/******************************************************** * ADO.NET 2.0 Data Provider for SQLite Version 3.X * Written by Robert Simpson (robert@blackcastlesoft.com) * * Released to the public domain, use at your own risk! ********************************************************/ namespace System.Data.SQLite { using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Collections.Generic; internal struct SQLiteType { internal DbType Type; internal TypeAffinity Affinity; } /// /// SQLite implementation of DbDataReader. /// public sealed class SQLiteDataReader : DbDataReader { /// /// Underlying command this reader is attached to /// private SQLiteCommand _command; /// /// Index of the current statement in the command being processed /// private int _activeStatementIndex; /// /// Current statement being Read() /// private SQLiteStatement _activeStatement; /// /// State of the current statement being processed. /// -1 = First Step() executed, so the first Read() will be ignored /// 0 = Actively reading /// 1 = Finished reading /// 2 = Non-row-returning statement, no records /// private int _readingState; /// /// Number of records affected by the insert/update statements executed on the command /// private int _rowsAffected; /// /// Count of fields (columns) in the row-returning statement currently being processed /// private int _fieldCount; /// /// Datatypes of active fields (columns) in the current statement, used for type-restricting data /// private SQLiteType[] _fieldTypeArray; /// /// The behavior of the datareader /// private CommandBehavior _commandBehavior; internal SQLiteDataReader(SQLiteCommand cmd, CommandBehavior behave) { _command = cmd; _commandBehavior = behave; Initialize(); } internal void Initialize() { _activeStatementIndex = -1; _activeStatement = null; _rowsAffected = -1; _fieldCount = -1; NextResult(); } /// /// Closes the datareader, potentially closing the connection as well if CommandBehavior.CloseConnection was specified. /// public override void Close() { if (_command != null) { while (NextResult()) ; _command.ClearDataReader(); } // If the datareader's behavior includes closing the connection, then do so here. if ((_commandBehavior & CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) != 0) _command.Connection.Close(); _command = null; } /// /// Disposes the datareader. Calls Close() to ensure everything is cleaned up. /// public override void Dispose() { Close(); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } /// /// Throw an error if the datareader is closed /// private void CheckClosed() { if (_command == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("DataReader has been closed"); } /// /// Enumerator support /// /// Returns a DbEnumerator object. public override Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new DbEnumerator(this); } /// /// /// public override int Depth { get { CheckClosed(); return 0; } } /// /// /// public override int FieldCount { get { CheckClosed(); return _fieldCount; } } /// /// SQLite is inherently un-typed. All datatypes in SQLite are natively strings. The definition of the columns of a table /// and the affinity of returned types are all we have to go on to type-restrict data in the reader. /// /// This function attempts to verify that the type of data being requested of a column matches the datatype of the column. In /// the case of columns that are not backed into a table definition, we attempt to match up the affinity of a column (int, double, string or blob) /// to a set of known types that closely match that affinity. It's not an exact science, but its the best we can do. /// /// /// This function throws an InvalidTypeCast() exception if the requested type doesn't match the column's definition or affinity. /// /// The index of the column to type-check /// The type we want to get out of the column private void VerifyType(int ordinal, DbType typ) { SQLiteType t = GetSQLiteType(ordinal); if (t.Type == typ) return; if (t.Type != DbType.Object) { // Coercable type, usually a literal of some kind switch (_fieldTypeArray[ordinal].Affinity) { case TypeAffinity.Int64: if (typ == DbType.Int16) return; if (typ == DbType.Int32) return; if (typ == DbType.Int64) return; if (typ == DbType.Boolean) return; if (typ == DbType.Byte) return; break; case TypeAffinity.Double: if (typ == DbType.Single) return; if (typ == DbType.Double) return; if (typ == DbType.Decimal) return; break; case TypeAffinity.Text: if (typ == DbType.SByte) return; if (typ == DbType.String) return; if (typ == DbType.SByte) return; if (typ == DbType.Guid) return; if (typ == DbType.DateTime) return; break; case TypeAffinity.Blob: if (typ == DbType.String) return; if (typ == DbType.Binary) return; break; } } throw new InvalidCastException(); } /// /// /// /// public override bool GetBoolean(int ordinal) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.Boolean); return Convert.ToBoolean(GetValue(ordinal)); } /// /// /// /// /// public override byte GetByte(int ordinal) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.Byte); return Convert.ToByte(_activeStatement._sql.GetInt32(_activeStatement, ordinal)); } /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public override long GetBytes(int ordinal, long dataOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.Binary); return _activeStatement._sql.GetBytes(_activeStatement, ordinal, (int)dataOffset, buffer, bufferOffset, length); } /// /// /// /// /// public override char GetChar(int ordinal) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.SByte); return Convert.ToChar(_activeStatement._sql.GetInt32(_activeStatement, ordinal)); } /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public override long GetChars(int ordinal, long dataOffset, char[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.String); return _activeStatement._sql.GetChars(_activeStatement, ordinal, (int)dataOffset, buffer, bufferOffset, length); } /// /// /// /// /// public override string GetDataTypeName(int ordinal) { CheckClosed(); return _activeStatement._sql.ColumnName(_activeStatement, ordinal); } /// /// /// /// /// public override DateTime GetDateTime(int ordinal) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.DateTime); return _activeStatement._sql.GetDateTime(_activeStatement, ordinal); } /// /// /// /// /// public override decimal GetDecimal(int ordinal) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.Decimal); return Convert.ToDecimal(_activeStatement._sql.GetDouble(_activeStatement, ordinal)); } /// /// /// /// /// public override double GetDouble(int ordinal) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.Double); return _activeStatement._sql.GetDouble(_activeStatement, ordinal); } /// /// /// /// /// public override Type GetFieldType(int ordinal) { SQLiteType t = GetSQLiteType(ordinal); if (t.Type != DbType.Object) return SQLiteConvert.DbTypeToType(t.Type); switch (t.Affinity) { case TypeAffinity.Null: return typeof(DBNull); case TypeAffinity.Int64: return typeof(Int64); case TypeAffinity.Double: return typeof(Double); case TypeAffinity.Blob: return typeof(byte[]); default: return typeof(string); } } /// /// /// /// /// public override float GetFloat(int ordinal) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.Single); return Convert.ToSingle(_activeStatement._sql.GetDouble(_activeStatement, ordinal)); } /// /// /// /// /// public override Guid GetGuid(int ordinal) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.Guid); return new Guid(_activeStatement._sql.GetText(_activeStatement, ordinal)); } /// /// /// /// /// public override Int16 GetInt16(int ordinal) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.Int16); return Convert.ToInt16(_activeStatement._sql.GetInt32(_activeStatement, ordinal)); } /// /// /// /// /// public override Int32 GetInt32(int ordinal) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.Int32); return _activeStatement._sql.GetInt32(_activeStatement, ordinal); } /// /// /// /// /// public override Int64 GetInt64(int ordinal) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.Int64); return _activeStatement._sql.GetInt64(_activeStatement, ordinal); } /// /// /// /// /// public override string GetName(int ordinal) { CheckClosed(); return _activeStatement._sql.ColumnName(_activeStatement, ordinal); } /// /// /// /// /// public override int GetOrdinal(string name) { CheckClosed(); return _activeStatement._sql.ColumnIndex(_activeStatement, name); } /// /// Schema information in SQLite is an iffy-business. We've extended the native SQLite3.DLL to include a special pragma called /// PRAGMA real_column_names /// When enabled, the pragma causes all column aliases to be ignored, and the full Database.Table.ColumnName to be returned for /// each column of a SELECT statement. Using this information it is then possible to query each database and table for the /// matching column, and associate it with the active statement. /// /// /// The current connection is cloned for the sake of executing this statement, so as to avoid any possibility of corrupting the /// original connection's existing statements or state. Any attached databases are re-attached to the new connection. /// /// Returns a DataTable containing the schema information for the active SELECT statement being processed. public override DataTable GetSchemaTable() { CheckClosed(); DataTable tbl = new DataTable("Schema"); string[] arName; string strTable; string strCatalog; DataRow row; tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.ColumnName, typeof(String)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.ColumnOrdinal, typeof(Int32)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.ColumnSize, typeof(Int32)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.NumericPrecision, typeof(Int32)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.NumericScale, typeof(Int32)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.DataType, typeof(Type)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.ProviderType, typeof(Int32)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.IsLong, typeof(Boolean)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.AllowDBNull, typeof(Boolean)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsReadOnly, typeof(Boolean)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsRowVersion, typeof(Boolean)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.IsUnique, typeof(Boolean)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.IsKey, typeof(Boolean)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsAutoIncrement, typeof(Boolean)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.BaseSchemaName, typeof(String)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.BaseCatalogName, typeof(String)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.BaseTableName, typeof(String)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableColumn.BaseColumnName, typeof(String)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.BaseColumnNamespace, typeof(string)); tbl.Columns.Add(SchemaTableOptionalColumn.DefaultValue, typeof(object)); tbl.BeginLoadData(); SQLiteConnection cnn = (SQLiteConnection)_command.Connection; try { cnn._sql.SetRealColNames(true); // Create a new command based on the original. The only difference being that this new command returns // fully-qualified Database.Table.Column column names because of the above pragma using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(_activeStatement._sqlStatement, cnn)) { using (DbDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { // No need to Read() from this reader, we just want the column names for (int n = 0; n < FieldCount; n++) { strTable = ""; strCatalog = "main"; row = tbl.NewRow(); // Default settings for the column row[SchemaTableColumn.ColumnName] = GetName(n); row[SchemaTableColumn.ColumnOrdinal] = n; row[SchemaTableColumn.ColumnSize] = 0; row[SchemaTableColumn.NumericPrecision] = 0; row[SchemaTableColumn.NumericScale] = 0; row[SchemaTableColumn.DataType] = GetFieldType(n); row[SchemaTableColumn.ProviderType] = GetSQLiteType(n).Type; row[SchemaTableColumn.IsLong] = false; row[SchemaTableColumn.AllowDBNull] = true; row[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsReadOnly] = true; row[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsRowVersion] = false; row[SchemaTableColumn.IsUnique] = false; row[SchemaTableColumn.IsKey] = false; row[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsAutoIncrement] = false; row[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsReadOnly] = false; row[SchemaTableColumn.BaseColumnName] = GetName(n); // Try and extract the database, table and column from the datareader arName = rd.GetName(n).Split('.'); if (arName.Length > 1) strTable = arName[arName.Length - 2]; if (arName.Length > 2) strCatalog = arName[arName.Length - 3]; // If we have a table-bound column, extract the extra information from it if (arName.Length > 1) { using (SQLiteCommand cmdTable = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("PRAGMA [{1}].TABLE_INFO([{0}])", strTable, strCatalog), cnn)) { if (arName.Length < 3) strCatalog = ""; using (DbDataReader rdTable = cmdTable.ExecuteReader()) { while (rdTable.Read()) { if (String.Compare(arName[arName.Length - 1], rdTable.GetString(1), true) == 0) { string strType = rdTable.GetString(2); string[] arSize = strType.Split('('); if (arSize.Length > 1) { arSize = arSize[1].Split(')'); if (arSize.Length > 1) row["ColumnSize"] = Convert.ToInt32(arSize[0]); } bool bNotNull = rdTable.GetBoolean(3); bool bPrimaryKey = rdTable.GetBoolean(5); row[SchemaTableColumn.BaseTableName] = strTable; row[SchemaTableColumn.BaseColumnName] = rdTable.GetString(1); if (strCatalog.Length > 0) { row[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.BaseColumnNamespace] = strCatalog; row[SchemaTableColumn.BaseSchemaName] = strCatalog; } row[SchemaTableColumn.AllowDBNull] = (!bNotNull && !bPrimaryKey); row[SchemaTableColumn.IsUnique] = bPrimaryKey; row[SchemaTableColumn.IsKey] = bPrimaryKey; row[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsAutoIncrement] = (bPrimaryKey && String.Compare(strType, "Integer", true) == 0); row[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsReadOnly] = !(bool)row[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsAutoIncrement]; if (rdTable.IsDBNull(4) == false) row[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.DefaultValue] = rdTable[4]; break; } } } } } tbl.Rows.Add(row); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } finally { cnn._sql.SetRealColNames(false); } tbl.AcceptChanges(); tbl.EndLoadData(); return tbl; } /// /// /// /// /// public override string GetString(int ordinal) { VerifyType(ordinal, DbType.String); return _activeStatement._sql.GetText(_activeStatement, ordinal); } /// /// /// /// /// public override object GetValue(int ordinal) { if (IsDBNull(ordinal)) return DBNull.Value; if (GetFieldType(ordinal) == typeof(byte[])) { int n = (int)GetBytes(ordinal, 0, null, 0, 0); byte[] b = new byte[n]; GetBytes(ordinal, 0, b, 0, n); return b; } return Convert.ChangeType(_activeStatement._sql.GetText(_activeStatement, ordinal), GetFieldType(ordinal), null); } /// /// /// /// /// public override int GetValues(object[] values) { CheckClosed(); int nMax = _fieldCount; if (values.Length < nMax) nMax = values.Length; for (int n = 0; n < nMax; n++) { values.SetValue(GetValue(n), n); } return nMax; } /// /// /// public override bool HasRows { get { CheckClosed(); return (_readingState != 2); } } /// /// /// public override bool IsClosed { get { return (_command == null); } } /// /// /// /// /// public override bool IsDBNull(int ordinal) { CheckClosed(); return _activeStatement._sql.IsNull(_activeStatement, ordinal); } /// /// /// /// public override bool NextResult() { CheckClosed(); SQLiteStatement stmt; int fieldCount; while (true) { if (_activeStatement != null) { // If we're only supposed to return a single rowset, step through all remaining statements once until // they are all done and return false to indicate no more resultsets exist. if ((_commandBehavior & CommandBehavior.SingleResult) != 0) { // Reset the previously-executed command _activeStatement._sql.Reset(_activeStatement); while (_activeStatementIndex + 1 != _command._statementList.Length) { _activeStatementIndex++; stmt = _command._statementList[_activeStatementIndex]; stmt._sql.Step(stmt); stmt._sql.Reset(stmt); // Gotta reset after every step to release any locks and such! } return false; } // Reset the previously-executed command _activeStatement._sql.Reset(_activeStatement); } // If we've reached the end of the statements, return false, no more resultsets if (_activeStatementIndex + 1 == _command._statementList.Length) return false; // If we were on a resultset, set the state to "done reading" for it if (_readingState < 1) _readingState = 1; _activeStatementIndex++; stmt = _command._statementList[_activeStatementIndex]; fieldCount = stmt._sql.ColumnCount(stmt); // If we're told to get schema information only, then don't perform an initial step() through the resultset if ((_commandBehavior & CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly) == 0 || fieldCount == 0) { if (stmt._sql.Step(stmt)) { _readingState = -1; } else if (fieldCount == 0) // No rows returned, if fieldCount is zero, skip to the next statement { stmt._sql.Reset(stmt); continue; // Skip this command and move to the next, it was not a row-returning resultset } else // No rows, fieldCount is non-zero so stop here { _readingState = 1; // This command returned columns but no rows, so return true, but HasRows = false and Read() returns false } } // Ahh, we found a row-returning resultset eligible to be returned! _activeStatement = stmt; _fieldCount = fieldCount; _fieldTypeArray = null; return true; } } private SQLiteType GetSQLiteType(int ordinal) { CheckClosed(); if (_fieldTypeArray == null) _fieldTypeArray = new SQLiteType[_fieldCount]; if (_fieldTypeArray[ordinal].Affinity == 0) _fieldTypeArray[ordinal].Type = SQLiteConvert.TypeNameToDbType(_activeStatement._sql.ColumnType(_activeStatement, ordinal, out _fieldTypeArray[ordinal].Affinity)); return _fieldTypeArray[ordinal]; } /// /// /// /// public override bool Read() { CheckClosed(); if (_readingState == -1) // First step was already done at the NextResult() level, so don't step again, just return true. { _readingState = 0; return true; } else if (_readingState == 0) // Actively reading rows { if (_activeStatement._sql.Step(_activeStatement) == true) return true; _readingState = 1; // Finished reading rows } return false; } /// /// /// public override int RecordsAffected { get { return _rowsAffected; } } /// /// /// /// /// public override object this[string name] { get { return GetValue(GetOrdinal(name)); } } /// /// /// /// /// public override object this[int ordinal] { get { return GetValue(ordinal); } } } }