
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact c42533a02e724ae157ecee03d64ee18e8e09ac12:

# tkt-886387ad40.eagle --
# Written by Joe Mistachkin.
# Released to the public domain, use at your own risk!

package require Eagle
package require Eagle.Library
package require Eagle.Test



package require System.Data.SQLite.Test


runTest {test tkt-886387ad40-1.1 {ExecuteNonQuery w/PRAGMA} -setup {
  setupDb [set fileName tkt-886387ad40-1.1.db]
} -body {
  set connection [getDbConnection]

  array set sql [list \
     1 "PRAGMA locking_mode;" \
     2 "PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;" \
     3 "PRAGMA locking_mode;" \
     4 "PRAGMA locking_mode=NORMAL;" \
     5 "PRAGMA locking_mode;" \
     6 "PRAGMA legacy_file_format;" \
     7 "PRAGMA legacy_file_format=1;" \
     8 "PRAGMA legacy_file_format;" \
     9 "PRAGMA legacy_file_format=0;" \
    10 "PRAGMA legacy_file_format;" \
    11 "PRAGMA page_size;" \
    12 "PRAGMA page_size=512;" \
    13 "PRAGMA page_size;" \
    14 "PRAGMA page_size=8192;" \
    15 "PRAGMA page_size;" \

  set result [list]; set i 0

  foreach j [lsort -integer [array names sql]] {
    incr i

    set command($i,1) [$connection -alias CreateCommand]
    $command($i,1) CommandText $sql($j)

    lappend result [$command($i,1) ExecuteNonQuery]

    set command($i,2) [$connection -alias CreateCommand]
    $command($i,2) CommandText $sql($j)

    lappend result [$command($i,2) ExecuteScalar]

  sql execute $db {
    CREATE TABLE t1(x, y);
    INSERT INTO t1 (x, y) VALUES(1, RANDOMBLOB(1048576));
    INSERT INTO t1 (x, y) VALUES(2, RANDOMBLOB(1048576));
    INSERT INTO t1 (x, y) VALUES(3, RANDOMBLOB(1048576));
    INSERT INTO t1 (x, y) VALUES(4, RANDOMBLOB(1048576));

  foreach j [lsort -integer [array names sql]] {
    incr i

    set command($i,1) [$connection -alias CreateCommand]
    $command($i,1) CommandText $sql($j)

    lappend result [$command($i,1) ExecuteNonQuery]

    set command($i,2) [$connection -alias CreateCommand]
    $command($i,2) CommandText $sql($j)

    lappend result [$command($i,2) ExecuteScalar]

  set result
} -cleanup {
  unset -nocomplain command


  cleanupDb $fileName

  unset -nocomplain result j i sql connection db fileName
} -constraints {eagle command.object monoBug28 command.sql compile.DATA SQLite\
System.Data.SQLite} -result {-1 normal -1 exclusive -1 exclusive -1 normal -1\
normal -1 0 -1 {} -1 1 -1 {} -1 0 -1 1024 -1 {} -1 512 -1 {} -1 8192 -1 normal\
-1 exclusive -1 exclusive -1 normal -1 normal -1 0 -1 {} -1 1 -1 {} -1 0 -1\
8192 -1 {} -1 8192 -1 {} -1 8192}}

