
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 2971145260f9d0c79f2fbd001098bff5b0e33749:

# common.eagle --
# Written by Joe Mistachkin.
# Released to the public domain, use at your own risk!

# NOTE: Use our own namespace here because even though we do not directly
#       support namespaces ourselves, we do not want to pollute the global
#       namespace if this script actually ends up being evaluated in Tcl.
namespace eval ::Eagle {
  if {[isEagle]} then {
    ############################ BEGIN Eagle ONLY #############################

    proc getSQLiteDefineConstantPrefix {} {
      # NOTE: See if the define constant prefix setting has been overridden
      #       by the user (e.g. on the command line).
      if {[info exists ::define_constant_prefix] && \
          [string length $::define_constant_prefix] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Use the specified define constant prefix.
        return $::define_constant_prefix
      } else {
        # NOTE: Use the default define constant prefix.
        return defineConstant.System.Data.SQLite.
    proc haveSQLiteDefineConstant { name } {
      return [haveConstraint \
          [appendArgs [getSQLiteDefineConstantPrefix] $name]]
    proc getBuildYear {} {
      # NOTE: See if the "year" setting has been overridden by the user (e.g.
      #       on the command line).  This helps control exactly which set of
      #       binaries we are testing, those produced using the Visual Studio
      #       2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, or 2015 build systems.  To override
      #       this value via the command line, enter a command similar to one
      #       of the following (all on one line):
      #       EagleShell.exe -anyInitialize "set test_year 2005"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -anyInitialize "set test_year 2008"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -anyInitialize "set test_year 2010"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -anyInitialize "set test_year 2012"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -anyInitialize "set test_year 2013"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -anyInitialize "set test_year 2015"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -anyInitialize "unset -nocomplain test_year"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      if {[info exists ::test_year] && [string length $::test_year] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Use the specified test year.  If this variable is not set, the
        #       default value will be based on whether or not Eagle has been
        #       compiled against the CLR v2.0 or CLR v4.0.
        return $::test_year
      } else {
        # NOTE: If Eagle has been compiled against the CLR v4.0, use "2010" by
        #       default (we could use "2012", "2013", or "2015" in that case as
        #       well) as the test year; otherwise, use "2008" by default (we
        #       could use "2005" in that case as well).  If another major
        #       [incompatible] version of the CLR is released, this check will
        #       have to be changed.  The default test year to use for a
        #       particular CLR version may be overridden by setting the global
        #       variable "test_year_clr_v$X", where "$X" may [currently] be
        #       either "2" or "4".
        if {[haveConstraint imageRuntime40]} then {
          if {[info exists ::test_year_clr_v4] && \
              [string length $::test_year_clr_v4] > 0} then {
            # NOTE: Use the specified test year for the CLR v4.0.
            return $::test_year_clr_v4
          } else {
            # NOTE: Use the default test year for the CLR v4.0.
            return 2010; # TODO: Good "fallback" default?
        } else {
          if {[info exists ::test_year_clr_v2] && \
              [string length $::test_year_clr_v2] > 0} then {
            # NOTE: Use the specified test year for the CLR v2.0.
            return $::test_year_clr_v2
          } else {
            # NOTE: Use the default test year for the CLR v2.0.
            return 2008; # TODO: Good "fallback" default?
    # NOTE: This procedure is only used when adding shimmed test constraints.
    proc getBuildClrVersion {} {
      if {[info exists ::test_clr] && [string length $::test_clr] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Use the specified test version for the CLR.  If this variable
        #       is not set, the default value will be based on whether or not
        #       Eagle has been compiled against the CLR v2.0 or CLR v4.0.
        return $::test_clr
      } else {
        # NOTE: Check if Eagle has been compiled against the CLR v4.0.  If so,
        #       just use that CLR version.  Otherwise, use the version for the
        #       CLR v2.0.  If another major [incompatible] version of the CLR
        #       is released, this check will have to be changed.  The default
        #       version value for a particular CLR version may be overridden
        #       by setting the global variable "test_clr_v$X", where "$X" may
        #       [currently] be either "2" or "4".
        if {[haveConstraint imageRuntime40]} then {
          if {[info exists ::test_clr_v4] && \
              [string length $::test_clr_v4] > 0} then {
            # NOTE: Use the specified test version for the CLR v4.0.
            return $::test_clr_v4
          } else {
            # NOTE: Use the default test version for the CLR v4.0.
            return 4.0.30319; # TODO: Good "fallback" default?
        } else {
          if {[info exists ::test_clr_v2] && \
              [string length $::test_clr_v2] > 0} then {
            # NOTE: Use the specified test version for the CLR v2.0.
            return $::test_clr_v2
          } else {
            # NOTE: Use the default test version for the CLR v2.0.
            return 2.0.50727; # TODO: Good "fallback" default?
    proc getBuildYears {} {
      # NOTE: See if the list of test years has been overridden by the user
      #       (e.g. on the command line).
      if {[info exists ::test_years] && [llength $::test_years] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Use the specified list of test years.
        return $::test_years
      } else {
        # NOTE: Use the default list of test years (i.e. all).
        return [list 2005 2008 2010 2012 2013 2015]
    proc getBuildNetFx {} {
      # NOTE: See if the test .NET Framework setting has been overridden by
      #       the user (e.g. on the command line).
      if {[info exists ::test_net_fx] && \
          [string length $::test_net_fx] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Use the specified test .NET Framework.
        return $::test_net_fx
      } else {
        set year [getBuildYear]
        set yearVarName [appendArgs ::test_net_fx_ $year]

        if {[info exists $yearVarName] && \
            [string length [set $yearVarName]] > 0} then {
          # NOTE: Use the specified test .NET Framework, based on the build
          #       year.
          return [set $yearVarName]
        } else {
          # NOTE: Fallback to the "well known" .NET Framework version that
          #       is most closely associated with a particular version of
          #       Visual Studio.
          switch -exact -- $year {
            2005 {
              return netFx20
            2008 {
              return netFx35
            2010 {
              return netFx40
            2012 {
              return netFx45
            2013 {
              return netFx451; # TODO: Or "netFx452"?
            2015 {
              return netFx46; # TODO: Or "netFx461"?
            default {
              return netFx35; # TODO: Good "fallback" default?
    # NOTE: This procedure should return non-zero if the configured test
    #       platform is most likely the default for this machine.
    proc isDefaultBuildPlatform { {verbose false} } {
      # NOTE: Running on WoW64 is never the default platform.
      if {[isRunningWoW64]} then {
        if {$verbose} then {
          tputs $::test_channel \
              "---- detected non-default platform (WoW64)\n"
        return false

