
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 40df554bf8f0d93e7c388a07925b177e998b4a3a:

# tkt-0e48e80333.eagle --
# Written by Joe Mistachkin.
# Released to the public domain, use at your own risk!

package require Eagle
package require Eagle.Library
package require Eagle.Test



package require System.Data.SQLite.Test


# HACK: This test is non-portable (e.g. to Mono) due to its use of Managed
#       Debugging Assistants (MDAs), which are only implemented by the full
#       .NET Framework.
runTest {test tkt-0e48e80333-1.1 {unhook delegates on pooled close} -setup {
  moveEagleShellMdaConfig false

} -body {
  set configFileName [writeEagleShellMdaConfig [string trim {
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <mdaConfig xmlns="">
        <callbackOnCollectedDelegate listSize="50" />

  set scriptFileName [file tempname]

  writeFile $scriptFileName [string trim {
    package require Eagle
    package require Eagle.Library
    package require Eagle.Test
    package require System.Data.SQLite.Test

    proc traceCallback { sender e } {
      lappend ::result [$e Statement]
      lappend ::result [$sender IsReadOnly null]

    object load System.Data.SQLite
    set ::test_channel stdout

    setupDb [set fileName tkt-0e48e80333-1.1.db]
    sql execute $db {CREATE TABLE t1(x);}
    cleanupDb $fileName db true false false

    set ::result ""

    set count 10

    set sql [string trim { \
      INSERT INTO t1 (x) VALUES(1); \

    for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} {
      setupDb $fileName \
          "" "" "" "" "Pooling=True;" true false

      set connection [getDbConnection]
      $connection add_Trace traceCallback

      sql execute $db $sql

      cleanupDb $fileName db true false false

    if {$::result eq [lrepeat $count $sql False]} then {
      exit Success
    } else {
      exit Failure

  set env(NoMutexes) 1; # ignore Eagle mutexes.
  set env(COMPLUS_MDA) 1; # enable MDA config file.

  set code [catch {
    execTestShell [list \
        -eventflags Wait -success Success -stdout output] \
        -preInitialize [appendArgs \" "set no(logFileName) 1" \"] \
        -file [appendArgs \" $scriptFileName \"] \
        -logFile [appendArgs \" [getTestLog] \"]
  } error]

  tlog "---- BEGIN STDOUT OUTPUT\n"
  tlog $output
  tlog "\n---- END STDOUT OUTPUT\n"

  set code
} -cleanup {
  cleanupDb tkt-0e48e80333-1.1.db

  catch {file delete $scriptFileName}
  catch {file delete $configFileName}

  unset -nocomplain code output error scriptFileName configFileName


  moveEagleShellMdaConfig true
} -constraints {eagle dotNet testExec command.object monoBug28 command.sql\
compile.DATA SQLite System.Data.SQLite} -result {0}}


# HACK: This test is non-portable (e.g. to Mono) due to its use of Managed
#       Debugging Assistants (MDAs), which are only implemented by the full
#       .NET Framework.
runTest {test tkt-0e48e80333-1.2 {delegate MDA on pooled close} -setup {
  moveEagleShellMdaConfig false


  setupDb [set fileName tkt-0e48e80333-1.2.db]
} -body {
  set configFileName [writeEagleShellMdaConfig [string trim {
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <mdaConfig xmlns="">
        <callbackOnCollectedDelegate listSize="50" />

  set scriptFileName [file tempname]

  writeFile $scriptFileName [string trim {
    package require Eagle
    package require Eagle.Library
    package require Eagle.Test
    package require System.Data.SQLite.Test

    set ::test_channel ""; # disable [tputs]

    set id [object invoke Interpreter.GetActive NextId]
    set dataSource [file join [getDatabaseDirectory] $fileName]

    set count(1) 1000; # thread work-item count
    set count(2) 1000; # per-thread query count
    set count(3) [expr {$count(1) * $count(2)}]; # total query count
    set count(4) [expr {0.00002 * $count(3)}]; # timeout in seconds
    set count(5) 10; # busy loop sleep milliseconds

    set sql { \
      SELECT 1; \

    unset -nocomplain results errors

    set code [compileCSharpWith [subst {
      using System;
      using System.Data;
      using System.Data.SQLite;
      using System.Threading;

      namespace _Dynamic${id}
        public static class Test${id}
          #region Private Static Data
          private static long count;


          private static SQLiteTraceEventHandler handler;


          #region Public Static Methods
          public static void TraceEventHandler(
            object sender,
            TraceEventArgs e
            /* IGNORED */
            Interlocked.Increment(ref count);


          public static SQLiteConnection MakeConnection()
            SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(
                "Data Source=${dataSource};Journal Mode=Wal;Pooling=true;" +
                "[getTestProperties AllowNestedTransactions]");

            connection.Trace += handler;

            return connection;


          public static long ThreadedPoolTraceTest()
            for (int index1 = 0; index1 < ${count(1)}; index1++)
              ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state) {
                using (SQLiteConnection connection = MakeConnection())
                  for (int index2 = 0; index2 < ${count(2)}; index2++)
                    using (SQLiteTransaction transaction =
                      using (SQLiteCommand command =
                        command.CommandText = "[subst ${sql}]";


            DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;

            while (true)
              if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref count, 0, 0) >= ${count(3)})

              if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(start).TotalSeconds >= ${count(4)})


            return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref count, 0, 0);


          public static void Main()
            handler = new SQLiteTraceEventHandler(TraceEventHandler);
    }] true true true results errors System.Data.SQLite.dll]

    puts stdout [list $code $results \
        [expr {[info exists errors] ? $errors : ""}] \
        [expr {$code eq "Ok" ? [catch {
          object invoke _Dynamic${id}.Test${id} Main
        } result] : [set result ""]}] $result \
        [expr {$code eq "Ok" ? [catch {
          object invoke _Dynamic${id}.Test${id} ThreadedPoolTraceTest
        } result] : [set result ""]}] $result]

  set env(NoMutexes) 1; # ignore Eagle mutexes.
  set env(COMPLUS_MDA) 1; # enable MDA config file.

  set code [catch {
    execTestShell [list \
        -eventflags Wait -success Success -stdout output] \
        -preInitialize [appendArgs \" "set fileName {" $fileName }\"] \
        -preInitialize [appendArgs \" "set no(logFileName) 1" \"] \
        -file [appendArgs \" $scriptFileName \"] \
        -logFile [appendArgs \" [getTestLog] \"]
  } error]

  tlog "---- BEGIN STDOUT OUTPUT\n"
  tlog $output
  tlog "\n---- END STDOUT OUTPUT\n"

  set error [lindex \
      [split [string map [list \r\n \n] [string trim $error]] \n] end]

  if {![regexp -- {0 (\d+)$} $error dummy count]} then {
    set count <unknown>

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- executed a total of " $count " queries\n"]

  list $code $error
} -cleanup {
  cleanupDb $fileName

  catch {file delete $scriptFileName}
  catch {file delete $configFileName}

  unset -nocomplain dummy count
  unset -nocomplain code output error scriptFileName configFileName
  unset -nocomplain db fileName


  moveEagleShellMdaConfig true
} -constraints {eagle dotNet command.object monoBug28 command.sql compile.DATA\
SQLite System.Data.SQLite compileCSharp} -match regexp -result {^0 \{Ok\
System#CodeDom#Compiler#CompilerResults#\d+ \{\} 0 \{\} 0 \d+\}$}}

