  #       (or simply proposed) through the TIP process.
  if {![info exists no(tip127)]} then {
    checkForTip127 $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tip194)]} then {
    checkForTip194 $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tip207)]} then {
    checkForTip207 $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tip241)]} then {
    checkForTip241 $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tip285)]} then {
    checkForTip285 $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tip405)]} then {
    checkForTip405 $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tip421)]} then {
    checkForTip421 $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tip426)]} then {
    checkForTip426 $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tip429)]} then {
    checkForTip429 $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tip440)]} then {
    checkForTip440 $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tip461)]} then {
    checkForTip461 $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tip463)]} then {
    checkForTip463 $test_channel

  if {![info exists no(tip471)]} then {
    checkForTip471 $test_channel

  # NOTE: Has performance testing been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(core)] && \
      ![info exists no(checkForPerformance)]} then {
    checkForPerformance $test_channel

  # NOTE: Have any timing related constraints been disabled?
  # BUGBUG: In Eagle, these checks for "precision" timing are not overly
  #         reliable.  This may be due to the semi-random nature of the
  #         garbage collection.  More research into the precise cause of
  #         timing issues is certainly warranted.
  if {![info exists no(core)] && \
      ![info exists no(timing)]} then {
    checkForTiming $test_channel 50; # 1/20th second.

  if {![info exists no(core)] && \
      ![info exists no(preciseTiming)]} then {
    # NOTE: Normally, the "preciseTiming" constraint implicitly requires that
    #       the "timing" constraint be present as well; however, that can be
    #       overridden.
    if {[info exists no(requireTiming)] || \
        [haveConstraint timing]} then {
      checkForTiming $test_channel 25 preciseTiming; # 1/40th second.

  # NOTE: Has interactive testing been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(interactive)]} then {
    checkForInteractive $test_channel

  # NOTE: Has interactive command testing been disabled?
  if {![info exists no(core)] && \
      ![info exists no(interactiveCommand)]} then {
    # NOTE: For test "debug-1.8".
    checkForInteractiveCommand $test_channel go

    # NOTE: For test "debug-1.9".
    checkForInteractiveCommand $test_channel done

    # NOTE: For test "object-15.9".
    checkForInteractiveCommand $test_channel args

    # NOTE: For test "debug-10.1".
    checkForInteractiveCommand $test_channel exit
    checkForInteractiveCommand $test_channel pause
    checkForInteractiveCommand $test_channel unpause

  if {![info exists no(userInteraction)]} then {
    checkForUserInteraction $test_channel

  # NOTE: Check for network connectivity to our test host (i.e.
  #       the Eagle distribution site).
  if {![info exists no(core)] && ![info exists no(network)]} then {
    checkForNetwork $test_channel $test_host $test_timeout


  # NOTE: Figure out the approximate relative performance of this machine.
  if {![info exists no(bogoCops)] && [haveConstraint performance]} then {
    tputs $test_channel \
        "---- checking for baseline BogoCops (commands-per-second)... "

    if {![info exists test_base_cops]} then {
      # NOTE: The expected performance numbers for all the
      #       performance tests will be calibrated based on
      #       this number (which is based on the measured
      #       performance of the actual machine that was
      #       used to determine those expected performance
      #       numbers).
      if {[isEagle]} then {
        set test_base_cops 36000.0; # NOTE: Eagle 1.0 Win32
      } else {
        set test_base_cops 1570000.0; # NOTE: Tcl 8.4.19 Win32

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs $test_base_cops \n]
    tputs $test_channel \
        "---- checking for baseline BogoCops multipliers... "

    if {![info exists test_base_cops_multipliers]} then {
      set test_base_cops_multipliers [list \
          2 4 8 10 16 20 32 50 64 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs $test_base_cops_multipliers \n]
    tputs $test_channel \
        "---- checking for current BogoCops (commands-per-second)... "

    if {![info exists test_cops]} then {
      set test_cops [calculateBogoCops]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs [formatDecimal $test_cops] \n]
    tputs $test_channel \
        "---- checking for current BogoCops against baseline BogoCops... "

    if {$test_cops > $test_base_cops} then {
      if {![info exists no(fasterBogoCops)]} then {
        addConstraint sameOrFasterBogoCops
        addConstraint fasterBogoCops

        if {![info exists no(bogoCopsMultipliers)]} then {
          foreach multiplier $test_base_cops_multipliers {
            if {$test_cops >= $test_base_cops * $multiplier} then {
              addConstraint [appendArgs fasterBogoCopsBy $multiplier X]

