
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 7851d012e8fc5f4091cb2f610854f5f15ee4e8ef:

# update.eagle --
# Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine (Eagle)
# Eagle Update Package File
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012 by Joe Mistachkin.  All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: $

# NOTE: Use our own namespace here because even though we do not directly
#       support namespaces ourselves, we do not want to pollute the global
#       namespace if this script actually ends up being evaluated in Tcl.
namespace eval ::Eagle {
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified public key token
  #       matches the one in use by the Eagle script engine.
  proc matchEnginePublicKeyToken { publicKeyToken } {
    if {[string length $publicKeyToken] == 0} then {
      return true

    set enginePublicKeyToken [info engine PublicKeyToken]

    if {[string length $enginePublicKeyToken] == 0} then {
      return true

    return [expr {$publicKeyToken eq $enginePublicKeyToken}]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified engine name
  #       matches the Eagle script engine.
  proc matchEngineName { name } {
    return [expr {[string length $name] == 0 || \
        $name eq [info engine Name]}]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns non-zero if the specified culture matches
  #       the one in use by the Eagle script engine.
  proc matchEngineCulture { culture } {
    return [expr {[string length $culture] == 0 || \
        $culture eq [info engine Culture]}]
  # NOTE: This procedure escapes the reserved characters in the specified
  #       update notes and returns the resulting string.
  proc escapeUpdateNotes { notes } {
    # NOTE: Escape any embedded tab and line-ending characters.
    return [string map \
        [list & &amp\; \t &htab\; \v &vtab\; \n &lf\; \r &cr\;] $notes]
  # NOTE: This procedure unescapes reserved characters in the specified
  #       update notes and returns the resulting string.
  proc unescapeUpdateNotes { notes } {
    # NOTE: Unescape any embedded tab and line-ending characters.
    return [string map \
        [list &htab\; \t &vtab\; \v &lf\; \n &cr\; \r &amp\; &] $notes]
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the list of arguments to be passed to the
  #       [uri download] call that performs the auto-update check.
  proc getFetchUpdateArgs { baseUri patchLevel type directory extension } {
    # NOTE: Initially, set the result to an empty list to indicate
    #       unrecognized input.
    set result [list]

    # NOTE: Make sure the base URI is valid.
    if {[uri isvalid $baseUri]} then {
      # NOTE: Make sure the patch level looks valid.
      if {[regexp -- {^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$} $patchLevel]} then {
        # NOTE: Make sure the directory is either empty or an existing
        #       valid directory.
        if {[string length $directory] == 0 || \
            [file isdirectory $directory]} then {
          # NOTE: Make sure the extension is supported.
          if {$extension eq ".exe" || $extension eq ".rar"} then {
            # NOTE: Start with the URI components common to all download
            #       types.
            set components [list $baseUri releases $patchLevel]

            # NOTE: Next, figure out what type of download is being
            #       requested.
            switch -exact -nocase -- $type {
              source -
              setup -
              binary {
                # NOTE: Source code, setup, or binary download.  This may be
                #       a RAR or an EXE file.  Append the appropriate file
                #       name and then join all the URI components to form the
                #       final URI.
                set fileName [appendArgs \
                    [info engine] [string totitle $type] $patchLevel \
                    [expr {[string tolower $type] eq "setup" ? ".exe" : \

                lappend components $fileName

                set result [list [eval uri join $components] [file join \
                    $directory $fileName]]

    return $result
  # NOTE: This procedure fetches an update package with the specified patch
  #       level and package type and then saves it to the specified local
  #       directory.
  proc fetchUpdate { baseUri patchLevel type directory } {
    # NOTE: Figure out the appropriate file extension to download for
    #       this platform.
    set extension [expr {[isWindows] ? ".exe" : ".rar"}]

    # NOTE: Build the necessary arguments for the download.
    set args [getFetchUpdateArgs $baseUri $patchLevel $type \
        $directory $extension]

    if {[llength $args] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Start trusting ONLY our self-signed SSL certificate.
      set trusted true

      if {[lindex [uri softwareupdates] end] eq "untrusted"} then {
        catch {uri softwareupdates true}
      } else {
        set trusted false; # NOTE: Already trusted.

      try {
        # NOTE: Download the file from the web site.
        eval uri download $args; # synchronous.
      } finally {
        if {$trusted && \
            [lindex [uri softwareupdates] end] eq "trusted"} then {
          # NOTE: Stop trusting ONLY our self-signed SSL certificate.
          catch {uri softwareupdates false}

      # NOTE: Return a result indicating what was done.
      return [appendArgs "downloaded URI " [lindex $args 0] \
          " to directory \"" $directory \"]
    } else {
      return "cannot fetch update, the URI is invalid"
  # NOTE: This procedure runs the updater tool and then immediately exits
  #       the process.
  proc runUpdateAndExit { {automatic false} } {
    global tcl_platform

    # NOTE: Determine the fully qualified file name for the updater.  If
    #       it is not available, we cannot continue.
    set fileName [file join [file normalize \
        [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]] Hippogriff.exe]

    if {![file exists $fileName]} then {
      error [appendArgs \
          "updater executable \"" $fileName "\" is not available"]

    # NOTE: For .NET Core, updating via the updater tool is unsupported.
    if {[isDotNetCore]} then {
      error [appendArgs \
          "updater executable \"" $fileName "\" unsupported on .NET Core"]

    # NOTE: Start out with just the base [exec] command, -shell option,
    #       and the end-of-options marker.
    set command [list exec -shell --]

    # NOTE: Check for native Tcl and Mono because this impacts how the
    #       shell executable name is determined.
    if {[isEagle] && [isMono]} then {
      # HACK: Assume that Mono is somewhere along the PATH.
      lappend command mono \
          [appendArgs \" [file nativename $fileName] \"]
    } else {
      lappend command $fileName

    # NOTE: Add the base options to the updater executable.  Typically,
    #       this only includes the initial (mutex checking) delay.
    lappend command -delay 2000

    # HACK: The native StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx() function does
    #       not appear to work on WOA (Windows-on-ARM) on the Surface RT
    #       tablet; therefore, attempt to disable its use when calling
    #       into the updater on that platform.
    if {[isWindows] && \
        [info exists tcl_platform(machine)] && \
        $tcl_platform(machine) eq "arm"} then {
      # NOTE: We appear to be running on WOA (Windows-on-ARM), add the
      #       command line option that skips strong name verification.
      lappend command -noStrongNameSigned true

    # NOTE: If requested, enable fully automatic update mode.
    if {$automatic} then {
      lappend command -silent true -confirm false

    set baseUri [getUpdateBaseUri]

    if {[string length $baseUri] > 0} then {
      lappend command -baseUri $baseUri

    set pathAndQuery [getUpdatePathAndQuery]

    if {[string length $pathAndQuery] > 0} then {
      lappend command -tagPathAndQuery $pathAndQuery

    eval $command &; exit -force
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the base URI that should be used to check
  #       for available updates.
  proc getUpdateBaseUri {} {
    # NOTE: Check the current base URI for updates against the one baked
    #       into the assembly.  If they are different, then the base URI
    #       must have been overridden.  In that case, we must return the
    #       current base URI; otherwise, we must return an empty string.
    set baseUri(0) [info engine UpdateBaseUri false]; # NOTE: Current.
    set baseUri(1) [info engine UpdateBaseUri true];  # NOTE: Default.

    if {[string length $baseUri(0)] > 0 && \
        [string length $baseUri(1)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Ok, they are both valid.  Are they different?
      if {$baseUri(0) ne $baseUri(1)} then {
        return $baseUri(0)

    return ""
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the path and query portions of the URI
  #       that should be used to check for available updates.
  proc getUpdatePathAndQuery {} {
    # NOTE: Check the current tag path and query for updates against the
    #       one baked into the assembly.  If they are different, then the
    #       tag path and query must have been overridden.  In that case,
    #       we must return the current tag path and query; otherwise, we
    #       must return an empty string.
    set pathAndQuery(0) [info engine UpdatePathAndQuery \
        false]; # NOTE: Current.

    set pathAndQuery(1) [info engine UpdatePathAndQuery \
        true];  # NOTE: Default.

    if {[string length $pathAndQuery(0)] > 0 && \
        [string length $pathAndQuery(1)] > 0} then {
      # NOTE: Ok, they are both valid.  Are they different?
      if {$pathAndQuery(0) ne $pathAndQuery(1)} then {
        return $pathAndQuery(0)

    return ""
  # NOTE: This procedure downloads the available update data and returns
  #       it verbatim.
  proc getUpdateData { uri } {
    # NOTE: Start trusting ONLY our own self-signed SSL certificate.
    set trusted true

    if {[lindex [uri softwareupdates] end] eq "untrusted"} then {
      catch {uri softwareupdates true}
    } else {
      set trusted false; # NOTE: Already trusted.

    try {
      # NOTE: Download the tag file from the web site.
      return [uri download -inline $uri]; # synchronous.
    } finally {
      if {$trusted && \
          [lindex [uri softwareupdates] end] eq "trusted"} then {
        # NOTE: Stop trusting ONLY our own self-signed SSL certificate.
        catch {uri softwareupdates false}
  # NOTE: This procedure downloads an update script and then returns it
  #       verbatim.
  proc getUpdateScriptData { uri } {
    # NOTE: Start trusting ONLY our own self-signed SSL certificate.
    set trusted true

    if {[lindex [uri softwareupdates] end] eq "untrusted"} then {
      catch {uri softwareupdates true}
    } else {
      set trusted false; # NOTE: Already trusted.

    try {
      # NOTE: Download the script file from the web site.
      return [interp readorgetscriptfile -- "" $uri]; # synchronous.
    } finally {
      if {$trusted && \
          [lindex [uri softwareupdates] end] eq "trusted"} then {
        # NOTE: Stop trusting ONLY our own self-signed SSL certificate.
        catch {uri softwareupdates false}
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the base URI that should be used to download
  #       available updates, if a specific base URI is not specified via the
  #       manifest of available updates.
  proc getDownloadBaseUri {} {
    # NOTE: Just return the current base URI for downloads.
    return [info engine DownloadBaseUri]; # NOTE: Current.
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the base URI that should be used to download
  #       available scripts, if a specific base URI is not specified via the
  #       manifest of available scripts.
  proc getScriptBaseUri {} {
    # NOTE: Just return the current base URI for scripts.
    return [info engine ScriptBaseUri]; # NOTE: Current.
  # NOTE: This procedure returns the base URI that should be used to download
  #       auxiliary data.
  proc getAuxiliaryBaseUri {} {
    # NOTE: Just return the current base URI for auxiliary data.
    return [info engine AuxiliaryBaseUri]; # NOTE: Current.
  # NOTE: This procedure is used to check for new versions -OR- new update
  #       scripts for the runtime when a user executes the interactive
  #       "#check" command.  To disable this functionality, simply redefine
  #       this procedure to do nothing.
  proc checkForUpdate {
          {wantScripts false} {quiet false} {prompt false}
          {automatic false} } {
    # NOTE: Grab the base URI for updates.
    set updateBaseUri [info engine UpdateBaseUri]

    # NOTE: Grab the update path and query string used for updates.
    set updatePathAndQuery [info engine UpdatePathAndQuery]

    # HACK: Exract the URI type (e.g. "stable" or "latest") from the
    #       update path and query.  This code may need to be modified
    #       in the future.
    set updateUriType [lindex [split $updatePathAndQuery .] 0]

    # NOTE: Combine them to form the complete update URI.
    set updateUri [appendArgs $updateBaseUri $updatePathAndQuery]

    # NOTE: Fetch the master update data from the distribution site
    #       and normalize to Unix-style line-endings.
    set updateData [string map [list \r\n \n] [getUpdateData $updateUri]]

    # NOTE: Split the data into lines.
    set lines [split $updateData \n]

    # NOTE: Keep track of how many update scripts are processed.
    array set scriptCount {
      invalid            0 fail               0 bad                0
      ok                 0 error              0

    # NOTE: Check each line to find the build information...
    foreach line $lines {
      # NOTE: Remove excess whitespace.
      set line [string trim $line]

      # NOTE: Skip blank lines.
      if {[string length $line] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Skip comment lines.
        if {[string index $line 0] ne "#" && \
            [string index $line 0] ne ";"} then {
          # NOTE: Split the tab-delimited line into fields.  The format
          #       of all lines in the data must be as follows:
          #       <startLine> protocolId <tab> publicKeyToken <tab> name
          #       <tab> culture <tab> patchLevel <tab> timeStamp <tab>
          #       baseUri <tab> md5Hash <tab> sha1Hash <tab> sha512Hash
          #       <tab> notes <newLine>
          set fields [split $line \t]

          # NOTE: Grab the protocol Id field.
          set protocolId [lindex $fields 0]

          # NOTE: Grab the public key token field.
          set publicKeyToken [lindex $fields 1]

          # NOTE: Grab the name field.
          set name [lindex $fields 2]

          # NOTE: Grab the culture field.
          set culture [lindex $fields 3]

          # NOTE: Figure out which protocol is in use for this line.
          #       The value "1" means this line specifies a build of
          #       the script engine.  The value "2" means this line
          #       specifies an update script (via a URI) to evaluate.
          #       All other values are currently reserved and ignored.
          set checkBuild [expr {!$wantScripts && $protocolId eq "1"}]
          set checkScript [expr {$wantScripts && $protocolId eq "2"}]

          # NOTE: We only want to find the first line that matches our
          #       engine.  The public key token is being used here to
          #       make sure we get the same "flavor" of the engine.
          #       The lines are organized so that the "latest stable
          #       version" is on the first line (for a given public key
          #       token), followed by development builds, experimental
          #       builds, etc.
          if {($checkBuild || $checkScript) && \
              [matchEnginePublicKeyToken $publicKeyToken] && \
              [matchEngineName $name] && \
              [matchEngineCulture $culture]} then {
            # NOTE: Grab the patch level field.
            set patchLevel [lindex $fields 4]

            if {[string length $patchLevel] == 0} then {
              set patchLevel; # no patch level?

            # NOTE: Grab the time-stamp field.
            set timeStamp [lindex $fields 5]

            if {[string length $timeStamp] == 0} then {
              set timeStamp 0; #never?

            # NOTE: What should the DateTime format be for display?  This
            #       should be some variation on ISO-8601.
            set dateTimeFormat yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss

            # NOTE: Does it look like the number of seconds since the epoch
            #       or some kind of date/time string?
            if {[string is integer -strict $timeStamp]} then {
              set dateTime [clock format \
                  $timeStamp -format $dateTimeFormat]
            } else {
              set dateTime [clock format \
                  [clock scan $timeStamp] -format $dateTimeFormat]

            # NOTE: Grab the patch level for the running engine.
            set enginePatchLevel [info engine PatchLevel]

            # NOTE: Grab the time-stamp for the running engine.
            set engineTimeStamp [info engine TimeStamp]

            if {[string length $engineTimeStamp] == 0} then {
              set engineTimeStamp 0; #never?

            # NOTE: Does it look like the number of seconds since the epoch
            #       or some kind of date/time string?
            if {[string is integer -strict $engineTimeStamp]} then {
              set engineDateTime [clock format \
                  $engineTimeStamp -format $dateTimeFormat]
            } else {
              set engineDateTime [clock format \
                  [clock scan $engineTimeStamp] -format $dateTimeFormat]

            # NOTE: For build lines, compare the patch level from the line
            #       to the one we are currently using using a simple patch
            #       level comparison.
            if {$checkBuild} then {
              set compare [package vcompare $patchLevel $enginePatchLevel]
            } else {
              # NOTE: This is not a build line, no match.
              set compare -1

            # NOTE: For script lines, use regular expression matching.
            if {$checkScript} then {
              # NOTE: Use [catch] here to prevent raising a script error
              #       due to a malformed patch level regular expression.
              if {[catch {
                regexp -nocase -- $patchLevel $enginePatchLevel
              } match]} then {
                # NOTE: The patch level from the script line was most
                #       likely not a valid regular expression.
                set match false
            } else {
              # NOTE: This is not a script line, no match.
              set match false

            # NOTE: Are we interested in further processing this line?
            if {($checkBuild && $compare > 0) ||
                ($checkScript && $match)} then {
              # NOTE: Grab the base URI field (i.e. it may be a mirror
              #       site).
              set baseUri [lindex $fields 6]

              if {$checkBuild} then {
                if {[string length $baseUri] > 0} then {
                  set buildUri $baseUri
                } else {
                  set buildUri [getDownloadBaseUri]; # primary site.

              if {$checkScript} then {
                if {[string length $baseUri] > 0} then {
                  set scriptUri $baseUri
                } else {
                  set scriptUri [getScriptBaseUri]; # primary site.

              # NOTE: Grab the notes field (which may be empty).
              set notes [lindex $fields 10]

              if {[string length $notes] > 0} then {
                set notes [unescapeUpdateNotes $notes]

              # NOTE: The engine patch level from the line is greater,
              #       we are out-of-date.  Return the result of our
              #       checking now.
              if {$checkBuild} then {
                # NOTE: Are we supposed to prompt the interactive user,
                #       if any, to upgrade now?
                set text [appendArgs \
                    $updateUriType " build " $patchLevel ", dated " \
                    $dateTime ", is newer than the running build " \
                    $enginePatchLevel ", dated " $engineDateTime \
                    ", based on the data from " $updateBaseUri]

                if {$prompt && [isInteractive]} then {
                  # NOTE: Is the [object] command available?  If not,
                  #       this cannot be done.
                  if {[llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
                    set messageCaption [appendArgs \
                        [info engine Name] " (" [lindex [info level 0] 0] \
                        " script)"]

                    set messageText [appendArgs \
                        "The " $text \n\n "Run the updater now?"]

                    if {$automatic} then {
                      append messageText \n\n \
                          "WARNING: The updater process will be run " \
                          "in automatic mode and there will be no " \
                          "further prompts."

                    if {[object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
                        Eagle._Components.Private.WindowOps YesOrNo \
                        $messageText $messageCaption false]} then {
                      # NOTE: Ok, run the updater now and then exit.
                      runUpdateAndExit $automatic

                return [list $text [list $buildUri $patchLevel] [list $notes]]

              # NOTE: The script patch level from the line matches the
              #       current engine patch level exactly, this script
              #       should be evaluated if it can be authenticated.
              if {$checkScript} then {
                # NOTE: First, set the default channel for update script
                #       status messages.  If the test channel has been
                #       set (i.e. by the test suite), it will be used
                #       instead.
                if {![info exists channel]} then {
                  set channel [expr {[info exists ::test_channel] ? \
                      $::test_channel : "stdout"}]

                # NOTE: Next, verify the script has a valid base URI.
                #       For update scripts, this must be the location
                #       where the update script data can be downloaded.
                if {[string length $scriptUri] == 0} then {
                  if {!$quiet} then {
                    tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                        "---- invalid baseUri value for update script " \
                        "line: " $line \"\n]
                  incr scriptCount(invalid); continue

                # NOTE: Next, grab the md5 field and see if it looks valid.
                #       Below, the value of this field will be compared to
                #       that of the actual MD5 hash of the downloaded script
                #       data.
                set lineMd5 [lindex $fields 7]

                if {[string length $lineMd5] == 0} then {
                  if {!$quiet} then {
                    tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                        "---- invalid md5 value for update script " \
                        "line: " $line \"\n]
                  incr scriptCount(invalid); continue

                # NOTE: Next, grab the sha1 field and see if it looks valid.
                #       Below, the value of this field will be compared to
                #       that of the actual SHA1 hash of the downloaded script
                #       data.
                set lineSha1 [lindex $fields 8]

                if {[string length $lineSha1] == 0} then {
                  if {!$quiet} then {
                    tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                        "---- invalid sha1 value for update script " \
                        "line: " $line \"\n]
                  incr scriptCount(invalid); continue

                # NOTE: Next, grab the sha512 field and see if it looks
                #       valid.  Below, the value of this field will be
                #       compared to that of the actual SHA512 hash of the
                #       downloaded script data.
                set lineSha512 [lindex $fields 9]

                if {[string length $lineSha512] == 0} then {
                  if {!$quiet} then {
                    tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                        "---- invalid sha512 value for update script " \
                        "line: " $line \"\n]
                  incr scriptCount(invalid); continue

                # NOTE: Next, show the extra information associated with
                #       this update script, if any.
                if {!$quiet} then {
                  tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                      "---- fetching update script from \"" $scriptUri \
                      "\" (" $dateTime ") with notes:\n"]

                  set trimNotes [string trim $notes]

                  tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                      [expr {[string length $trimNotes] > 0 ? $trimNotes : \
                      "<none>"}] "\n---- end of update script notes\n"]