      # NOTE: This has a good chance of being the default platform.
      if {$verbose} then {
        tputs $::test_channel "---- detected default platform\n"
      return true
    proc getBuildPlatform { native } {
      if {[info exists ::test_platform] && \
          [string length $::test_platform] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Use the specified test platform.  If this variable is not set,
        #       the default value will be based on the machine architecture.
        return [expr {$native ? $::test_platform : ""}]
      } elseif {[info exists ::test_machine] && \
          [string length $::test_machine] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: For native builds, return the platform name corresponding to
        #       the test machine architecture; otherwise, return an empty
        #       string.
        return [expr {
          $native ? [machineToPlatform $::test_machine] : ""
      } elseif {[info exists ::tcl_platform(machine)]} then {
        # NOTE: For native builds, return the platform name corresponding to
        #       the machine architecture; otherwise, return an empty string.
        return [expr {
          $native ? [machineToPlatform $::tcl_platform(machine)] : ""
      } else {
        # NOTE: No machine architecture is available, return an empty string.
        #       It is important to return an empty string here because the
        #       result of this procedure may be used with [file join].
        return ""
    proc getBuildConfiguration {} {
      # NOTE: See if the "configuration" setting has been overridden by the
      #       user (e.g. on the command line).  This helps control exactly
      #       which set of binaries we are testing (i.e. those built in the
      #       "Debug" or "Release" build configurations).  To override this
      #       value via the command line, enter a command similar to one of
      #       the following (all on one line):
      #       EagleShell.exe -anyInitialize "set test_configuration Debug"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -anyInitialize "set test_configuration Release"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       EagleShell.exe -file .\path\to\all.eagle -preTest
      #         "unset -nocomplain test_configuration"
      if {[info exists ::test_configuration] && \
          [string length $::test_configuration] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Use the specified test configuration.  The default value used
        #       for this variable is typically "Release", as set by the test
        #       suite itself.
        return $::test_configuration
      } else {
        # NOTE: Normally, we will never hit this case because the value of the
        #       test configuration variable is always set by the test suite
        #       itself; however, it can be overridden using the unset command
        #       from the -preTest option to the test suite.
        return $::eagle_platform(configuration)
    proc getBuildConfigurations {} {
      # NOTE: See if the list of test configurations has been overridden by
      #       the user (e.g. on the command line).
      if {[info exists ::test_configurations] && \
          [llength $::test_configurations] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Use the specified list of test configurations.
        return $::test_configurations
      } else {
        # NOTE: Use the default list of test configurations.
        return [list Debug Release]
    proc getBuildBaseDirectory {} {
      # NOTE: Figure out the base directory where all the builds should be
      #       located.  This will be the directory that contains the actual
      #       build output directory (e.g. parent of "bin").
      if {[info exists ::build_base_directory] && \
          [string length $::build_base_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The location of the build base directory has been overridden;
        #       therefore, use it verbatim.
        return $::build_base_directory
      } elseif {[info exists ::common_directory] && \
          [string length $::common_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Next, fallback to the grandparent directory of the one
        #       containing this file (i.e. "common.eagle"), if available.
        return [file dirname [file dirname $::common_directory]]
      } elseif {[info exists ::path] && \
          [string length $::path] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Finally, fallback to the parent directory of the EagleTest
        #       path.  The EagleTest package guarantees that this variable
        #       will be set to the directory containing the first file to
        #       execute the [runTestPrologue] script library procedure.
        return [file dirname $::path]
      } else {
        # NOTE: No path is available, return an empty string.  This point
        #       should not be reached.
        return ""
    proc getSQLiteTestDataPath {} {
      # NOTE: Figure out the directory where all the test data files should
      #       be located.  This should be the "data" directory beneath the
      #       directory containing the actual test scripts.
      return [file join $::path data]
    proc isRunningWoW64 {} {
      # NOTE: For now, just use the existing test constraint for detecting
      #       a WoW64 process.
      return [haveConstraint wow64]
    proc isMixedModeAssembly { fileName {varName ""} } {
      # NOTE: First, make sure the test suite infrastructure is allowed to
      #       use the [exec] command.
      if {![info exists ::no(exec)] && ![info exists ::no(corFlags)]} then {
        # NOTE: If the location of CorFlags is present in the environment,
        #       use it; otherwise assume it is in the PATH.
        set corFlags [expr {
          [info exists ::env(CorFlags)] ? $::env(CorFlags) : "CorFlags"

        # NOTE: Attempt to execute CorFlags on the specified file.
        if {[catch {
          exec -- $corFlags [file nativename $fileName]
        } exec] == 0} then {
          # NOTE: If requested by our caller, attempt to determine the
          #       platform for the specified file as well.
          if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
            # NOTE: Store the platform in the named variable in the
            #       context of our caller.
            upvar 1 $varName platform

