
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 24154b66ae56ac6446d4ec840f23ab310a301dd1:

# version.eagle --
# Written by Joe Mistachkin.
# Released to the public domain, use at your own risk!

package require Eagle
package require Eagle.Library
package require Eagle.Test



package require System.Data.SQLite.Test

# ******************** BEGIN VOLATILE VERSION INFORMATION *********************

# NOTE: For these unit tests to be useful and accurate, the following version
#       numbers must be manually kept synchronized with the version numbers for
#       the source code files, the built binaries, and the release packages.
set version(major)             1
set version(minor)             0
set version(build)            91; # NOTE: Incremented with each release.
set version(revision)          0

# ********************* END VOLATILE VERSION INFORMATION **********************

# NOTE: Build the full version number using the components setup above.  This
#       should not have to be changed.
set version(full) [appendArgs $version(major) . $version(minor) . \
                              $version(build) . $version(revision)]


# NOTE: Setup the variables that refer to the various files required by the
#       tests in this file.
set systemDataSQLiteDllFile [getBuildFileName System.Data.SQLite.dll]
set systemDataSQLiteLinqDllFile [getBuildFileName System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll]
set sqliteDesignerDllFile [getBuildFileName SQLite.Designer.dll]
set testExeFile [getBuildFileName test.exe]
set testLinqExeFile [getBuildFileName testlinq.exe]

# NOTE: Setup the test constraints specific to the tests in this file.
if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
    [file tail $systemDataSQLiteDllFile]]]} then {
  checkForFile $test_channel $systemDataSQLiteDllFile

if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
    [file tail $systemDataSQLiteLinqDllFile]]]} then {
  checkForFile $test_channel $systemDataSQLiteLinqDllFile

if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
    [file tail $sqliteDesignerDllFile]]]} then {
  checkForFile $test_channel $sqliteDesignerDllFile

if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ [file tail $testExeFile]]]} then {
  checkForFile $test_channel $testExeFile

if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ [file tail $testLinqExeFile]]]} then {
  checkForFile $test_channel $testLinqExeFile


runTest {test version-1.1 {'System.Data.SQLite' binary version} -body {
  file version $systemDataSQLiteDllFile
} -constraints {eagle file_System.Data.SQLite.dll} -result $version(full)}


runTest {test version-1.2 {'System.Data.SQLite' assembly version} -body {
  set assemblyName [object invoke -alias System.Reflection.AssemblyName \
      GetAssemblyName $systemDataSQLiteDllFile]

  $assemblyName Version.ToString
} -cleanup {
  unset -nocomplain assemblyName
} -constraints {eagle file_System.Data.SQLite.dll} -result $version(full)}


runTest {test version-1.3 {'System.Data.SQLite.Linq' binary version} -body {
  file version $systemDataSQLiteLinqDllFile
} -constraints {eagle file_System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll} -result $version(full)}


runTest {test version-1.4 {'System.Data.SQLite.Linq' assembly version} -body {
  set assemblyName [object invoke -alias System.Reflection.AssemblyName \
      GetAssemblyName $systemDataSQLiteLinqDllFile]

  $assemblyName Version.ToString
} -cleanup {
  unset -nocomplain assemblyName
} -constraints {eagle file_System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll} -result $version(full)}


runTest {test version-1.5 {'SQLite.Designer' binary version} -body {
  file version $sqliteDesignerDllFile
} -constraints {eagle file_SQLite.Designer.dll} -result $version(full)}


runTest {test version-1.6 {'SQLite.Designer' assembly version} -body {
  set assemblyName [object invoke -alias System.Reflection.AssemblyName \
      GetAssemblyName $sqliteDesignerDllFile]

  $assemblyName Version.ToString
} -cleanup {
  unset -nocomplain assemblyName
} -constraints {eagle file_SQLite.Designer.dll} -result $version(full)}


runTest {test version-1.7 {'test' binary version} -body {
  file version $testExeFile
} -constraints {eagle file_test.exe} -result $version(full)}


runTest {test version-1.8 {'test' assembly version} -body {
  set assemblyName [object invoke -alias System.Reflection.AssemblyName \
      GetAssemblyName $testExeFile]

  $assemblyName Version.ToString
} -cleanup {
  unset -nocomplain assemblyName
} -constraints {eagle file_test.exe} -result $version(full)}


runTest {test version-1.9 {'testlinq' binary version} -body {
  file version $testLinqExeFile
} -constraints {eagle file_testlinq.exe} -result $version(full)}


runTest {test version-1.10 {'testlinq' assembly version} -body {
  set assemblyName [object invoke -alias System.Reflection.AssemblyName \
      GetAssemblyName $testLinqExeFile]

  $assemblyName Version.ToString
} -cleanup {
  unset -nocomplain assemblyName
} -constraints {eagle file_testlinq.exe} -result $version(full)}


runTest {test version-1.11 {SQLiteVersion} -body {
  object invoke System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection SQLiteVersion
} -constraints {eagle SQLite System.Data.SQLite} -match regexp -result \


runTest {test version-1.12 {SQLiteSourceId} -body {
  object invoke System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection SQLiteSourceId
} -constraints {eagle SQLite System.Data.SQLite} -match regexp -result \
{^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [0-9a-f]{40}$}}


runTest {test version-1.13 {InteropVersion} -body {
  object invoke System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection InteropVersion
} -constraints {eagle SQLiteInterop System.Data.SQLite} -result $version(full)}


