
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 002ce907da8f1d2675c96d4a5497b199f3792805:

# test.eagle --
# Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine (Eagle)
# Eagle Test Package File
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Joe Mistachkin.  All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: $

# NOTE: Use our own namespace here because even though we do not directly
#       support namespaces ourselves, we do not want to pollute the global
#       namespace if this script actually ends up being evaluated in Tcl.
namespace eval ::Eagle {
  proc dumpState {} {
    set result [list]

    foreach varName [lsort [uplevel 1 [list info vars]]] {
      if {[uplevel 1 [list array exists $varName]]} then {
        lappend result $varName [list \
            array [uplevel 1 [list array get $varName]]]
      } else {
        lappend result $varName [list \
            scalar [uplevel 1 [list set $varName]]]

    return $result
  proc trawputs { channel string } {
    # NOTE: If an output channel was provided, use it; otherwise, ignore
    #       the message.
    if {[string length $channel] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Check if output is being actively intercepted by us.
      if {![isEagle] && \
          [llength [info commands ::tcl::save::puts]] > 0} then {
        ::tcl::save::puts -nonewline $channel $string
      } else {
        puts -nonewline $channel $string
  proc tputs { channel string } {
    trawputs $channel $string; tlog $string
  # NOTE: This is a shim designed to act like tclLog.
  proc ttclLog { string } {
    tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs $string \n]
  proc doesTestLogFileExist { fileName } {
    if {[catch {
      expr {[file exists $fileName] && [file size $fileName] > 0}
    } result] == 0 && $result} then {
      return true
    } else {
      return false
  proc getTestLogStartSentry {} {
    if {![info exists ::test_run_id]} then {
      set ::test_run_id [getNewTestRunId]

    return [appendArgs \
        "**** START OF TEST LOG \"" $::test_run_id "\" ****\n"]
  proc extractTestRunIdFromLogStartSentry { sentry } {
    set prefix {^\*\*\*\* START OF TEST LOG "}
    set suffix {" \*\*\*\*\n$}

    set pattern(1) [appendArgs $prefix {([0-9A-F]{56})} $suffix]; # Tcl

    if {[regexp -- $pattern(1) $sentry dummy result]} then {
      return $result

    set pattern(2) [appendArgs $prefix {([0-9A-F]{64})} $suffix]; # Eagle

    if {[regexp -- $pattern(2) $sentry dummy result]} then {
      return $result

    return <none>
  proc doesTestLogHaveStartSentry {} {
    set fileName [getTestLog]

    if {[string length $fileName] > 0} then {
      if {[doesTestLogFileExist $fileName]} then {
        set sentry [string trim [getTestLogStartSentry]]

        if {[string length $sentry] > 0} then {
          set data [readFile $fileName]

          if {[string first $sentry $data] != -1} then {
            return true

    return false
  proc didTestLogHaveStartSentry { sentry varName } {
    if {[info exists ::test_log_sentry]} then {
      if {$::test_log_sentry ne $sentry} then {
        upvar 1 $varName error

        set error [appendArgs \
            "---- test log start sentry mismatch error, was \"" \
            [extractTestRunIdFromLogStartSentry $::test_log_sentry] \
            "\", now \"" [extractTestRunIdFromLogStartSentry $sentry] \

      return true
    } else {
      return false
  proc setTestLogStartSentry { sentry varName } {
    upvar 1 $varName result

    if {[info exists ::test_log_sentry]} then {
      set result [appendArgs \
          "---- test log start sentry reinitialized to \"" \
          [extractTestRunIdFromLogStartSentry $sentry] \
          "\", was \"" [extractTestRunIdFromLogStartSentry \
          $::test_log_sentry] \"\n]
    } else {
      set result [appendArgs \
          "---- test log start sentry initialized to \"" \
          [extractTestRunIdFromLogStartSentry $sentry] \

    set ::test_log_sentry $sentry
  proc tlog { string } {
    # NOTE: If a test log file was configured, use it; otherwise, ignore the
    #       message.
    set fileName [getTestLog]

    if {[string length $fileName] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Check for any queued test log data that needs to be sent to the
      #       log file prior to sending the current string.
      if {[info exists ::test_log_queue]} then {
        # NOTE: Process each queued test log entry, in order, sending them to
        #       the test log file (as long as they are not empty strings).
        #       Each entry is removed from the queue after it is sent to the
        #       test log file.
        foreach entry [lsort -integer [array names ::test_log_queue]] {
          set newString $::test_log_queue($entry)

          if {[string length $newString] > 0} then {
            if {![doesTestLogFileExist $fileName]} then {
              set sentry [getTestLogStartSentry]

              if {[string length $sentry] > 0} then {
                # BUGFIX: At this point, there should not be any record of a
                #         previously used test log sentry.  If there is, do
                #         not append a test log sentry again because the test
                #         log file may have been deleted and we need to make
                #         sure the test log is not considered as "complete".
                if {[didTestLogHaveStartSentry $sentry sentryError]} then {
                  if {[info exists sentryError]} then {
                    appendSharedLogFile $fileName $sentryError
                } else {
                  setTestLogStartSentry $sentry sentryResult

                  appendSharedLogFile $fileName $sentry

                  if {[info exists sentryResult]} then {
                    appendSharedLogFile $fileName $sentryResult

            appendSharedLogFile $fileName $newString

          unset ::test_log_queue($entry)

        # NOTE: If all entries in the test log queue were just processed,
        #       unset the entire array now.
        if {[array size test_log_queue] == 0} then {
          unset ::test_log_queue

      # NOTE: If an empty string is supplied by the caller, do nothing.
      if {[string length $string] > 0} then {
        if {![doesTestLogFileExist $fileName]} then {
          set sentry [getTestLogStartSentry]

          if {[string length $sentry] > 0} then {
            # BUGFIX: At this point, there should not be any record of a
            #         previously used test log sentry.  If there is, do
            #         not append a test log sentry again because the test
            #         log file may have been deleted and we need to make
            #         sure the test log is not considered as "complete".
            if {[didTestLogHaveStartSentry $sentry sentryError]} then {
              if {[info exists sentryError]} then {
                appendSharedLogFile $fileName $sentryError
            } else {
              setTestLogStartSentry $sentry sentryResult

              appendSharedLogFile $fileName $sentry

              if {[info exists sentryResult]} then {
                appendSharedLogFile $fileName $sentryResult

        appendSharedLogFile $fileName $string
  proc getSoftwareRegistryKey { wow64 } {
    if {$wow64 && [info exists ::tcl_platform(machine)] && [lsearch -exact \
        [list ia64 amd64 arm64] $::tcl_platform(machine)] != -1} then {
      # NOTE: Return the WoW64 registry key name because we are running on a
      #       64-bit operating system and the caller specifically requested
      #       the WoW64 registry key name.
      return Software\\Wow6432Node
    } else {
      # NOTE: Return the native registry key name because we are either not
      #       running on a 64-bit operating system or the caller wants the
      #       native registry key name (i.e. not the WoW64 registry key name).
      return Software
  proc haveConstraint { name } {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      return [expr {
          [info exists ::eagle_tests(Constraints)] && \
          [lsearch -exact $::eagle_tests(Constraints) $name] != -1}]
    } else {
      return [expr {
          [info exists ::tcltest::testConstraints($name)] && \
  proc addConstraint { name {value 1} } {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      if {[info exists ::eagle_tests(Constraints)] && \
          [lsearch -exact $::eagle_tests(Constraints) $name] == -1 && \
          $value} then {
        lappend ::eagle_tests(Constraints) $name
    } else {
      ::tcltest::testConstraint $name $value

    return ""
  proc haveOrAddConstraint { name {value ""} } {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      if {[llength [info level 0]] == 2} then {
        return [haveConstraint $name]

      return [addConstraint $name [expr {bool($value)}]]
    } else {
      return [::tcltest::testConstraint $name $value]
  proc getConstraints {} {
    set result [list]

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      if {[catch {set ::eagle_tests(Constraints)} constraints] == 0} then {
        eval lappend result $constraints
    } else {
      foreach name [array names ::tcltest::testConstraints] {
        if {$::tcltest::testConstraints($name)} then {
          lappend result $name

    return $result
  proc getCachedConstraints {} {
    if {[info exists ::test_constraints] && \
        [llength $::test_constraints] > 0} then {
      return $::test_constraints

    return [getConstraints]
  proc useCachedConstraints {} {
    foreach name [getCachedConstraints] {
      addConstraint $name
  proc removeConstraint { name } {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      if {[info exists ::eagle_tests(Constraints)]} then {
        set index [lsearch -exact $::eagle_tests(Constraints) $name]

        if {$index != -1} then {
          set ::eagle_tests(Constraints) [lreplace \
              $::eagle_tests(Constraints) $index $index]
    } else {
      if {[info exists ::tcltest::testConstraints($name)]} then {
        unset ::tcltest::testConstraints($name)

    return ""
  proc fixConstraints { constraints } {
    set result [string trim $constraints]

    if {[string length $result] > 0} then {
      # HACK: Fixup for the semi-magical expression (via [expr]) test
      #       constraint syntax supported by the Tcltest package and not
      #       by the Eagle.Test package.  This needs to happen for Tcl
      #       in test constraints that contain any characters that are
      #       not alphanumeric, not a period, and not a colon (e.g. in
      #       this case, the exclamation point); however, it should only
      #       be required when the number of test constraints is greater
      #       than one.
      if {![isEagle]} then {
        if {[string first ! $result] != -1} then {
          # HACK: All of our test constraints assume they are
          #       "logically and-ed" together.
          set result [join [split $result] " && "]

    return $result
  proc isCorePublicKeyToken { publicKeyToken } {
    # HACK: This list of "well-known" public key tokens is hard-coded.
    set publicKeyTokens [list \
        29c6297630be05eb 1e22ec67879739a2 358030063a832bc3]

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      set expr {$publicKeyToken in $publicKeyTokens}

      if {[expr $expr]} then {
        return true
    } else {
      if {[lsearch -exact $publicKeyTokens $publicKeyToken] != -1} then {
        return true

    return false
  proc fixTimingConstraints { constraints } {
    # HACK: In Eagle, when the right test constraint is present, *any* tests
    #       where PASSED / FAILED results can vary non-deterministically due
    #       to timing issues (e.g. performance) are forbidden from causing
    #       the overall test run to fail.
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      if {[info exists ::no(failTimingTests)] || \
          [haveConstraint officialStableReleaseInProgress]} then {
        return [fixConstraints [concat $constraints [list fail.false]]]
      } else {
        return [fixConstraints $constraints]
    } else {
      return [fixConstraints $constraints]
  proc testDebugBreak {} {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      # NOTE: In Eagle, simply break into the interactive loop using the
      #       integrated script debugger.
      debug break
    } else {
      # NOTE: In native Tcl, attempt to use the TclPro Debugger interface.
      #       This requires that the TclPro Debugger interface package be
      #       present somewhere along the auto-path.
      package require tcldebugger_attach; debugger_init; debugger_break
  proc testArrayGet { varName {integer false} } {
    # NOTE: Returns the results of [array get] in a well-defined order.
    if {[string length $varName] == 0} then {
      return [list]

    # NOTE: Refer to the array in the context of the caller.
    upvar 1 $varName array

    # NOTE: Build the command that will sort the array names into order.
    set command [list lsort]
    if {$integer} then {lappend command -integer}
    lappend command [array names array]

    set result [list]

    foreach name [eval $command] {
      lappend result $name $array($name)

    return $result
  proc testArrayGet2 { varName {pattern ""} {integer false} } {
    # NOTE: Returns the results of [array get] in a well-defined order.
    if {[string length $varName] == 0} then {
      return [list]

    # NOTE: Refer to the array in the context of the caller.
    upvar 1 $varName array

    # NOTE: Build the command that will sort the array names into order.
    set command [list lsort]
    if {$integer} then {lappend command -integer}

    # NOTE: If there is a pattern, use it; otherwise, all elements are
    #       returned.
    if {[string length $pattern] > 0} then {
      lappend command [array names array $pattern]
    } else {
      lappend command [array names array]

    set result [list]

    foreach name [eval $command] {
      lappend result $name $array($name)

    return $result
  proc testResultGet { script } {
    set code [catch {uplevel 1 $script} result]
    return [expr {$code == 0 ? $result : "<error>"}]
  proc testValueGet { varName {integer false} } {
    # NOTE: Returns the results of [array get] in a well-defined order
    #       -OR- the value of the scalar variable.
    if {[string length $varName] == 0} then {
      return [list]

    # NOTE: Is the specified variable (in the context of the caller) an
    #       array?
    if {[uplevel 1 [list array exists $varName]]} then {
      # NOTE: Refer to the array in the context of the caller.
      upvar 1 $varName array

      # NOTE: Build the command that will sort the array names into order.
      set command [list lsort]
      if {$integer} then {lappend command -integer}
      lappend command [array names array]

      set result [list]

      foreach name [eval $command] {
        lappend result $name $array($name)
    } else {
      # NOTE: Grab the value of the scalar variable in the context of the
      #       caller and then return both the name and the value.
      set varValue [uplevel 1 [list set $varName]]
      set result [list $varValue]

    return $result
  proc getFirstLineOfError { error } {
    set error [string map [list \r\n \n] $error]
    set index [string first \n $error]

    if {$index != -1} then {
      incr index -1

      if {$index > 0} then {
        return [string range $error 0 $index]

    return $error
  proc calculateBogoCops { {milliseconds 2000} {legacy false} } {
    # NOTE: Verify that the number of milliseconds requested is greater
    #       than zero.
    if {$milliseconds <= 0} then {
      unset -nocomplain ::test_suite_running
      error "number of milliseconds must be greater than zero"

    # HACK: Different techniques are used to calculate the performance of
    #       the machine for Tcl and Eagle.
    if {!$legacy && [isEagle]} then {
      # BUGBUG: Tcl 8.4 does not like this expression (and Tcl tries to
      #         compile it even though it will only actually ever be
      #         evaluated in Eagle).
      set expr {[catch {
        string first -timeout [time nop -1 ---]
      } timeout] in [list 0 2] && $timeout != -1}

      # HACK: Attempt to determine if the "-timeout" option for [time] is
      #       available.  If so, use it.
      if {[expr $expr]} then {
        set code [catch {
          # NOTE: This is the most robust method, i.e. use the "-timeout"
          #       option to the [time] command.
          set before [info cmdcount]
          catch {time {nop} -1 -timeout $milliseconds}; # internal loop.
          set after [info cmdcount]