                # NOTE: Next, attempt to fetch the update script data.
                set code [catch {getUpdateScriptData $scriptUri} result]

                if {$code == 0} then {
                  # NOTE: Success, set the script data from the result.
                  set scriptData $result
                } else {
                  # NOTE: Failure, report the error message to the log.
                  if {!$quiet} then {
                    tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                        "---- failed to fetch update script: " $result \n]
                  incr scriptCount(fail); continue

                # NOTE: Next, verify that the md5, sha1, and sha512
                #       hashes of the raw script data match what was
                #       specified in the md5, sha1, and sha512 fields.
                set scriptMd5 [hash normal md5 $scriptData]

                if {![string equal -nocase $lineMd5 $scriptMd5]} then {
                  if {!$quiet} then {
                    tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                        "---- wrong md5 value \"" $scriptMd5 \
                        "\" for update script line: " $line \"\n]
                  incr scriptCount(bad); continue

                set scriptSha1 [hash normal sha1 $scriptData]

                if {![string equal -nocase $lineSha1 $scriptSha1]} then {
                  if {!$quiet} then {
                    tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                        "---- wrong sha1 value \"" $scriptSha1 \
                        "\" for update script line: " $line \"\n]
                  incr scriptCount(bad); continue

                set scriptSha512 [hash normal sha512 $scriptData]

                if {![string equal -nocase $lineSha512 $scriptSha512]} then {
                  if {!$quiet} then {
                    tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                        "---- wrong sha512 value \"" $scriptSha512 \
                        "\" for update script line: " $line \"\n]
                  incr scriptCount(bad); continue

                # NOTE: Finally, everything looks good.  Therefore, just
                #       evaluate the update script and print the result.
                if {!$quiet} then {
                  tqputs $channel [appendArgs \
                      "---- evaluating update script from \"" $scriptUri \

                # NOTE: Reset the variables that will be used to contain
                #       the result of the update script.
                set code 0; set result ""

                # NOTE: Manually override file name to be returned by
                #       [info script] to refer back to the originally
                #       read script base URI.
                set pushed false

                if {[llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
                  object invoke -flags +NonPublic Interpreter.GetActive \
                      PushScriptLocation $scriptUri true

                  set pushed true

                try {
                  # NOTE: Evaluate the update script in the context of
                  #       the caller.
                  set code [catch {uplevel 1 $scriptData} result]
                } finally {
                  # NOTE: Reset manual override of the script file name
                  #       to be returned by [info script].
                  if {$pushed} then {
                    object invoke -flags +NonPublic Interpreter.GetActive \
                        PopScriptLocation true

                # NOTE: Keep track of the number of update scripts that
                #       generate Ok and Error return codes.
                if {$code == 0} then {
                  incr scriptCount(ok)
                } else {
                  incr scriptCount(error)

                if {!$quiet} then {
                  host result $code $result
                  tqputs $channel "\n---- end of update script results\n"
            } elseif {$checkBuild && $compare < 0} then {
              # NOTE: The patch level from the line is less, we are more
              #       up-to-date than the latest version?
              return [list [appendArgs \
                  "running build " $enginePatchLevel ", dated " \
                  $engineDateTime ", is newer than the " $updateUriType \
                  " build " $patchLevel ", dated " $dateTime \
                  ", based on the data " "from " $updateBaseUri]]
            } elseif {$checkBuild} then {
              # NOTE: The patch levels are equal, we are up-to-date.
              return [list [appendArgs \
                  "running build " $enginePatchLevel ", dated " \
                  $engineDateTime ", is the " $updateUriType \
                  " build, based on the data from " $updateBaseUri]]

    # NOTE: Figure out what the final result should be.  If we get
    #       to this point when checking for a new build, something
    #       must have gone awry.  Otherwise, report the number of
    #       update scripts that were successfully processed.
    if {$wantScripts} then {
      set scriptCount(total) [expr [join [array values scriptCount] +]]

      if {$scriptCount(total) > 0} then {
        return [list [appendArgs \
            "processed " $scriptCount(total) " update scripts: " \
            [array get scriptCount]]]
      } else {
        return [list "no update scripts were processed"]
    } else {
      return [list \
          "could not determine if running build is the latest build"]
  # NOTE: Provide the Eagle "update" package to the interpreter.
  package provide Eagle.Update \
    [expr {[isEagle] ? [info engine PatchLevel] : "1.0"}]