using System; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data; using System.Data.SQLite; using System.Transactions; namespace test { /// /// Scalar user-defined function. In this example, the same class is declared twice with /// different function names to demonstrate how to use alias names for user-defined functions. /// [SQLiteFunction(Name = "Foo", Arguments = 2, FuncType = FunctionType.Scalar)] [SQLiteFunction(Name = "TestFunc", Arguments = 2, FuncType = FunctionType.Scalar)] class TestFunc : SQLiteFunction { public override object Invoke(object[] args) { if (args[0].GetType() != typeof(int)) return args[0]; int Param1 = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]); // First parameter int Param2 = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); // Second parameter return Param1 + Param2; } } /// /// Aggregate user-defined function. Arguments = -1 means any number of arguments is acceptable /// [SQLiteFunction(Name = "MyCount", Arguments = -1, FuncType = FunctionType.Aggregate)] class MyCount : SQLiteFunction { public override void Step(object[] args, int nStep, ref object contextData) { if (contextData == null) { contextData = 1; } else contextData = (int)contextData + 1; } public override object Final(object contextData) { return contextData; } } /// /// Sample regular expression function. Example Usage: /// SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name REGEXP '$bar' /// SELECT * FROM foo WHERE REGEXP('$bar', name) /// /// [SQLiteFunction(Name = "REGEXP", Arguments = 2, FuncType = FunctionType.Scalar)] class MyRegEx : SQLiteFunction { public override object Invoke(object[] args) { return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(Convert.ToString(args[1]), Convert.ToString(args[0])); } } /// /// User-defined collating sequence. /// [SQLiteFunction(Name = "MYSEQUENCE", FuncType = FunctionType.Collation)] class MySequence : SQLiteFunction { public override int Compare(string param1, string param2) { // Make sure the string "Field3" is sorted out of order if (param1 == "Field3") return 1; if (param2 == "Field3") return -1; return String.Compare(param1, param2, true); } } internal class TestCases { internal static void Run(DbProviderFactory fact, DbConnection cnn) { Console.WriteLine("\r\nBeginning Test on " + cnn.GetType().ToString()); try { CreateTable(cnn); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - CreateTable"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - CreateTable"); } try { TransactionTest(cnn); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - Transaction Enlistment"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - Transaction Enlistment"); } try { GuidTest(cnn); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - Guid Test"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - Guid Test"); } try { InsertTable(cnn); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - InsertTable"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - InsertTable"); } try { VerifyInsert(cnn); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - VerifyInsert"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - VerifyInsert"); } try { CoersionTest(cnn); Console.WriteLine("FAIL - CoersionTest"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - CoersionTest"); } try { ParameterizedInsert(cnn); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - ParameterizedInsert"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - ParameterizedInsert"); } try { BinaryInsert(cnn); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - BinaryInsert (using named parameter)"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - BinaryInsert"); } try { VerifyBinaryData(cnn); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - VerifyBinaryData"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - VerifyBinaryData"); } try { LockTest(cnn); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - LockTest"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - LockTest"); } try { ParameterizedInsertMissingParams(cnn); Console.WriteLine("FAIL - ParameterizedInsertMissingParams\r\n"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - ParameterizedInsertMissingParams\r\n"); } // try { TimeoutTest(cnn); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - TimeoutTest"); } // catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - TimeoutTest"); } try { DataAdapter(fact, cnn, false); Console.WriteLine(""); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - DataAdapter"); } try { DataAdapter(fact, cnn, true); Console.WriteLine(""); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - DataAdapterWithIdentityFetch"); } try { FastInsertMany(cnn); Console.WriteLine(""); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - FastInsertMany"); } try { IterationTest(cnn); Console.WriteLine(""); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - Iteration Test"); } try { UserFunction(cnn); Console.WriteLine(""); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - UserFunction"); } try { UserAggregate(cnn); Console.WriteLine(""); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - UserAggregate"); } try { UserCollation(cnn); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - UserCollation"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - UserCollation"); } try { DropTable(cnn); Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS - DropTable"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL - DropTable"); } Console.WriteLine("\r\nTests Finished."); } internal static void TransactionTest(DbConnection cnn) { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { using (DbConnection cnn2 = ((ICloneable)cnn).Clone() as