          # HACK: Mono has a bug that results in excessive trailing zeros
          #       here (Mono bug #655780).
          if {[isMono]} then {
            expr {double(($after - $before) / ($milliseconds / 1000.0))}
          } else {
            expr {($after - $before) / ($milliseconds / 1000.0)}
        } result]

        # NOTE: If we failed above, return an obviously invalid result
        #       instead.
        if {$code == 0} then {
          return $result
        } else {
          return 0
      } else {
        # HACK: This calculation method (i.e. using [after] to cancel the
        #       [time] command after the specified number of milliseconds)
        #       is no longer necessary as of Beta 45; however, it will be
        #       retained for backward compatibility with previous releases
        #       solely for the purpose of running comparative benchmarks.
        # NOTE: Save the current readiness limit for later restoration
        #       and then set the current readiness limit to always check
        #       the interpreter readiness (default).  If this was not
        #       done, the [interp cancel] command in this procedure may
        #       have no effect, which could cause this procedure to run
        #       forever.
        set readylimit [interp readylimit {}]
        interp readylimit {} 0

        try {
          # NOTE: Save the current background error handler for later
          #       restoration and then reset the current background
          #       error handler to nothing.
          set bgerror [interp bgerror {}]
          interp bgerror {} ""

          try {
            # NOTE: Save the current [after] flags for later restoration
            #       and then reset them to process events immediately.
            set flags [after flags]
            after flags =Immediate

            try {
              set code [catch {
                # NOTE: First, make sure that the [after] event queue
                #       for the interpreter is totally empty.
                catch {foreach id [after info] {after cancel $id}}

                # NOTE: Schedule the event to cancel the script we are
                #       about to evaluate, capturing the name so we can
                #       cancel it later, if necessary.
                set event [after $milliseconds [list interp cancel]]

                # HACK: There is a potential "race condition" here.  If the
                #       specified number of milliseconds elapses before (or
                #       after) entering the [catch] script block (below)
                #       then the resulting script cancellation error will
                #       not be caught and we will be unable to return the
                #       correct result to the caller.
                set before [info cmdcount]
                catch {time {nop} -1}; # uses the [time] internal busy loop.
                set after [info cmdcount]

                # HACK: Mono has a bug that results in excessive trailing
                #       zeros here (Mono bug #655780).
                if {[isMono]} then {
                  expr {double(($after - $before) / ($milliseconds / 1000.0))}
                } else {
                  expr {($after - $before) / ($milliseconds / 1000.0)}
              } result]

              # NOTE: If we failed due to the race condition explained
              #       above, return an obviously invalid result instead.
              if {$code == 0} then {
                return $result
              } else {
                return 0
            } finally {
              if {[info exists event]} then {
                catch {after cancel $event}

              after flags [appendArgs = $flags]
          } finally {
            interp bgerror {} $bgerror
        } finally {
          interp readylimit {} $readylimit
    } else {
      # NOTE: Record the initial Tcl command count.
      set before [info cmdcount]

      # NOTE: Calculate how many whole seconds we need to spin for.
      set seconds [expr {$milliseconds / 1000}]

      # NOTE: Calculate the starting and ending values of [clock seconds].
      set now [clock seconds]
      set start $now; set stop [expr {$now + $seconds}]

      # NOTE: Do nothing for X seconds (i.e. except call [clock seconds]).
      while {$start <= $now && $now < $stop} {set now [clock seconds]}

      # NOTE: Record the final Tcl command count.
      set after [info cmdcount]

      # NOTE: Calculate approximately how many Tcl commands per second were
      #       executed during the timed loop (above).  Due to various things,
      #       including overhead associated with [clock seconds], this number
      #       is not as accurate as the one for Eagle; however, it's generally
      #       good enough.
      expr {($after - $before) / double($seconds)}
  proc calculateRelativePerformance { type value } {
    # NOTE: Adjust the expected performance number based on the
    #       relative performance of this machine, if available.
    if {[info exists ::test_base_cops] && [info exists ::test_cops]} then {
      # NOTE: Calibrate the expected performance numbers based
      #       on the ratio of the baseline performace to the
      #       current performance.
      switch -exact -- $type {
        elapsed {
          if {$::test_cops != 0} then {
            return [expr {double($value) * \
                ($::test_base_cops / $::test_cops)}]
        iterations {
          if {$::test_base_cops != 0} then {
            return [expr {double($value) * \
                ($::test_cops / $::test_base_cops)}]

    return $value
  proc formatTimeStamp { seconds {gmt false} } {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      return [clock format $seconds -gmt $gmt -iso -isotimezone]
    } else {
      return [clock format $seconds -gmt $gmt -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %Z"]
  proc formatElapsedTime { seconds } {
    if {[isEagle] && [llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Create a TimeSpan instance based on the number of whole
      #       seconds.
      set timeSpan [object invoke -create -alias TimeSpan FromSeconds \

      # NOTE: Return the number of seconds and a human readable string
      #       representing the TimeSpan instance created based on that
      #       same number of seconds.
      return [appendArgs $seconds " seconds (" [$timeSpan ToString] \
          " elapsed time)"]
    } else {
      # NOTE: Unfortunately, there is no built-in native Tcl command
      #       that can correctly format an elapsed time; therefore,
      #       just return the number of whole seconds.
      return [appendArgs $seconds " seconds"]
  proc sourceIfValid { type fileName } {
    if {[string length $fileName] > 0} then {
      if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- evaluating " $type " file: \"" $fileName \"\n]

        if {[catch {uplevel 1 [list source $fileName]} error]} then {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- error during " $type " file: " $error \n]

          # NOTE: The error has been logged, now re-throw it.
          unset -nocomplain ::test_suite_running
          error $error $::errorInfo $::errorCode
      } else {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- skipped " $type " file: \"" $fileName \
            "\", it does not exist\n"]
  proc processTestArguments { varName strict args } {
    # NOTE: Initially, there are no unknown (i.e. unprocessed) arguments.
    set result [list]

    # NOTE: We are going to place the configured options in the variable
    #       identified by the name provided by the caller.
    if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
      upvar 1 $varName array

    # TODO: Add more support for standard "tcltest" options here.
    set options [list \
        -breakOnLeak -configuration -constraints -exitOnComplete \
        -file -logFile -logId -logPath -machine -match -namePrefix \
        -no -notFile -platform -postTest -preTest -postWait -preWait \
        -randomOrder -skip -startFile -stopFile -stopOnFailure \
        -stopOnLeak -suffix -suite -tclsh -threshold -uncountedLeaks \

    set length [llength $args]

    for {set index 0} {$index < $length} {incr index} {
      # NOTE: Grab the current list element, which should be the name of
      #       the test option.
      set name [lindex $args $index]

      # NOTE: Use the [tqputs] command here just in case the test log file
      #       has not been setup yet (i.e. by default, this procedure is
      #       almost always called by the test prologue file prior to the
      #       test log file having been setup and we do not want to just
      #       lose this output).
      if {[lsearch -exact $options $name] != -1} then {
        # NOTE: Is there another list element available for the value?  If
        #       not, this is not a valid test option.
        if {$index + 1 < $length} then {
          incr index; set value [lindex $args $index]

          set array($name) $value

          tqputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- overrode test option \"" $name "\" with value \"" \
              $value \"\n]
        } else {
          tqputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- no value for test option \"" $name "\", ignored\n"]
      } elseif {[string index $name 0] eq "-"} then {
        # NOTE: Is there another list element available for the value?  If
        #       not, it does not conform to the standard command line name
        #       and value pattern.
        if {$index + 1 < $length} then {
          incr index; set value [lindex $args $index]

          if {!$strict && [lsearch -exact $options $value] != -1} then {
            incr index -1; # HACK: Resynchronize with valid test option.
            lappend result [list $name]

            tqputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- no value for unknown test option \"" $name \
                "\", ignored, backing up one for test option \"" \
                $value \"...\n]
          } else {
            lappend result [list $name $value]

            tqputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- unknown test option \"" $name "\" with value \"" \
                $value "\", ignored\n"]
        } else {
          lappend result [list $name]

          tqputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- no value for unknown test option \"" $name \
              "\", ignored\n"]
      } else {
        # NOTE: Is there another list element available for the value?  If
        #       not, it does not conform to the standard command line name
        #       and value pattern.
        if {$index + 1 < $length} then {
          incr index; set value [lindex $args $index]

          if {!$strict && [lsearch -exact $options $value] != -1} then {
            incr index -1; # HACK: Resynchronize with valid test argument.
            lappend result [list $name]

            tqputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- no value for unknown argument \"" $name \
                "\", ignored, backing up one for test option \"" \
                $value \"...\n]
          } else {
            lappend result [list $name $value]

            tqputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- unknown argument \"" $name "\" with value \"" \
                $value "\", ignored\n"]
        } else {
          # NOTE: This is not an option of *any* kind that we know about.
          #       Ignore it and issue a warning.
          lappend result [list $name]

          tqputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- unknown argument \"" $name "\", ignored\n"]

    # NOTE: Now, attempt to flush the test log queue, if available.
    tlog ""

    # NOTE: Return the nested list of unknown arguments, formatted as
    #       name/value pairs, to the caller.
    return $result
  proc getTclShellFileName { automatic kits machine } {
    # NOTE: Start out with an empty list of candiate Tcl shells.
    set shells [list]

    # NOTE: Figure out the environment variables to be checked.  If
    #       there was a machine specified, it will be used to check
    #       for machine-specific Tcl shells.
    set names [list]

    foreach name [list Eagle_Tcl_Shell Tcl_Shell EAGLE_TCLSH TCLSH] {
      if {[string length $machine] > 0} then {
        set platform [machineToPlatform $machine true]

        if {[string length $platform] > 0} then {
          lappend names [appendArgs $name _ $platform]

        set platform [machineToPlatform $machine false]

        if {[string length $platform] > 0} then {
          lappend names [appendArgs $name _ $platform]

        lappend names [appendArgs $name _ $machine]

      lappend names $name

    # NOTE: Check all environment variables (we know about) that
    #       may contain the path where the Tcl shell is located.
    foreach name $names {
      # NOTE: Grab the value of the environment variable.  This
      #       will be an empty string if it was not set.
      set value [getEnvironmentVariable $name]

      # TODO: Possibly add a check if the file actually exists
      #       here.
      if {[string length $value] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: *EXTERNAL* Use verbatim, no normalization.
        if {$automatic && [isEagle]} then {
          # NOTE: In automatic mode, the environment variable
          #       value simply represents another candidate
          #       Tcl shell (i.e. it does not halt the search
          #       for other candidate Tcl shells).
          lappend shells $value
        } else {
          # NOTE: In manual mode, the environment variable
          #       value represents an "override" and halts
          #       the search for other candidate Tcl shells.
          return $value

    # NOTE: The automatic Tcl shell detection is only available when
    #       running in Eagle.
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      # NOTE: Attempt to check for the "best" available dynamically
      #       loadable Tcl library and then attempt to use its
      #       "associated" Tcl shell.  A very similar block of code
      #       is also used by the [checkForTclInstalls] procedure
      #       in the constraints package.
      if {[catch {tcl select -architecture} tcl] == 0} then {
        # NOTE: Should we also consider TclKit shells?  If so, a bit
        #       more handling is required.
        if {$kits} then {
          # NOTE: Did we find one?  Attempt to grab the patch
          #       level field from the returned dictionary value.
          set dotPatchLevel [getDictionaryValue $tcl patchLevel]

          # NOTE: Verify that the patch level we found is valid
          #       and that it conforms to the pattern we expect.
          if {[string length $dotPatchLevel] > 0 && \
            [regexp -- {^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$} $dotPatchLevel]} then {
            # NOTE: Build the candidate TclKit shell executable file
            #       name with the dot-separated patch level.  This is
            #       the common naming scheme on Unix.
            set dotShell [appendArgs tclkit- $dotPatchLevel]

            # NOTE: Build the candidate TclKit shell executable file
            #       name with the patch level, removing the dot.  This
            #       is the common naming scheme on Windows.
            set shell [appendArgs \
                tclkit- [string map [list . ""] $dotPatchLevel]]

            # NOTE: Always favor the TclKit shell executable file
            #       naming scheme for the current operating system
            #       first.
            if {[isWindows]} then {
              lappend shells $shell
              lappend shells $dotShell
            } else {
              lappend shells $dotShell
              lappend shells $shell

        # NOTE: Did we find one?  Attempt to grab the version
        #       field from the returned dictionary value.
        set dotVersion [getDictionaryValue $tcl version]

        # NOTE: Verify that the version we found is valid and that
        #       it conforms to the pattern we expect.
        if {[string length $dotVersion] > 0 && \
            [regexp -- {^\d+\.\d+$} $dotVersion]} then {
          # NOTE: Gather the list of candidate Tcl shells to check
          #       using the range of versions we are interested in,
          #       starting with the "best" available version and
          #       ending with the absolute minimum version supported
          #       by the Eagle core library.  A very similar block
          #       of code is also used by the [checkForTclShell]
          #       procedure in the constraints package.
          foreach version [lsort -real -decreasing [tcl \
              versionrange -maximumversion $dotVersion]] {
            # NOTE: Build the candidate Tcl shell executable file name
            #       with the dot-separated version.  This is the common
            #       naming scheme on Unix.
            set dotShell [appendArgs tclsh $version]

            # NOTE: Build the candidate Tcl shell executable file name
            #       with the version, removing the dot.  This is the
            #       common naming scheme on Windows.
            set shell [appendArgs tclsh [string map [list . ""] $version]]

            # NOTE: Always favor the Tcl shell executable file naming
            #       scheme for the current operating system first.
            if {[isWindows]} then {
              lappend shells $shell
              lappend shells $dotShell
            } else {
              lappend shells $dotShell
              lappend shells $shell

      # NOTE: Check each candidate Tcl shell and query its fully
      #       qualified path from it.  If it cannot be executed,
      #       we know that candidate Tcl shell is not available.
      if {![info exists ::no(getTclExecutableForTclShell)]} then {
        foreach shell $shells {
          if {[catch {
            getTclExecutableForTclShell $shell [getTclShellVerbosity]
          } executable] == 0 && $executable ne "error" && \
              ![string match "error: *" $executable]} then {
            # NOTE: It looks like this Tcl shell is available.
            #       Return the fully qualified path to it now.
            return $executable

