
View Ticket
21:37 Ticket [8292431f51] VS2017 support status still Closed with 3 other changes artifact: 3fa33f9047 user: mistachkin
21:36 Closed ticket [8292431f51]. artifact: 71c7c0cb52 user: mistachkin
21:35 Ticket [8292431f51]: 3 changes artifact: 1c715e909c user: mistachkin
05:19 Ticket [8292431f51]: 3 changes artifact: de8a1b6dcc user: anonymous
05:18 Ticket [8292431f51]: 3 changes artifact: a8ddeea580 user: anonymous
20:41 Ticket [8292431f51]: 3 changes artifact: 58ffac07ca user: mistachkin
09:02 Open ticket [8292431f51]. artifact: 17b01568c1 user: anonymous
16:12 Closed ticket [8292431f51]. artifact: 15636f1cf6 user: mistachkin
00:26 Ticket [8292431f51]: 3 changes artifact: ada772a380 user: mistachkin
19:38 Ticket [8292431f51]: 4 changes artifact: bc54684d15 user: anonymous
23:14 Ticket [8292431f51]: 9 changes artifact: 707be0fc8e user: mistachkin
07:10 New ticket [8292431f51]. artifact: 91868c3c3a user: anonymous

Ticket Hash: 8292431f51119807241632b092774e60189018d9
Title: VS2017 support
Status: Closed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Vs_Designer_And_Installer Resolution: Out_Of_Community_Support
Last Modified: 2017-08-02 21:37:06
Version Found In:
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2017-03-12 07:10:40:
Visual Studio 2017 support isn't available yet. I cannot update my EF model to reflect the changes made in the database.

mistachkin added on 2017-03-13 23:14:49:
This will be addressed prior to the release.

anonymous added on 2017-04-27 19:38:09:
Any news on Visual Studio 2017 Support ?

mistachkin added on 2017-04-29 00:26:54:
Unfortunately, it appears that Microsoft has completely changed the model of how
Visual Studio is installed.  This will make it extremely difficult to port the
existing design-time installer to the 2017 version.

I'm still trying to figure out how this can be accomplished in a reliable way.

mistachkin added on 2017-05-11 16:12:32:
Unfortunately, there does not appear to be an easy way to preserve the
existing design-time component functionality when using Visual Studio

anonymous added on 2017-05-28 09:02:08:
So does that mean we are not getting SQLite support for VS2017 or are you still working on it?

mistachkin added on 2017-05-28 20:41:40:
At this point, it seems unlikely that I'll be able to add VS 2017 support
for the design-time components (e.g. table designer, entity wizard, etc).

That being said, if people have some suggestions on how I might be able to
adapt the existing VS design-time installer tool to work with VS 2017, I'm
happy to listen.

However, support for building and debugging the projects with VS 2017 is on
the roadmap.

anonymous added on 2017-08-02 05:18:00:
Any update? :(

anonymous added on 2017-08-02 05:19:55:
If you can create a separate SQLite design studio(ie dbForge studio for MYSQL), it will awesome.

mistachkin added on 2017-08-02 21:35:44:
Basic support for building and testing with Visual Studio 2017 is now available
on the 'vs2017' branch; however, the design-time components are not supported.