            # NOTE: Attempt to extract the PE line from the captured
            #       output.  If this value is "PE32" or "PE32+", the
            #       assembly file is 32-bit or 64-bit, respectively;
            #       otherwise, its type is unknown.
            set pattern {^PE        : (PE32|PE32\+)\s+$}

            if {[regexp -line -- $pattern $exec dummy pe32]} then {
              # HACK: This [switch] assumes that 32-bit executables are
              #       always x86 and that 64-bit executables are always
              #       x64.
              switch -exact -- $pe32 {
                PE32 {
                  set platform Win32
                PE32+ {
                  set platform x64
                default {
                  set platform ""
            } else {
              set platform ""

          # NOTE: Attempt to extract the ILONLY line from the captured
          #       output.  If this value is zero, the specified file must
          #       be a mixed-mode assembly; otherwise, it contains only
          #       managed components.
          set pattern {^ILONLY    : (0|1)\s+$}

          if {![regexp -line -- $pattern $exec dummy ilOnly]} then {
            return false

          if {!$ilOnly} then {
            return true

      # NOTE: If the test suite cannot use [exec] or execution of CorFlags
      #       failed, return false.
      return false
    proc getNativeLibraryFileNamesOnly {} {
      # NOTE: First, check if the list of native library file names has been
      #       manually overridden.
      if {[info exists ::native_library_file_names] && \
          [llength $::native_library_file_names] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The list of native library file names has been overridden;
        #       therefore, use it verbatim.
        return $::native_library_file_names
      } elseif {[isWindows]} then {
        # NOTE: Otherwise, on Windows, always use the default file name
        #       "sqlite3.dll".
        return [list sqlite3.dll]
      } else {
        # NOTE: Otherwise, return both the generic POSIX file name and the
        #       Mac OS X file name, since we do not currently have an easy
        #       way to detect which of those platforms we are running on.
        return [list libsqlite3.dylib]
    proc getInteropAssemblyFileNamesOnly {} {
      # NOTE: First, check if the list of interop assembly file names has been
      #       manually overridden.
      if {[info exists ::interop_assembly_file_names] && \
          [llength $::interop_assembly_file_names] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The list of interop assembly file names has been overridden;
        #       therefore, use it verbatim.
        return $::interop_assembly_file_names
      } elseif {[isWindows]} then {
        # NOTE: Otherwise, on Windows, always use the default file name
        #       "SQLite.Interop.dll".
        return [list SQLite.Interop.dll]
      } else {
        # NOTE: Otherwise, return both the generic POSIX file name and the
        #       Mac OS X file name, since we do not currently have an easy
        #       way to detect which of those platforms we are running on.
        return [list \
            SQLite.Interop.dylib SQLite.Interop.dll.dylib]
    proc getCoreExtensionBinaryFileName { {default ""} } {
      set fileName [getCoreBinaryFileName]

      if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
        return $fileName

      return $default
    proc isBuildAvailable { native directory {varName ""} } {
      # NOTE: Build the fully qualified file name for the primary assembly
      #       containing the System.Data.SQLite managed components.  It
      #       should be noted that this assembly file may also contain the
      #       native components, if a native build is in use.
      set fileName [file nativename [file join $directory \

      if {![file exists $fileName]} then {
        return false

      # NOTE: Attempt to automatically detect if the primary assembly
      #       contains any native components, if necessary.
      if {[string length $native] == 0} then {
        if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
          upvar 1 $varName $varName

        set native [isMixedModeAssembly $fileName $varName]

      # NOTE: If the primary assembly also contains the native components,
      #       we have everything we need.
      if {$native} then {
        return true

      # NOTE: What is the architecture for this machine?
      set architecture [machineToPlatform $::tcl_platform(machine) true]

      # NOTE: What is the platform for this machine?
      set platform [machineToPlatform $::tcl_platform(machine)]

      # NOTE: Build the fully qualified file name for the interop assembly
      #       containing the System.Data.SQLite native components.  If this
      #       file exists, we should have everything we need.
      foreach fileNameOnly [getInteropAssemblyFileNamesOnly] {
        set fileName [file nativename [file join $directory \
            $architecture $fileNameOnly]]

        if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
          return true

        set fileName [file nativename [file join $directory \
            $platform $fileNameOnly]]

        if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
          return true

        set fileName [file nativename [file join $directory \

        if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
          return true

      # NOTE: Build the fully qualified file name for the SQLite core
      #       library.  If this file exists, we should have everything we
      #       need.
      foreach fileNameOnly [getNativeLibraryFileNamesOnly] {
        set fileName [file nativename [file join $directory \
            $architecture $fileNameOnly]]

        if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
          return true

        set fileName [file nativename [file join $directory \
            $platform $fileNameOnly]]

        if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
          return true

        set fileName [file nativename [file join $directory \

        if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
          return true

      # NOTE: One or more native components needed by System.Data.SQLite
      #       are missing.
      return false
    proc isReleaseAvailable { directory {varName ""} } {
      if {[string length $varName] > 0} then {
        upvar 1 $varName $varName

