/******************************************************** * ADO.NET 2.0 Data Provider for SQLite Version 3.X * Written by Robert Simpson (robert@blackcastlesoft.com) * * Released to the public domain, use at your own risk! ********************************************************/ namespace System.Data.SQLite { using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; /// /// SQLite implementation of DbParameterCollection. /// #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK [Editor("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBParametersEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"), ListBindable(false)] #endif public sealed class SQLiteParameterCollection : DbParameterCollection { /// /// The underlying command to which this collection belongs /// private SQLiteCommand _command; /// /// The internal array of parameters in this collection /// private List _parameterList; /// /// Determines whether or not all parameters have been bound to their statement(s) /// private bool _unboundFlag; /// /// Initializes the collection /// /// The command to which the collection belongs internal SQLiteParameterCollection(SQLiteCommand cmd) { _command = cmd; _parameterList = new List(); _unboundFlag = true; } /// /// Returns true /// public override bool IsSynchronized { get { return true; } } /// /// Returns false /// public override bool IsFixedSize { get { return false; } } /// /// Returns false /// public override bool IsReadOnly { get { return false; } } /// /// Returns null /// public override object SyncRoot { get { return null; } } /// /// Retrieves an enumerator for the collection /// /// An enumerator for the underlying array public override System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return _parameterList.GetEnumerator(); } /// /// Adds a parameter to the collection /// /// The parameter name /// The data type /// The size of the value /// The source column /// A SQLiteParameter object public SQLiteParameter Add(string parameterName, DbType parameterType, int parameterSize, string sourceColumn) { SQLiteParameter param = new SQLiteParameter(parameterName, parameterType, parameterSize, sourceColumn); Add(param); return param; } /// /// Adds a parameter to the collection /// /// The parameter name /// The data type /// The size of the value /// A SQLiteParameter object public SQLiteParameter Add(string parameterName, DbType parameterType, int parameterSize) { SQLiteParameter param = new SQLiteParameter(parameterName, parameterType, parameterSize); Add(param); return param; } /// /// Adds a parameter to the collection /// /// The parameter name /// The data type /// A SQLiteParameter object public SQLiteParameter Add(string parameterName, DbType parameterType) { SQLiteParameter param = new SQLiteParameter(parameterName, parameterType); Add(param); return param; } /// /// Adds a parameter to the collection /// /// The parameter to add /// A zero-based index of where the parameter is located in the array public int Add(SQLiteParameter parameter) { int n = -1; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.ParameterName) == false) { n = IndexOf(parameter.ParameterName); } if (n == -1) { n = _parameterList.Count; _parameterList.Add((SQLiteParameter)parameter); } SetParameter(n, parameter); return n; } /// /// Adds a parameter to the collection /// /// The parameter to add /// A zero-based index of where the parameter is located in the array #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] #endif public override int Add(object value) { return Add((SQLiteParameter)value); } /// /// Adds a named/unnamed parameter and its value to the parameter collection. /// /// Name of the parameter, or null to indicate an unnamed parameter /// The initial value of the parameter /// Returns the SQLiteParameter object created during the call. public SQLiteParameter AddWithValue(string parameterName, object value) { SQLiteParameter param = new SQLiteParameter(parameterName, value); Add(param); return param; } /// /// Adds an array of parameters to the collection /// /// The array of parameters to add public void AddRange(SQLiteParameter[] values) { int x = values.Length; for (int n = 0; n < x; n++) Add(values[n]); } /// /// Adds an array of parameters to the collection /// /// The array of parameters to add public override void AddRange(Array values) { int x = values.Length; for (int n = 0; n < x; n++) Add((SQLiteParameter)(values.GetValue(n))); } /// /// Clears the array and resets the collection /// public override void Clear() { _unboundFlag = true; _parameterList.Clear(); } /// /// Determines if the named parameter exists in the collection /// /// The name of the parameter to check /// True if the parameter is in the collection public override bool Contains(string parameterName) { return (IndexOf(parameterName) != -1); } /// /// Determines if the parameter exists in the collection /// /// The SQLiteParameter to check /// True if the parameter is in the collection public override bool Contains(object value) { return _parameterList.Contains((SQLiteParameter)value); } /// /// Not