
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation
Ticket Hash: 87d9392395f8ef3234ea1f827eba863bf1f034a4
Title: question on linq/ef code
Status: Closed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: LINQ Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2011-07-07 04:37:45
Version Found In: 26379a6c73
I guess this is like a forum now. I am looking at the source you offer here dated 2011-02-26.

What exactly is the direction for ling/ef support? The linq project is not in the 2008 build configuration. And were the files in the sqlgeneration folder not needed? They are still listed in the .csproj file and the project won't build.

I thought the official project was difficult to build before, but the new 2008 build configuration is even more so. The way you have done it makes it very hard to work on the code.

The 2008 setup/install project is a non starter now since the required binary files aren't built.

Paul S.

anonymous added on 2011-03-15 20:50:42 UTC:
I did a winmerge folder comparison and there are very few trunk changes to 1.0.66 other than the new build design. The main thing is that the linq/ef stuff was taken out. My own version still uses it.

mistachkin added on 2011-07-01 03:29:25 UTC:
The LINQ project is now included in the solution files and the previously missing source files have been restored.

The legacy setup projects are being migrated to newer technology.