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            <span id="runningHeaderText">BEGIN TRANSACTION</span>&nbsp;</td>
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            <span id="nsrTitle">SQLite Language Reference Documentation</span>
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      <h1 class="heading">
        SQL As Understood By SQLite</h1>
        <table cellpadding="10">
            <td align="right" width="1%" nowrap>
              <i><font color="#ff3434">sql-statement</font></i> ::=</td>
              <b><font color="#2c2cf0">BEGIN </font></b>[<b><font color="#2c2cf0"> DEFERRED </font>
              </b><big>|</big><b><font color="#2c2cf0"> IMMEDIATE </font></b><big>|</big><b><font
                color="#2c2cf0"> EXCLUSIVE </font></b>]<b><font color="#2c2cf0"> </font></b>[<b><font
                  color="#2c2cf0">TRANSACTION </font></b>[<b><font color="#2c2cf0"></font></b><i><font
                    color="#ff3434">name</font></i><b><font color="#2c2cf0"></font></b>]<b><font color="#2c2cf0"></font></b>]<b><font
        <table cellpadding="10">
            <td align="right" width="1%" nowrap>
              <i><font color="#ff3434">sql-statement</font></i> ::=</td>
              <b><font color="#2c2cf0">END </font></b>[<b><font color="#2c2cf0">TRANSACTION </font>
              </b>[<b><font color="#2c2cf0"></font></b><i><font color="#ff3434">name</font></i><b><font
                color="#2c2cf0"></font></b>]<b><font color="#2c2cf0"></font></b>]<b><font color="#2c2cf0"></font></b></td>
        <table cellpadding="10">
            <td align="right" width="1%" nowrap>
              <i><font color="#ff3434">sql-statement</font></i> ::=</td>
              <b><font color="#2c2cf0">COMMIT </font></b>[<b><font color="#2c2cf0">TRANSACTION </font>
              </b>[<b><font color="#2c2cf0"></font></b><i><font color="#ff3434">name</font></i><b><font
                color="#2c2cf0"></font></b>]<b><font color="#2c2cf0"></font></b>]<b><font color="#2c2cf0"></font></b></td>
        <table cellpadding="10">
            <td align="right" width="1%" nowrap>
              <i><font color="#ff3434">sql-statement</font></i> ::=</td>
              <b><font color="#2c2cf0">ROLLBACK </font></b>[<b><font color="#2c2cf0">TRANSACTION
              </font></b>[<b><font color="#2c2cf0"></font></b><i><font color="#ff3434">name</font></i><b><font
                color="#2c2cf0"></font></b>]<b><font color="#2c2cf0"></font></b>]<b><font color="#2c2cf0"></font></b></td>
        Beginning in version 2.0, SQLite supports transactions with rollback and atomic
        The optional transaction name is ignored. SQLite currently does not allow nested
        No changes can be made to the database except within a transaction. Any command
        that changes the database (basically, any SQL command
          other than SELECT) will automatically start a transaction if one is not already in effect. Automatically started transactions
        are committed at the conclusion of the command.
        Transactions can be started manually using the BEGIN command. Such transactions
        usually persist until the next COMMIT or ROLLBACK command. But a transaction will
        also ROLLBACK if the database is closed or if an error occurs and the ROLLBACK conflict
        resolution algorithm is specified. See the documentation on the <a href="lang_conflict.html">
          ON CONFLICT</a> clause for additional information about the ROLLBACK conflict
        resolution algorithm.
        In SQLite version 3.0.8 and later, transactions can be deferred, immediate, or exclusive.
        Deferred means that no locks are acquired on the database until the database is
        first accessed. Thus with a deferred transaction, the BEGIN statement itself does
        nothing. Locks are not acquired until the first read or write operation. The first
        read operation against a database creates a SHARED lock and the first write operation
        creates a RESERVED lock. Because the acquisition of locks is deferred until they
        are needed, it is possible that another thread or process could create a separate
        transaction and write to the database after the BEGIN on the current thread has
        executed. If the transaction is immediate, then RESERVED locks are acquired on all
        databases as soon as the BEGIN command is executed, without waiting for the database
        to be used. After a BEGIN IMMEDIATE, you are guaranteed that no other thread or
        process will be able to write to the database or do a BEGIN IMMEDIATE or BEGIN EXCLUSIVE.
        Other processes can continue to read from the database, however. An exclusive transaction
        causes EXCLUSIVE locks to be acquired on all databases. After a BEGIN EXCLUSIVE,
        you are guaranteed that no other thread or process will be able to read or write
        the database until the transaction is complete.
        A description of the meaning of SHARED, RESERVED, and EXCLUSIVE locks is available
        <a href="lockingv3.html">separately</a>.
        The default behavior for SQLite version 3.0.8 is a deferred transaction. For SQLite
        version 3.0.0 through 3.0.7, deferred is the only kind of transaction available.
        For SQLite version 2.8 and earlier, all transactions are exclusive.
        The COMMIT command does not actually perform a commit until all pending SQL commands
        finish. Thus if two or more SELECT statements are in the middle of processing and
        a COMMIT is executed, the commit will not actually occur until all SELECT statements
        An attempt to execute COMMIT might result in an SQLITE_BUSY return code. This indicates
        that another thread or process had a read lock on the database that prevented the
        database from being updated. When COMMIT fails in this way, the transaction remains
        active and the COMMIT can be retried later after the reader has had a chance to
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