    # NOTE: Return the fallback default.
    return tclsh
  proc getTemporaryPath { {usable true} } {
    # NOTE: Build the list of "temporary directory" override
    #       environment variables to check.
    set names [list]

    foreach name [list \
      # NOTE: Make sure we handle all the reasonable "cases" of
      #       the environment variable names.
      lappend names [string toupper $name] [string tolower $name] \
          [string totitle $name]

    # NOTE: Check if we can use any of the environment variables.
    foreach name $names {
      set value [getEnvironmentVariable $name]

      # NOTE: First, make sure the environment variable was actually
      #       set to something.
      if {[string length $value] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Next, when the "usable" argument is non-zero, attempt
        #       to make sure the returned temporary path is actually
        #       an existing directory, writable by us.
        if {$usable} then {
          if {[file isdirectory $value] && [file writable $value]} then {
            return [file normalize $value]
        } else {
          return [file normalize $value]

    if {[isEagle] && [llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Eagle fallback, use whatever is reported by the
      #       underlying framework and/or operating system.
      return [file normalize [object invoke System.IO.Path GetTempPath]]
    } else {
      # NOTE: Tcl fallback, *assume* that we can use the
      #       directory where the executable is running for
      #       temporary storage.
      return [file normalize [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]]
  proc getTemporaryFileName { {seconds 5} } {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      return [file tempname]
    } else {
      set path [getTemporaryPath]

      set now [clock seconds]
      set start $now; set stop [expr {$now + $seconds}]

      while {$start <= $now && $now < $stop} {
        binary scan [binary format d* [expr {rand()}]] h* random

        set fileNameOnly [appendArgs \
            tmp [string index $random 0] [string index $random 1] \
            [string index $random end-1] [string index $random end] \

        set fileName [file join $path $fileNameOnly]

        if {![file exists $fileName]} then {
          return $fileName

        set now [clock seconds]

      error "cannot generate temporary file name"
  proc getFiles { directory pattern } {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      set result [list]

      if {[file exists $directory] && [file isdirectory $directory]} then {
        foreach fileName [lsort -dictionary [file list $directory $pattern]] {
          if {[file isfile $fileName] && [file readable $fileName]} then {
            lappend result $fileName

      return $result
    } else {
      return [lsort -dictionary [glob -directory $directory -types \
          {f r} -nocomplain -- $pattern]]
  proc getTestFiles { directories matchFilePatterns skipFilePatterns } {
    set result [list]

    foreach directory $directories {
      set matchFileNames [list]

      foreach pattern $matchFilePatterns {
        eval lappend matchFileNames [getFiles $directory $pattern]

      set skipFileNames [list]

      foreach pattern $skipFilePatterns {
        eval lappend skipFileNames [getFiles $directory $pattern]

      foreach fileName $matchFileNames {
        if {[lsearch -exact $skipFileNames $fileName] == -1} then {
          lappend result $fileName

    return $result
  proc getTestRunId {} {
    return [expr {[info exists ::test_run_id] ? $::test_run_id : ""}]
  proc getNewTestRunId {} {
    # HACK: Yes, this is a bit ugly; however, it creates a nice unique
    #       identifier to represent the test run, which makes analyzing
    #       the test log files a lot easier.
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      # BUGBUG: Tcl 8.4 does not like this expression (and Tcl tries to
      #         compile it even though it will only actually ever be
      #         evaluated in Eagle).
      set expr {random()}

      # NOTE: Include the host name to make the result more unique in both
      #       time and space.  Also, hash the entire constructed string.
      if {![isMono]} then {
        # NOTE: When running on the .NET Framework, we can simply use the
        #       [string format] command.
        return [hash normal sha256 [string format \
            "{0}{1:X8}{2:X8}{3:X16}{4:X16}{5:X16}" [info host] [pid] \
            [info tid] [clock now] [clock clicks] [expr $expr]]]
      } else {
        # HACK: Mono does not currently support calling the String.Format
        #       overload that takes a variable number of arguments via
        #       reflection (Mono bug #636939).  Also, strip any leading
        #       minus signs for cleanliness.
        return [hash normal sha256 [appendArgs [info host] [string \
            trimleft [pid] -] [string trimleft [info tid] -] [string \
            trimleft [clock now] -] [string trimleft [clock clicks] -] \
            [string trimleft [expr $expr] -]]]
    } else {
      # NOTE: Generate a random number using [expr] and then convert it
      #       to a 64-bit integer.
      binary scan [binary format d* [expr {rand()}]] w* random

      # NOTE: Convert the host name to a hexadecimal string and include
      #       it in the result in an attempt to make it more unique in
      #       both time and space.
      binary scan [info host] c* host
      set host [eval [list format [string repeat %X [llength $host]]] $host]

      # NOTE: Build the final result with the [format] command, converting
      #       all the pieces to hexadecimal (except the host, which is
      #       already hexadecimal).
      set pid [pid]; set seconds [clock seconds]; set clicks [clock clicks]

      return [appendArgs \
          $host [format [appendArgs % [getLengthModifier $pid] X% \
          [getLengthModifier $seconds] X% [getLengthModifier $clicks] X% \
          [getLengthModifier $random] X] $pid $seconds $clicks $random]]
  proc getDefaultTestLogPath { executable } {
    # NOTE: By default, use the configured temporary directory for
    #       test log files unless we are forbidden from doing so.
    if {![info exists ::no(temporaryTestLog)]} then {
      return [getTemporaryPath]
    } else {
      # HACK: It seems that .NET Core considers itself to be the
      #       executable-of-record for the process; in that case,
      #       relocate the log file to be nearer the assemblies.
      if {[isEagle] && [isDotNetCore]} then {
        return [info binary]
      } else {
        return [file dirname $executable]
  proc getTestLogPath {} {
    return [expr {[info exists ::test_log_path] ? $test_log_path : ""}]
  proc getTestLogId {} {
    return [expr {[info exists ::test_log_id] ? \
        [append result . $::test_log_id] : ""}]
  proc getDefaultTestLog {} {
    set executable [info nameofexecutable]

    if {[info exists ::test_log_path]} then {
      set path $::test_log_path
    } else {
      set path [getDefaultTestLogPath $executable]

    return [file normalize [file join $path [appendArgs \
        [file tail $executable] [getTestLogId] .test. [pid] .log]]]
  proc getTestLog {} {
    return [expr {[info exists ::test_log] ? $::test_log : ""}]
  proc getLastTestLog {} {
    # NOTE: Use the configured log file name -OR- what the configured
    #       log file name would be, by default, if it actually existed.
    if {[info exists ::test_log]} then {
      set logFileName $::test_log
    } else {
      set logFileName [getDefaultTestLog]

    set logFileName [file normalize $logFileName]
    set logTime [expr {[file exists $logFileName] ? \
        [file mtime $logFileName] : 0}]

    # NOTE: Make the log file name into a pattern we can use to find
    #       the related log files.
    if {[regsub -- {\.\d+\.} $logFileName {.*.} pattern]} then {
      set lastLogFile [list]

      foreach fileName [findFiles $pattern] {
        # NOTE: Skip the current test log file, if found.
        if {[isSameFileName $fileName $logFileName]} then {

        # NOTE: When was this log file last modified?
        set time [file mtime $fileName]

        # NOTE: Check if there has been no log file seen -OR- this
        #       log file has the latest modified time seen.
        if {[llength $lastLogFile] == 0 || \
            $time > [lindex $lastLogFile 0]} then {
          # NOTE: This is now the latest log file seen.
          set lastLogFile [list $time $fileName]

      # NOTE: Either return the last log file seen, if any -OR- the
      #       configured log file, if it actually exists.
      if {[llength $lastLogFile] > 0} then {
        return [lindex $lastLogFile 1]
      } elseif {$logTime != 0} then {
        return $logFileName

    return ""
  proc getTestSuite {} {
    # NOTE: Determine the effective test suite name and return it.  If the
    #       test suite name cannot be determined, return the default based
    #       on whether we are running in Eagle or native Tcl.
    if {[info exists ::test_flags(-suite)] && \
        [string length $::test_flags(-suite)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: The test suite name has been manually overridden via the test
      #       flags; therefore, use it.
      return $::test_flags(-suite)
    } elseif {[info exists ::test_suite]} then {
      # NOTE: Use the test suite name.  The default value is set by the test
      #       suite prologue; however, this may have been overridden.
      return $::test_suite
    } elseif {[isEagle]} then {
      # NOTE: Use the default test suite name for Eagle.
      return "Eagle Test Suite for Eagle"
    } else {
      # NOTE: Use the default test suite name for native Tcl.
      return "Eagle Test Suite for Tcl"
  proc getTestSuiteFullName {} {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      set fileName [probeForScriptFileName [list \
          [file join * prologue.eagle] [file join * epilogue.eagle] \
          [file join * Test1.0 *]]]
    } else {
      set fileName ""

    if {[string length $fileName] == 0} then {
      if {[info exists ::test_suite_file]} then {
        set fileName $::test_suite_file

    if {[string length $fileName] == 0} then {
      set fileName [info script]

    if {[string length $fileName] == 0} then {
      set fileName <none>

    set suiteName [getTestSuite]

    if {[string length $suiteName] == 0} then {
      set suiteName <none>

    return [appendArgs $fileName " (" $suiteName )]
  proc getTestMachine {} {
    # NOTE: Determine the effective test machine and return it.  If the
    #       test machine cannot be determined, return an empty string.
    if {[info exists ::test_flags(-machine)] && \
        [string length $::test_flags(-machine)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: The test machine has been manually overridden via the test
      #       flags; therefore, use it.
      return $::test_flags(-machine)
    } elseif {[info exists ::test_machine]} then {
      # NOTE: Use the test machine.  The default value is set by the test
      #       suite prologue; however, this may have been overridden.
      return $::test_machine
    } elseif {[info exists ::tcl_platform(machine)]} then {
      # NOTE: Use the build machine of Eagle itself.
      return $::tcl_platform(machine)
    } else {
      # NOTE: We are missing the machine, return nothing.
      return ""
  proc getTestPlatform { {architecture false} } {
    # NOTE: Determine the effective test platform and return it.  If the
    #       test platform cannot be determined, return an empty string.
    if {[info exists ::test_flags(-platform)] && \
        [string length $::test_flags(-platform)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: The test platform has been manually overridden via the test
      #       flags; therefore, use it.
      return $::test_flags(-platform)
    } elseif {[info exists ::test_platform]} then {
      # NOTE: Use the test platform.  The default value is set by the test
      #       suite prologue; however, this may have been overridden.
      return $::test_platform
    } else {
      set machine [getTestMachine]

      if {[string length $machine] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Use the machine architecture to figure out the platform
        #       and then return it.
        return [machineToPlatform $machine $architecture]
      } else {
        # NOTE: We are missing the machine and we cannot figure out the
        #       platform without it; therefore, return nothing.
        return ""
  proc getTestConfiguration {} {
    # NOTE: Determine the effective test configuration and return it.  If
    #       the test configuration cannot be determined, return an empty
    #       string.
    if {[info exists ::test_flags(-configuration)] && \
        [string length $::test_flags(-configuration)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: The test configuration has been manually overridden via the
      #       test flags; therefore, use it.
      return $::test_flags(-configuration)
    } elseif {[info exists ::test_configuration]} then {
      # NOTE: Use the test configuration.  The default value is set by the
      #       test suite prologue; however, this may have been overridden.
      return $::test_configuration
    } elseif {[info exists ::eagle_platform(configuration)]} then {
      # NOTE: Use the build configuration of Eagle itself.  This value will
      #       most likely be either "Debug" or "Release".
      return $::eagle_platform(configuration)
    } else {
      # NOTE: We are missing the configuration, return nothing.
      return ""
  proc getTestNamePrefix {} {
    # NOTE: Determine the effective test name prefix and return it.  If
    #       the test name prefix cannot be determined, return an empty
    #       string.
    if {[info exists ::test_flags(-namePrefix)] && \
        [string length $::test_flags(-namePrefix)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: The test name prefix has been manually overridden via the
      #       test flags; therefore, use it.
      return $::test_flags(-namePrefix)
    } elseif {[info exists ::test_name_prefix] && \
        [string length $::test_name_prefix] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Use the default test name prefix.
      return $::test_name_prefix
    } else {
      # NOTE: We are missing the test name prefix, return nothing.
      return ""
  proc getTestSuffix {} {
    # NOTE: Determine the effective test suffix and return it.  If
    #       the test suffix cannot be determined, return an empty
    #       string.
    if {[info exists ::test_flags(-suffix)] && \
        [string length $::test_flags(-suffix)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: The test suffix has been manually overridden via the
      #       test flags; therefore, use it.
      return $::test_flags(-suffix)
    } elseif {[info exists ::test_suffix]} then {
      # NOTE: Use the test suffix.  There is no default value for
      #       this variable (i.e. by default, it does not exist).
      return $::test_suffix
    } elseif {[info exists ::eagle_platform(text)] && \
        [string length $::eagle_platform(text)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Use the build "text" of Eagle itself.  This value
      #       will typically be "NetFx20", "NetFx40", etc.  The
      #       default value of this element is an empty string.
      return $::eagle_platform(text)
    } elseif {[info exists ::eagle_platform(suffix)] && \
        [string length $::eagle_platform(suffix)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Use the build suffix of Eagle itself.  This value
      #       will typically be "NetFx20", "NetFx40", etc.  The
      #       default value of this element is an empty string.
      return $::eagle_platform(suffix)
    } else {
      # NOTE: We are missing the test suffix, return nothing.
      return ""
  proc getTestUncountedLeaks {} {
    if {[info exists ::test_uncounted_leaks] && \
        [string length $::test_uncounted_leaks] > 0} then {
      return $::test_uncounted_leaks

