
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 9c338c85ef3bea0cdd4aa8e725d94f904e16b0f6:

<title>Release Procedures</title>

<a name="releaseProcedures"></a>
<h2>Release Procedures</h2>

  Follow these steps to prepare a new release of System.Data.SQLite.
  Unless otherwise noted, all steps need to be done in the order specified.

<a name="buildBinaries"></a>
<h2>Build x86 &amp; x64 Binaries</h2>

    The binaries for all supported architectures and platforms must be built
    using procedures very similar to those documented in the normal
    [./ | build procedures].

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Setup&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following commands to build all the x86 and x64 binaries:
    <br />
    <br />
    <b>SET BUILD_DEBUG=1</b>
    <br />

<a name="testBinaries"></a>
<h2>Test x86 &amp; x64 Binaries</h2>

    The binaries for all supported architectures and platforms must be tested
    using procedures very similar to those documented in the normal
    [./ | test procedures].

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Setup&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following commands to test all the x86 or x64 binaries, depending
    on the processor architecture of the current machine:
    <br />
    <br />
    <b>SET TEST_DEBUG=1</b>
    <br />

    Locate a machine with a processor architecture different from the one tested
    in the previous step and then repeat all the previous steps.

<a name="buildCeBinaries"></a>
<h2>Build Windows CE Binaries</h2>

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Setup&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following command to build all the binaries available for Windows
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that Visual Studio 2005 and/or Visual Studio 2008,
    &quot;<b>Professional</b>&quot; edition or &quot;better&quot; and the
    bundled Pocket PC 2003 SDK are installed.</i>

    Enter the following command to build all the binaries available for Windows
    Embedded Compact 2013:
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that Visual Studio 2012, &quot;<b>Professional</b>&quot;
    edition or &quot;better&quot; and the Windows Embedded Compact 2013 Toolkit
    are installed.</i>

<a name="testCeBinariesAutomated"></a>
<h2>Test Windows CE Binaries via Automation</h2>

    Instead of testing the Windows CE binaries
    <a href="#testCeBinariesManually">manually</a> as described in the next
    section, the following steps may be used.

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Setup&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following command to test all the binaries available for Windows
    <br />
    <br />

<a name="testCeBinariesManually"></a>
<h2>Test Windows CE Binaries Manually</h2>

    If the Windows CE binaries were already tested using the
    <a href="#testCeBinariesAutomated">automation</a> described in the previous
    section, skip this section.

    Launch <b>Visual Studio 2005</b>, &quot;<b>Professional</b>&quot; edition or
    &quot;better&quot; with the bundled Pocket PC 2003 SDK. As of this writing,
    in January 2012, <b>Visual Studio 2010 and later will not work</b> as they
    do not include the necessary built-in support for Windows CE and the .NET
    Compact Framework.

    Open the &quot;<b>SQLite.NET.2008.sln</b>&quot; solution file in the
    &quot;&lt;root&gt;&quot; directory.

    Change the active solution configuration to &quot;<b>Debug</b>&quot;.

    Change the active solution platform to &quot;<b>Pocket PC 2003

    Right-click the &quot;<b>testce</b>&quot; project in the Solution Explorer
    window and select &quot;<b>Set as StartUp Project</b>&quot;.

    Select &quot;<b>Start Debugging</b>&quot; from the &quot;<b>Debug</b>&quot;

    If any rebuild prompts appear (e.g. &quot;<b>SQLite.Interop.CE.2008</b>&quot;,
    &quot;<b>Would you like to build it?</b>&quot;), select &quot;<b>Yes</b>&quot;.

    When prompted for the device type to deploy the application to, select the
    &quot;<b>Pocket PC 2003 SE Emulator</b>&quot; device.

    Make sure all that the tests pass (i.e. they emit &quot;<b>SUCCESS</b>&quot;).

<a name="updateDocumentation"></a>
<h2>Update Documentation</h2>

    Update the &quot;&lt;root&gt;\readme.htm&quot; file with information about
    all the major changes since the last released version.

    Copy those changes to the
    &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Doc\Extra\Provider\version.html&quot; and
    &quot;&lt;root&gt;\www\; files, reformatting as necessary
    to fit with the existing document conventions.