runTest {test version-1.14 {InteropSourceId} -body {
  object invoke System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection InteropSourceId
} -constraints {eagle SQLiteInterop System.Data.SQLite} -match regexp -result \
{^[0-9a-f]{40} \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} UTC$}}


runTest {test version-1.15 {ProviderVersion} -body {
  object invoke System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection ProviderVersion
} -constraints {eagle System.Data.SQLite} -result $version(full)}


runTest {test version-1.16 {ProviderSourceId} -body {
  # NOTE: The ProviderSourceId property value may be null, which
  #       would result in an empty string being returned here.
  object invoke System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection ProviderSourceId
} -constraints {eagle System.Data.SQLite} -match regexp -result \
{^(?:|[0-9a-f]{40} \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} UTC)$}}


set patterns [list \
    [appendArgs Version= [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] ,] \
    [appendArgs <version> [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] \
        </version>] \
    [appendArgs <version> [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] \
        </version>] \
    [appendArgs <version> [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] \
        </version>] \
    [appendArgs <version> [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] \
        </version>] \
    [appendArgs <version> [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] \
        </version>] \
    [appendArgs Version= [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] ,] \
    [appendArgs &quot\; [format %03d $version(build)] &quot\;] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyFileVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs <Version> [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] </Version>] \
    [appendArgs Value=\" [format %03d $version(build)] \"] \
    [appendArgs Value=\" [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] \"] \
    [appendArgs Value=\" [string map [list . ,] $version(full)] \"] \
    [appendArgs Value=\" [format %03d $version(build)] \"] \
    [appendArgs Value=\" [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] \"] \
    [appendArgs Value=\" [string map [list . ,] $version(full)] \"] \
    [appendArgs <INTEROP_BUILD_NUMBER> [format %03d $version(build)] \
    [appendArgs <INTEROP_MANIFEST_VERSION> [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] </INTEROP_MANIFEST_VERSION>] \
    [appendArgs <INTEROP_RC_VERSION> [string map [list . ,] \
        $version(full)] </INTEROP_RC_VERSION>] \
    [appendArgs <INTEROP_BUILD_NUMBER> [format %03d $version(build)] \
    [appendArgs <INTEROP_MANIFEST_VERSION> [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] </INTEROP_MANIFEST_VERSION>] \
    [appendArgs <INTEROP_RC_VERSION> [string map [list . ,] \
        $version(full)] </INTEROP_RC_VERSION>] \
    [appendArgs \" [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] \"] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyFileVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs \" [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] \"] \
    [appendArgs \"SQLite.Interop. [format %03d $version(build)] .dll\"] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyFileVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyFileVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs Version= [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] ,] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyFileVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs Version= [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] ,] \
    [appendArgs Version= [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] ,] \
    [appendArgs Version= [string map [list . \\.] $version(full)] ,] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyFileVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)] \
    [appendArgs AssemblyFileVersion\\(\" [string map [list . \\.] \
        $version(full)] \"\\)]]

set fileNames [list \
    readme.htm \
    SQLite.nuspec \
    SQLite.Beta.nuspec \
    SQLite.MSIL.nuspec \
    SQLite.x64.nuspec \
    SQLite.x86.nuspec \
    [file join Doc Extra dbfactorysupport.html] \
    [file join Doc Extra welcome.html] \
    [file join SQLite.Designer AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join SQLite.Designer AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join SQLite.Designer source.extension.vsixmanifest] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop props SQLite.Interop.2005.vsprops] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop props SQLite.Interop.2005.vsprops] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop props SQLite.Interop.2005.vsprops] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop props SQLite.Interop.2008.vsprops] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop props SQLite.Interop.2008.vsprops] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop props SQLite.Interop.2008.vsprops] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop props SQLite.Interop.2010.props] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop props SQLite.Interop.2010.props] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop props SQLite.Interop.2010.props] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop props SQLite.Interop.2012.props] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop props SQLite.Interop.2012.props] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop props SQLite.Interop.2012.props] \
    [file join SQLite.Interop src win interop.h] \
    [file join System.Data.SQLite AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join System.Data.SQLite AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join System.Data.SQLite SQLite3.cs] \
    [file join System.Data.SQLite UnsafeNativeMethods.cs] \
    [file join System.Data.SQLite.Linq AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join System.Data.SQLite.Linq AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join test AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join test AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join test app.config] \
    [file join testce AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join testce AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join testlinq 2008 App.config] \
    [file join testlinq 2010 App.config] \
    [file join testlinq 2012 App.config] \
    [file join testlinq Properties AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join testlinq Properties AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join tools install Properties AssemblyInfo.cs] \
    [file join tools install Properties AssemblyInfo.cs]]

for {set i 1} {$i <= [llength $fileNames]} {incr i} {
  set pattern [lindex $patterns [expr {$i - 1}]]
  set fileName [lindex $fileNames [expr {$i - 1}]]
  set constraint [string map [list / _ \\ _] $fileName]
  set fileName [file join $root_path $fileName]

  if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ $constraint]]} then {
    checkForFile $test_channel $fileName $constraint

  runTest {test [appendArgs version-1.17. $i] \
      [appendArgs "pattern {" $pattern "} in file \"" $fileName \"] -body {
    regexp -- $pattern [readFile $fileName]
  } -constraints [list eagle [appendArgs file_ $constraint]] -result {1}}


unset -nocomplain constraint fileName pattern fileNames patterns i version


unset -nocomplain testLinqExeFile testExeFile sqliteDesignerDllFile \
    systemDataSQLiteLinqDllFile systemDataSQLiteDllFile