    return [list]
  proc getRuntimeAssemblyName {} {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      if {[isDotNetCore]} then {
        if {[llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
          # HACK: The core runtime assembly (i.e. the one containing
          #       System.Object, et al) must have already been loaded
          #       (?), so just abuse the [object load] sub-command to
          #       return its assembly name.
          return [lindex [object load System.Private.CoreLib] 0]
        } else {
          # HACK: The [object] command is unavailable, just fake it.
          return "System.Private.CoreLib, Version=,\
              Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e"
      } else {
        if {[llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
          # HACK: The core runtime assembly (i.e. the one containing
          #       System.Object, et al) must have already been loaded
          #       (?), so just abuse the [object load] sub-command to
          #       return its assembly name.
          return [lindex [object load mscorlib] 0]
        } else {
          # HACK: The [object] command is unavailable, just fake it.
          if {[info exists ::eagle_platform(runtimeVersion)] && \
              [string index $::eagle_platform(runtimeVersion) 0] >= 4} then {
            # BUGBUG: Does not handle a major CLR version greater than
            #         four (4).
            return "mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral,\
          } else {
            return "mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral,\
    } else {
      # HACK: Native Tcl has no runtime assembly name as it is native.
      return ""
  proc getTestAssemblyName {} {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      return [lindex [split [lindex [info assembly] 0] ,] 0]
    } else {
      return Eagle
  # NOTE: This procedure should return non-zero if the [exec] command may be
  #       used by the specified test package procedure.
  proc canTestExec { procName } {
    if {[info exists ::no(exec)]} then {
      return false

    if {[info exists ::no(canTestExec)]} then {
      return false

    if {[string length $procName] > 0 && \
        [info exists [appendArgs ::no(canTestExec. $procName )]]} then {
      return false

    return true
  proc testExec { commandName options args } {
    set command [list exec]

    if {[llength $options] > 0} then {eval lappend command $options}

    lappend command -- $commandName

    if {[llength $args] > 0} then {eval lappend command $args}
    set procName [lindex [info level [info level]] 0]

    if {![canTestExec $procName]} then {
      tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs "---- skipping command: " $command \n]

      error "test use of \[$procName\] has been disabled"
    } else {
      tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs "---- running command: " $command \n]

      return [uplevel 1 $command]
  proc testClrExec { commandName options args } {
    set command [list exec]

    if {[llength $options] > 0} then {eval lappend command $options}

    lappend command --

    # HACK: Assume that Mono is somewhere along the PATH.
    if {[isMono]} then {
      lappend command mono \
          [appendArgs \" [file nativename $commandName] \"]
    } else {
      # HACK: When running on .NET Core, need to insert "dotnet exec"
      #       command line arguments before command to execute.
      if {[isDotNetCore]} then {
        lappend command dotnet exec \
            [appendArgs \" [file nativename $commandName] \"]
      } else {
        lappend command $commandName

    if {[llength $args] > 0} then {eval lappend command $args}
    set procName [lindex [info level [info level]] 0]

    if {![canTestExec $procName]} then {
      tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs "---- skipping command: " $command \n]

      error "test use of \[$procName\] has been disabled"
    } else {
      tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs "---- running command: " $command \n]

      return [uplevel 1 $command]
  proc execTestShell { options args } {
    set procName [lindex [info level [info level]] 0]

    if {![canTestExec $procName]} then {
      tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
          "---- skipping nested shell: exec " [string trim [appendArgs \
          $options " " -- " \"" [info nameofexecutable] "\" " $args]] \n]

      error "test use of \[$procName\] has been disabled"
    } else {
      tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
          "---- running nested shell: exec " [string trim [appendArgs \
          $options " " -- " \"" [info nameofexecutable] "\" " $args]] \n]

      return [uplevel 1 execShell [list $options] $args]
  proc isRandomOrder {} {
    return [expr {[info exists ::test_random_order] && \
                  [string is boolean -strict $::test_random_order] && \
  proc isBreakOnLeak {} {
    return [expr {[info exists ::test_break_on_leak] && \
                  [string is boolean -strict $::test_break_on_leak] && \
  proc isBreakOnDemand {} {
    global env

    return [expr {[info exists env(isBreakOnDemand)] && \
                  [string is boolean -strict $env(isBreakOnDemand)] && \
  proc isStopOnFailure {} {
    return [expr {[info exists ::test_stop_on_failure] && \
                  [string is boolean -strict $::test_stop_on_failure] && \
  proc isStopOnLeak {} {
    return [expr {[info exists ::test_stop_on_leak] && \
                  [string is boolean -strict $::test_stop_on_leak] && \
  proc isExitOnComplete {} {
    return [expr {[info exists ::test_exit_on_complete] && \
                  [string is boolean -strict $::test_exit_on_complete] && \
  proc returnInfoScript {} {
    return [info script]
  proc runTestPrologue {} {
    # NOTE: Verify that the global test path variable is available.
    if {![info exists ::test_path]} then {
      error "cannot run test prologue, \"::test_path\" must be set"

    # NOTE: Reset the primary test suite file name to our caller.
    if {![info exists ::no(testSuiteFile)]} then {
      set ::test_suite_file [info script]

    # HACK: We do not want to force every third-party test suite
    #       to come up with a half-baked solution to finding its
    #       own files.
    if {![info exists ::no(prologue.eagle)] && ![info exists ::path]} then {
      set ::path [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]

    # NOTE: Evaluate the standard test prologue in the context of
    #       the caller.
    uplevel 1 [list source [file join $::test_path prologue.eagle]]
  proc runTestEpilogue {} {
    # NOTE: Verify that the global test path variable is available.
    if {![info exists ::test_path]} then {
      error "cannot run test epilogue, \"::test_path\" must be set"

    # NOTE: Reset the primary test suite file name to our caller.
    if {![info exists ::no(testSuiteFile)]} then {
      set ::test_suite_file [info script]

    # NOTE: Evaluate the standard test epilogue in the context of
    #       the caller.
    uplevel 1 [list source [file join $::test_path epilogue.eagle]]

    # HACK: We do not want to force every third-party test suite
    #       to come up with a half-baked solution to finding its
    #       own files.
    if {![info exists ::no(epilogue.eagle)] && [info exists ::path]} then {
      unset ::path
  proc hookPuts {} {
    # NOTE: This code was stolen from "tcltest" and heavily modified to
    #       work with Eagle.
    proc [namespace current]::testPuts { args } {
      switch [llength $args] {
        1 {
          # NOTE: Only the string to be printed is specified (stdout).
          return [tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs [lindex $args 0] \n]]
        2 {
          # NOTE: Either -nonewline or channelId has been specified.
          if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-nonewline"} then {
            return [tputs $::test_channel [lindex $args end]]
          } else {
            set channel [lindex $args 0]
            set newLine \n
        3 {
          # NOTE: Both -nonewline and channelId are specified, unless
          #       it's an error.  The -nonewline option is supposed to
          #       be argv[0].
          if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-nonewline"} then {
            set channel [lindex $args 1]
            set newLine ""

      if {[info exists channel] && $channel eq "stdout"} then {
        # NOTE: Write output for stdout to the test channel.
        return [tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs [lindex $args end] \

      # NOTE: If we haven't returned by now, we don't know how to
      #       handle the input.  Let puts handle it.
      return [eval ::tcl::save::puts $args]

    rename ::puts ::tcl::save::puts; # save Tcl command
    rename [namespace current]::testPuts ::puts; # insert our proc
  proc unhookPuts {} {
    rename ::puts ""; # remove our proc
    rename ::tcl::save::puts ::puts; # restore Tcl command
  proc runTest { script } {
    # NOTE: This should work properly in both Tcl and Eagle as long as the
    #       "init" script has been evaluated first.
    if {![isEagle]} then {

    set code [catch {uplevel 1 $script} result]
    set error [expr {$code == 0 ? false : true}]

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      # NOTE: Initially, the call to [tresult] (i.e. [host result]) will
      #       use the actual return code from the test command; however,
      #       if that return code was 3 (i.e. break), that indicates the
      #       test results should be highlighted in yellow -AND- that the
      #       test should still be considered successful even though the
      #       test was skipped.  If the return code was 4 (i.e. continue),
      #       that indicates the test results should be highlighted in
      #       dark yellow -AND- that the test should still be considered
      #       successful because failures are being ignored for it.
      set tresultCode $code

      if {$code == 3 || $code == 5} then {
        set code 0; set error false
      } elseif {$code == 4} then {
        set code 0

      # NOTE: If the return code from the test command indicates success
      #       and the test results contain a clear indication of failure,
      #       reset both return codes to indicate that failure.
      if {$code == 0 && [regexp -- {\s==== (.*?) FAILED\s} $result]} then {
        set code 1; set tresultCode $code

      # NOTE: Display and/or log the results for the test that we just
      #       completed.
      if {[shouldWriteTestData $code]} then {
        tresult $tresultCode $result
      } else {
        tlog $result

      # NOTE: If the test failed with an actual error (i.e. not just a
      #       test failure), make sure we do not obscure the error
      #       message with test suite output.
      if {$error} then {
        tputs $::test_channel \n; # emit a blank line.

      # NOTE: If this test failed and the stop-on-failure flag is set,
      #       raise an error now.  If we are being run from inside
      #       runAllTests, this will also serve to signal it to stop
      #       processing further test files.
      if {$code != 0 && [isStopOnFailure]} then {
        tresult Error "OVERALL RESULT: STOP-ON-FAILURE\n"

        unset -nocomplain ::test_suite_running
        error ""; # no message

      # NOTE: Unless forbidden from doing so, attempt to automatically
      #       cleanup any stale (e.g. temporary) object references now.
      if {![info exists ::no(cleanupReferences)]} then {
        catch {object cleanup -references}
    } else {
      if {$error} then {
        # HACK: Prevent spurious errors dealing with [test] command options
        #       that are missing from native Tcl.
        set badOptionPattern {^bad option ".*?":\
            must be -body, -cleanup, -constraints, -errorOutput,\
            -match, -output, -result, -returnCodes, or -setup$}

        set badMatchValuePattern {^bad -match value ".*?": must be\
            exact, glob, or regexp$}

        if {[isEagle] || \
            (![regexp -- $badOptionPattern $result] && \
             ![regexp -- $badMatchValuePattern $result])} then {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "ERROR (runTest): " $result \n]


    # HACK: Return an empty string here just in case we are being called
    #       via the [testShim] procedure.  Doing this should prevent any
    #       superfluous output from being displayed via [host result] in
    #       the outermost call to this procedure.
    return ""
  proc testShim { args } {
    # NOTE: Call the original (saved) [test] command, wrapping it in
    #       our standard [runTest] wrapper.
    uplevel 1 [list runTest [concat ::savedTest $args]]; return ""
  proc tsource { fileName {prologue true} {epilogue true} } {
    # NOTE: Run the test prologue in the context of the caller (which
    #       must be global)?
    if {$prologue} then {
      uplevel 1 runTestPrologue

    # NOTE: Save the original [test] command and setup our test shim in
    #       its place.
    rename ::test ::savedTest
    interp alias {} ::test {} testShim

    # NOTE: Source the specified test file in the context of the caller
    #       (which should be global).
    set code [catch {uplevel 1 [list source $fileName]} result]
    set error [expr {$code == 0 ? false : true}]

    # NOTE: Remove our test shim and restore the original (saved) [test]
    #       command.
    interp alias {} ::test {}
    rename ::savedTest ::test

    # NOTE: Run the test epilogue in the context of the caller (which
    #       must be global)?
    if {$epilogue} then {
      uplevel 1 runTestEpilogue

    # NOTE: If the test raised an error, re-raise it now; otherwise,
    #       just return the result.
    if {$error} then {
      unset -nocomplain ::test_suite_running
      error $result
    } else {
      return $result
  proc recordTestStatistics { varName index } {
    # NOTE: Record counts of all object types that we track.
    upvar 1 $varName array


    if {![info exists array(uncounted,$index)]} then {
      set array(uncounted,$index) [getTestUncountedLeaks]


    set array(time,$index) [clock seconds]
    set array(afters,$index) [llength [after info]]
    set array(variables,$index) [llength [info globals]]
    set array(commands,$index) [llength [info commands]]
    set array(procedures,$index) [llength [info procs]]
    set array(namespaces,$index) [llength [namespace children ::]]


    if {[info exists ::test_path]} then {
      set array(files,$index) [llength [getFiles $::test_path *]]
    } else {
      set array(files,$index) 0; # NOTE: Information not available.


    set array(temporaryFiles,$index) [llength [getFiles [getTemporaryPath] *]]
    set array(channels,$index) [llength [file channels]]
    set array(aliases,$index) [llength [interp aliases]]
    set array(interpreters,$index) [llength [interp slaves]]
    set array(environment,$index) [llength [array names env]]
    set array(loaded,$index) [llength [info loaded]]


    # NOTE: These native resource types cannot be positively checked
    #       for leaks (i.e. because the "leak" may be from an external
    #       process).
    if {![info exists ::no(uncountedTemporaryFiles)]} then {
      lappend array(uncounted,$index) temporaryFiles


    if {[isEagle]} then {
      # NOTE: Support for some of all of these entity types may not be
      #       present in the interpreter, initialize all these counts
      #       to zero and then try to query each one individually below
      #       wrapped in a catch.
      set array(previousPid,$index) 0
      set array(scopes,$index) 0
      set array(assemblies,$index) 0
      set array(processes,$index) 0
      set array(objects,$index) 0
      set array(objectCallbacks,$index) 0
      set array(objectTypes,$index) 0
      set array(objectInterfaces,$index) 0
      set array(objectNamespaces,$index) 0

      catch {set array(previousPid,$index) [expr {[info previouspid] != 0}]}
      catch {set array(scopes,$index) [llength [scope list]]}
      catch {set array(assemblies,$index) [llength [object assemblies]]}
      catch {set array(processes,$index) [llength [getProcesses ""]]}
      catch {set array(objects,$index) [llength [info objects]]}
      catch {set array(objectCallbacks,$index) [llength [info callbacks]]}
      catch {set array(objectTypes,$index) [llength [object types]]}
      catch {set array(objectInterfaces,$index) [llength [object interfaces]]}
      catch {set array(objectNamespaces,$index) [llength [object namespaces]]}


      # NOTE: Support for some of all of these entity types may not be
      #       present in the interpreter, initialize all these counts
      #       to zero and then try to query each one individually below
      #       wrapped in a catch.
      set array(connections,$index) 0
      set array(transactions,$index) 0
      set array(modules,$index) 0
      set array(delegates,$index) 0
      set array(tcl,$index) 0
      set array(tclInterps,$index) 0
      set array(tclThreads,$index) 0
      set array(tclCommands,$index) 0
      set array(scriptThreads,$index) 0

      catch {set array(connections,$index) [llength [info connections]]}
      catch {set array(transactions,$index) [llength [info transactions]]}
      catch {set array(modules,$index) [llength [info modules]]}
      catch {set array(delegates,$index) [llength [info delegates]]}

      if {[llength [info commands tcl]] > 0} then {
        catch {set array(tcl,$index) [tcl ready]}
        catch {set array(tclInterps,$index) [llength [tcl interps]]}
        catch {set array(tclThreads,$index) [llength [tcl threads]]}
        catch {set array(tclCommands,$index) [llength [tcl command list]]}

