
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact ed7202ec6aa599552da6e8906929671d2a5b3a7c:

# stress.eagle --
# Written by Joe Mistachkin.
# Released to the public domain, use at your own risk!

package require Eagle
package require Eagle.Library
package require Eagle.Test



package require System.Data.SQLite.Test


# NOTE: Report before test, before shutdown.
checkForSQLiteDirectories $test_channel
getSQLiteHandleCounts $test_channel
reportSQLiteResources $test_channel


# NOTE: Make sure that SQLite core library is completely shutdown prior to
#       starting any of the tests in this file.
shutdownSQLite $test_channel


# NOTE: Report before test, after shutdown.
checkForSQLiteDirectories $test_channel
getSQLiteHandleCounts $test_channel
reportSQLiteResources $test_channel


runTest {test stress-1.1 {multithreaded stress testing} -setup {
  unset -nocomplain result thread index workload priority noWorkload \
      priorities srcDb db fileName compiled options count times logFileName \
      logListener event timeout connection indicators iterations exitOnFail \
      coTaskMem noTrace failures status workloadNames workloadCallbacks


  proc setupWorkloadMemDb { fileName varName } {
    # NOTE: This should be an in-memory database; therefore, skip attempting
    #       to delete the underlying database file as that would not make any
    #       sense.  Also, disable use of "PRAGMA temp_store_directory" when
    #       setting up the new connection because it is not thread-safe.
    uplevel 1 [list setupDb $fileName "" "" "" "" "" false false true false \
        $varName true]


  proc setupWorkloadFileDb { fileName varName } {
    # NOTE: Skip attempting to delete the underlying database file.  Also,
    #       disable use of "PRAGMA temp_store_directory" when setting up
    #       the new connection because it is not thread-safe.
    uplevel 1 [list setupDb $fileName "" "" "" "" "" true false false false \
        $varName true]


  proc formatWorkloadResult { index } {
    set result [appendArgs "---- iterations for workload (" $index "): "]

    append result [expr {[info exists ::iterations($index,total)] ? \
        $::iterations($index,total) : 0}] " total, "

    append result [expr {[info exists ::iterations($index,ok)] ? \
        $::iterations($index,ok) : 0}] " ok, "

    append result [expr {[info exists ::iterations($index,error)] ? \
        $::iterations($index,error) : 0}] " error, "

    # NOTE: Translate the workload index to the corresponding iteration
    #       error indicator so that we can easily lookup the number of
    #       failures (i.e. "unexpected errors") for the workload.
    set indicator [string character [expr {[string ordinal a 0] + $index - 1}]]

    append result [expr {[info exists ::failures($indicator)] ? \
        $::failures($indicator) : 0}] " failed\n"

    return $result


  proc formatWorkloadTime { index } {
    if {[info exists ::times($index)]} then {
      set length [llength $::times($index)]

      if {$length > 0} then {
        set sum [expr [join $::times($index) +]]

        return [appendArgs "---- average time for workload (" $index \
            ") is about " [expr {int($sum / $length / 1000.0)}] \
            " milliseconds (" [expr {int($sum / ([info exists \
            ::iterations($index,total)] ? $::iterations($index,total) : \
            $length) / 1000.0)}] " milliseconds per iteration)\n"]

    return [appendArgs "---- no times for workload (" $index )\n]


  proc isExpectedError { error } {
    return [expr {[regexp -- {\sno such table: t1\s} $error] || \
        [regexp -- {\sdatabase is locked\s} $error] || \
        [regexp -- {\sdatabase table is locked\s} $error]}]


  proc initTest { indicator } {
    set ::eagle_tests(constraints) $::test_constraints


  proc delayTest { base extra } {
    if {$base < 0} then {
      set base 1000
    if {$base > 0 || $extra > 0} then {
      after [expr {int((rand() * $base) + $extra)}]


  proc waitTest { indicator } {
    if {![$::event WaitOne $::timeout]} then {
      error [appendArgs "timeout while starting workload #" \
          [expr {[string ordinal $indicator 0] - [string ordinal A 0] + 1}]]


  proc showTest { indicator } {
    showTestWithDelay $indicator -1 $::count(2)


  proc showTestWithDelay { indicator base extra } {
    tputs $::test_channel $indicator
    append ::indicators $indicator
    delayTest $base $extra


