/******************************************************** * ADO.NET 2.0 Data Provider for SQLite Version 3.X * Written by Robert Simpson (robert@blackcastlesoft.com) * * Released to the public domain, use at your own risk! ********************************************************/ namespace System.Data.SQLite { using System; using System.Data.Common; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; /// /// Event data for logging event handlers. /// public class LogEventArgs : EventArgs { /// /// The error code. The type of this object value should be /// or . /// public readonly object ErrorCode; /// /// SQL statement text as the statement first begins executing /// public readonly string Message; /// /// Extra data associated with this event, if any. /// public readonly object Data; /// /// Constructs the object. /// /// Should be null. /// /// The error code. The type of this object value should be /// or . /// /// The error message, if any. /// The extra data, if any. internal LogEventArgs( IntPtr pUserData, object errorCode, string message, object data ) { ErrorCode = errorCode; Message = message; Data = data; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Raised when a log event occurs. /// /// The current connection /// Event arguments of the trace public delegate void SQLiteLogEventHandler(object sender, LogEventArgs e); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Manages the SQLite custom logging functionality and the associated /// callback for the whole process. /// public static class SQLiteLog { /// /// Object used to synchronize access to the static instance data /// for this class. /// private static object syncRoot = new object(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK /// /// Member variable to store the AppDomain.DomainUnload event handler. /// private static EventHandler _domainUnload; #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Member variable to store the application log handler to call. /// private static event SQLiteLogEventHandler _handlers; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// The default log event handler. /// private static SQLiteLogEventHandler _defaultHandler; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !INTEROP_LOG /// /// The log callback passed to native SQLite engine. This must live /// as long as the SQLite library has a pointer to it. /// private static SQLiteLogCallback _callback; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// The base SQLite object to interop with. /// private static SQLiteBase _sql; #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// This will be non-zero if logging is currently enabled. /// private static bool _enabled; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Initializes the SQLite logging facilities. /// public static void Initialize() { // // BUFXIX: We cannot initialize the logging interface if the SQLite // core library has already been initialized anywhere in // the process (see ticket [2ce0870fad]). // if (SQLite3.StaticIsInitialized()) return; #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK // // BUGFIX: To avoid nasty situations where multiple AppDomains are // attempting to initialize and/or shutdown what is really // a shared native resource (i.e. the SQLite core library // is loaded per-process and has only one logging callback, // not one per-AppDomain, which it knows nothing about), // prevent all non-default AppDomains from registering a // log handler unless the "Force_SQLiteLog" environment // variable is used to manually override this safety check. // if (!AppDomain.CurrentDomain.IsDefaultAppDomain() && UnsafeNativeMethods.GetSettingValue("Force_SQLiteLog", null) == null) { return; } #endif lock (syncRoot) { #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK // // NOTE: Add an event handler for the DomainUnload event so // that we can unhook our logging managed function // pointer from the native SQLite code prior to it // being invalidated. // // BUGFIX: Make sure this event handler is only added one // time (per-AppDomain). // if (_domainUnload == null) { _domainUnload = new EventHandler(DomainUnload); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += _domainUnload; } #endif #if !INTEROP_LOG // // NOTE: Create an instance of the SQLite wrapper class. // if (_sql == null) { _sql = new SQLite3( SQLiteDateFormats.Default, DateTimeKind.Unspecified, null, IntPtr.Zero, null, false); } // // NOTE: Create a single "global" (i.e. per-process) callback // to register with SQLite. This callback will pass the // event on to any registered handler. We only want to // do this once. // if (_callback == null) { _callback = new SQLiteLogCallback(LogCallback); SQLiteErrorCode rc = _sql.SetLogCallback(_callback); if (rc != SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) throw new SQLiteException(rc, "Failed to initialize logging."); } #endif // // NOTE: Logging is enabled by default. // _enabled = true; // // NOTE: For now, always setup the default log event handler. // AddDefaultHandler(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !PLATFORM_COMPACTFRAMEWORK /// /// Handles the AppDomain being unloaded. /// /// Should be null. /// The data associated with this event. private static void DomainUnload( object sender, EventArgs e ) { lock (syncRoot) { // // NOTE: Remove the default log event handler. // RemoveDefaultHandler(); // // NOTE: Disable logging. If necessary, it can be re-enabled // later by the Initialize method. // _enabled = false; #if !INTEROP_LOG // // BUGBUG: This will cause serious problems if other AppDomains // have any open SQLite connections; however, there is // currently no way around this limitation. // if (_sql != null) { SQLiteErrorCode rc = _sql.Shutdown(); if (rc != SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) throw new SQLiteException(rc, "Failed to shutdown interface."); rc = _sql.SetLogCallback(null); if (rc != SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) throw new SQLiteException(rc, "Failed to shutdown logging."); } // // BUGFIX: Make sure to reset the callback for next time. This // must be done after it has been succesfully removed // as logging callback by the SQLite core library as we // cannot allow native code to refer to a delegate that // has been garbage collected. // if (_callback != null) { _callback = null; } #endif // // NOTE: Remove the event handler for the DomainUnload event // that we added earlier. // if (_domainUnload != null) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload -= _domainUnload; _domainUnload = null; } } } #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// This event is raised whenever SQLite raises a logging event. /// Note that this should be set as one of the first things in the /// application. /// public static event SQLiteLogEventHandler Log { add { lock (syncRoot) { // Remove any copies of this event handler from registered // list. This essentially means that a handler will be // called only once no matter how many times it is added. _handlers -= value; // Add this to the list of event handlers. _handlers += value; } } remove { lock (syncRoot) { _handlers -= value; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// If this property is true, logging is enabled; otherwise, logging is /// disabled. When logging is disabled, no logging events will fire. /// public static bool Enabled { get { lock (syncRoot) { return _enabled; } } set { lock (syncRoot) { _enabled = value; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Log a message to all the registered log event handlers without going /// through the SQLite library. /// /// The message to be logged. public static void LogMessage( string message ) { LogMessage(null, message); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Log a message to all the registered log event handlers without going /// through the SQLite library. /// /// The SQLite error code. /// The message to be logged. public static void LogMessage( SQLiteErrorCode errorCode, string message ) { LogMessage((object)errorCode, message); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Log a message to all the registered log event handlers without going /// through the SQLite library. /// /// The integer error code. /// The message to be logged. public static void LogMessage( int errorCode, string message ) { LogMessage((object)errorCode, message); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Log a message to all the registered log event handlers without going /// through the SQLite library. /// /// /// The error code. The type of this object value should be /// System.Int32 or SQLiteErrorCode. /// /// The message to be logged. private static void LogMessage( object errorCode, string message ) { bool enabled; SQLiteLogEventHandler handlers; lock (syncRoot) { enabled = _enabled; if (_handlers != null) handlers = _handlers.Clone() as SQLiteLogEventHandler; else handlers = null; } if (enabled && (handlers != null)) handlers(null, new LogEventArgs( IntPtr.Zero, errorCode, message, null)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Creates and initializes the default log event handler. /// private static void InitializeDefaultHandler() { lock (syncRoot) { if (_defaultHandler == null) _defaultHandler = new SQLiteLogEventHandler(LogEventHandler); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Adds the default log event handler to the list of handlers. /// public static void AddDefaultHandler() { InitializeDefaultHandler(); Log += _defaultHandler; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Removes the default log event handler from the list of handlers. /// public static void RemoveDefaultHandler() { InitializeDefaultHandler(); Log -= _defaultHandler; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Internal proxy function that calls any registered application log /// event handlers. /// /// WARNING: This method is used more-or-less directly by native code, /// do not modify its type signature. /// /// /// The extra data associated with this message, if any. /// /// /// The error code associated with this message. /// /// /// The message string to be logged. /// private static void LogCallback( IntPtr pUserData, int errorCode, IntPtr pMessage ) { bool enabled; SQLiteLogEventHandler handlers; lock (syncRoot) { enabled = _enabled; if (_handlers != null) handlers = _handlers.Clone() as SQLiteLogEventHandler; else handlers = null; } if (enabled && (handlers != null)) handlers(null, new LogEventArgs(pUserData, errorCode, SQLiteBase.UTF8ToString(pMessage, -1), null)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Default logger. Currently, uses the Trace class (i.e. sends events /// to the current trace listeners, if any). /// /// Should be null. /// The data associated with this event. private static void LogEventHandler( object sender, LogEventArgs e ) { #if !NET_COMPACT_20 if (e == null) return; string message = e.Message; if (message == null) { message = ""; } else { message = message.Trim(); if (message.Length == 0) message = ""; } object errorCode = e.ErrorCode; string type = "error"; if ((errorCode is SQLiteErrorCode) || (errorCode is int)) { SQLiteErrorCode rc = (SQLiteErrorCode)(int)errorCode; rc &= SQLiteErrorCode.NonExtendedMask; if (rc == SQLiteErrorCode.Ok) { type = "message"; } else if (rc == SQLiteErrorCode.Notice) { type = "notice"; } else if (rc == SQLiteErrorCode.Warning) { type = "warning"; } else if ((rc == SQLiteErrorCode.Row) || (rc == SQLiteErrorCode.Done)) { type = "data"; } } else if (errorCode == null) { type = "trace"; } if ((errorCode != null) && !Object.ReferenceEquals(errorCode, String.Empty)) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "SQLite {0} ({1}): {2}", type, errorCode, message)); } else { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "SQLite {0}: {1}", type, message)); } #endif } } }