      # NOTE: Grab the number of active threads that are active because
      #       of ScriptThread object instances.  This only works if Eagle
      #       is Beta 31 or higher.
      catch {
        set array(scriptThreads,$index) \
            [object invoke -flags +NonPublic ScriptThread activeCount]


      # NOTE: These managed resource types cannot be positively checked
      #       for leaks (i.e. because the "leak" may be from an external
      #       process).
      if {![info exists ::no(uncountedAssemblies)]} then {
        lappend array(uncounted,$index) assemblies

      if {![info exists ::no(uncountedProcesses)]} then {
        lappend array(uncounted,$index) processes
  proc reportTestStatistics {
          channel fileName stop statsVarName filesVarName {quiet false} } {
    set statistics [list afters variables commands procedures namespaces \
        files temporaryFiles channels aliases interpreters environment \

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      # TODO: For now, tracking "leaked" assemblies is meaningless because
      #       the .NET Framework has no way to unload them without tearing
      #       down the entire application domain.
      lappend statistics \
          previousPid scopes assemblies processes objects objectCallbacks \
          objectTypes objectInterfaces objectNamespaces connections \
          transactions modules delegates tcl tclInterps tclThreads \
          tclCommands scriptThreads

    # NOTE: Show what leaked, if anything.
    set count 0; upvar 1 $statsVarName array

    foreach statistic $statistics {
      if {![info exists array($statistic,after)]} then {
        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs "==== \"" $fileName "\" MISSING " \
              $statistic " AFTER\n"]


      if {![info exists array($statistic,before)]} then {
        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs "==== \"" $fileName "\" MISSING " \
              $statistic " BEFORE\n"]


      if {$array($statistic,after) > $array($statistic,before)} then {
        lappend array(statistics,leaked) $statistic

        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs "==== \"" $fileName "\" LEAKED " \
              $statistic \n]

        if {[info exists array($statistic,before,list)]} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs "---- " $statistic " BEFORE: " \
                [formatList $array($statistic,before,list)] \n]

        if {[info exists array($statistic,after,list)]} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs "---- " $statistic " AFTER: " \
                [formatList $array($statistic,after,list)] \n]

        if {[info exists array(uncounted,before)] && \
            [lsearch -exact $array(uncounted,before) $statistic] != -1} then {

        if {[info exists array(uncounted,after)] && \
            [lsearch -exact $array(uncounted,after) $statistic] != -1} then {

        incr count

    # NOTE: Make sure this file name is recorded in the list of file names with
    #       leaking tests.
    upvar 1 $filesVarName fileNames

    if {$count > 0 && \
        [lsearch -exact $fileNames [file tail $fileName]] == -1} then {
      lappend fileNames [file tail $fileName]

    # NOTE: Disable test suite interaction in "quiet" mode.  Just return the
    #       leak count.
    if {!$quiet} then {
      # NOTE: If we are supposed to stop or break into the debugger whenever
      #       a leak is detected, do it now.
      if {$count > 0} then {
        # BUGFIX: Is we are already stopping (e.g. due to a test failure),
        #         do not try to stop again.
        if {!$stop && [isStopOnLeak]} then {
          tresult Error "OVERALL RESULT: STOP-ON-LEAK\n"

          unset -nocomplain ::test_suite_running
          error ""; # no message
        } elseif {[isBreakOnLeak]} then {

    return [list leak $count]
  proc formatList { list {default ""} {columns 1} } {
    if {[catch {
      set result ""
      set count 1

      foreach item $list {
        if {[incr count -1] == 0} then {
          set count $columns
          append result \n

        append result \t

        if {[string length $item] > 0} then {
          append result $item
        } else {
          append result <noItem>
    }] == 0} then {
      return [expr {[string length $result] > 0 ? $result : $default}]
    } else {
      return ""
  proc formatListAsDict { list {default ""} } {
    if {[catch {
      set result ""

      foreach {name value} $list {
        append result \n\t

        if {[string length $name] > 0} then {
          append result $name
        } else {
          append result <noName>

        append result ": "

        if {[string length $value] > 0} then {
          append result $value
        } else {
          append result <noValue>
    }] == 0} then {
      return [expr {[string length $result] > 0 ? $result : $default}]
    } else {
      return ""
  proc pathToRegexp { path {list false} } {
    # NOTE: This procedure needs to escape all characters that
    #       have any special meaning to the regular expression
    #       engine.  Typically, the only characters we need to
    #       really worry about are the directory separator and
    #       the file extension separator (e.g. backslash and
    #       period on Windows and/or forward slash and period
    #       on Unix).  Since the forward slash has no special
    #       meaning to the regular expression engine, Windows
    #       is somewhat more difficult to handle.
    set map [list \
        \\ \\\\ \$ \\\$ ( \\( ) \\) * \\* + \\+ - \\- . \\. \
        ? \\? \[ \\\[ \] \\\] ^ \\^ \{ \\\{ \} \\\}]

    return [string map $map [expr {$list ? [list $path] : $path}]]
  proc assemblyNameToRegexp { assemblyName {list false} } {
    # NOTE: This procedure needs to escape all characters that
    #       have any special meaning to the regular expression
    #       engine -AND- that can actually appear in a legal
    #       assembly name.  Normally, this would only include
    #       the period character.
    # HACK: For now, just abuse the [pathToRegexp] procedure
    #       for this.
    return [pathToRegexp $assemblyName $list]
  proc inverseLsearchGlob { noCase patterns element } {
    # NOTE: Perform the inverse of [lsearch -glob], attempt
    #       to match an element against a list of patterns.
    set command [list string match]
    if {$noCase} then {lappend command -nocase}

    set length [llength $patterns]

    for {set index 0} {$index < $length} {incr index} {
      set pattern [lindex $patterns $index]

      if {[eval $command [list $pattern] [list $element]]} then {
        return $index

    return -1
  proc removePathFromFileNames { path fileNames } {
    set result [list]

    foreach fileName $fileNames {
      if {[file normalize [file dirname $fileName]] eq \
          [file normalize $path]} then {
        # NOTE: Strip the path name from this file name.
        lappend result [file tail $fileName]
      } else {
        lappend result $fileName

    return $result
  proc formatDecimal { value {places 4} {zeros false} } {
    # NOTE: If the value is an empty string, do nothing and return an empty
    #       string.
    if {[string length $value] == 0} then {
      return ""

    # NOTE: For now, use slightly different methods for formatting floating
    #       pointer numbers for native Tcl and Eagle.
    if {[isEagle] && [llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
      # HACK: This works; however, in order to do this kind of thing cleanly,
      #       we really need the Tcl [format] command.
      set result [object invoke String Format [appendArgs "{0:0." \
          [string repeat [expr {$zeros ? "0" : "#"}] $places] "}"] \
          [set object [object invoke -create Double Parse $value]]]

      unset object; # dispose
    } else {
      # NOTE: See, nice and clean when done in Tcl?
      set result [format [appendArgs %. $places f] $value]

      # HACK: Since native Tcl does not appear to expose a method to only
      #       preserve non-zero trailing digits, we may need to manually
      #       remove extra trailing zeros.
      if {!$zeros} then {
        # NOTE: Remove all trailing zeros and the trailing decimal point,
        #       if necessary.
        set result [string trimright [string trimright $result 0] .]

    return $result
  proc clearTestPercent { channel } {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      host title ""
  proc reportTestPercent {
          channel percent doneFiles totalFiles failedFiles leakedFiles } {
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      set totalTests $::eagle_tests(Total)
      set failedTests $::eagle_tests(Failed)
      set skippedTests $::eagle_tests(Skipped)
    } else {
      set totalTests $::tcltest::numTests(Total)
      set failedTests $::tcltest::numTests(Failed)
      set skippedTests $::tcltest::numTests(Skipped)

    set status [appendArgs \
        "---- test suite running, about " $percent "% complete (" \
        $totalTests " tests total, " $failedTests " tests failed, " \
        $skippedTests " tests skipped, " $doneFiles " files done, " \
        $totalFiles " files total, " $failedFiles " files failed, " \
        $leakedFiles " files leaked)..."]

    tputs $channel [appendArgs $status \n]

    if {[isEagle]} then {
      host title $status
  proc reportArrayGet { varName } {
    if {[string length $varName] == 0} then {
      return [list]

    upvar 1 $varName array

    if {![info exists ::no(reportArrayGet)]} then {
      set list(1) [list]

      foreach {name value} [array get array] {
        lappend list(1) [list $name $value]

      # HACK: This assumes that we are dealing with integer values.
      set list(2) [lsort -index 1 -integer -decreasing $list(1)]
      set list(3) [list]

      foreach pair $list(2) {
        lappend list(3) [lindex $pair 0] [lindex $pair 1]

      return $list(3)
    } else {
      return [array get array]
  proc reportTestStatisticCounts { channel statsVarName } {
    upvar 1 $statsVarName array

    # NOTE: Were any counts recorded during the testing?
    if {[info exists array(statistics,leaked)]} then {
      # NOTE: Process each leak type in the list, recording any duplicates
      #       in the temporary count array.
      foreach statistic $array(statistics,leaked) {
        if {[info exists count($statistic)]} then {
          incr count($statistic)
        } else {
          set count($statistic) 1

      # NOTE: Flatten the temporary count array into a dictionary formatted
      #       list and then possibly display it (i.e. if it actually contains
      #       any data).
      set statistics [reportArrayGet count]

      if {[llength statistics] > 0} then {
        tputs $channel [appendArgs "---- types of leaks detected: " \
            [formatListAsDict $statistics] \n]
  proc runAllTests {
          channel path fileNames skipFileNames startFileNames stopFileNames } {
    # NOTE: Are we configured to run the test files in random order?
    if {[isRandomOrder]} then {
      set fileNames [lshuffle $fileNames]

    # NOTE: Show the exact arguments we received since they may not
    #       have been displayed by the caller (or anybody else).
    if {![info exists ::no(runMetadata)]} then {
      tputs $channel [appendArgs "---- test run path: \"" $path \"\n]

      tputs $channel [appendArgs "---- test run file names: " \
          [formatList [removePathFromFileNames $path $fileNames]] \n]

      tputs $channel [appendArgs "---- test run skip file names: " \
          [formatList $skipFileNames] \n]

    # NOTE: Keep going unless this becomes true (i.e. if one of the
    #       test files signals us to stop).
    set stop false

    # NOTE: So far, we have run no tests.
    set count 0

    # NOTE: So far, no files have had failing or leaking tests.
    set failed [list]
    set leaked [list]

    # NOTE: Process each file name we have been given by the caller...
    set total [llength $fileNames]; set lastPercent -1

    foreach fileName $fileNames {
      # NOTE: If configured to break into the debugger before running the
      #       test file, do it now.
      if {[isBreakOnDemand]} then {

      # NOTE: In terms of files, not tests, what percent done are we now?
      set percent [formatDecimal \
          [expr {$total != 0 ? 100.0 * ($count / double($total)) : 0}]]

      if {$percent != $lastPercent} then {
        if {![info exists ::no(runPercent)]} then {
          reportTestPercent $channel $percent \
              $count $total [llength $failed] [llength $leaked]

        set lastPercent $percent

      # NOTE: If the starting file names have been specified by the caller,
      #       skip over all the file names before one of them.
      if {[llength $startFileNames] > 0} then {
        if {[inverseLsearchGlob false $startFileNames \
            [file tail $fileName]] != -1} then {
          # NOTE: Now that we found the starting test file name, do not
          #       skip any more test files.
          set startFileNames [list]
        } else {
          # NOTE: We have not found the starting test file name yet, skip
          #       over this test file.

      # NOTE: If the stopping file names have been specified by the caller,
      #       skip over all the file names after one of them.
      if {[llength $stopFileNames] > 0} then {
        if {[inverseLsearchGlob false $stopFileNames \
            [file tail $fileName]] != -1} then {
          # NOTE: Now that we found the stopping test file name, do not
          #       run any more test files.
          set stopFileNames [list]

          # NOTE: This will terminate the loop right after the test file
          #       cleanup code (i.e. at the bottom of the loop).
          set stop true

      # NOTE: Skipping over any file name that matches a pattern in the
      #       list of file names to skip.
      if {[inverseLsearchGlob false $skipFileNames \
          [file tail $fileName]] == -1} then {
        # NOTE: Does the file name contain directory information?
        if {[string length [file dirname $fileName]] <= 1} then {
          # NOTE: If not, assume it is under the supplied test path.
          set fileName [file normalize [file join $path $fileName]]

        # NOTE: The "magic" pattern we are looking for to determine if
        #       a given file is part of the formal test suite.
        set pattern {^(\s)*runTest .*$}

        # NOTE: Skip files that are not part of the test suite.
        set data [readFile $fileName]

        # NOTE: Check for a match.
        set match [regexp -line -- $pattern $data]

        # NOTE: Failing that, in Eagle only, check if the data, when
        #       interpreted as Unicode, matches the pattern.
        if {!$match && [isEagle]} then {
          set match [regexp -line -- $pattern \
              [encoding convertfrom unicode $data]]

        # NOTE: Does this "look" like an actual test suite file?
        if {$match} then {
          # BUGFIX: Unset the current test file name so that variable
          #         accounting works correctly.  It will be reset below
          #         prior to running any actual test(s).
          unset -nocomplain ::test_file

          # NOTE: Is resource leak checking explicitly disabled?
          if {![info exists ::no(leak)]} then {
            # NOTE: Get "before" resource counts for leak tracking.
            recordTestStatistics leaks before

          # NOTE: Let the test prologue code know which file we are
          #       evaluating.
          set ::test_file $fileName

          # NOTE: Record failed test count before this file.
          if {[isEagle]} then {
            set before $::eagle_tests(Failed)
          } else {
            set before $::tcltest::numTests(Failed)

          # NOTE: Evaluate the test file, optionally waiting for a certain
          #       number of milliseconds before and/or after doing so.
          if {[catch {
            # NOTE: Are we being prevented from waiting before the file?
            if {![info exists ::no(preWait)]} then {
              if {[info exists ::test_wait(pre)] && \
                  [string is integer -strict $::test_wait(pre)]} then {
                if {![info exists ::no(runMetadata)]} then {
                  tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                      "---- waiting for " $::test_wait(pre) \
                      " milliseconds before test file...\n"]

                after $::test_wait(pre); # NOTE: Sleep.