  proc doneTest { {indicator ""} } {
    if {[string length $indicator] > 0} then {
      lappend ::status(done) $indicator
    if {[info exists ::status(done)]} then {
      host title $::status(done)
    } else {
      host title ""


  proc failTest { indicator error } {
    # NOTE: Halt all testing and exit the process now
    #       -OR- just record the failure and continue?
    set level [expr {[info level] - 1}]

    if {$::exitOnFail} then {
      tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
          \n [info level $level] ": " \n\t $error \n]

      exit failure
    } else {
      tlog [appendArgs \
          "\n---- BEGIN TEST FAILURE OUTPUT\n" \
          \n [info level $level] ": " \n\t $error \n \
          "\n---- END TEST FAILURE OUTPUT\n"]

      tputs $::test_channel $indicator

      if {![info exists ::failures($indicator)]} then {
        set ::failures($indicator) 0

      incr ::failures($indicator)
      delayTest -1 $::count(2)


  proc allocMem { size } {
    if {$::coTaskMem} then {
      return [object invoke -create \
          System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal \
          AllocCoTaskMem $size]; # throw
    } else {
      set ptr [object invoke -create -flags +NonPublic \
          System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods \
          sqlite3_malloc $size]

      if {[object invoke $ptr ToInt64] != 0} then {
        return $ptr
      } else {
        error [appendArgs "sqlite3_malloc(" $size ") failed"]


  proc useMem { ptr size } {
    if {[isWindows] && ![isMono]} then {
      # HACK: The type signature of the ZeroMemory method changed as of the
      #       .NET Framework 4.5.  The second argument went from being of
      #       type UInt to type UIntPtr.
      if {[haveConstraint dotNet40] && \
          [haveConstraint dotNet45OrHigher]} then {
        set newSize [object create UIntPtr $size]
      } else {
        set newSize $size

      object invoke -flags +NonPublic Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native \
          ZeroMemory $ptr $newSize


  proc freeMem { ptr } {
    if {$::coTaskMem} then {
      object invoke System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal \
          FreeCoTaskMem $ptr
    } else {
      object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
          System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods \
          sqlite3_free $ptr

    # NOTE: Free extra opaque object handle reference added by the
    #       [return] command in [allocMem].
    object dispose $ptr


  proc releaseMem { size } {
    set nFree 0; set resetOk false; set nLargest 0

    set code [object invoke \
        System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection ReleaseMemory \
        $size true true nFree resetOk nLargest]

    return [list $code $nFree $resetOk $nLargest]


  proc setupLogging { fileName } {
    if {![info exists ::logListener]} then {
      set ::logListener [object create -alias \
          System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener $fileName]

    object invoke System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners Add $::logListener
    object invoke System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteLog Initialize

    tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
        "---- enabled SQLite trace logging to file \"" $fileName \"\n]


  proc cleanupLogging { fileName } {
    if {[info exists ::logListener]} then {
      object invoke System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners Remove $::logListener
      $::logListener Close

    # NOTE: Copy the trace listener log file to the main test log file.
    tlog [readFile $fileName]
    tlog "\n---- END TRACE LISTENER OUTPUT\n"

    # NOTE: Delete the trace listener log file because its contents have
    #       been copied to the main test log file.
    cleanupFile $fileName

    tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
        "---- disabled SQLite trace logging to file \"" $fileName \"\n]


  # NOTE: Setup the default values for the tunable workload parameters.  Any,
  #       all, or none of these may be overriden via the command line.
  set count(0) 3;         # Workload repeat count (i.e. total full runs).
  set count(1) 5;         # Workload iteration count (within a run).
  set count(2) 200;       # Workload iteration delay (milliseconds).
  set count(3) 57;        # Workload "small" data chunk size, in bytes.
  set count(4) 10000;     # Workload "big" data chunk size, in bytes.
  set count(5) 209715200; # Maximum heap memory to exclude at one time.
  set count(6) 15;        # Workload auxiliary iteration count (within a run).
  set count(7) 100;       # Workload auxiliary iteration delay (milliseconds).
  set count(8) 5000;      # Workload auxiliary data value (for use by run).
  set noWorkload [list];  # Workloads to be omitted from the run, by index.
  set priorities [list];  # Dictionary of workload thread priorities.
  set exitOnFail false;   # Halt testing and exit process on test failure?
  set coTaskMem true;     # Use AllocCoTaskMem/FreeCoTaskMem for memory?
  set noTrace false;      # Disable SQLite trace logging to a file?