      return [isBuildAvailable "" $directory $varName]
    proc joinBuildDirectory { native path year platform configuration } {
      # NOTE: Figure out and then return the fully qualified path to the build
      #       directory based on all the arguments provided by our caller.
      if {$native} then {
        return [file join $path bin $year $platform $configuration]
      } else {
        return [file join $path bin $year $configuration bin]
    proc getBuildDirectory {} {
      # NOTE: See if the "native" runtime option has been set.  If so, use the
      #       directory for the mixed-mode assembly (a.k.a. the native interop
      #       assembly).  To enable this option via the command line, enter a
      #       command similar to one of the following (all on one line):
      #       EagleShell.exe -initialize -runtimeOption native
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      #       To enable this option via the command line prior to the "beta 16"
      #       release of Eagle, the following command must be used instead
      #       (also all on one line):
      #       EagleShell.exe -initialize -postInitialize
      #         "object invoke Interpreter.GetActive AddRuntimeOption native"
      #         -file .\path\to\all.eagle
      if {[info exists ::build_directory] && \
          [string length $::build_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The location of the build directory has been overridden;
        #       therefore, use it verbatim.
        return $::build_directory
      } else {
        # NOTE: If the "native" runtime option is set, the mixed-mode assembly
        #       is being tested.  In that case, the path to the build directory
        #       will contain the platform name and all the binaries under test
        #       should be present in that directory.  If the "native" runtime
        #       option is not set, the build directory will be considered to be
        #       "platform-neutral", with the notable exception of any native
        #       assembly (e.g. "SQLite.Interop.dll") copied there during the
        #       build process itself.  If the build process somehow does not
        #       copy the native assembly for this platform, most of the tests
        #       in the suite will simply be skipped.  Generally speaking, there
        #       are two ways to build the binaries when preparing to run the
        #       test suite:
        #       1. Build the separate managed and native assemblies using some
        #          commands similar to:
        #          build.bat ${Configuration}ManagedOnly ${Platform}
        #          build.bat ${Configuration}NativeOnly ${Platform}
        #          Where ${Configuration} is either "Debug" or "Release" and
        #          ${Platform} is either "Win32" or "x64".
        #       2. Build the mixed-mode assembly using a command similar to:
        #          build.bat ${Configuration} ${Platform}
        #          Where ${Configuration} is either "Debug" or "Release" and
        #          ${Platform} is either "Win32" or "x64".  If this command is
        #          used, various tests that require supplementary managed
        #          assemblies (e.g. LINQ) may be skipped unless those binaries
        #          are subsequently copied into the correct directory (i.e. by
        #          "test_all.bat").
        #       Note that all of the build commands above will default to using
        #       the latest version of MSBuild available and the "test_year" may
        #       need to be adjusted accordingly to actually run the test suite.
        #       Refer to the comments in [getBuildYear] for more information on
        #       how to set this variable.
        set native [hasRuntimeOption native]

        return [joinBuildDirectory $native [getBuildBaseDirectory] \
            [getBuildYear] [getBuildPlatform $native] [getBuildConfiguration]]
    proc getReleaseVersion {} {
      # NOTE: Figure out the release version for use with the build directory
      #       when checking for available releases.
      if {[info exists ::release_version] && \
          [string length $::release_version] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The release version has been overridden; therefore, use it
        #       verbatim.
        return $::release_version
      } else {
        # NOTE: No release version is available, return an empty string.
        #       It is important to return an empty string here because the
        #       result of this procedure may be used with [file join].
        return ""
    proc getBuildFileName { fileName {platform ""} } {
      # NOTE: Returns the specified file name as if it were located in the
      #       build directory, discarding any directory information present
      #       in the file name as provided by our caller.
      set result [file nativename \
          [file join [getBuildDirectory] $platform [file tail $fileName]]]

      # HACK: When running on WoW64, assume the test executables are present
      #       with the "32" suffix on them.
      if {[isRunningWoW64] && [file extension $result] eq ".exe"} then {
        set result [appendArgs [file rootname $result] 32.exe]

      return $result
    proc getExternalDirectory {} {
      # NOTE: This procedure returns the directory where the external binary
      #       files are located.
      return [file nativename [file dirname [file dirname [info binary]]]]
    proc getBinaryDirectory {} {
      # NOTE: This procedure returns the directory where the test application
      #       itself (i.e. the Eagle shell) is located.  This will be used as
      #       the destination for the copied System.Data.SQLite native and
      #       managed assemblies (i.e. because this is one of the few places
      #       where the CLR will actually find and load them properly).
      if {[info exists ::binary_directory] && \
          [string length $::binary_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The location of the binary directory has been overridden;
        #       therefore, use it verbatim.
        return $::binary_directory
      } else {
        return [info binary]
    proc getExternalFileName { fileName } {
      # NOTE: Returns the specified file name as if it were located in the
      #       directory containing the external binaries.
      return [file nativename [file join [getExternalDirectory] $fileName]]
    proc getBinaryFileName { fileName {platform ""} } {
      # NOTE: Returns the specified file name as if it were located in the
      #       binary directory, discarding any directory information present
      #       in the file name as provided by our caller.
      return [file nativename \
          [file join [getBinaryDirectory] $platform [file tail $fileName]]]
    proc getCoreBinaryFileName { {platform ""} {standard ""} } {
      # NOTE: Returns the full path for the file containing the SQLite core
      #       native library code for this platform.  First, check and see if
      #       the SQLite core native library has already been loaded.  Next,
      #       fallback to what the full path should be, based on whether the
      #       mixed-mode assembly is being used and the name of the current
      #       platform.
      if {[catch {
        object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
            System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods _SQLiteNativeModuleFileName
      } fileName] == 0 && [string length $fileName] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The SQLite core native library has already been loaded via
        #       the native library pre-loader.  Return that file name now.
        return $fileName

      # NOTE: If the "native" runtime option has been set, always return the
      #       file name for the mixed-mode assembly.
      if {[hasRuntimeOption native]} then {
        # NOTE: Return the mixed-mode assembly file name.
        return [file nativename \
            [file join [getBinaryDirectory] $platform System.Data.SQLite.dll]]

      # NOTE: Are we attempting to automatically detect whether or not the
      #       interop assembly should be used?
      set automatic [expr {[string length $standard] == 0}]

      # NOTE: First, in either "automatic" or "non-standard" modes, attempt
      #       to find the native-only interop assembly.
      if {$automatic || !$standard} then {
        # NOTE: Attempt to determine the native-only interop assembly file
        #       name for this platform and then return it.
        foreach fileNameOnly [getInteropAssemblyFileNamesOnly] {
          set fileName [file nativename \
              [file join [getBinaryDirectory] $platform $fileNameOnly]]

          if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
            return $fileName