            # NOTE: Log that this test file has started.
            if {![info exists ::no(runStartFile)]} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs "==== \"" $fileName "\" START\n"]

            # NOTE: Evaluate the file in the context of the caller,
            #       catching any errors.  If an error is raised and
            #       the stop-on-failure flag is set, assume it was
            #       a test failure and that we need to stop any and
            #       all further processing of test files.
            uplevel 1 [list source $fileName]

            # NOTE: Log that this test file has ended.
            if {![info exists ::no(runEndFile)]} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs "==== \"" $fileName "\" END\n"]

            # NOTE: Are we being prevented from waiting after the file?
            if {![info exists ::no(postWait)]} then {
              if {[info exists ::test_wait(post)] && \
                  [string is integer -strict $::test_wait(post)]} then {
                if {![info exists ::no(runMetadata)]} then {
                  tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                      "---- waiting for " $::test_wait(post) \
                      " milliseconds after test file...\n"]

                after $::test_wait(post); # NOTE: Sleep.
          } error]} then {
            # NOTE: Most likely, this error was caused by malformed or
            #       incorrect code in-between the tests themselves.  We
            #       need to report this.
            if {![info exists ::no(runErrorFile)]} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs "==== \"" $fileName "\" ERROR \"" \
                  $error \"\n]

            # NOTE: Stop further processing after this loop iteration?
            if {[isStopOnFailure]} then {
              # NOTE: This will terminate the loop right after the test
              #       file cleanup code (i.e. at the bottom of the loop).
              set stop true

              # BUGFIX: If there are no actual test failures recorded yet,
              #         make sure there is one now.  This is necessary to
              #         handle the case where an error occurs in a test
              #         file that does not directly cause at least one of
              #         its contained tests to fail.  Otherwise, the test
              #         suite will still be stopped; however, an overall
              #         result of success will be returned by the process.
              if {[isEagle]} then {
                if {$::eagle_tests(Failed) == 0} then {
                  incr ::eagle_tests(Total)
                  incr ::eagle_tests(Failed)
              } else {
                if {$::tcltest::numTests(Failed) == 0} then {
                  incr ::tcltest::numTests(Total)
                  incr ::tcltest::numTests(Failed)
            } else {
              # NOTE: At this point, we know the test file had an error that
              #       probably caused it to skip a bunch of tests -AND- the
              #       option to stop-testing-on-error is not enabled.  That
              #       being said, we must not simply ignore the error.  The
              #       overall results of the test suite run must now reflect
              #       the failure.  Set a special variable for the epilogue
              #       to pick up on (later).
              lappend ::test_suite_errors [list $fileName $error]

          # NOTE: Record failed test count after this file.
          if {[isEagle]} then {
            set after $::eagle_tests(Failed)
          } else {
            set after $::tcltest::numTests(Failed)

          # NOTE: Did this file have any failing tests?
          if {$after > $before} then {
            lappend failed [file tail $fileName]

          # NOTE: In terms of files, not tests, what percent done are we now?
          set percent [formatDecimal \
              [expr {$total != 0 ? 100.0 * ($count / double($total)) : 0}]]

          if {$percent != $lastPercent} then {
            if {![info exists ::no(runPercent)]} then {
              reportTestPercent $channel $percent \
                  $count $total [llength $failed] [llength $leaked]

            set lastPercent $percent

          # NOTE: Unset the current test file name, it is no longer
          #       needed.
          unset -nocomplain ::test_file

          # NOTE: Is resource leak checking explicitly disabled?
          if {![info exists ::no(leak)]} then {
            # NOTE: Get "after" resource counts for leak tracking.
            recordTestStatistics leaks after

            if {![info exists ::no(runStatistics)]} then {
              # NOTE: Determine if any resource leaks have occurred and
              #       output diagnostics as necessary if they have.
              reportTestStatistics $channel $fileName $stop leaks leaked
        } else {
          # NOTE: This entire file has been skipped.  Record that fact in the
          #       test suite log file.
          if {![info exists ::no(runNonTestFile)]} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                "==== \"" $fileName "\" NON_TEST_FILE\n"]

        # NOTE: Another file of some kind was processed.  It may have been
        #       skipped; however, that does not matter.
        incr count

        # NOTE: In terms of files, not tests, what percent done are we now?
        set percent [formatDecimal \
            [expr {$total != 0 ? 100.0 * ($count / double($total)) : 0}]]

        if {$percent != $lastPercent} then {
          if {![info exists ::no(runPercent)]} then {
            reportTestPercent $channel $percent \
                $count $total [llength $failed] [llength $leaked]

          set lastPercent $percent

        # NOTE: If the test file raised an error (i.e. to indicate a
        #       test failure with the stop-on-failure flag enabled),
        #       break out of the test loop now.
        if {$stop} then {
      } else {
        # NOTE: This entire file has been skipped.  Record that fact in the
        #       test suite log file.
        if {![info exists ::no(runSkippedFile)]} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs "==== \"" $fileName "\" SKIPPED\n"]

        # NOTE: This file was skipped.
        incr count

      # NOTE: In terms of files, not tests, what percent done are we now?
      set percent [formatDecimal \
          [expr {$total != 0 ? 100.0 * ($count / double($total)) : 0}]]

      if {$percent != $lastPercent} then {
        if {![info exists ::no(runPercent)]} then {
          reportTestPercent $channel $percent \
              $count $total [llength $failed] [llength $leaked]

        set lastPercent $percent

    # NOTE: Reset the host title because we may have changed it in the for
    #       loop (above).
    if {![info exists ::no(runPercent)]} then {
      clearTestPercent $channel

    if {![info exists ::no(runMetadata)]} then {
      tputs $channel [appendArgs "---- sourced " $count " test " \
          [expr {$count > 1 ? "files" : "file"}] \n]

      # NOTE: Show the files that had failing and/or leaking tests.
      if {[llength $failed] > 0} then {
        tputs $channel [appendArgs "---- files with failing tests: " \
            [formatList $failed] \n]

      if {[llength $leaked] > 0} then {
        tputs $channel [appendArgs "---- files with leaking tests: " \
            [formatList $leaked] \n]

    if {![info exists ::no(runStatisticCounts)]} then {
      reportTestStatisticCounts $channel leaks
  proc isTestSuiteRunning {} {
    # NOTE: Return non-zero if the test suite appears to be running.
    return [expr {[info exists ::test_suite_running] && \
  proc getTestChannelOrDefault {} {
    if {[info exists ::test_channel]} then {
      return $::test_channel

    return stdout; # TODO: Good default?
  proc tryVerifyTestPath {} {
    # NOTE: If the test path variable does not exist, the directory it
    #       points to does not exist (or is not really a directory), or
    #       it appears to be an empty directory, return false; otherwise,
    #       return true.
    if {![info exists ::test_path] || \
        ![file exists $::test_path] || \
        ![file isdirectory $::test_path] || \
        [llength [getFiles $::test_path *]] == 0} then {
      return false

    return true
  proc checkForAndSetTestPath { whatIf {quiet false} } {
    # NOTE: Everything in this procedure requires access to the file system;
    #       therefore, it cannot be used in a stock "safe" interpreter.
    if {![interp issafe] && ![info exists ::test_path]} then {
      # NOTE: Grab the name of the current script file.  If this is an empty
      #       string, many test path checks will have to be skipped.
      set script [info script]

      # NOTE: Eagle and native Tcl have different requirements and possible
      #       locations for the test path; therefore, handle them separately.
      if {[isEagle]} then {
        # NOTE: Grab the base directory and the library directory.  Without
        #       these, several test path checks will be skipped.
        set library [getTestLibraryDirectory]; set base [info base]

        if {[string length $library] > 0} then {
          # NOTE: Try the source release directory structure.  For this
          #       case, the final test path would be:
          #           $library/../../Library/Tests
          set ::test_path [file normalize [file join [file dirname [file \
              dirname $library]] Library Tests]]

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] [appendArgs \
                "---- checking #1 for Eagle test path at \"" \
                $::test_path \"...\n]

        if {[string length $base] > 0 && \
            ($whatIf || ![tryVerifyTestPath])} then {
          # NOTE: Try the source release directory structure again; this
          #       time, assume only the embedded script library was used.
          #       For this case, the final test path would be:
          #           $base/Library/Tests
          set ::test_path [file normalize [file join $base Library Tests]]

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] [appendArgs \
                "---- checking #2 for Eagle test path at \"" \
                $::test_path \"...\n]

        if {[string length $script] > 0 && \
            ($whatIf || ![tryVerifyTestPath])} then {
          # NOTE: Try for the test package directory.  For this case, the
          #       final test path would be:
          #           $script/../Test1.0
          set ::test_path [file normalize [file join [file dirname [file \
              dirname $script]] [appendArgs Test [info engine Version]]]]

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] [appendArgs \
                "---- checking #3 for Eagle test path at \"" \
                $::test_path \"...\n]

        if {[string length $base] > 0 && \
            ($whatIf || ![tryVerifyTestPath])} then {
          # NOTE: Try for the test package directory again; this time, use
          #       the base path and assume the source release directory
          #       structure.  For this case, the final test path would be:
          #           $base/lib/Test1.0
          set ::test_path [file normalize [file join $base lib [appendArgs \
              Test [info engine Version]]]]

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] [appendArgs \
                "---- checking #4 for Eagle test path at \"" \
                $::test_path \"...\n]

        if {[string length $base] > 0 && \
            ($whatIf || ![tryVerifyTestPath])} then {
          # NOTE: Try for the test package directory again; this time, use
          #       the base path.  For this case, the final test path would
          #       be:
          #           $base/Test1.0
          set ::test_path [file normalize [file join $base [appendArgs \
              Test [info engine Version]]]]

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] [appendArgs \
                "---- checking #5 for Eagle test path at \"" \
                $::test_path \"...\n]

        if {[string length $library] > 0 && \
            ($whatIf || ![tryVerifyTestPath])} then {
          # NOTE: This must be a binary release, no "Library" directory
          #       then.  Also, binary releases have an upper-case "Tests"
          #       directory name that originates from the "update.bat"
          #       tool.  This must match the casing used in "update.bat".
          #       For this case, the final test path would be:
          #           $library/../../Tests
          set ::test_path [file normalize [file join [file dirname [file \
              dirname $library]] Tests]]

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] [appendArgs \
                "---- checking #6 for Eagle test path at \"" \
                $::test_path \"...\n]

        if {[string length $base] > 0 && \
            ($whatIf || ![tryVerifyTestPath])} then {
          # NOTE: Fallback to using the base directory and checking for a
          #       "Tests" directory beneath it.  For this case, the final
          #       test path would be:
          #           $base/Tests
          set ::test_path [file normalize [file join $base Tests]]

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] [appendArgs \
                "---- checking #7 for Eagle test path at \"" \
                $::test_path \"...\n]

        if {!$quiet} then {
          tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] [appendArgs \
              "---- final Eagle test path is \"" \
              [expr {[info exists ::test_path] ? \
              $::test_path : "<none>"}] \"\n]
      } else {
        if {[string length $script] > 0} then {
          # NOTE: Try the source release directory structure.  For this
          #       case, the final test path would be:
          #           $script/../../Library/Tests
          set ::test_path [file normalize [file join [file dirname [file \
              dirname [file dirname $script]]] Library Tests]]

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] [appendArgs \
                "---- checking #1 for Tcl test path at \"" \
                $::test_path \"...\n]

        if {[string length $script] > 0 && \
            ($whatIf || ![tryVerifyTestPath])} then {
          # NOTE: Try for the test package directory.  For this case, the
          #       final test path would be:
          #           $script/../Test1.0
          set ::test_path [file normalize [file join [file dirname [file \
              dirname $script]] Test1.0]]

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] [appendArgs \
                "---- checking #2 for Tcl test path at \"" \
                $::test_path \"...\n]

        if {[string length $script] > 0 && \
            ($whatIf || ![tryVerifyTestPath])} then {
          # NOTE: This must be a binary release, no "Library" directory
          #       then.  Also, binary releases have an upper-case "Tests"
          #       directory name that originates from the "update.bat"
          #       tool.  This must match the casing used in "update.bat".
          #       For this case, the final test path would be:
          #           $script/../../Tests
          set ::test_path [file normalize [file join [file dirname [file \
              dirname [file dirname $script]]] Tests]]

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] [appendArgs \
                "---- checking #3 for Tcl test path at \"" \
                $::test_path \"...\n]

        if {!$quiet} then {
          tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] [appendArgs \
              "---- final Tcl test path is \"" \
              [expr {[info exists ::test_path] ? \
              $::test_path : "<none>"}] \"\n]
  proc configureTcltest { verbose match skip constraints imports force } {
    # NOTE: Eagle and native Tcl have different configuration requirements
    #       for the "tcltest" package.  For Eagle, the necessary testing
    #       functionality is built-in.  In native Tcl, the package must be
    #       loaded now and that cannot be done in a "safe" interpreter.
    if {[isEagle]} then {
      # HACK: Flag the "test" and "runTest" script library procedures so
      #       that they use the script location of their caller and not
      #       their own.
      # BUGBUG: Even this does not yet fix the script location issues in
      #         the test suite:
      #         debug procedureflags test +ScriptLocation
      #         debug procedureflags runTest +ScriptLocation
      # NOTE: Setup the necessary compatibility shims for the test suite.
      namespace eval ::tcltest {}; # HACK: Force namespace creation now.
      setupTestShims true [expr {![isTestSuiteRunning]}]

      # NOTE: Fake having the package as the functionality is built-in.
      package provide tcltest 2.2.10; # Tcl 8.4
    } elseif {![interp issafe]} then {
      # NOTE: Attempt to detect if the package is already loaded.
      set loaded [expr {[catch {package present tcltest}] == 0}]

      # NOTE: Always attempt to load the package.
      package require tcltest

      # NOTE: Configure it for our use (only when it was not loaded).
      if {!$loaded} then {
        if {[string length $verbose] > 0} then {
          ::tcltest::configure -verbose $verbose
        } else {
          ::tcltest::configure -verbose pbste

      # NOTE: We need to copy the Eagle test names to match over to Tcl.
      if {[llength $match] > 0} then {
        ::tcltest::configure -match $match

      # NOTE: We need to copy the Eagle test names to skip over to Tcl.
      if {[llength $skip] > 0} then {
        ::tcltest::configure -skip $skip

