
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 67aa318165a69b2b31067062e58c595ea0f3d28c:

# speed.eagle --
# Written by Joe Mistachkin.
# Released to the public domain, use at your own risk!

package require Eagle
package require Eagle.Library
package require Eagle.Test



package require System.Data.SQLite.Test


set times [list]


# NOTE: Report before test, before shutdown.
checkForSQLiteDirectories $test_channel
getSQLiteHandleCounts $test_channel
reportSQLiteResources $test_channel


# NOTE: Make sure that SQLite core library is completely shutdown prior to
#       starting any of the tests in this file.
shutdownSQLite $test_channel


# NOTE: Report before test, after shutdown.
checkForSQLiteDirectories $test_channel
getSQLiteHandleCounts $test_channel
reportSQLiteResources $test_channel


runTest {test speed-1.1 {SQLiteDataReader speed testing} -setup {
  setupDb [set fileName [appendArgs speed-1.1- [pid] .db]]

  sql execute $db "CREATE TABLE t1(w INTEGER);"
  sql execute $db "CREATE TABLE t2(x REAL);"
  sql execute $db "CREATE TABLE t3(y TEXT);"
  sql execute $db "CREATE TABLE t4(z BLOB);"

  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t1 (w) VALUES(NULL);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t1 (w) VALUES(-9223372036854775808);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t1 (w) VALUES(0);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t1 (w) VALUES(9223372036854775807);"

  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t2 (x) VALUES(NULL);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t2 (x) VALUES(-1.7976931348623157e+308);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t2 (x) VALUES(0.0);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t2 (x) VALUES(1.7976931348623157e+308);"

  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t3 (y) VALUES(NULL);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t3 (y) VALUES('1');"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t3 (y) VALUES('1.1');"

  set char [expr {int(rand() * 0x7F) + 1}]; # NOTE: Skip NUL.

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- using random character 0x" [format %X $char] ...\n]

  sql execute $db [appendArgs \
      "INSERT INTO t3 (y) VALUES('" [string map [list ' ''] [string \
      repeat [format %c $char] 1048576]] "');"]

  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t4 (z) VALUES(NULL);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t4 (z) VALUES(X'01');"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t4 (z) VALUES(X'0123456789');"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t4 (z) VALUES(randomblob(1048576));"
} -body {
  set result [list]

  foreach sql [list \
      {SELECT CASE length(w) = 1048576
              WHEN 1 THEN length(w) ELSE w END FROM t1;} \
      {SELECT CASE length(x) = 1048576
              WHEN 1 THEN length(x) ELSE x END FROM t2;} \
      {SELECT CASE length(y) = 1048576
              WHEN 1 THEN length(y) ELSE y END FROM t3;} \
      {SELECT CASE length(z) = 1048576
              WHEN 1 THEN length(z) ELSE z END FROM t4;}] {
    set time [time {
      lappend result [sql execute -execute reader -format list $db $sql]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
        "---- executed query \"" [string map [list "\n              " " "] \
        $sql] "\" in " $time \n]

    lappend times [lindex $time 0]

  set result
} -cleanup {
  cleanupDb $fileName

  unset -nocomplain time sql result char db fileName
} -time true -constraints {eagle monoBug28 command.sql compile.DATA SQLite\
System.Data.SQLite} -match regexp -result "^\\\{-9223372036854775808 0\
\\\{-(?:Infinity|\u221E|1\\.7976931348623157(?:E|e)\\+308) 0\
(?:Infinity|\u221E|1\\.7976931348623157(?:E|e)\\+308)\\\} \\\{1 1\\.1\
1048576\\\} \\\{1 \\\{1 35 69 103 137\\\} 1048576\\\}$"}


runTest {test speed-1.2 {SQLiteDataReader speed testing} -setup {
  setupDb [set fileName [appendArgs speed-1.2- [pid] .db]]

  sql execute $db "CREATE TABLE t1(w INTEGER);"
  sql execute $db "CREATE TABLE t2(x REAL);"
  sql execute $db "CREATE TABLE t3(y TEXT);"
  sql execute $db "CREATE TABLE t4(z BLOB);"

  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t1 (w) VALUES(NULL);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t1 (w) VALUES(-9223372036854775808);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t1 (w) VALUES(0);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t1 (w) VALUES(9223372036854775807);"

  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t2 (x) VALUES(NULL);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t2 (x) VALUES(-1.7976931348623157e+308);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t2 (x) VALUES(0.0);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t2 (x) VALUES(1.7976931348623157e+308);"

  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t3 (y) VALUES(NULL);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t3 (y) VALUES('1');"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t3 (y) VALUES('1.1');"

  set char [expr {int(rand() * 0x7F) + 1}]; # NOTE: Skip NUL.

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- using random character 0x" [format %X $char] ...\n]

  sql execute $db [appendArgs \
      "INSERT INTO t3 (y) VALUES('" [string map [list ' ''] [string \
      repeat [format %c $char] 1048576]] "');"]

  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t4 (z) VALUES(NULL);"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t4 (z) VALUES(X'01');"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t4 (z) VALUES(X'0123456789');"
  sql execute $db "INSERT INTO t4 (z) VALUES(randomblob(1048576));"
} -body {
  set result [list]

  foreach {column table} [list w t1 x t2 y t3 z t4] {
    set sql [appendArgs "SELECT " $column " FROM " $table \;]

    set time [time {
      lappend result [llength \
          [sql execute -execute reader -format list $db $sql]]

    tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
        "---- executed query \"" $sql "\" in " $time \n]

    lappend times [lindex $time 0]

  set result
} -cleanup {
  cleanupDb $fileName

  unset -nocomplain time sql table column result char db fileName
} -time true -constraints {eagle monoBug40 command.sql compile.DATA SQLite\
System.Data.SQLite} -result {3 3 3 3}}


# NOTE: Report after test.
checkForSQLiteDirectories $test_channel
getSQLiteHandleCounts $test_channel
reportSQLiteResources $test_channel


tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
    "---- overall performance results " $times \n]


unset -nocomplain times