  # NOTE: If command line arguments to the test suite are available, process
  #       them for any options that are applicable to this test (i.e. any of
  #       the tunable workload parameters listed above).
  if {[info exists argv] && [llength $argv] > 0} then {
    parse options -flags \
        {-StopOnUnknownOption +IgnoreOnUnknownOption SkipOnUnknownOption} -- \
        [list [list null MustHaveIntegerValue -1 -1 -count0 $count(0)] \
        [list null MustHaveIntegerValue -1 -1 -count1 $count(1)] \
        [list null MustHaveIntegerValue -1 -1 -count2 $count(2)] \
        [list null MustHaveIntegerValue -1 -1 -count3 $count(3)] \
        [list null MustHaveIntegerValue -1 -1 -count4 $count(4)] \
        [list null MustHaveIntegerValue -1 -1 -count5 $count(5)] \
        [list null MustHaveIntegerValue -1 -1 -count6 $count(6)] \
        [list null MustHaveIntegerValue -1 -1 -count7 $count(7)] \
        [list null MustHaveIntegerValue -1 -1 -count8 $count(8)] \
        [list null MustHaveListValue -1 -1 -noWorkload $noWorkload] \
        [list null MustHaveListValue -1 -1 -priorities $priorities] \
        [list null MustHaveBooleanValue -1 -1 -exitOnFail $exitOnFail] \
        [list null MustHaveBooleanValue -1 -1 -coTaskMem $coTaskMem] \
        [list null MustHaveBooleanValue -1 -1 -noTrace $noTrace]] $argv

    set count(0) $options(-count0,value)
    set count(1) $options(-count1,value)
    set count(2) $options(-count2,value)
    set count(3) $options(-count3,value)
    set count(4) $options(-count4,value)
    set count(5) $options(-count5,value)
    set count(6) $options(-count6,value)
    set count(7) $options(-count7,value)
    set count(8) $options(-count8,value)
    set noWorkload $options(-noWorkload,value)
    set priorities $options(-priorities,value)
    set exitOnFail $options(-exitOnFail,value)
    set coTaskMem $options(-coTaskMem,value)
    set noTrace $options(-noTrace,value)


  # NOTE: Load custom per-user and/or per-host test settings.  Currently, this
  #       is done after processing the command line options.  The settings file
  #       should take into account the existing workload parameters and avoid
  #       changing any that may have already been overridden.
  loadSQLiteTestSettings $test_channel .stress


  # NOTE: The trace listener used with the SQLiteLog class to capture output
  #       from the core SQLite library requires its own log file because the
  #       TextWriterTraceListener class opens and locks the log file it uses
  #       as the basis of the output stream.  Before this test is complete,
  #       the entire contents of this trace log file will be copied into the
  #       main test log file and then deleted.
  if {!$noTrace} then {
    set logFileName [appendArgs [file rootname $test_log] .trace.log]
    setupLogging $logFileName


  # HACK: Make sure the effective connection flags for this test are logged.
  getConnectionFlags "stress test" "" false; # IGNORED


  # NOTE: In shared-cache mode, skip the backup tests.  The SQLite core library
  #       documentation states:
  #       "If running in shared cache mode, the application must guarantee
  #        that the shared cache used by the destination database is not
  #        accessed while the backup is running. In practice this means that
  #        the application must guarantee that the disk file being backed up
  #        to is not accessed by any connection within the process, not just
  #        the specific connection that was passed to sqlite3_backup_init()."
  #       The only reasonable way that this test can guarantee this condition
  #       is to disable the backup tests when shared-cache mode is being used
  #       for testing.
  if {[hasRuntimeOption sharedCache]} then {
    lappend noWorkload 12 13; # TODO: Update if the workload numbers change.