<a name="buildDocumentation"></a>
<h2>Build Documentation</h2>

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Doc&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following command to build all the documentation in
    [ | CHM]
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that [ | ActiveTcl]
    version 8.4 or later, the
    [ | HTML Help Workshop],
    and [ | NDoc3] have all been installed using
    the default settings.</i>

<a name="buildSetupPackages"></a>
<h2>Build Setup Release Packages</h2>

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Setup&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following command to build all the setup packages for x86 and x64:
    <br />
    <br />

<a name="buildBinaryPackages"></a>
<h2>Build x86 &amp; x64 Binary Release Packages</h2>

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Setup&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following command to build all the binary release packages for x86
    and x64:
    <br />
    <br />

<a name="buildStaticBinaryPackages"></a>
<h2>Build x86 &amp; x64 Static Binary Release Packages</h2>

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Setup&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following command to build all the static binary release packages
    for x86 and x64:
    <br />
    <br />

<a name="buildCeBinaryPackages"></a>
<h2>Build Windows CE Binary Release Packages</h2>

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Setup&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following command to build all the binary release packages for
    Windows CE:
    <br />
    <br />

    Enter the following command to build all the binary release packages for
    Windows Embedded Compact 2013:
    <br />
    <br />

<a name="buildSourcePackages"></a>
<h2>Build Source Release Packages</h2>

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Setup&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following command to build all the source release packages:
    <br />
    <br />

<a name="verifyAllPackages"></a>
<h2>Verify All Release Packages</h2>

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Setup&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following command to build all the source release packages:
    <br />
    <br />
    <b>..\Externals\Eagle\bin\EagleShell.exe -file verify.eagle Output true</b>
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that the <a href="">Fossil</a>,
    <a href="">Inno Setup Unpacker</a>,
    <a href="">UnRAR</a>, and
    <a href="">UnZip</a> binaries are available in the
    locations specified via the &quot;FossilTool&quot;,
    &quot;InnoUnpackTool&quot;, &quot;UnRARTool&quot;, and &quot;UnZipTool&quot;
    environment variables, respectively.</i>
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>If errors are generated, the file
    &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Setup\data\verify.lst&quot; may need to be updated to
    account for the files that have been added and/or removed from the release
    archives since the previous release.</i>

<a name="buildNuGetPackages"></a>
<h2>Build NuGet Packages</h2>

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;&quot;.</li>

    Enter the following command to build the &quot;default&quot; NuGet package:
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that the NuGet binary is available somewhere along the
    [ | PATH].<br />Please refer
    to [ | NuGet Documentation] for further details.</i>

    Enter the following command to build the &quot;core&quot; NuGet package:
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that the NuGet binary is available somewhere along the
    [ | PATH].<br />Please refer
    to [ | NuGet Documentation] for further details.</i>

    Enter the following command to build the &quot;core managed-only&quot;
    NuGet package:
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that the NuGet binary is available somewhere along the
    [ | PATH].<br />Please refer
    to [ | NuGet Documentation] for further details.</i>

    Enter the following command to build the &quot;EF6&quot; NuGet package:
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that the NuGet binary is available somewhere along the
    [ | PATH].<br />Please refer
    to [ | NuGet Documentation] for further details.</i>

    Enter the following command to build the &quot;LINQ&quot; NuGet package:
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that the NuGet binary is available somewhere along the
    [ | PATH].<br />Please refer
    to [ | NuGet Documentation] for further details.</i>

    Enter the following command to build the &quot;managed-only&quot; NuGet
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that the NuGet binary is available somewhere along the
    [ | PATH].<br />Please refer
    to [ | NuGet Documentation] for further details.</i>

    Enter the following command to build the NuGet package for x86:
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that the NuGet binary is available somewhere along the
    [ | PATH].<br />Please refer
    to [ | NuGet Documentation] for further details.</i>

    Enter the following command to build the NuGet package for x64:
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that the NuGet binary is available somewhere along the
    [ | PATH].<br />Please refer
    to [ | NuGet Documentation] for further details.</i>

    Enter the following command to move the NuGet packages to the release output
    <br />
    <br />
    <b>move *.nupkg Setup\Output</b>

<a name="updateDownloadsPage"></a>
<h2>Update Downloads Page</h2>

  <li>Open a normal command prompt window with &quot;cmd.exe&quot;.</li>

  <li>Change the current directory to &quot;&lt;root&gt;\Setup&quot;.</li>

    Replace the version numbers for the previous release in the local working
    copy of the [./ | downloads page] with the new version numbers
    for System.Data.SQLite and the SQLite core.

    Enter the following command to update the sizes and hashes on the downloads
    page based on all the built release packages:
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <i>This assumes that [ | ActiveTcl]
    version 8.4 or later has been installed using the default settings and that
    the Fossil binary is available somewhere along the
    [ | PATH] (i.e. for
    calculating the SHA1 hashes).</i>

<a name="publishRelease"></a>
<h2>Publish Release</h2>

  <li>Upload all the release packages to the web site.</li>

    Commit pending source code changes to the
    [ | Fossil] repository.

  <li>Tag the release in the Fossil repository.</li>

    Push the [ | NuGet] packages.<br />
    <i>Please refer to [ | NuGet Documentation] for
    further details.</i>

  <li>Announce the release on the System.Data.SQLite mailing list.</li>