DbConnection) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn2.CreateCommand()) { // Created a table inside the transaction scope cmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE VolatileTable (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, MyValue VARCHAR(50))"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); using (DbCommand cmd2 = cnn2.CreateCommand()) { using (cmd2.Transaction = cnn2.BeginTransaction()) { // Inserting a value inside the table, inside a transaction which is inside the transaction scope cmd2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO VolatileTable (ID, MyValue) VALUES(1, 'Hello')"; cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd2.Transaction.Commit(); } } } // Connection is disposed before the transactionscope leaves, thereby forcing the connection to stay open } // Exit the transactionscope without committing it, causing a rollback of both the create table and the insert } // Verify that the table does not exist using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VolatileTable"; try { object o = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); throw new InvalidOperationException("Transaction failed! The table exists!"); } catch(SQLiteException) { return; // Succeeded, the table should not have existed } } } internal static void CreateTable(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE TestCase (ID integer primary key autoincrement, Field1 Integer, Field2 Float, Field3 VARCHAR(50), Field4 CHAR(10), Field5 DateTime, Field6 Image)"; //cmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE TestCase (ID bigint primary key identity, Field1 Integer, Field2 Float, Field3 VARCHAR(50), Field4 CHAR(10), Field5 DateTime, Field6 Image)"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } internal static void DropTable(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "DROP TABLE TestCase"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } internal static void InsertTable(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TestCase(Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5) VALUES(1, 3.14159, 'Field3', 'Field4', '2005-01-01 13:49:00')"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } internal static void GuidTest(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid(); cmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE GuidTest(MyGuid GUID)"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Insert a guid as a default binary representation cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO GuidTest(MyGuid) VALUES(@b)"; ((SQLiteParameterCollection)cmd.Parameters).AddWithValue("@b", guid); // Insert a guid as text cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Parameters[0].Value = guid.ToString(); cmd.Parameters[0].DbType = DbType.String; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT MyGuid FROM GuidTest"; using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { reader.Read(); if (reader.GetFieldType(0) != typeof(Guid)) throw new ArgumentException("Column is not a Guid"); if (reader.GetGuid(0) != guid) throw new ArgumentException("Guids don't match!"); reader.Read(); if (reader.GetFieldType(0) != typeof(Guid)) throw new ArgumentException("Column is not a Guid"); if (reader.GetGuid(0) != guid) throw new ArgumentException("Guids don't match!"); } } } internal static void VerifyInsert(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5 FROM TestCase"; cmd.Prepare(); using (DbDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (rd.Read()) { long Field1 = rd.GetInt64(0); double Field2 = rd.GetDouble(1); string Field3 = rd.GetString(2); string Field4 = rd.GetString(3).TrimEnd(); DateTime Field5 = rd.GetDateTime(4); if (Field1 != 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Non-Match on Field1"); if (Field2 != 3.14159) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Non-Match on Field2"); if (Field3 != "Field3") throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Non-Match on Field3"); if (Field4 != "Field4") throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Non-Match on Field4"); if (Field5.CompareTo(DateTime.Parse("2005-01-01 13:49:00")) != 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Non-Match on Field5"); } else throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("No data in table"); } } } internal static void CoersionTest(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5, 'A', 1, 1 + 1, 3.14159 FROM TestCase"; using (DbDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (rd.Read()) { object Field1 = rd.GetInt32(0); object Field2 = rd.GetDouble(1); object Field3 = rd.GetString(2); object Field4 = rd.GetString(3).TrimEnd(); object Field5 = rd.GetDateTime(4); // The next statement should cause an exception Field1 = rd.GetString(0); Field2 = rd.GetString(1); Field3 = rd.GetString(2); Field4 = rd.GetString(3); Field5 = rd.GetString(4); Field1 = rd.GetInt32(0); Field2 = rd.GetInt32(1); Field3 = rd.GetInt32(2); Field4 = rd.GetInt32(3); Field5 = rd.GetInt32(4); Field1 = rd.GetDecimal(0); Field2 = rd.GetDecimal(1); Field3 = rd.GetDecimal(2); Field4 = rd.GetDecimal(3); Field5 = rd.GetDecimal(4); } else throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("No data in table"); } } } internal static void ParameterizedInsert(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TestCase(Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)"; DbParameter Field1 = cmd.CreateParameter(); DbParameter Field2 = cmd.CreateParameter(); DbParameter Field3 = cmd.CreateParameter(); DbParameter Field4 = cmd.CreateParameter(); DbParameter Field5 = cmd.CreateParameter(); Field1.Value = 2; Field2.Value = 3.14159; Field3.Value = "Param Field3"; Field4.Value = "Field4 