  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- workloads will repeat " $count(0) " time(s)\n"]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- workloads will have " $count(1) " iteration(s)\n"]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- workloads will wait at least " $count(2) \
      " millisecond(s) after each iteration\n"]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- small chunk size is " $count(3) " byte(s)\n"]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- big chunk size is " $count(4) " byte(s)\n"]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- maximum excluded heap memory is " $count(5) " byte(s)\n"]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- workloads will have an auxiliary iteration count of " \
      $count(6) \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- workloads will have an auxiliary iteration delay of " \
      $count(7) " millisecond(s)\n"]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- workloads will have an auxiliary data value of " \
      $count(8) \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- workloads to be skipped... " \
      [expr {[llength $noWorkload] > 0 ? $noWorkload : "none"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- workloads priority overrides... " \
      [expr {[llength $priorities] > 0 ? $priorities : "none"}] \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- unexpected errors " \
      [expr {$exitOnFail ? "will" : "will not"}] \
      " halt testing and exit the process\n"]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- the " [expr {$coTaskMem ? "CoTaskMem" : "SQLite"}] \
      " allocator will be used to exclude heap memory\n"]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- trace logging to a file is " \
      [expr {$noTrace ? "disabled" : "enabled"}] \n]


  # NOTE: Create the workload priority array based on the priority list seen
  #       on the command line, if any.
  array set priority $priorities


  # NOTE: Workloads #12 and #13 contain C# code that should be compiled, but
  #       only once.  These variables keep track of that state information.
  #       An integer value in one of these variables means the compilation was
  #       completed and the resulting compiled method may be invoked using the
  #       following command (where ${id} is the value of the variable):
  #           object invoke _Dynamic${id}.Test${id} BackupAndGetData
  set compiled(12) ""
  set compiled(13) ""


  # NOTE: This is an in-memory database with shared cache enabled.
  set fileName(1) file::memory:?cache=shared


  # NOTE: This is a normal on-disk database.
  set fileName(2) [file join [getDatabaseDirectory] [appendArgs \
      stress- [pid] - [string trim [clock seconds] -] .db]]


  setupWorkloadMemDb $fileName(1) srcDb
  setupWorkloadFileDb $fileName(2) db


  # NOTE: This serves two purposes.  First, it allows us to verify the trace
  #       logging subsystem is working properly.  Second, it places the file
  #       name for the associated database file into the trace log file.
  set connection [getDbConnection]

  $connection LogMessage 0 [appendArgs \
      "starting stress test using database \"" $fileName(2) \"...]


  set timeout [object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
      Eagle._Components.Private.ThreadOps DefaultJoinTimeout]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- workloads will start before or timeout after " $timeout \
      " millisecond(s)\n"]


  set event [object create -alias \
      System.Threading.EventWaitHandle false ManualReset]

  #                              WORKLOAD #1 (A)                              #

  set workload(1) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #1, CREATE TABLE statements.
    waitTest A
    lappend ::times(1) [lindex [time {
      initTest A
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 2} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          sql execute $db [appendArgs \
              "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t" \
              $index "(x PRIMARY KEY, y, z);"]
          showTest A
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest a
          } else {
            failTest a $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest A
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #2 (B)                              #

  set workload(2) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #2, DROP TABLE statements.
    waitTest B
    lappend ::times(2) [lindex [time {
      initTest B
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 2} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          sql execute $db [appendArgs \
              "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t" $index \;]
          showTest B
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest b
          } else {
            failTest b $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest B
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #3 (C)                              #

  set workload(3) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #3, "small" SELECT statements.
    waitTest C
    lappend ::times(3) [lindex [time {
      initTest C
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          set reader [sql execute -execute reader \
              -format dataReader -alias $db [appendArgs \
              "SELECT x, y FROM " $table " WHERE z = 'small';"]]
          while {[$reader Read]} {
            # NOTE: Do nothing.
          unset -nocomplain reader
          showTest C
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest c
          } else {
            failTest c $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest C
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #4 (D)                              #

  set workload(4) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #4, "big" SELECT statements.
    waitTest D
    lappend ::times(4) [lindex [time {
      initTest D
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          set reader [sql execute -execute reader \
              -format dataReader -alias $db [appendArgs \
              "SELECT x, y FROM " $table " WHERE z = 'big';"]]
          while {[$reader Read]} {
            # NOTE: Do nothing.
          unset -nocomplain reader
          showTest D
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest d
          } else {
            failTest d $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest D
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #5 (E)                              #

  set workload(5) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #5, "small" INSERT statements.
    waitTest E
    lappend ::times(5) [lindex [time {
      initTest E
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "INSERT INTO " $table \
              "(x, y, z) VALUES('" [format %lX [expr {random()}]] \
              "', '" [base64 encode -- [expr {randstr($count2)}]] \
              "', 'small');"]
          showTest E
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest e
          } else {
            failTest e $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest E
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #6 (F)                              #

