
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact f39bb9da42e9c287b8004c934458104811fb5b6e:

 * ADO.NET 2.0 Data Provider for SQLite Version 3.X
 * Written by Robert Simpson (
 * Released to the public domain, use at your own risk!

namespace SQLite.Designer.Design
  using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Collections;
  using System.Text;
  using System.ComponentModel;
  using System.Data;
  using System.Data.Common;
  using System.ComponentModel.Design;
  using System.Drawing.Design;
  using System.Windows.Forms;
  using System.Globalization;

  internal class ForeignKeyEditor : CollectionEditor
    Table _table;
    CollectionEditor.CollectionForm _form;
    object[] _items;
    object[] _orig;
    int _count;

    internal ForeignKeyEditor(Table parent)
      : base(typeof(List<ForeignKey>))
      _table = parent;
      _count = _table.ForeignKeys.Count;

    protected override CollectionEditor.CollectionForm CreateCollectionForm()
      _form = base.CreateCollectionForm();
      _form.Text = "Foreign Key Editor";
      foreach (Control c in _form.Controls[0].Controls)
        PropertyGrid grid = c as PropertyGrid;
        if (grid != null)
          grid.HelpVisible = true;
      _form.Width = (int)(_form.Width * 1.25);
      _form.Height = (int)(_form.Height * 1.25);

      return _form;

    protected override object CreateInstance(Type itemType)
      if (itemType == typeof(ForeignKey))
        return new ForeignKey(null, _table, null);
      throw new NotSupportedException();

    protected override object[] GetItems(object editValue)
      if (_items == null)
        List<ForeignKey> items = editValue as List<ForeignKey>;
        _items = new object[items.Count];
        _orig = new object[items.Count];
        for (int n = 0; n < _items.Length; n++)
          _items[n] = ((ICloneable)items[n]).Clone();
          _orig[n] = items[n];
      return _items;

    protected override object SetItems(object editValue, object[] value)
      bool dirty = false;
      if (_form.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) value = _orig;

      if (editValue != null)
        if (!(editValue is IList))
          return editValue;
        IList list = (IList)editValue;
        for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
          ForeignKey fkey = value[i] as ForeignKey;

          if (fkey != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(fkey.From.Column) == false && String.IsNullOrEmpty(fkey.To.Catalog) == false &&
            String.IsNullOrEmpty(fkey.To.Table) == false && String.IsNullOrEmpty(fkey.To.Column) == false)
            if (fkey.IsDirty) dirty = true;

        if ((dirty == true || list.Count != _count) && _form.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
      return editValue;

  internal class ForeignKeyItem : IHaveConnectionScope
    private string _catalog;
    private string _table;
    private string _column;
    private ForeignKey _fkey;

    internal ForeignKeyItem(ForeignKey fkey, string catalog, string table, string column)
      _catalog = catalog;
      _table = table;
      _column = column;
      _fkey = fkey;

    public override string ToString()
      return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}].[{1}].[{2}]", _catalog, _table, _column);

    #region IHaveConnection Members

    public ViewTableBase DesignTable
      get { return _fkey.DesignTable; }

    public DbConnection GetConnection()
      return ((IHaveConnection)_fkey).GetConnection();

    public string TableScope
      get { return _table; }

    public string CatalogScope
      get { return _catalog; }


    [Editor(typeof(CatalogTypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
    public virtual string Catalog
      get { return _catalog; }

    [Editor(typeof(TablesTypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
    public virtual string Table
      get { return _table; }

    [Editor(typeof(ColumnsTypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
    public virtual string Column
      get { return _column; }

    protected void SetCatalog(string value)
      if (_catalog != value)
        _catalog = value;

    protected void SetTable(string value)
      if (_table != value)
        _table = value;

    protected void SetColumn(string value)
      if (_column != value)
        _column = value;

  internal class ForeignKeyFromItem : ForeignKeyItem
    internal ForeignKeyFromItem(ForeignKey fkey, string column)
      : base(fkey, fkey._table.Catalog, fkey._table.Name, column)

    [Editor(typeof(ColumnsTypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
    [Description("The column of the current table that refers to the foreign key relationship")]
    public new string Column
      get { return base.Column; }
      set { SetColumn(value); }

    public override string Catalog
        return base.Catalog;

    public override string Table
        return base.DesignTable.Name;

  internal class ForeignKeyToItem : ForeignKeyItem
    internal ForeignKeyToItem(ForeignKey fkey, string catalog, string table, string column)
      : base(fkey, catalog, table, column)