Par"; Field5.Value = DateTime.Now; cmd.Parameters.Add(Field1); cmd.Parameters.Add(Field2); cmd.Parameters.Add(Field3); cmd.Parameters.Add(Field4); cmd.Parameters.Add(Field5); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } // Inserts binary data into the database using a named parameter internal static void BinaryInsert(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TestCase(Field6) VALUES(@bin)"; DbParameter Field6 = cmd.CreateParameter(); byte[] b = new byte[4000]; b[0] = 1; b[100] = 2; b[1000] = 3; b[2000] = 4; b[3000] = 5; Field6.ParameterName = "@bin"; Field6.Value = b; cmd.Parameters.Add(Field6); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } internal static void VerifyBinaryData(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Field6 FROM TestCase WHERE Field6 IS NOT NULL"; byte[] b = new byte[4000]; using (DbDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (rd.Read() == false) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); rd.GetBytes(0, 0, b, 0, 4000); if (b[0] != 1) throw new ArgumentException(); if (b[100] != 2) throw new ArgumentException(); if (b[1000] != 3) throw new ArgumentException(); if (b[2000] != 4) throw new ArgumentException(); if (b[3000] != 5) throw new ArgumentException(); } } } internal static void LockTest(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Field6 FROM TestCase WHERE Field6 IS NOT NULL"; byte[] b = new byte[4000]; using (DbDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (rd.Read() == false) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); rd.GetBytes(0, 0, b, 0, 4000); if (b[0] != 1) throw new ArgumentException(); if (b[100] != 2) throw new ArgumentException(); if (b[1000] != 3) throw new ArgumentException(); if (b[2000] != 4) throw new ArgumentException(); if (b[3000] != 5) throw new ArgumentException(); using (DbConnection clone = (DbConnection)((ICloneable)cnn).Clone()) { using (DbCommand newcmd = clone.CreateCommand()) { newcmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM TestCase WHERE Field6 IS NULL"; newcmd.CommandTimeout = 2; int cmdStart = Environment.TickCount; int cmdEnd; try { newcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // should fail because there's a reader on the database throw new ArgumentException(); // If we got here, the test failed } catch { cmdEnd = Environment.TickCount; if (cmdEnd - cmdStart < 2000 || cmdEnd - cmdStart > 3000) throw new ArgumentException(); // Didn't wait the right amount of time } } } } } } internal static void ParameterizedInsertMissingParams(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TestCase(Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)"; DbParameter Field1 = cmd.CreateParameter(); DbParameter Field2 = cmd.CreateParameter(); DbParameter Field3 = cmd.CreateParameter(); DbParameter Field4 = cmd.CreateParameter(); DbParameter Field5 = cmd.CreateParameter(); Field1.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Int32; Field1.Value = 2; Field2.Value = 3.14159; Field3.Value = "Field3 Param"; Field4.Value = "Field4 Par"; Field5.Value = DateTime.Now; cmd.Parameters.Add(Field1); cmd.Parameters.Add(Field2); cmd.Parameters.Add(Field3); cmd.Parameters.Add(Field4); // Assertion here, not enough parameters cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } // Utilizes the SQLiteCommandBuilder, // which in turn utilizes SQLiteDataReader's GetSchemaTable() functionality // This insert is slow because it must raise callbacks before and after every update. // For a fast update, see the FastInsertMany function beneath this one internal static void DataAdapter(DbProviderFactory fact, DbConnection cnn, bool bWithIdentity) { using (DbTransaction dbTrans = cnn.BeginTransaction()) { using (DbDataAdapter adp = fact.CreateDataAdapter()) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.Transaction = dbTrans; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM TestCase WHERE 1 = 2"; adp.SelectCommand = cmd; using (DbCommandBuilder bld = fact.CreateCommandBuilder()) { bld.DataAdapter = adp; using (adp.InsertCommand = (DbCommand)((ICloneable)bld.GetInsertCommand()).Clone()) { if (bWithIdentity) { adp.InsertCommand.CommandText += ";SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS [ID]"; adp.InsertCommand.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord; } bld.DataAdapter = null; using (DataTable tbl = new DataTable()) { adp.Fill(tbl); for (int n = 0; n < 10000; n++) { DataRow row = tbl.NewRow(); row[1] = n + (50000 * ((bWithIdentity == true) ? 2 : 1)); tbl.Rows.Add(row); } Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Inserting using CommandBuilder and DataAdapter\r\n ->{0} (10,000 rows) ...", (bWithIdentity == true) ? "(with identity fetch)" : "")); int dtStart = Environment.TickCount; adp.Update(tbl); int dtEnd = Environment.TickCount; dtEnd -= dtStart; Console.Write(String.Format(" -> Insert Ends in {0} ms ... ", (dtEnd))); dtStart = Environment.TickCount; dbTrans.Commit(); dtEnd = Environment.TickCount; dtEnd -= dtStart; Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Commits in {0} ms", (dtEnd))); } } } } } } } internal static void FastInsertMany(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbTransaction dbTrans = cnn.BeginTransaction()) { int dtStart; int dtEnd; using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TestCase(Field1) VALUES(?)"; DbParameter Field1 = cmd.CreateParameter(); cmd.Parameters.Add(Field1); Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Fast insert using parameters and prepared statement\r\n -> (100,000 rows) Begins ... ")); dtStart = Environment.TickCount; for (int n = 0; n < 100000; n++) { Field1.Value = n + 200000; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } dtEnd = Environment.TickCount; dtEnd -= dtStart; Console.Write(String.Format(" -> Ends in {0} ms ... ", (dtEnd))); } dtStart = Environment.TickCount; dbTrans.Commit(); dtEnd = Environment.TickCount; dtEnd -= dtStart; Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Commits in {0} ms", (dtEnd))); } } // Causes the user-defined function to be called internal static void UserFunction(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { int nTimes; int dtStart; nTimes = 0; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Foo('ee','foo')"; dtStart = Environment.TickCount; while (Environment.TickCount - dtStart < 1000) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); nTimes++; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" User (text) command executed {0} times in 1 second.", nTimes)); nTimes = 0; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Foo(10,11)"; dtStart = Environment.TickCount; while (Environment.TickCount - dtStart < 1000) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); nTimes++; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" UserFunction command executed {0} times in 1 second.", nTimes)); nTimes = 0; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ABS(1)"; dtStart = Environment.TickCount; while (Environment.TickCount - dtStart < 1000) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); nTimes++; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Intrinsic command executed {0} times in 1 second.", nTimes)); nTimes = 0; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT lower('FOO')"; dtStart = Environment.TickCount; while (Environment.TickCount - dtStart < 1000) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); nTimes++; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Intrin (txt) command executed {0} times in 1 second.", nTimes)); nTimes = 0; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT 1"; dtStart = Environment.TickCount; while (Environment.TickCount - dtStart < 1000) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); nTimes++; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Raw Value command executed {0} times in 1 second.", nTimes)); } } internal static void IterationTest(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { int dtStart; int dtEnd; int nCount; long n; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Foo(ID, ID) FROM TestCase"; cmd.Prepare(); dtStart = Environment.TickCount; nCount = 0; using (DbDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (rd.Read()) { n = rd.GetInt64(0); nCount++; } dtEnd = Environment.TickCount; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" User Function iteration of {0} records in {1} ms", nCount, (dtEnd - dtStart))); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM TestCase"; cmd.Prepare(); dtStart = Environment.TickCount; nCount = 0; using (DbDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (rd.Read()) { n = rd.GetInt64(0); nCount++; } dtEnd = Environment.TickCount; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Raw iteration of {0} records in {1} ms", nCount, (dtEnd - dtStart))); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ABS(ID) FROM TestCase"; cmd.Prepare(); dtStart = Environment.TickCount; nCount = 0; using (DbDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (rd.Read()) { n = rd.GetInt64(0); nCount++; } dtEnd = Environment.TickCount; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Intrinsic Function iteration of {0} records in {1} ms", nCount, (dtEnd - dtStart))); } } // Open a reader and then attempt to write to test the writer's command timeout property // SQLite doesn't allow a write when a reader is active. internal static void TimeoutTest(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmdRead = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmdRead.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM TestCase"; using (DbDataReader rd = cmdRead.ExecuteReader()) { using (DbCommand cmdwrite = cnn.CreateCommand()) { cmdwrite.CommandText = "UPDATE [TestCase] SET [ID] = [ID]"; cmdwrite.CommandTimeout = 5; int dwtick = Environment.TickCount; try { cmdwrite.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SQLiteException) { dwtick = (Environment.TickCount - dwtick) / 1000; if (dwtick < 5 || dwtick > 6) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } } } } // Causes the user-defined aggregate to be iterated through internal static void UserAggregate(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { int dtStart; int n = 0; int nCount; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT MyCount(*) FROM TestCase"; nCount = 0; dtStart = Environment.TickCount; while (Environment.TickCount - dtStart < 1000) { n = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); nCount++; } if (n != 120003) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Unexpected count"); Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" UserAggregate executed {0} times in 1 second.", nCount)); } } // Causes the user-defined collation sequence to be iterated through internal static void UserCollation(DbConnection cnn) { using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()) { // Using a default collating sequence in descending order, "Param Field3" will appear at the top // and "Field3" will be next, followed by a NULL. Our user-defined collating sequence will // deliberately place them out of order so Field3 is first. cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Field3 FROM TestCase ORDER BY Field3 COLLATE MYSEQUENCE DESC"; string s = (string)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); if (s != "Field3") throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("MySequence didn't sort properly"); } } } }