  set workload(6) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #6, "big" INSERT statements.
    waitTest F
    lappend ::times(6) [lindex [time {
      initTest F
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "INSERT INTO " $table \
              "(x, y, z) VALUES('" [format %lX [expr {random()}]] \
              "', RANDOMBLOB(" $count3 "), 'big');"]
          showTest F
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest f
          } else {
            failTest f $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest F
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #7 (G)                              #

  set workload(7) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #7, "small" UPDATE statements.
    waitTest G
    lappend ::times(7) [lindex [time {
      initTest G
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "UPDATE " $table \
              " SET y = '" [base64 encode -- [expr {randstr($count2)}]] \
              "' WHERE x LIKE '" [format %X $index] "%' AND z = 'small';"]
          showTest G
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest g
          } else {
            failTest g $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest G
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #8 (H)                              #

  set workload(8) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #8, "big" UPDATE statements.
    waitTest H
    lappend ::times(8) [lindex [time {
      initTest H
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "UPDATE " $table \
              " SET y = RANDOMBLOB(" $count3 ") WHERE x LIKE '" \
              [format %X $index] "%' AND z = 'big';"]
          showTest H
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest h
          } else {
            failTest h $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest H
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #9 (I)                              #

  set workload(9) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #9, "small" DELETE statements.
    waitTest I
    lappend ::times(9) [lindex [time {
      initTest I
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "DELETE FROM " $table \
              " WHERE x LIKE '" [format %X $index] "%' AND z = 'small';"]
          showTest I
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest i
          } else {
            failTest i $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest I
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #10 (J)                             #

  set workload(10) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #10, "big" DELETE statements.
    waitTest J
    lappend ::times(10) [lindex [time {
      initTest J
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "DELETE FROM " $table \
              " WHERE x LIKE '" [format %X $index] "%' AND z = 'big';"]
          showTest J
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest j
          } else {
            failTest j $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest J
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #11 (K)                             #

  set workload(11) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #11, VACUUM statement.
    waitTest K
    lappend ::times(11) [lindex [time {
      initTest K
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          sql execute $db "VACUUM;"
          showTest K
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest k
          } else {
            failTest k $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest K
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #12 (L)                             #

  set workload(12) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #12, backup to in-memory database.
    waitTest L
    lappend ::times(12) [lindex [time {
      initTest L
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[string is integer -strict $::compiled(12)]} then {
          set id $::compiled(12); # NOTE: Already compiled.
          if {[catch {
            object invoke _Dynamic${id}.Test${id} BackupAndGetData
            showTest L
          } error]} then {
            if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
              showTest l
            } else {
              failTest l $error
        } else {
          set id [object invoke Interpreter.GetActive NextId]
          set code [compileCSharpWith [subst {
            using System.Data.SQLite;

            namespace _Dynamic${id}
              public static class Test${id}
                public static void BackupAndGetData()
                  using (SQLiteConnection source = new SQLiteConnection(
                      "FullUri=${dstFileName};[getFlagsProperty {} true]"))

                    using (SQLiteConnection destination = new SQLiteConnection(
                        "FullUri=${srcFileName};[getFlagsProperty {} true]"))

                          destination, "main", "main", -1, null, 0);


                public static void Main()
                  // do nothing.
          }] true true true results errors System.Data.SQLite.dll]
          if {$code eq "Ok"} then {
            set ::compiled(12) $id; # NOTE: Compiled OK.
            if {[catch {
              object invoke _Dynamic${id}.Test${id} BackupAndGetData
              showTest L
            } error]} then {
              if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
                showTest l
              } else {
                failTest l $error
          } else {
            error $errors
      doneTest L
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #13 (M)                             #

  set workload(13) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #13, backup from an in-memory database.
    waitTest M
    lappend ::times(13) [lindex [time {
      initTest M
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[string is integer -strict $::compiled(13)]} then {
          set id $::compiled(13); # NOTE: Already compiled.
          if {[catch {
            object invoke _Dynamic${id}.Test${id} BackupAndGetData
            showTest M
          } error]} then {
            if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
              showTest m
            } else {
              failTest m $error
        } else {
          set id [object invoke Interpreter.GetActive NextId]
          set code [compileCSharpWith [subst {
            using System.Data.SQLite;

            namespace _Dynamic${id}
              public static class Test${id}
                public static void BackupAndGetData()
                  using (SQLiteConnection source = new SQLiteConnection(
                      "FullUri=${srcFileName};[getFlagsProperty {} true]"))

                    using (SQLiteConnection destination = new SQLiteConnection(
                        "FullUri=${dstFileName};[getFlagsProperty {} true]"))

                          destination, "main", "main", -1, null, 0);


                public static void Main()
                  // do nothing.
          }] true true true results errors System.Data.SQLite.dll]
          if {$code eq "Ok"} then {
            set ::compiled(13) $id; # NOTE: Compiled OK.
            if {[catch {
              object invoke _Dynamic${id}.Test${id} BackupAndGetData
              showTest M
            } error]} then {
              if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
                showTest m
              } else {
                failTest m $error
          } else {
            error $errors
      doneTest M
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #14 (N)                             #

  set workload(14) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #14, PRAGMA integrity check statement.
    waitTest N
    lappend ::times(14) [lindex [time {
      initTest N
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          set result [sql execute -execute scalar $db \
              "PRAGMA integrity_check;"]
          if {$result ne "ok"} then {
            error [appendArgs "integrity check failed: " $result]
          showTest N
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest n
          } else {
            failTest n $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest N
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #15 (O)                             #

  set workload(15) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #15, force managed garbage collection
    waitTest O
    lappend ::times(15) [lindex [time {
      initTest O
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          collectGarbage $::test_channel
          showTest O
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest o
          } else {
            failTest o $error
      doneTest O
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #16 (P)                             #

  set workload(16) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #16, allocate (exclude) some native heap memory
    waitTest P
    lappend ::times(16) [lindex [time {
      initTest P
      set maxSize $::count(5)
      object invoke GC AddMemoryPressure $maxSize
      try {
        for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
          if {[catch {
            set size [expr {int(min($maxSize, abs($count3 * $index * 5.0)))}]
            set ptr [allocMem $size]; # throw
            useMem $ptr $size; delayTest -1 $count2
            freeMem $ptr; unset -nocomplain ptr
            showTest P
          } error]} then {
            if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
              showTest p
            } else {
              failTest p $error
      } finally {
        if {[info exists ptr]} then {
          freeMem $ptr; unset -nocomplain ptr
        object invoke GC RemoveMemoryPressure $maxSize
      doneTest P
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #17 (Q)                             #

  set workload(17) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #17, change the database journal mode
    waitTest Q
    lappend ::times(17) [lindex [time {
      initTest Q
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "PRAGMA journal_mode = \"" \
              [expr {$index % 2 == 0 ? "delete" : "wal"}] \"\;]
          showTest Q
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest q
          } else {
            failTest q $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest Q
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #18 (R)                             #

  set workload(18) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #18, execute queries against the in-memory database
    waitTest R
    lappend ::times(18) [lindex [time {
      initTest R
      setupWorkloadMemDb $srcFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          # NOTE: Workload #18.3, "small" SELECT statements.
          set reader [sql execute -execute reader \
              -format dataReader -alias $db [appendArgs \
              "SELECT x, y FROM " $table " WHERE z = 'small';"]]
          while {[$reader Read]} {
            # NOTE: Do nothing.
          unset -nocomplain reader
          # NOTE: Workload #18.4, "big" SELECT statements.
          set reader [sql execute -execute reader \
              -format dataReader -alias $db [appendArgs \
              "SELECT x, y FROM " $table " WHERE z = 'big';"]]
          while {[$reader Read]} {
            # NOTE: Do nothing.
          unset -nocomplain reader
          # NOTE: Workload #18.5, "small" INSERT statements.
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "INSERT INTO " $table \
              "(x, y, z) VALUES('" [format %lX [expr {random()}]] \
              "', '" [base64 encode -- [expr {randstr($count2)}]] \
              "', 'small');"]
          # NOTE: Workload #18.6, "big" INSERT statements.
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "INSERT INTO " $table \
              "(x, y, z) VALUES('" [format %lX [expr {random()}]] \
              "', RANDOMBLOB(" $count3 "), 'big');"]
          # NOTE: Workload #18.7, "small" UPDATE statements.
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "UPDATE " $table \
              " SET y = '" [base64 encode -- [expr {randstr($count2)}]] \
              "' WHERE x LIKE '" [format %X $index] "%' AND z = 'small';"]
          # NOTE: Workload #18.8, "big" UPDATE statements.
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "UPDATE " $table \
              " SET y = RANDOMBLOB(" $count3 ") WHERE x LIKE '" \
              [format %X $index] "%' AND z = 'big';"]
          # NOTE: Workload #18.9, "small" DELETE statements.
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "DELETE FROM " $table \
              " WHERE x LIKE '" [format %X $index] "%' AND z = 'small';"]
          # NOTE: Workload #18.10, "big" DELETE statements.
          sql execute $db [appendArgs "DELETE FROM " $table \
              " WHERE x LIKE '" [format %X $index] "%' AND z = 'big';"]
          # NOTE: Workload #18.11, VACUUM statement.
          sql execute $db "VACUUM;"
          # NOTE: Workload #18.14, PRAGMA integrity check statement.
          set result [sql execute -execute scalar $db \
              "PRAGMA integrity_check;"]
          if {$result ne "ok"} then {
            error [appendArgs "integrity check failed: " $result]
          showTest R
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest r
          } else {
            failTest r $error
      cleanupDb $srcFileName db false true false
      doneTest R
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #19 (S)                             #

  set workload(19) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #19, rapidly open/close connections, thread #1.
    waitTest S
    lappend ::times(19) [lindex [time {
      initTest S
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
          cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
          showTest S
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest s
          } else {
            failTest s $error
      doneTest S
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #20 (T)                             #

  set workload(20) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #20, rapidly open/close connections, thread #2.
    waitTest T
    lappend ::times(20) [lindex [time {
      initTest T
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $count1} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
          cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
          showTest T
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest t
          } else {
            failTest t $error
      doneTest T
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #21 (U)                             #

  set workload(21) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #21, rapidly try to release all non-essential memory.
    waitTest U
    lappend ::times(21) [lindex [time {
      initTest U
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $::count(6)} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          releaseMem -1
          showTestWithDelay U 0 $::count(7)
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest u
          } else {
            failTest u $error
      doneTest U
    }] 0]

  #                              WORKLOAD #22 (V)                             #

  set workload(22) [list \
      [list srcFileName dstFileName table count1 count2 count3] {
    # NOTE: Workload #22, rapidly try to change the default cache size.
    waitTest V
    lappend ::times(22) [lindex [time {
      initTest V
      setupWorkloadFileDb $dstFileName db
      for {set index 1} {$index <= $::count(6)} {incr index} {
        if {[catch {
          sql execute $db [appendArgs \
              "PRAGMA default_cache_size=" \
              [expr {int(rand() * $::count(8))}] \;]
          showTestWithDelay V 0 $::count(7)
        } error]} then {
          if {[isExpectedError $error]} then {
            showTest v
          } else {
            failTest v $error
      cleanupDb $dstFileName db false true false
      doneTest V
    }] 0]
} -body {
  set workloadNames(all) [array names workload]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- there are " [llength $workloadNames(all)] \
      " total workloads, their names are: " $workloadNames(all) \n]

  set workloadNames(enabled) [list]

  foreach index(0) [lsort -integer $workloadNames(all)] {
    if {[lsearch -exact $noWorkload $index(0)] == -1} then {
      lappend workloadNames(enabled) $index(0)

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- there are " [llength $workloadNames(enabled)] \
      " enabled workloads, their names are: " $workloadNames(enabled) \n]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "==== WARNING: this stress test may take several minutes...\n"]

  for {set index(0) 1} {$index(0) <= $count(0)} {incr index(0)} {
    if {$index(0) > 1} then {
      # NOTE: Advance output to the next line due to the workload
      #       iteration progress indicators from the previous run.
      tputs $test_channel \n

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
        "---- starting workload run #" $index(0) ...\n]

    unset -nocomplain thread status; doneTest

    sql execute $srcDb "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t1(x PRIMARY KEY, y, z);"
    sql execute $db "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t1(x PRIMARY KEY, y, z);"

    sql execute $srcDb "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i1 ON t1(y);"
    sql execute $db "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i1 ON t1(y);"

    foreach index(1) [lsort -integer $workloadNames(enabled)] {
      set workloadCallbacks($index(1)) [list \
          apply $workload($index(1)) $fileName(1) $fileName(2) t1 $count(1) \
          $count(3) $count(4)]

      set thread($index(1)) [object create -alias System.Threading.Thread \
          $workloadCallbacks($index(1)) 1048576]

