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<div class=nosearch><h1 align="center">SQL As Understood By SQLite</h1><p><a href="lang.html">[Top]</a></p><h2>REINDEX</h2></div><p><b><a href="syntax/reindex-stmt.html">reindex-stmt:</a></b>
<button id='x1143' onclick='hideorshow("x1143","x1144")'>hide</button></p>
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 <img alt="syntax diagram reindex-stmt" src="images/syntax/reindex-stmt.gif" />

<p>The REINDEX command is used to delete and recreate indices from scratch.
This is useful when the definition of a collation sequence has changed.

<p>If the REINDEX keyword is not followed by a collation-sequence or database 
object identifier, then all indices in all attached databases are rebuilt.

<p>If the REINDEX keyword is followed by a collation-sequence name, then
all indices in all attached databases that use the named collation sequences
are recreated. 

<p>Or, if the argument attached to the REINDEX identifies a specific 
database table, then all indices attached to the database table are rebuilt. 
If it identifies a specific database index, then just that index is recreated.

<p>For a command of the form "REINDEX <i>name</i>", a match
against <span class='yyterm'>collation-name</span> takes precedence over a match
against <span class='yyterm'>index-name</span> or <span class='yyterm'>table-name</span>.
This ambiguity in the syntax may be avoided by always specifying a
<span class='yyterm'>schema-name</span> when reindexing a specific table or index.