Installing SQLite Visual Studio Design-Time Support

Supporting the Visual Studio query designer and allowing you to manipulate SQLite databases from within Visual Studio is a great time-saver.  Though the support is not yet fully-implemented, there's certainly enough there to keep you busy.  You can create databases, design and execute queries, create typed datasets and lots more all from Visual Studio.

Installation Instructions

In Windows Explorer, navigate to SQLite.Net\bin\Designer and execute the INSTALL.EXE program.  It will automatically detect what eligible Visual Studio products are installed, and allow you to check and uncheck which environments to install the designer for.

Express Edition Limitations

All Express Editions (except Visual Web Developer) are hard-coded to only allow you to design for Jet and Sql Server Database Files.  The only way for SQLite to install its designer is to temporarily replace one of the existing "approved" designers.  Therefore, when you install the SQLite designer for one of these express editions, it will temporarily replace the Microsoft Access designer.  You can revert back to the Access designer simply by re-running the install.exe program and un-checking the boxes.