implemented /// /// /// public override void CopyTo(Array array, int index) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /// /// Returns a count of parameters in the collection /// public override int Count { get { return _parameterList.Count; } } /// /// Overloaded to specialize the return value of the default indexer /// /// Name of the parameter to get/set /// The specified named SQLite parameter public new SQLiteParameter this[string parameterName] { get { return (SQLiteParameter)GetParameter(parameterName); } set { SetParameter(parameterName, value); } } /// /// Overloaded to specialize the return value of the default indexer /// /// The index of the parameter to get/set /// The specified SQLite parameter public new SQLiteParameter this[int index] { get { return (SQLiteParameter)GetParameter(index); } set { SetParameter(index, value); } } /// /// Retrieve a parameter by name from the collection /// /// The name of the parameter to fetch /// A DbParameter object protected override DbParameter GetParameter(string parameterName) { return GetParameter(IndexOf(parameterName)); } /// /// Retrieves a parameter by its index in the collection /// /// The index of the parameter to retrieve /// A DbParameter object protected override DbParameter GetParameter(int index) { return _parameterList[index]; } /// /// Returns the index of a parameter given its name /// /// The name of the parameter to find /// -1 if not found, otherwise a zero-based index of the parameter public override int IndexOf(string parameterName) { int x = _parameterList.Count; for (int n = 0; n < x; n++) { if (String.Compare(parameterName, _parameterList[n].ParameterName, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) return n; } return -1; } /// /// Returns the index of a parameter /// /// The parameter to find /// -1 if not found, otherwise a zero-based index of the parameter public override int IndexOf(object value) { return _parameterList.IndexOf((SQLiteParameter)value); } /// /// Inserts a parameter into the array at the specified location /// /// The zero-based index to insert the parameter at /// The parameter to insert public override void Insert(int index, object value) { _unboundFlag = true; _parameterList.Insert(index, (SQLiteParameter)value); } /// /// Removes a parameter from the collection /// /// The parameter to remove public override void Remove(object value) { _unboundFlag = true; _parameterList.Remove((SQLiteParameter)value); } /// /// Removes a parameter from the collection given its name /// /// The name of the parameter to remove public override void RemoveAt(string parameterName) { RemoveAt(IndexOf(parameterName)); } /// /// Removes a parameter from the collection given its index /// /// The zero-based parameter index to remove public override void RemoveAt(int index) { _unboundFlag = true; _parameterList.RemoveAt(index); } /// /// Re-assign the named parameter to a new parameter object /// /// The name of the parameter to replace /// The new parameter protected override void SetParameter(string parameterName, DbParameter value) { SetParameter(IndexOf(parameterName), value); } /// /// Re-assign a parameter at the specified index /// /// The zero-based index of the parameter to replace /// The new parameter protected override void SetParameter(int index, DbParameter value) { _unboundFlag = true; _parameterList[index] = (SQLiteParameter)value; } /// /// Un-binds all parameters from their statements /// internal void Unbind() { _unboundFlag = true; } /// /// This function attempts to map all parameters in the collection to all statements in a Command. /// Since named parameters may span multiple statements, this function makes sure all statements are bound /// to the same named parameter. Unnamed parameters are bound in sequence. /// internal void MapParameters(SQLiteStatement activeStatement) { if (_unboundFlag == false || _parameterList.Count == 0 || _command._statementList == null) return; int nUnnamed = 0; string s; int n; int y = -1; SQLiteStatement stmt; foreach(SQLiteParameter p in _parameterList) { y ++; s = p.ParameterName; if (s == null) { s = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ";{0}", nUnnamed); nUnnamed++; } int x; bool isMapped = false; if (activeStatement == null) x = _command._statementList.Count; else x = 1; stmt = activeStatement; for (n = 0; n < x; n++) { isMapped = false; if (stmt == null) stmt = _command._statementList[n]; if (stmt._paramNames != null) { if (stmt.MapParameter(s, p) == true) isMapped = true; } stmt = null; } // If the parameter has a name, but the SQL statement uses unnamed references, this can happen -- attempt to map // the parameter by its index in the collection if (isMapped == false) { s = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ";{0}", y); stmt = activeStatement; for (n = 0; n < x; n++) { if (stmt == null) stmt = _command._statementList[n]; if (stmt._paramNames != null) { if (stmt.MapParameter(s, p) == true) isMapped = true; } stmt = null; } } } if (activeStatement == null) _unboundFlag = false; } } }