
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation
Ticket Hash: d47edba44af08e37743f2563547fad801a5cd73b
Title: SQLite connection does not appear
Status: Closed Type: Packaging
Severity: Important Priority: High
Subsystem: NuGetPackage Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2014-09-17 01:44:48
Version Found In: 1.0.94
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2014-09-16 12:56:55:
This is the same issue as in e634e330a6. The problem is not fixed on 1.0.94 and the SQLite connection does not appear on the ADO.NET EDM wizard. If there is a workaround, please share it.

anonymous added on 2014-09-16 12:58:06:
To be clear, the issue is "11.  The SQLite database added in Phase #1 does not appear.  FAIL"

mistachkin added on 2014-09-16 16:40:22:
Were there any error messages?

Could you provide more details about the target system and the log files from
the installation, etc?

The log files should be located in the %TEMP% directory on the target machine.
They will have names similar to "Setup Log 2014-09-16 #001.txt" and

Any other additional information you could provide would be useful as well.

anonymous added on 2014-09-16 23:37:34:
1. Machine runs Windows 8.1 x64, Visual Studio 2013
2. Install sqlite-netFx451-setup-bundle-x86-2013- from official SQLite website
3. Create a C# .NET 4.5.1 Console Project
4. Add NuGet SQLite x86/x64
5. Add an "ADO.NET Entity Data Model" to my project
6. Choose EF Designer from Database
7. SQLite is not listed under Data Source Providers.

On the contrary, SQLite provider appears if I add the connection under Server Explorer.

anonymous added on 2014-09-16 23:48:27:

I noticed that if I remove the following lines from the app.config:

<add name="SQLite Data Provider" invariant="System.Data.SQLite" description=".NET Framework Data Provider for SQLite" type="System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteFactory, System.Data.SQLite" />


<provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />

The Provider appears normally and I can set up my models. However, Visual Studio lags a lot and upon completion, a dialog pops up: failed to create pane ""

anonymous added on 2014-09-16 23:55:20:
However, under these settings, I cannot open the .edmx model file in designer, as it results in the error described above, and also:

If I add an object to the database and call the db.SaveChanges() method, I get this error:

A null was returned after calling the 'GetService' method on a store provider instance of type 'System.Data.SQLite.EF6.SQLiteProviderFactory'. The store provider might not be functioning correctly.

mistachkin added on 2014-09-17 00:02:21:
Please remove the following line from your App.config file and try again:

<add name="SQLite Data Provider" invariant="System.Data.SQLite" description=".NET Framework Data Provider for SQLite" type="System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteFactory, System.Data.SQLite" />

mistachkin added on 2014-09-17 01:44:48:
Fixed on trunk via check-in [2e4fb94ce9].  The five NuGet packages impacted by
this issue have been pushed with a version of, they are:
