/******************************************************** * ADO.NET 2.0 Data Provider for SQLite Version 3.X * Written by Robert Simpson (robert@blackcastlesoft.com) * * Released to the public domain, use at your own risk! ********************************************************/ namespace SQLite.Designer.Design { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; internal class Column : IHaveConnection { private bool _allowNulls = false; private string _dataType = ""; private string _defaultValue = ""; private string _columnName = ""; private string _origName = ""; private string _collate; private DataGridViewRow _parent; private Unique _unique; private Table _table; internal Column(Table table, DataGridViewRow row) { _parent = row; _table = table as Table; _unique = new Unique(this); } internal Column(DataRow row, Table source) { _table = source; _unique = new Unique(this, row); if (row.IsNull("AUTOINCREMENT") == false && (bool)row["AUTOINCREMENT"] == true) _table.PrimaryKey.AutoIncrement = true; _dataType = (row.IsNull("DATA_TYPE") == false) ? row["DATA_TYPE"].ToString() : String.Empty; _columnName = row["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString(); _origName = _columnName; _allowNulls = (bool)row["IS_NULLABLE"]; _defaultValue = (row.IsNull("COLUMN_DEFAULT") == false) ? row["COLUMN_DEFAULT"].ToString() : String.Empty; _collate = (row.IsNull("COLLATION_NAME") == false) ? row["COLLATION_NAME"].ToString() : String.Empty; string edmtype = (row.IsNull("EDM_TYPE") == false) ? row["EDM_TYPE"].ToString() : String.Empty; if (edmtype == "nvarchar" || edmtype == "varchar" || edmtype == "blob" || edmtype == "nchar" || edmtype == "char") { int size = (row.IsNull("CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH") == false) ? Convert.ToInt32(row["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"]) : int.MaxValue; if (size != int.MaxValue) _dataType = string.Format("{0}({1})", _dataType, size); } else if (edmtype == "decimal") { int size = (row.IsNull("NUMERIC_PRECISION") == false) ? Convert.ToInt32(row["NUMERIC_PRECISION"]) : 53; int scale = (row.IsNull("NUMERIC_SCALE") == false) ? Convert.ToInt32(row["NUMERIC_SCALE"]) : int.MaxValue; if (size != 53) { string scalestr = (scale == int.MaxValue) ? "" : String.Format(",{0}", scale); _dataType = string.Format("{0}({1}{2})", _dataType, size, scalestr); } } } #region IHaveConnection Members [Browsable(false)] public ViewTableBase DesignTable { get { return _table; } } public DbConnection GetConnection() { return ((IHaveConnection)_table).GetConnection(); } #endregion [Browsable(false)] internal Table Table { get { return _table; } } internal void Committed() { _origName = ColumnName; } internal DataGridViewRow Parent { get { return _parent; } set { _parent = value; _parent.Cells[0].Value = ColumnName; _parent.Cells[1].Value = DataType; _parent.Cells[2].Value = AllowNulls; } } internal void RefreshGrid() { if (_parent == null) return; _parent.DataGridView.Refresh(); } internal void CellValueChanged(int rowIndex, int cellIndex) { if (_parent == null) return; if (rowIndex != _parent.Index) return; object value; if (_parent.Cells[cellIndex].IsInEditMode == true) { if (_parent.DataGridView.EditingControl != null) value = ((IDataGridViewEditingControl)_parent.DataGridView.EditingControl).EditingControlFormattedValue; else value = _parent.Cells[cellIndex].EditedFormattedValue; } else value = _parent.Cells[cellIndex].EditedFormattedValue; switch (cellIndex) { case 0: ColumnName = value.ToString(); break; case 1: DataType = value.ToString(); break; case 2: try { AllowNulls = Convert.ToBoolean(value); } catch { } break; } } [DefaultValue("BINARY")] [Category("Constraints")] [Editor(typeof(CollationTypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))] [Description("The collation sequence to use for the column. This will affect comparison and equality tests against the column.")] public virtual string Collate { get { return _collate; } set { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) value = "BINARY"; if (_collate != value) { _collate = value; if (_table.PrimaryKey.Columns.Count == 1 && String.Compare(ColumnName, _table.PrimaryKey.Columns[0].Column, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) _table.PrimaryKey.Columns[0].Collate = value; _table._owner.MakeDirty(); } } } [Category("Constraints")] [Description("The unique constraints of the column")] public virtual Unique Unique { get { return _unique; } } [Browsable(false)] public virtual string ColumnName { get { return _columnName; } set { value = value.Trim(); if (value != _columnName) { _columnName = value; _table.MakeDirty(); } } } [Browsable(false)] public virtual string OriginalName { get { return _origName; } } [DefaultValue(false)] [DisplayName("Allow Nulls")] [Category("Constraints")] [Description("Specifies whether or not the column will allow NULL values.")] public virtual bool AllowNulls { get { return _allowNulls; } set { if (value != _allowNulls) { _allowNulls = value; if (_parent == null) return; _parent.Cells[2].Value = _allowNulls; _table.MakeDirty(); } } } [Browsable(false)] public virtual string DataType { get { return _dataType; } set { value = value.Trim(); if (value != _dataType) { _dataType = value; _table.MakeDirty(); } } } [DisplayName("Default Value")] [Category("Constraints")] [Description("The default value to populate in the column when an explicit value is not specified.")] public virtual string DefaultValue { get { return _defaultValue; } set { value = value.Trim(); if (value != _defaultValue) { _defaultValue = value; _table.MakeDirty(); } } } internal void WriteSql(StringBuilder builder) { builder.AppendFormat("[{0}]", ColumnName); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DataType) == false) builder.AppendFormat(" {0}", DataType); bool isprimary = false; if (_table.PrimaryKey.Columns.Count == 1 && String.Compare(_table.PrimaryKey.Columns[0].Column, ColumnName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { isprimary = true; builder.Append(" PRIMARY KEY"); if (_table.PrimaryKey.Columns[0].SortMode != ColumnSortMode.Ascending) builder.Append(" DESC"); if (_table.PrimaryKey.Conflict != ConflictEnum.Abort) builder.AppendFormat(" ON CONFLICT {0}", _table.PrimaryKey.Conflict.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()); if (_table.PrimaryKey.AutoIncrement == true) builder.Append(" AUTOINCREMENT"); } if (AllowNulls == false) builder.Append(" NOT NULL"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Collate) == false && String.Compare(Collate, "BINARY", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) builder.AppendFormat(" COLLATE {0}", Collate.ToUpperInvariant()); if (Unique.Enabled == true && isprimary == false) { builder.Append(" UNIQUE"); if (Unique.Conflict != ConflictEnum.Abort) builder.AppendFormat(" ON CONFLICT {0}", Unique.Conflict.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DefaultValue) == false) builder.AppendFormat(" DEFAULT {0}", DefaultValue); } } }