
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation
Ticket Hash: 6000718c3517ff24d3dfde1f35e71dd5e3dad5a4
Title: sqlite-netFx46-setup-x86-2015- Does not install on a computer with SQL Server 2016 Windows 10 Anniversary Edition and Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Installed
Status: Closed Type: Packaging
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: None Resolution: Fix_Already_Pending_Release
Last Modified: 2016-09-08 19:01:26
Version Found In:
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2016-09-07 20:22:48:
I cannot install this component due to a newer version of Visual C++ runtime on my machine.  My machine is running Windows 10 Anniversary Edition, Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise and SQL Server 2016 Developer, that last of which includes a Visual C++ installation that has been patched by Microsoft for issues with the database engine.  Is there any method that I can use to only install the EF Visual Studio Designer runtime components without requiring an install of Visual C++ runtime?

Exact Error:
Failed to install Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime: vcredist_x86_2015_VSU2.exe, Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel

Thank you!

mistachkin added on 2016-09-07 20:47:19:
This issue should be fixed by the setup changes on trunk; however, the return
codes Microsoft uses for the MSVC redistributables are not documented anywhere
I can find.  Can you please provide the setup log files?

mistachkin added on 2016-09-07 20:47:57:
Seems like a duplicate of [86d8e9b4d02f35a17d83].

mistachkin added on 2016-09-07 20:48:46:
The log files should be located in the %TEMP% directory on the machine.  They
will have names similar to "Setup Log 2016-09-07 #001.txt" and

mistachkin added on 2016-09-08 19:01:00:
Return code from the vcredist confirmed by original reporter to be 1638.
Therefore, this is already fixed on trunk.