          unset multiplier

      tputs $test_channel faster\n
    } elseif {$test_cops < $test_base_cops} then {
      if {![info exists no(slowerBogoCops)]} then {
        addConstraint sameOrSlowerBogoCops
        addConstraint slowerBogoCops

        if {![info exists no(bogoCopsMultipliers)]} then {
          foreach multiplier $test_base_cops_multipliers {
            if {$multiplier != 0 && \
                $test_cops <= $test_base_cops * (1.0 / $multiplier)} then {
              addConstraint [appendArgs slowerBogoCopsBy $multiplier X]

          unset multiplier

      tputs $test_channel slower\n
    } else {
      if {![info exists no(sameBogoCops)]} then {
        addConstraint sameOrFasterBogoCops
        addConstraint sameOrSlowerBogoCops
        addConstraint sameBogoCops

      tputs $test_channel same\n

    set percent [expr {[calculateRelativePerformance iterations 1] * 100}]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
        "---- current BogoCops (commands-per-second) is " [formatDecimal \
        [expr {$percent > 100 ? $percent - 100 : $percent}] 2] "% " \
        [expr {$percent > 100 ? "faster than" : "as fast as"}] \
        " the baseline\n"]

    unset percent


  # NOTE: The test constraints should now be fully built, cache them.
  if {![info exists test_constraints]} then {
    set test_constraints [getConstraints]

  ######################## END Eagle & Tcl Constraints ########################

  # NOTE: For Eagle, dump the platform information, including the compile
  #       options.
  if {[isEagle]} then {
    set timeStamp [getPlatformInfo timeStamp ""]

    if {[string length $timeStamp] > 0} then {
      # MONO: Bug, see:

      if {[isMono]} then {
        # HACK: We need something to go into the log file.
        set timeStamp [lindex $timeStamp 0]
      } else {
        set timeStamp [formatTimeStamp [clock scan $timeStamp]]
    } else {
      set timeStamp <none>

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- build: " \
        [list [getPlatformInfo engine <none>]] " " \
        [list [getPlatformInfo patchLevel <none>]] " " \
        [list [getPlatformInfo tag <none>]] " " \
        [list [getPlatformInfo release <none>]] " " \
        [list [getPlatformInfo text <none>]] " " \
        [list [getPlatformInfo configuration <none>]] " " \
        [list [getPlatformInfo suffix <none>]] " " \
        [list $timeStamp] " " \
        [list [getPlatformInfo sourceId <none>]] " " \
        [list [getPlatformInfo sourceTimeStamp <none>]] \n]

    unset timeStamp

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- os: " \
        [getPlatformInfo os <none>] \n]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- globalAssemblyCache: " \
        [getPlatformInfo globalAssemblyCache <none>] \n]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- moduleVersionId: " \
        [getPlatformInfo moduleVersionId <none>] \n]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- compileOptions: " \
        [formatList [getPlatformInfo compileOptions <none>]] \n]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- strongName: " \
        [getPlatformInfo strongName <none>] \n]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- certificate: " \
        [getPlatformInfo certificate <none>] \n]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- targetFramework: " \
        [getPlatformInfo targetFramework <none>] \n]

  # NOTE: Show the current test file name, if any.
  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- test file: " \
      [expr {[info exists test_file] && [string length $test_file] > 0 ? \
      $test_file : "<none>"}] \n]

  # NOTE: Show the active and cached test constraints.
  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- active constraints: " \
      [formatList [lsort [getConstraints]] <none>] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- cached constraints: " \
      [formatList [lsort [getCachedConstraints]] <none>] \n]

  # NOTE: Show the lists of "well known" metadata.
  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- well known metadata: " \
      [formatListAsDict [array get test_well_known] <none>] \n]

  # NOTE: Show the starting command count (for both Tcl and Eagle).
  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- starting command count: " \
      [info cmdcount] \n]

  if {[isEagle]} then {
    # NOTE: Show the starting operation count (for Eagle only).
    if {[llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
      catch {
        object invoke -flags +NonPublic Interpreter.GetActive OperationCount
      } operationCount
    } else {
      set operationCount unavailable

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- starting operation count: " \
        $operationCount \n]

    unset operationCount

    # NOTE: Record the raw starting performance count, for later use in
    #       calculating the approximate number of microseconds elapsed.
    catch {set test_timestamp(startCount) [clock start]}

  # NOTE: Show when the tests actually began (now).
  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs "---- tests started at " \
      [formatTimeStamp [set test_timestamp(startSeconds) \
      [clock seconds]]] \n]