
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

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13 check-ins using file Setup/set_x86_2010.bat version e2658391a6

Add check for the .NET Framework 3.5 to prevent the LINQ assembly from being NGen'd when it is not present. Break setup Pascal scripts into #included files. Improve error message for VC runtime install failure. check-in: c5557a55e6 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Fail setup if the return code from the VC++ runtime installer is non-zero. check-in: 19bbb66461 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Add release build automation tool (build.bat). Add readme.htm solution item. Add LINQ assembly to setup. Add diagnostic capabilities to setup baking tools. Change version of LINQ assembly to match primary assembly. Fix warning in compact framework project related to importing the C# build tasks more than once. check-in: 2ad2abc109 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Unbreak StrongName signing on VS 2010 RTM. MSDN ref: 4b8f353d-8153-45d6-b286-10403cdf159a check-in: 742a2fd061 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Fix post-build step condition for Debug and Release configurations of the interop project (i.e. they should always try to re-sign the assembly). check-in: e5e8c081f5 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Add previously missing vsixmanifest file to the new projects. check-in: 2bef3aded8 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
yet another missing designer file check-in: 0aa010fe65 user: shaneh tags: trunk
Add revised membership provider project to the new build system. This has not been added to the solutions in the new build system because it is missing some source files and does not compile. check-in: 0d0f3a4a5f user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Silence excessive non-CLS-compliant warnings from the VS designer project. Move StrongName properties for the legacy VS designer project into the project file itself. check-in: b1a322d016 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Add VS designer project to the new build system. Modify project GUIDs for the new LINQ projects to match the original ones. check-in: 19cdab0a03 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Add System.Data.SQLite.Linq project to the new build system and get it working. check-in: bdbfdb6850 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Allow manual override of common setup baking properties. Also, clarify conditions for VS 2010 post-build steps in the interop assembly project. check-in: bd6bc1aab9 user: mistachkin tags: trunk
Add missing file headers to setup and batch files. check-in: 0466475f46 user: mistachkin tags: trunk