      # NOTE: Then, in either "automatic" or "standard" modes, attempt to
      #       find the standard SQLite library.
      if {$automatic || $standard} then {
        # NOTE: Attempt to determine the native-only standard SQLite library
        #       file name for this platform and then return it.
        foreach fileNameOnly [getNativeLibraryFileNamesOnly] {
          set fileName [file nativename \
              [file join [getBinaryDirectory] $platform $fileNameOnly]]

          if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
            return $fileName

      # NOTE: Was the managed assembly compiled expecting to deal with the
      #       standard core library?
      if {[haveSQLiteDefineConstant SQLITE_STANDARD] || \
          [haveSQLiteDefineConstant SQLITE_STANDARD_LIBRARY_NAME]} then {
        # NOTE: Fallback to returning the native-only standard SQLite library
        #       file name for the platform.
        set fileNamesOnly [getNativeLibraryFileNamesOnly]

        if {[llength $fileNamesOnly] == 0} then {
          return ""

        return [file nativename [file join \
            [getBinaryDirectory] $platform [lindex $fileNamesOnly 0]]]
      } else {
        # NOTE: Fallback to returning the native-only interop assembly file
        #       name for the platform.
        set fileNamesOnly [getInteropAssemblyFileNamesOnly]

        if {[llength $fileNamesOnly] == 0} then {
          return ""

        return [file nativename [file join \
            [getBinaryDirectory] $platform [lindex $fileNamesOnly 0]]]
    proc getCommonDirectory {} {
      # NOTE: This procedure returns the directory where the test scripts
      #       should be located.  By default, this just returns the Eagle
      #       binary directory.
      if {[info exists ::common_directory] && \
          [string length $::common_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The location of the common directory has been set;
        #       therefore, use it.
        return $::common_directory
      } elseif {[info exists ::vendor_directory] && \
          [string length $::vendor_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The location of the vendor directory has been set;
        #       therefore, use it.
        return $::vendor_directory
      } elseif {[info exists ::tcl_library] && \
          [string length $::tcl_library] > 0 && \
          [file isdirectory $::tcl_library]} then {
        # NOTE: The variable with the location of the script library is
        #       set and appears to be a real directory (i.e. not embedded
        #       within a file); therefore, use it.
        return $::tcl_library
      } else {
        # NOTE: Fallback to the directory containing the executable.
        return [info binary]
    proc getDatabaseDirectory {} {
      # NOTE: This procedure returns the directory where the test databases
      #       should be located.  By default, this just uses the temporary
      #       directory configured for this system.
      if {[info exists ::database_directory] && \
          [string length $::database_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The location of the database directory has been overridden;
        #       therefore, use it.
        return $::database_directory
      } elseif {[info exists ::scratch_directory] && \
          [string length $::scratch_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The location of the scratch directory has been overridden;
        #       therefore, use it.
        return $::scratch_directory
      } else {
        return [getTemporaryPath]
    proc getTemporaryDirectory {} {
      # NOTE: This procedure returns the directory where the temporary files
      #       should be located.  By default, this just uses the temporary
      #       directory configured for this system.
      if {[info exists ::temporary_directory] && \
          [string length $::temporary_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The location of the temporary directory has been overridden;
        #       therefore, use it.
        return $::temporary_directory
      } elseif {[info exists ::scratch_directory] && \
          [string length $::scratch_directory] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: The location of the scratch directory has been overridden;
        #       therefore, use it.
        return $::scratch_directory
      } else {
        return [getTemporaryPath]
    proc getExecuteOnSetup {} {
      if {[info exists ::execute_on_setup] && \
          [string length $::execute_on_setup] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Return the configured SQL to execute during the connection
        #       setup procedure (i.e. for every test database connection).
        return $::execute_on_setup
      } else {
        # NOTE: By default, there is no SQL to execute during the connection
        #       setup procedure (i.e. for every test database connection).
        return ""
    proc getTestOverridesPreamble { {extraVarNames ""} } {
      set varNames [list]

      # NOTE: If available, start with the master list of test override
      #       variables.
      if {[info exists ::test_overrides] && \
          [llength $::test_overrides] > 0} then {
        eval lappend varNames $::test_overrides

      # NOTE: If requested by our caller, add any additional variable
      #       names to copy now.
      if {[llength $extraVarNames] > 0} then {
        eval lappend varNames $extraVarNames

      # NOTE: Build the script fragment to be returned by processing each
      #       variable name and adding the nececessary script fragments for
      #       each one.
      set result ""

      foreach varName $varNames {
        # NOTE: Build the qualified global variable name.
        set fullVarName [appendArgs :: $varName]

        # NOTE: Does the variable exist in this interpreter context?
        if {[info exists $fullVarName]} then {
          # NOTE: Append a script fragment to the result that will correctly
          #       copy any contained value to another interpreter context.
          append result \n "set " $fullVarName " \{" [set $fullVarName] \}

      # NOTE: If the result contains one or more script fragments, append a
      #       newline.
      if {[string length $result] > 0} then {
        append result \n

      return $result
    proc moveSystemDataSQLiteDllConfig { {restore false} {verbose false} } {
      set directory [object invoke AppDomain CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory]

      if {[string length $directory] == 0} then {
        if {$verbose} then {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- skipped moving \"System.Data.SQLite.dll.config\", " \
              "no base directory\n"]

      set fileName(1) [file normalize \
          [file join $directory System.Data.SQLite.dll.config]]

      set fileName(2) [appendArgs $fileName(1) .moved]

      if {$restore} then {
        if {[file exists $fileName(2)]} then {
          file rename $fileName(2) $fileName(1)

          if {$verbose} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- moved \"" $fileName(2) "\" to \"" \
                $fileName(1) \"\n]
        } else {
          if {$verbose} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- skipped moving \"" $fileName(2) \
                "\", it does not exist\n"]
      } else {
        if {[file exists $fileName(1)]} then {
          file rename $fileName(1) $fileName(2)

          if {$verbose} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- moved \"" $fileName(1) "\" to \"" \
                $fileName(2) \"\n]
        } else {
          if {$verbose} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- skipped moving \"" $fileName(1) \
                "\", it does not exist\n"]
    proc getAppDomainPreamble { {prefix ""} {suffix ""} } {
      # NOTE: This procedure returns a test setup script fragment suitable for
      #       evaluation by an interpreter created in an isolated application
      #       domain.  The script fragment being returned will be surrounded by
      #       the prefix and suffix "script fragments" specified by our caller,
      #       if any.  The entire script being returned will be substituted via
      #       [subst], in the context of our caller, before being returned.
      #       This step is necessary so that some limited context information,
      #       primarily related to the testing directories, can be transferred
      #       to the interpreter in the isolated application domain, making it
      #       able to successfully run tests that require one or more of the
      #       files in one of the testing directories.  Callers should keep in
      #       mind that the test script fragment being returned cannot rely on
      #       any script library procedures that are not provided by the Eagle
      #       library package (i.e. "init.eagle"), including those provided by
      #       the Eagle test package, unless the file containing them is loaded
      #       manually via some other mechanism (e.g. by including appropriate
      #       [package require] or [source] commands in the prefix or suffix
      #       script fragments).  Also, all variable references and all nested
      #       commands (i.e. those in square brackets) contained in the final
      #       script fragment will end up being evaluated in the context of the
      #       calling interpreter and not the target interpreter created in the
      #       isolated application domain unless the dollar signs and/or square
      #       brackets are specially quoted with backslashes.
      return [uplevel 1 [list subst [appendArgs $prefix {
        # NOTE: The \[object\] command may be missing in some Eagle core
        #       library configurations.  Cloning and using the procedure
        #       \[changeNativeRuntimeOption\] may help to mitigate this.
        proc changeNativeRuntimeOption \
            {[info args changeNativeRuntimeOption]} \
            {[info body changeNativeRuntimeOption]}

        catch {
          changeNativeRuntimeOption [hasRuntimeOption native]
      } [getTestOverridesPreamble [list path test_channel]] $suffix]]]
    proc tryCopyExternalFile {
            fileName {platform ""} {newFileName ""} {verbose false} } {
      set sourceFileName [getExternalFileName $fileName]

      if {![file exists $sourceFileName]} then {
        if {$verbose} then {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- skipped copying external file \"" $sourceFileName \
              "\", it does not exist\n"]

      if {[string length $newFileName] > 0} then {
        set targetFileName [getBinaryFileName $newFileName $platform]
      } else {
        set targetFileName [getBinaryFileName $fileName $platform]

      set targetDirectory [file dirname $targetFileName]

      if {[catch {
        if {![file exists $targetDirectory]} then {
          file mkdir $targetDirectory
        file copy -force $sourceFileName $targetFileName
      }] == 0} then {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- copied external file from \"" $sourceFileName "\" to \"" \
            $targetFileName \"\n]
      } else {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- failed to copy external file from \"" $sourceFileName \
            "\" to \"" $targetFileName \"\n]
    proc tryCopyBinaryFile {
            fileName {platform ""} {newFileName ""} {verbose false} } {
      set sourceFileName [getBinaryFileName $fileName $platform]

      if {![file exists $sourceFileName]} then {
        if {$verbose} then {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- skipped copying binary file \"" $sourceFileName \
              "\", it does not exist\n"]

      if {[string length $newFileName] > 0} then {
        set targetFileName [getBuildFileName $newFileName $platform]
      } else {
        set targetFileName [getBuildFileName $fileName $platform]

      set targetDirectory [file dirname $targetFileName]

      if {[catch {
        if {![file exists $targetDirectory]} then {
          file mkdir $targetDirectory
        file copy -force $sourceFileName $targetFileName
      }] == 0} then {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- copied binary file from \"" $sourceFileName "\" to \"" \
            $targetFileName \"\n]
      } else {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- failed to copy binary file from \"" $sourceFileName \
            "\" to \"" $targetFileName \"\n]
    proc tryCopyBuildFile {
            fileName {platform ""} {newFileName ""} {verbose false} } {
      set sourceFileName [getBuildFileName $fileName $platform]

      if {![file exists $sourceFileName]} then {
        if {$verbose} then {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- skipped copying build file \"" $sourceFileName \
              "\", it does not exist\n"]

      if {[string length $newFileName] > 0} then {
        set targetFileName [getBinaryFileName $newFileName $platform]
      } else {
        set targetFileName [getBinaryFileName $fileName $platform]

      set targetDirectory [file dirname $targetFileName]

      if {[catch {
        if {![file exists $targetDirectory]} then {
          file mkdir $targetDirectory
        file copy -force $sourceFileName $targetFileName
      }] == 0} then {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- copied build file from \"" $sourceFileName "\" to \"" \
            $targetFileName \"\n]
      } else {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- failed to copy build file from \"" $sourceFileName \
            "\" to \"" $targetFileName \"\n]
    proc tryDeleteBinaryFile { fileName {platform ""} {verbose false} } {
      set fileName [getBinaryFileName $fileName $platform]

      if {![file exists $fileName]} then {
        if {$verbose} then {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- skipped deleting binary file \"" $fileName \
              "\", it does not exist\n"]

      if {[catch {file delete $fileName}] == 0} then {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- deleted binary file \"" $fileName \"\n]
      } else {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- failed to delete binary file \"" $fileName \"\n]
    proc tryDeleteBuildFile { fileName {platform ""} {verbose false} } {
      set fileName [getBuildFileName $fileName $platform]

      if {![file exists $fileName]} then {
        if {$verbose} then {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- skipped deleting build file \"" $fileName \
              "\", it does not exist\n"]