      # NOTE: We need to copy the Eagle test constraints over to Tcl.
      if {[llength $constraints] > 0} then {
        ::tcltest::configure -constraints $constraints

      # NOTE: For the benefit of the Eagle test suite, always add the
      #       pseudo-constraints "fail.false" and "fail.true".
      ::tcltest::testConstraint fail.false 1
      ::tcltest::testConstraint fail.true 1

      # NOTE: We need the [test] command in the global namespace.
      if {[llength $imports] > 0} then {
        set command [list namespace import]

        if {$force} then {
          lappend command -force

        foreach import $imports {
          lappend command [appendArgs ::tcltest:: $import]

        namespace eval :: $command
  proc machineToPlatform { machine {architecture false} } {
    # NOTE: Cannot use "-nocase" option here because Tcl 8.4 does not
    #       support it (i.e. because it is pre-TIP #241).
    switch -exact -- [string tolower $machine] {
      intel {
        if {!$architecture && [isWindows]} then {
          return Win32
        } else {
          return x86
      arm {
        return arm
      ia64 {
        return itanium
      msil {
        return clr
      amd64 {
        return x64
      ia32_on_win64 {
        return wow64
      arm64 {
        return arm64
      default {
        return unknown
  proc architectureForPlatform { platform } {
    # NOTE: Cannot use "-nocase" option here because Tcl 8.4 does not
    #       support it (i.e. because it is pre-TIP #241).
    switch -exact -- [string tolower $platform] {
      intel -
      win32 -
      x86 {
        return x86
      arm {
        return arm
      ia64 -
      itanium {
        return ia64
      msil -
      clr {
        return msil
      amd64 -
      x64 {
        return x64
      ia32_on_win64 -
      wow64 {
        return ia32_on_win64
      arm64 {
        return arm64
      default {
        return unknown
  if {[isEagle]} then {
    ############################ BEGIN Eagle ONLY #############################

    proc initializeTests {} {
      uplevel #0 {
        # NOTE: Reset the information in the global "tests" array, which is
        #       used to interface with the internal test tracking information
        #       in the interpreter via a variable trace.
        set eagle_tests(Total) 0
        set eagle_tests(Skipped) 0
        set eagle_tests(Passed) 0
        set eagle_tests(Failed) 0

        # NOTE: Setup the lists of patterns to match test names against.  In
        #       Eagle, these originate from the command line arguments and are
        #       passed to the interpreter via this virtual array.
        if {[info exists test_flags(-match)]} then {
          set eagle_tests(MatchNames) $test_flags(-match); # run these tests.
        } else {
          set eagle_tests(MatchNames) [list *]; # default to running all tests.

        if {[info exists test_flags(-skip)]} then {
          set eagle_tests(SkipNames) $test_flags(-skip); # skip these tests.
        } else {
          set eagle_tests(SkipNames) [list]; # default to skipping no tests.

        # NOTE: What tests have been skipped, if any?
        set eagle_tests(SkippedNames) [list]

        # NOTE: What tests have failed, if any?
        set eagle_tests(FailedNames) [list]

        # NOTE: Initialize the list of active test constraints from the
        #       environment variable and/or the test flags.
        set eagle_tests(Constraints) [getEnvironmentVariable testConstraints]

        if {[info exists test_flags(-constraints)]} then {
          eval lappend eagle_tests(Constraints) $test_flags(-constraints)

        unset -nocomplain test_verbose
        set test_verbose [getEnvironmentVariable testVerbose]

        if {[string length $test_verbose] == 0} then {
          set test_verbose Default

        if {[info exists test_flags(-verbose)] && \
            [string length $test_flags(-verbose)] > 0} then {
          # NOTE: Map all test verbosity flags we support for script usage
          #       to their abbreviated names (which are all one letter) and
          #       then split them into a list.
          set test_verbose [split [string map [list \
              Body B Pass P Skip S Start T Error E Line L \
              Fail F Reason R Time I Exit X StdOut O StdErr D] \
              $test_flags(-verbose)] ""]

        set eagle_tests(Verbose) $test_verbose; unset test_verbose
    proc setupTestShims { setup {quiet false} } {
      if {$setup} then {
        # HACK: Compatibility shim(s) for use with various tests in the Tcl
        #       test suite.  Make sure these commands do not already exist
        #       prior to attempt to adding them.
        if {[llength [info commands testConstraint]] == 0} then {
          interp alias {} testConstraint {} haveOrAddConstraint

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] \
                "---- added \"testConstraint\" alias\n"

        if {[llength [info commands ::tcltest::testConstraint]] == 0} then {
          interp alias {} ::tcltest::testConstraint {} haveOrAddConstraint

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] \
                "---- added \"::tcltest::testConstraint\" alias\n"

        # NOTE: This is needed by most tests in the Tcl test suite.  Make
        #       sure this command does not already exist prior to adding it.
        if {[llength [info commands ::tcltest::cleanupTests]] == 0} then {
          proc ::tcltest::cleanupTests { args } {}

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] \
                "---- added \"::tcltest::cleanupTests\" procedure\n"

        # NOTE: This is needed by some tests in the Tcl test suite.  Make
        #       sure this command does not already exist prior to adding it.
        if {[llength [info commands \
            ::tcltest::loadTestedCommands]] == 0} then {
          proc ::tcltest::loadTestedCommands { args } {}

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs [getTestChannelOrDefault] \
                "---- added \"::tcltest::loadTestedCommands\" procedure\n"
      } else {
        # NOTE: Remove the compatibility shim command aliases that we setup
        #       earlier.
        if {[llength [info commands \
            ::tcltest::loadTestedCommands]] > 0} then {
          rename ::tcltest::loadTestedCommands ""

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs $::test_channel \
                "---- removed \"::tcltest::loadTestedCommands\" procedure\n"

        if {[llength [info commands ::tcltest::cleanupTests]] > 0} then {
          rename ::tcltest::cleanupTests ""

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs $::test_channel \
                "---- removed \"::tcltest::cleanupTests\" procedure\n"

        if {[llength [interp aliases ::tcltest::testConstraint]] > 0} then {
          interp alias {} ::tcltest::testConstraint {} {}

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs $::test_channel \
                "---- removed \"::tcltest::testConstraint\" alias\n"

        if {[llength [interp aliases testConstraint]] > 0} then {
          interp alias {} testConstraint {} {}

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tqputs $::test_channel \
                "---- removed \"testConstraint\" alias\n"
    proc shouldWriteTestData { code } {
      if {[llength [info commands object]] > 0 && [catch {
        object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
            Eagle._Components.Private.TestOps ShouldWriteTestData "" $code
      } writeTestData] == 0 && $writeTestData} then {
        return false

      return true
    proc probeForScriptFileName { {excludePatterns ""} {overridePatterns ""} } {
      if {[llength [info commands object]] > 0 && [catch {
        set locations [object invoke -alias -flags +NonPublic \
            Interpreter.GetActive ScriptLocations]

        set count [$locations Count]

        for {set index 0} {$index < $count} {incr index} {
          set location [$locations -alias Peek $index]

          if {[isNonNullObjectHandle $location]} then {
            set locationFileName [file normalize [$location FileName]]

            if {[string length $locationFileName] > 0} then {
              if {[llength $overridePatterns] > 0 && \
                  [lsearch -inverse -glob -- \
                      $overridePatterns $locationFileName] != -1} then {
                return $locationFileName

              if {[llength $excludePatterns] == 0 || \
                  [lsearch -inverse -glob -- \
                      $excludePatterns $locationFileName] == -1} then {
                return $locationFileName

        return ""
      } result] in [list 0 2]} then {
        return $result

      return ""
    proc tresult { code result } {
      host result $code $result; tlog $result
    proc getPassedPercentage {} {
      if {$::eagle_tests(Total) > 0} then {
        return [expr \
            {100.0 * (($::eagle_tests(Passed) + \
            $::eagle_tests(Skipped)) / \

      return 0; # no tests were run, etc.
    proc getSkippedPercentage {} {
      if {$::eagle_tests(Total) > 0} then {
        return [expr \
            {100.0 * ($::eagle_tests(Skipped) / \

      return 0; # no tests were run, etc.
    proc getDisabledPercentage {} {
      if {$::eagle_tests(Total) > 0} then {
        return [expr \
            {100.0 * ($::eagle_tests(Disabled) / \

      return 0; # no tests were run, etc.
    proc testObjectMembers { args } {
      if {[llength $args] == 0} then {
        error [appendArgs \
            "wrong # args: should be \"" \
            [lindex [info level [info level]] 0] \
            " ?options? object\""]

      set command [list object members]
      eval lappend command $args

      return [lsort [uplevel 1 $command]]
    proc createThread { script {parameterized false} {maxStackSize ""} } {
      if {[isDotNetCore]} then {
        # HACK: This seems to make .NET Core happier for reasons
        #       that are not entirely clear.
        set typeName "System.Threading.Thread, mscorlib"
      } else {
        set typeName System.Threading.Thread

      if {$parameterized} then {
        if {[string length $maxStackSize] > 0} then {
          return [object create -alias -objectflags +NoReturnReference \
              -parametertypes [list System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart \
              System.Int32] $typeName $script $maxStackSize]
        } else {
          return [object create -alias -objectflags +NoReturnReference \
              -parametertypes [list System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart] \
              $typeName $script]
      } else {
        if {[string length $maxStackSize] > 0} then {
          return [object create -alias -objectflags +NoReturnReference \
              -parametertypes [list System.Threading.ThreadStart \
              System.Int32] $typeName $script $maxStackSize]
        } else {
          return [object create -alias -objectflags +NoReturnReference \
              -parametertypes [list System.Threading.ThreadStart] \
              $typeName $script]
    proc startThread { thread {parameterized false} {parameter null} } {
      if {$parameterized} then {
        $thread Start $parameter
      } else {
        $thread Start
    proc cleanupThread { thread {timeout 2000} } {
      # HACK: When running on .NET Core, it seems that using the Interrupt
      #       method can result in a held lock being lost, even when using
      #       a lock statement, which should have try / finally semantics.
      #       Therefore, in that case, attempt to wait on the thread prior
      #       to attempting to use the Interrupt method.
      if {[isDotNetCore]} then {
        if {[$thread IsAlive]} then {
          if {[catch {$thread Join $timeout} error]} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- failed to pre-join test thread \"" $thread "\": " \
                $error \n]
          } elseif {$error} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- pre-joined test thread \"" $thread \"\n]
          } else {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- timeout pre-joining test thread \"" $thread " (" \
                $timeout " milliseconds)\"\n"]

      if {[$thread IsAlive]} then {
        if {[catch {$thread Interrupt} error]} then {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- failed to interrupt test thread \"" $thread "\": " \
              $error \n]
        } else {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs "---- test thread \"" $thread \
              "\" interrupted\n"]

        if {[$thread IsAlive]} then {
          if {[catch {$thread Join $timeout} error]} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- failed to join test thread \"" $thread "\": " \
                $error \n]
          } elseif {$error} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs "---- joined test thread \"" \
                $thread \"\n]
          } else {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- timeout joining test thread \"" $thread " (" \
                $timeout " milliseconds)\"\n"]

          if {[$thread IsAlive]} then {
            if {[catch {$thread Abort} error]} then {
              tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- failed to abort test thread \"" $thread "\": " \
                  $error \n]
            } else {
              tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs "---- test thread \"" \
                  $thread "\" aborted\n"]

            if {[$thread IsAlive]} then {
              tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs "---- test thread \"" \
                  $thread "\" appears to be a zombie\n"]
            } else {
              return true; # aborted?
          } else {
            return true; # joined?
        } else {
          return true; # interrupted?
      } else {
        return true; # already dead?

      return false; # still alive (or error).
    proc reportTestConstraintCounts { channel skippedNames } {
      # NOTE: Process the list of skipped tests, which is really a dictionary
      #       of test names to the list of constraints that caused them to be
      #       skipped.  We need to "roll them up", on a per-constraint basis,
      #       and produce counts for each constraint.  At the same time, we
      #       need to keep track of the maximum count seen, to help align the
      #       final output.
      set maximum 0

      foreach {testName constraintNames} $skippedNames {
        foreach constraintName $constraintNames {
          if {[info exists skippedCounts($constraintName)]} then {
            incr skippedCounts($constraintName)
          } else {
            set skippedCounts($constraintName) 1

          if {$skippedCounts($constraintName) > $maximum} then {
            set maximum $skippedCounts($constraintName)

      # NOTE: Produce the final output, which includes a single line header
      #       followed by one line per test constraint seen.
      if {$maximum > 0 && [array size skippedCounts] > 0} then {
        set places [expr {int(log10($maximum)) + 1}]

        tputs $channel "Number of tests skipped for each constraint:\n"

        foreach {name value} [reportArrayGet skippedCounts] {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs \
              \t [format [appendArgs % $places s] $value] \t $name \n]

        tputs $channel \n
    proc purgeAndCleanup { channel name } {
      catch {uplevel 1 [list debug purge]} result

      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- purge \"" $name "\" results: " $result \n]

      catch {uplevel 1 [list debug cleanup {
        Default -Miscellaneous
      }]} result

      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- cleanup \"" $name "\" results: " $result \n]

      catch {uplevel 1 [list object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
          Eagle._Components.Private.ProcessOps ClearOutputCache]} result

      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- ProcessOps cleanup results: " $result \n]

      catch {uplevel 1 [list object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
          Eagle._Components.Private.EnumOps ClearEnumCache]} result

      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- EnumOps cleanup results: " $result \n]

      catch {uplevel 1 [list object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
          Eagle._Components.Private.HelpOps ClearHelpCache]} result

      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- HelpOps cleanup results: " $result \n]

      catch {uplevel 1 [list object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
          Eagle._Components.Private.StringOps ClearPreambleEncodings]} result

      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- StringOps cleanup results: " $result \n]

      catch {uplevel 1 [list object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
          Eagle._Comparers.FileName ClearCache]} result

      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- Comparers.FileName cleanup results: " $result \n]

      catch {uplevel 1 [list object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
          Eagle._Components.Private.HashOps Cleanup]} result

      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- HashOps cleanup results: " $result \n]

      catch {uplevel 1 [list object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
          Eagle._Components.Private.FactoryOps Cleanup]} result

      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- FactoryOps cleanup results: " $result \n]

      catch {uplevel 1 [list object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
          Eagle._Components.Private.ScriptOps ClearInterpreterCache]} result