    [Editor(typeof(CatalogTypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
    [Description("The database catalog (main, temp, or the name of an attached database) to which the foreign key refers.")]
    public new string Catalog
        return base.Catalog;

    [DisplayName("Base Table")]
    [Editor(typeof(TablesTypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
    [Description("The table to which the foreign key refers.")]
    public new string Table
      get { return base.Table; }
      set { SetTable(value); }

    [Editor(typeof(ColumnsTypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
    [Description("The column to which the foreign key refers.")]
    public new string Column
      get { return base.Column; }
      set { SetColumn(value); }

  internal class ForeignKey : IHaveConnection, ICloneable
    internal Table _table;
    internal int _id;
    internal int _ordinal;
    internal ForeignKeyFromItem _from;
    internal ForeignKeyToItem _to;
    internal string _name;
    internal string _onUpdate;
    internal string _onDelete;
    internal string _match;
    private bool _dirty;

    private ForeignKey(ForeignKey source)
      _table = source._table;
      _id = source._id;
      _ordinal = source._ordinal;
      _from = new ForeignKeyFromItem(this, source._from.Column);
      _to = new ForeignKeyToItem(this, source._to.Catalog, source._to.Table, source._to.Column);
      _name = source._name;
      _onUpdate = source._onUpdate;
      _onDelete = source._onDelete;
      _match = source._match;
      _dirty = source._dirty;

    internal void MakeDirty()
      _dirty = true;

    internal bool IsDirty
      get { return _dirty; }

    internal void ClearDirty()
      _dirty = false;

    internal ForeignKey(DbConnection cnn, Table table, DataRow row)
      _table = table;
      if (row != null)
        _id = (int)row["FKEY_ID"];
        _ordinal = (int)row["FKEY_FROM_ORDINAL_POSITION"];
        _from = new ForeignKeyFromItem(this, row["FKEY_FROM_COLUMN"].ToString());
        _to = new ForeignKeyToItem(this, row["FKEY_TO_CATALOG"].ToString(), row["FKEY_TO_TABLE"].ToString(), row["FKEY_TO_COLUMN"].ToString());
        _name = row["CONSTRAINT_NAME"].ToString();
        _onUpdate = row["FKEY_ON_UPDATE"].ToString();
        _onDelete = row["FKEY_ON_DELETE"].ToString();
        _match = row["FKEY_MATCH"].ToString();
        _id = -1;
        _ordinal = -1;
        _from = new ForeignKeyFromItem(this, "");
        _to = new ForeignKeyToItem(this, _table.Catalog, "", "");

    //internal void WriteSql(StringBuilder builder)
    //  if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_from.Column) == false && String.IsNullOrEmpty(_to.Catalog) == false &&
    //    String.IsNullOrEmpty(_to.Table) == false && String.IsNullOrEmpty(_to.Column) == false)
    //  {
    //    builder.AppendFormat("CONSTRAINT [{0}] FOREIGN KEY ([{1}]) REFERENCES [{3}] ([{4}])", Name, _from.Column, _to.Catalog, _to.Table, _to.Column);
    //  }

    [Description("The name of the foreign key.")]
    public string Name
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_name) == false) return _name;

        return String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "FK_{0}_{1}_{2}", _from.Table, _id, _ordinal);
        if (_name != value)
          _name = value;

    #region IHaveConnection Members

    public ViewTableBase DesignTable
      get { return _table; }

    public DbConnection GetConnection()
      return ((IHaveConnection)_table).GetConnection();


    [Description("The identifier of this foreign key.")]
    public int Id
      get { return _id; }

    [Description("The column ordinal of this foreign key.")]
    public int Ordinal
      get { return _ordinal; }

    [DisplayName("From Key")]
    [Description("The source column in the current table that refers to the foreign key.")]
    public ForeignKeyFromItem From
      get { return _from; }

    [DisplayName("To Key")]
    [Description("The table and column to which the specified from column is related.")]
    public ForeignKeyToItem To
      get { return _to; }

    [DisplayName("On Update")]
    [Description("The action to take when modifying the parent key values of an existing row.")]
    public string OnUpdate
        get { return _onUpdate; }

    [DisplayName("On Delete")]
    [Description("The action to take when deleting a row from the parent table.")]
    public string OnDelete
        get { return _onDelete; }

    [Description("Used with composite foreign key definitions to modify the way NULL values that occur in child keys are handled.  Not currently supported.")]
    public string Match
        get { return _match; }

    #region ICloneable Members

    public object Clone()
      return new ForeignKey(this);