      if {[catch {file delete $fileName}] == 0} then {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- deleted build file \"" $fileName \"\n]
      } else {
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- failed to delete build file \"" $fileName \"\n]
    proc tryCopyAssembly {
            fileName {platform ""} {pdb true} {verbose false} } {
      tryCopyBuildFile $fileName $platform "" $verbose

      if {$pdb} then {
        tryCopyBuildFile [appendArgs \
            [file rootname $fileName] .pdb] $platform "" $verbose
    proc tryDeleteAssembly {
            fileName {platform ""} {pdb true} {verbose false} } {
      tryDeleteBinaryFile $fileName $platform $verbose

      if {$pdb} then {
        tryDeleteBinaryFile [appendArgs \
            [file rootname $fileName] .pdb] $platform $verbose
    proc tryLoadAssembly { fileName {platform ""} } {
      set fileName [getBinaryFileName $fileName $platform]

      if {[catch {
        set assembly [object load -loadtype File -alias $fileName]
      }] == 0} then {
        # NOTE: Now, add the necessary test constraint.
        addConstraint [file rootname [file tail $fileName]]

        # NOTE: Grab the image runtime version from the assembly because
        #       several tests rely on it having a certain value.
        addConstraint [appendArgs [file tail $fileName] _ \
            [$assembly ImageRuntimeVersion]]

        # NOTE: Return the full path of the loaded file.
        return $fileName

      return ""
    proc isSQLiteReady {} {
      # NOTE: This procedure must return non-zero only if the SQLite native
      #       library and the System.Data.SQLite managed assembly are loaded
      #       and ready for use by the test suite.  Currently, this procedure
      #       should be called only after the [tryLoadAssembly] procedure has
      #       been called to probe for the System.Data.SQLite managed assembly
      #       and the [checkForSQLite] procedure has been called to probe for
      #       the SQLite native library; otherwise, this procedure will simply
      #       always return zero.
      return [expr {
        [haveConstraint System.Data.SQLite] && [haveConstraint SQLite]
    proc matchPlatform { platform } {
      # NOTE: An empty string for the platform means that the build is not
      #       [primarily] a native build; therefore, it always matches.
      if {[string length $platform] == 0} then {
        return true

      # NOTE: Does the specified platform match up to the current process?
      if {$platform eq [machineToPlatform $::tcl_platform(machine)]} then {
        return true

      # NOTE: The specified platform does not match up with the platform
      #       for the current process.
      return false
    proc haveSQLiteObjectCommand {} {
      # NOTE: Is the [object] command currently available?
      return [expr {[llength [info commands object]] > 0}]
    proc checkForSQLiteObjectCommand { channel } {
      tputs $channel "---- checking for \"object\" command usage... "

      if {![info exists ::no(sqliteObjectCommand)] && \
          [haveSQLiteObjectCommand]} then {
        tputs $channel yes\n
      } else {
        # NOTE: Unless we are forbidden from doing so, add some constraints
        #       that will allow most of the test suite to run (i.e. those
        #       tests that do not directly rely upon the [object] command).
        if {![info exists ::no(shimSQLiteAssemblyConstraints)]} then {
          addConstraint SQLite
          addConstraint SQLiteInterop
          addConstraint System.Data.SQLite
          addConstraint System.Data.SQLite.Encryption
          addConstraint System.Data.SQLite.Linq

          addConstraint [appendArgs \
              System.Data.SQLite.dll_v [getBuildClrVersion]]

        if {![info exists ::no(shimSQLiteDefineConstantConstraints)]} then {
          foreach defineConstant [list \
              USE_INTEROP_DLL] {
            addConstraint [appendArgs \
                [getSQLiteDefineConstantPrefix] $defineConstant]

        if {![info exists ::no(shimSQLiteVisualStudioConstraints)]} then {
          addConstraint [appendArgs visualStudio [getBuildYear]]

        tputs $channel no\n
    proc changeNativeRuntimeOption { native } {
      if {[llength [info commands debug]] > 0 && \
          [llength [info subcommands debug runtimeoption]] > 0 && [catch {
        debug runtimeoption [expr {$native ? "add" : "remove"}] native
      }] == 0} then {
        return true

      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand] && [catch {
        object invoke Interpreter.GetActive [expr {$native ? \
            "AddRuntimeOption" : "RemoveRuntimeOption"}] native
      }] == 0} then {
        return true

      return false
    proc checkForSQLiteBuilds { channel {select false} } {
      # NOTE: Check for every possible valid combination of values used when
      #       locating out the build output directory, showing each available
      #       build variation along the way.
      foreach native [list false true] {
        foreach year [getBuildYears] {
          foreach configuration [getBuildConfigurations] {
            # NOTE: Figure out the effective build platform.  This is
            #       based on whether or not a [primarily] native build
            #       is being used.  For [primarily] non-native builds,
            #       this will be an empty string.
            set platform [getBuildPlatform $native]

            tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                "---- checking for System.Data.SQLite build \"" [expr \
                {$native ? "native/" : ""}] [expr {[string length \
                $platform] > 0 ? [appendArgs $platform /] : ""}] $year \
                / $configuration "\"... "]

            # NOTE: Build the fully qualified directory where the necessary
            #       components for System.Data.SQLite should be found.
            set directory [joinBuildDirectory $native \
                [getBuildBaseDirectory] $year $platform $configuration]