      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- ScriptOps cleanup results: " $result \n]

      catch {uplevel 1 [list object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
          Eagle._Components.Private.SyntaxOps ClearCache]} result

      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- SyntaxOps cleanup results: " $result \n]
    proc evalWithTimeout { script {milliseconds 2000} {resultVarName ""} } {
      # NOTE: Verify that the number of milliseconds requested is greater than
      #       zero.
      if {$milliseconds <= 0} then {
        error "number of milliseconds must be greater than zero"

      # NOTE: Evaluate the specified script in the context of the caller,
      #       returning the result to the caller.
      if {[string length $resultVarName] > 0} then {
        upvar 1 $resultVarName result

      return [catch {
        # NOTE: Evaluate the script in the context of the caller, forcing
        #       any [vwait] that may be in the contained script to stop
        #       when it hits a script cancellation -AND- reset the script
        #       cancellation flags upon completion (i.e. important due to
        #       the use of script cancellation to enforce the timeout).
        uplevel 1 [list \
            debug secureeval -nocancel true -stoponerror true -timeout \
            $milliseconds {} $script]
      } result]
    proc vwaitWithTimeout { varName {milliseconds 2000} } {
      # NOTE: Verify that the number of milliseconds requested is positive
      #       or zero.
      if {$milliseconds < 0} then {
        error "number of milliseconds cannot be negative"

      if {[catch {
        # NOTE: Refer to the specified variable in the context of our
        #       caller.
        upvar 1 $varName variable

        # NOTE: Wait for the variable to be changed -OR- for the wait
        #       to be canceled.
        vwait -eventwaitflags {+NoBgError StopOnError} -force -timeout \
            $milliseconds -- variable
      } result] == 0} then {
        # NOTE: The wait completed successfully, the variable may have
        #       been changed.
        return $result
      } else {
        # NOTE: The wait failed in some way, it may have been canceled
        #       and the variable may or may not have been changed.
        return false
    proc tclLoadForTest { {varName ""} {findFlags ""} {loadFlags ""} } {
      if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
        upvar 1 $varName loaded

      set loaded 0

      if {![tcl ready]} then {
        set command [list tcl load]

        if {[string length $findFlags] > 0} then {
          lappend command -findflags $findFlags

        if {[string length $loadFlags] > 0} then {
          lappend command -loadflags $loadFlags

        uplevel 1 $command; set loaded 1

        set module [tcl module]
        set interp [tcl master]

        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- native Tcl loaded, module \"" $module \
            "\", interpreter \"" $interp \"\n]
    proc tclUnloadForTest { {force false} {varName ""} } {
      set unload false

      if {$force} then {
        # NOTE: This cannot check [tcl ready] as some tests actually
        #       rely upon errors from the [tcl unload] sub-command.
        set unload true

      if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
        upvar 1 $varName loaded

        if {$loaded && !$unload} then {
          set unload true

        unset -nocomplain loaded

      if {$unload} then {
        set module [tcl module]
        set interp [tcl master]

        uplevel 1 [list tcl unload]

        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- native Tcl " [expr {$force ? "forcibly " : ""}] \
            "unloaded, module \"" $module "\", interpreter \"" \
            $interp \"\n]
    proc generateUniqueId { {text ""} {length 16} } {
      # HACK: This should generate a reasonably random unique identifier
      #       suitable for non-cryptographic use by the test suite.
      if {[string length $text] > 0} then {
        return [string range \
            [string tolower [hash normal sha512 $text]] 0 $length]
      } else {
        return [string range \
            [string tolower [hash normal sha512 [appendArgs uniq \
            [info context] [info tid] [pid] [clock clicks] [clock \
            now]]]] 0 $length]
    proc testExecTclScript { script {shell ""} {verbose 0} } {
      try {
        # NOTE: Get a temporary file name for the script we are going to
        #       use to query the machine type for the native Tcl shell.
        set fileName [file tempname]

        # NOTE: Since the native Tcl shell cannot simply evaluate a string
        #       supplied via the command line, write the script to be
        #       evaluated to the temporary file.
        writeFile $fileName $script

        # NOTE: Use the specified shell, if it is valid; otherwise, use
        #       the configured Tcl shell.
        if {[string length $shell] == 0} then {
          # NOTE: Before attempting to use the configured Tcl shell, make
          #       sure it has actually been set.
          if {[info exists ::test_tclsh] && \
              [string length $::test_tclsh] > 0} then {
            # NOTE: Use the currently configured Tcl shell, which may or
            #       may not actually exist.
            set shell $::test_tclsh
          } else {
            # NOTE: We cannot execute the native Tcl shell because one
            #       has not been specified, nor configured.
            set error "error: \"::test_tclsh\" variable is missing"

            if {$verbose > 0} then {
              tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- native Tcl script error: " $error \n]

            return [expr {$verbose > 3 ? $error : "error"}]

        # NOTE: Generate a unique identifier to make it easier to locate
        #       this script and its results in the test log file.
        if {$verbose > 1} then {
          set id [generateUniqueId $script]

        # NOTE: When in "ultra-verbose" mode, emit native Tcl script to
        #       the log file.
        if {$verbose > 2} then {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- native Tcl script (" $id ") text: " [string trim \
              $script] \n]

        # NOTE: Evaluate the script using the native Tcl shell, trim the
        #       excess whitespace from the output, and return it to the
        #       caller.
        if {[catch {string trim \
            [testExec $shell [list -success Success] \
            [appendArgs \" $fileName \"]]} result] == 0} then {
          # NOTE: When in "super-verbose" mode, emit native Tcl script
          #       results to the log file.
          if {$verbose > 1} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- native Tcl script (" $id ") result: " $result \n]

          # NOTE: Success, return the result to the caller.
          return $result
        } else {
          # NOTE: We could not execute the native Tcl shell (perhaps one
          #       is not available?).
          set error [appendArgs "error: " $result]

          if {$verbose > 0} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- native Tcl script error: " $error \n]

          return [expr {$verbose > 3 ? $error : "error"}]
      } finally {
        # NOTE: Should we delete the temporary file we created, if any?
        if {![info exists ::no(deleteTestExecTclFile)]} then {
          # NOTE: Did we create a temporary file to hold the Tcl script?
          if {[info exists fileName] && \
              [string length $fileName] > 0 && \
              [file exists $fileName]} then {
            # NOTE: Delete the temporary file we used to query the machine
            #       type for the native Tcl shell.
            catch {file delete $fileName}
    proc getTclShellVerbosity {} {
      if {[info exists ::test_tclsh_verbose] && \
          [string is integer -strict $::test_tclsh_verbose]} then {
        return $::test_tclsh_verbose
      } else {
        return 0; # TODO: Good default?
    proc getTclVersionForTclShell { {shell ""} {verbose 0} } {
      return [testExecTclScript {
        puts -nonewline stdout [info tclversion]
      } $shell $verbose]
    proc getCommandsForTclShell { {shell ""} {verbose 0} } {
      return [testExecTclScript {
        puts -nonewline stdout [info commands]
      } $shell $verbose]
    proc getMachineForTclShell { {shell ""} {verbose 0} } {
      return [testExecTclScript {
        puts -nonewline stdout $tcl_platform(machine)
      } $shell $verbose]
    proc getTclExecutableForTclShell { {shell ""} {verbose 0} } {
      return [testExecTclScript {
        puts -nonewline stdout [info nameofexecutable]
      } $shell $verbose]
    proc getTkVersionForTclShell { {shell ""} {verbose 0} } {
      return [testExecTclScript {
        puts -nonewline stdout [package require Tk]; exit
      } $shell $verbose]
    proc evalWithTclShell { script {raw false} {shell ""} {verbose 0} } {
      return [testExecTclScript [string map \
          [list %script% $script %raw% $raw] {
        if {%raw%} then {
          set code [catch {%script%} result]
          puts -nonewline stdout [list $code $result]
        } else {
          puts -nonewline stdout [eval {%script%}]
      }] $shell $verbose]
    proc getGarudaDll { {machine ""} } {
      # NOTE: Get the Garuda DLL of the same platform (i.e. machine type)
      #       as the native Tcl shell.
      if {[info exists ::base_path]} then {
        # NOTE: Get the effective test configuration.
        set configuration [getTestConfiguration]

        # NOTE: If there is no effective test configuration available, we
        #       cannot continue.
        if {[string length $configuration] == 0} then {
          return ""

        # NOTE: Get the effective test suffix.  This is allowed to be an
        #       empty string.
        set suffix [getTestSuffix]

        # NOTE: If necessary, automatically detect the machine for the Tcl
        #       shell that we plan on using.
        if {[string length $machine] == 0 && \
            ![info exists ::no(getMachineForTclShell)]} then {
          set machine [getMachineForTclShell "" [getTclShellVerbosity]]

        # NOTE: Build the full path and file name of the Garuda DLL, using
        #       the Eagle base path.  Currently, this will only work
        #       correctly if the test suite is being run from inside the
        #       source tree.
        return [file join $::base_path bin \
            [machineToPlatform $machine] [appendArgs $configuration Dll \
            $suffix] [appendArgs Garuda [info sharedlibextension]]]
      } else {
        # NOTE: We are missing the base path, return nothing.
        return ""
    proc cleanupExcel {} {
      # TODO: These may need to be changed in later Excel versions.
      object undeclare -declarepattern Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel*
      object unimport -importpattern Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
    proc cleanupVisualBasic {} {
      # TODO: These may need to be changed in later framework versions.
      object unimport -importpattern Microsoft.VisualBasic*
    proc cleanupXml {} {
      # TODO: These may need to be changed in later framework versions.
      object unimport -importpattern System.Xml*
    proc cleanupWinForms {} {
      # TODO: These may need to be changed in later framework versions.
      object unimport -importpattern System.Resources
      object unimport -importpattern System.Windows.Forms
      object unimport -importpattern System.Windows.Forms.Automation

      object unimport -importpattern \

      object unimport -importpattern System.Windows.Forms.Design
      object unimport -importpattern System.Windows.Forms.Layout
      object unimport -importpattern System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGridInternal
      object unimport -importpattern System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles
    proc getTestLibraryDirectory {} {
      # NOTE: First, query the location of the script library.  This will
      #       not work right in a "safe" interpreter.
      if {[catch {info library} result] == 0} then {
        # NOTE: Next, If the script library is embedded within the core
        #       library itself (i.e. the script library location refers
        #       to a file, not a directory), strip off the file name.
        if {[file exists $result] && [file isfile $result]} then {
          set result [file dirname $result]

        # NOTE: Finally, return the resulting script library directory.
        return $result

      return ""
    # NOTE: Check for the test path in the various well-known locations
    #       and set the associated variable.
    if {![info exists ::no(checkForAndSetTestPath)]} then {
      checkForAndSetTestPath false [expr {![isTestSuiteRunning]}]

    # NOTE: Fake loading and configuring the "tcltest" package unless we
    #       are prevented.
    if {![info exists ::no(configureTcltest)]} then {
      configureTcltest "" [list] [list] [list] [list] false

    ############################# END Eagle ONLY ##############################
  } else {
    ############################# BEGIN Tcl ONLY ##############################

    proc getPassedPercentage {} {
      if {$::tcltest::numTests(Total) > 0} then {
        return [expr \
            {100.0 * (($::tcltest::numTests(Passed) + \
            $::tcltest::numTests(Skipped)) / \

      return 0; # no tests were run, etc.
    proc getSkippedPercentage {} {
      if {$::tcltest::numTests(Total) > 0} then {
        return [expr \
            {100.0 * ($::tcltest::numTests(Skipped) / \

      return 0; # no tests were run, etc.
    # NOTE: Check for the test path in the various well-known locations
    #       and set the associated variable.
    if {![info exists ::no(checkForAndSetTestPath)]} then {
      checkForAndSetTestPath false [expr {![isTestSuiteRunning]}]

    # NOTE: Load and configure the "tcltest" package unless we are prevented.
    if {![info exists ::no(configureTcltest)]} then {
      configureTcltest "" [list] [list] [list] [list test testConstraint] false

    # NOTE: We need several of our test related commands in the global
    #       namespace as well.
    exportAndImportPackageCommands [namespace current] [list \
        dumpState trawputs tputs ttclLog doesTestLogFileExist \
        getTestLogStartSentry extractTestRunIdFromLogStartSentry \
        doesTestLogHaveStartSentry didTestLogHaveStartSentry \
        setTestLogStartSentry tlog getSoftwareRegistryKey haveConstraint \
        addConstraint haveOrAddConstraint getConstraints getCachedConstraints \
        useCachedConstraints removeConstraint fixConstraints \
        fixTimingConstraints testDebugBreak testArrayGet testArrayGet2 \
        testResultGet testValueGet getFirstLineOfError calculateBogoCops \
        calculateRelativePerformance formatTimeStamp formatElapsedTime \
        sourceIfValid processTestArguments getTclShellFileName \
        getTemporaryPath getTemporaryFileName getFiles getTestFiles \
        getTestRunId getNewTestRunId getDefaultTestLogPath getTestLogPath \
        getTestLogId getDefaultTestLog getTestLog getLastTestLog \
        getTestSuite getTestSuiteFullName getTestMachine getTestPlatform \
        getTestConfiguration getTestNamePrefix getTestSuffix \
        getTestUncountedLeaks getRuntimeAssemblyName getTestAssemblyName \
        canTestExec testExec testClrExec execTestShell isRandomOrder \
        isBreakOnDemand isBreakOnLeak isStopOnFailure isStopOnLeak \
        isExitOnComplete returnInfoScript runTestPrologue runTestEpilogue \
        hookPuts unhookPuts runTest testShim tsource recordTestStatistics \
        reportTestStatistics formatList formatListAsDict pathToRegexp \
        assemblyNameToRegexp inverseLsearchGlob removePathFromFileNames \
        formatDecimal clearTestPercent reportTestPercent reportArrayGet \
        reportTestStatisticCounts runAllTests isTestSuiteRunning \
        getTestChannelOrDefault tryVerifyTestPath checkForAndSetTestPath \
        configureTcltest machineToPlatform architectureForPlatform \
        getPassedPercentage getSkippedPercentage] false false

    ############################## END Tcl ONLY ###############################
  # NOTE: Provide the Eagle "test" package to the interpreter.
  package provide Eagle.Test \
    [expr {[isEagle] ? [info engine PatchLevel] : "1.0"}]