      $thread($index(1)) Name [appendArgs \
          [file rootname [file tail $fileName(2)]] " #" $index(1)]

      if {[info exists priority($index(1))]} then {
        $thread($index(1)) Priority $priority($index(1))

    foreach index(1) [array names thread] {
      $thread($index(1)) Start

    $event Set; # GO

    foreach index(1) [array names thread] {
      $thread($index(1)) Join

    foreach index(1) [array names thread] {
      if {[info exists thread($index(1))] && \
          [cleanupThread $thread($index(1))]} then {
        unset -nocomplain thread($index(1))

    unset -nocomplain thread status; doneTest


  foreach index(0) [split $indicators ""] {
    # NOTE: See if this workload iteration raised an error.  If so, the
    #       indicator letter will be in lower case; otherwise, it will
    #       be in upper case.
    set index(1) [string is upper -strict $index(0)]

    set index(2) [expr {[string ordinal $index(0) 0] - \
        [string ordinal [expr {$index(1) ? "A" : "a"}] 0] + 1}]

    set index(3) [expr {$index(1) ? "ok" : "error"}]

    if {![info exists iterations($index(2),$index(3))]} then {
      set iterations($index(2),$index(3)) 0

    if {![info exists iterations($index(2),total)]} then {
      set iterations($index(2),total) 0

    incr iterations($index(2),$index(3))
    incr iterations($index(2),total)


  # NOTE: Advance output to the next line due to the workload
  #       iteration progress indicators from the final run.
  tputs $test_channel \n


  foreach index(0) [lsort -integer $workloadNames(enabled)] {
    tputs $test_channel [formatWorkloadResult $index(0)]


  foreach index(0) [lsort -integer [array names times]] {
    tputs $test_channel [formatWorkloadTime $index(0)]


  set result [sql execute -execute scalar $srcDb "PRAGMA integrity_check;"]

  if {$result eq "ok"} then {
    tputs $test_channel "---- integrity check ok (srcDb)\n"
  } else {
    error [appendArgs "integrity check failed (srcDb): " $result]


  set result [sql execute -execute scalar $db "PRAGMA integrity_check;"]

  if {$result eq "ok"} then {
    tputs $test_channel "---- integrity check ok (db)\n"
  } else {
    error [appendArgs "integrity check failed (db): " $result]


  # NOTE: The overall test result is the total number of failures (i.e.
  #       "unexpected errors") encountered during a workload iteration.
  expr {[array size failures] > 0 ? \
      [expr [join [array values failures] +]] : 0}
} -cleanup {
  foreach index(0) [array names thread] {
    if {[info exists thread($index(0))] && \
        [cleanupThread $thread($index(0))]} then {
      unset -nocomplain thread($index(0))

  rename releaseMem ""
  rename freeMem ""
  rename useMem ""
  rename allocMem ""
  rename failTest ""
  rename doneTest ""
  rename showTestWithDelay ""
  rename showTest ""
  rename waitTest ""
  rename delayTest ""
  rename initTest ""
  rename isExpectedError ""
  rename formatWorkloadTime ""
  rename formatWorkloadResult ""
  rename setupWorkloadFileDb ""
  rename setupWorkloadMemDb ""

  catch {
    # NOTE: We must clear the connection pool now because we intend
    #       to delete the databases for this test.
    object invoke System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection ClearAllPools

  cleanupDb $fileName(2)
  cleanupDb $fileName(1) srcDb

  foreach index(0) [array names workloadCallbacks] {
    catch {
      object removecallback $workloadCallbacks($index(0))


  if {!$noTrace} then {
    cleanupLogging $logFileName

  rename cleanupLogging ""
  rename setupLogging ""

  unset -nocomplain result thread index workload priority noWorkload \
      priorities srcDb db fileName compiled options count times logFileName \
      logListener event timeout connection indicators iterations exitOnFail \
      coTaskMem noTrace failures status workloadNames workloadCallbacks
} -time true -constraints {eagle command.object monoBug40 command.sql\
compile.DATA SQLite System.Data.SQLite compileCSharp} -result {0}}


# NOTE: Report after test.
checkForSQLiteDirectories $test_channel
getSQLiteHandleCounts $test_channel
reportSQLiteResources $test_channel