            # NOTE: Do the necessary files exist?  Currently, no other steps
            #       are taken to verify this build is actually viable.
            if {[isBuildAvailable $native $directory]} then {
              # NOTE: When in "select" mode, automatically select the first
              #       available build of System.Data.SQLite and then return
              #       immediately.
              if {$select && [matchPlatform $platform]} then {
                # NOTE: Manually override all the build directory selection
                #       related test settings in order to force this build
                #       of System.Data.SQLite to be used.
                if {![changeNativeRuntimeOption $native]} then {
                  tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                      "no, failed to " [expr {$native ? "add" : "remove"}] \
                      " the \"native\" runtime option\n"]

                  return false

                set ::test_year $year
                set ::test_platform $platform
                set ::test_configuration $configuration

                tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                    "yes, selected (" [expr {$native ? "native/" : ""}] \
                    [expr {[string length $platform] > 0 ? [appendArgs \
                    $platform /] : ""}] $year / $configuration ")\n"]

                return true
              } else {
                tputs $channel yes\n
            } else {
              tputs $channel no\n

      return false
    proc checkForSQLiteReleases { channel {select false} } {
      # NOTE: Check for past releases of System.Data.SQLite in the directory
      #       contained in the "System.Data.SQLite" environment variable, if
      #       present.
      if {[info exists ::env(System.Data.SQLite)] && \
          [string length $::env(System.Data.SQLite)] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Build the fully qualified directory where the necessary
        #       components for System.Data.SQLite should be found.
        set directory [file nativename [file join \
            $::env(System.Data.SQLite) [getReleaseVersion]]]

        tputs $channel [appendArgs \
            "---- checking for System.Data.SQLite release \"" \
            $directory "\"... "]

        if {[isReleaseAvailable $directory platform]} then {
          if {[string length $platform] == 0} then {
            set platform unknown

          if {$select && [matchPlatform $platform]} then {
            set ::build_directory $directory

            tputs $channel [appendArgs "yes, selected (" $platform ")\n"]

            return true
          } else {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs "yes (" $platform ")\n"]
        } else {
          tputs $channel no\n

          foreach path [lsort -decreasing [file list $directory *]] {
            if {[file exists $path] && [file isdirectory $path]} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- checking for System.Data.SQLite release \"" \
                  $path "\"... "]

              if {[isReleaseAvailable $path platform]} then {
                if {[string length $platform] == 0} then {
                  set platform unknown

                if {$select && [matchPlatform $platform]} then {
                  set ::build_directory $path

                  tputs $channel [appendArgs "yes, selected (" $platform ")\n"]

                  return true
                } else {
                  tputs $channel [appendArgs "yes (" $platform ")\n"]
              } else {
                tputs $channel no\n
      } else {
        tputs $channel [appendArgs \
            "---- environment variable \"System.Data.SQLite\" is not " \
            "set, skipping check for releases...\n"]

      return false
    proc checkForSQLiteLibrary { channel } {
      tputs $channel "---- checking for SQLite core library... "

      if {[catch {
        object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
            System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3 SQLiteVersion
      } version] == 0} then {
        # NOTE: Check if the returned version was null.  If so, make it easy
        #       to spot.
        if {[string length $version] == 0} then {
          set version null

        # NOTE: Attempt to query the Fossil source identifier for the SQLite
        #       core library.
        if {[catch {
          object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
              System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3 SQLiteSourceId
        } sourceId]} then {
          # NOTE: We failed to query the Fossil source identifier.
          set sourceId unknown

        # NOTE: Check if the returned Fossil source identifier was null.  If
        #       so, make it easy to spot.
        if {[string length $sourceId] == 0} then {
          set sourceId null

        # NOTE: Yes, the SQLite core library appears to be available.
        addConstraint SQLite

        tputs $channel [appendArgs "yes (" $version " " $sourceId ")\n"]
      } else {
        tputs $channel no\n
    proc checkForSQLiteInterop { channel } {
      tputs $channel "---- checking for SQLite interop assembly... "

      if {[catch {
        object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
            System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3 InteropVersion
      } version] == 0} then {
        # NOTE: Check if the returned version was null.  If so, make it easy
        #       to spot.
        if {[string length $version] == 0} then {
          set version null

        # NOTE: Attempt to query the Fossil source identifier for the SQLite
        #       core library.
        if {[catch {
          object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
              System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3 InteropSourceId
        } sourceId]} then {
          # NOTE: We failed to query the Fossil source identifier.
          set sourceId unknown

        # NOTE: Check if the returned Fossil source identifier was null.  If
        #       so, make it easy to spot.
        if {[string length $sourceId] == 0} then {
          set sourceId null

        # NOTE: Before actually adding the test constraint, make sure the
        #       version is valid (i.e. not just that we could query it).
        if {$version ne "null"} then {
          # NOTE: Yes, the SQLite interop assembly appears to be available.
          addConstraint SQLiteInterop

          set answer yes
        } else {
          set answer no

        tputs $channel [appendArgs $answer " (" $version " " $sourceId ")\n"]
      } else {
        tputs $channel no\n
    proc checkForSQLiteDefineConstant { channel name } {
      tputs $channel [appendArgs \
          "---- checking for System.Data.SQLite define constant \"" $name \
          "\"... "]

      if {[catch {
        object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
            System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3 DefineConstants
      } defineConstants] == 0} then {
        if {[lsearch -exact -nocase $defineConstants $name] != -1} then {
          # NOTE: Yes, this define constant was enabled when the managed
          #       assembly was compiled.
          addConstraint [appendArgs [getSQLiteDefineConstantPrefix] $name]

          tputs $channel yes\n
        } else {
          tputs $channel no\n
      } else {
        tputs $channel error\n
    proc getDateTimeFormat {} {
      # NOTE: This procedure simply returns the "default" DateTime format used
      #       by the test suite.
      if {[info exists ::datetime_format] && \
          [string length $::datetime_format] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Return the manually overridden value for the DateTime format.
        return $::datetime_format
      } else {
        # NOTE: Return an ISO8601 DateTime format compatible with SQLite,
        #       System.Data.SQLite, and suitable for round-tripping with the
        #       DateTime class of the framework.  If this value is changed,
        #       various tests may fail.
        return "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFK"
    proc enumerableToList { enumerable } {
      set result [list]

      if {[string length $enumerable] == 0 || $enumerable eq "null"} then {
        return $result

      object foreach -alias item $enumerable {
        if {[string length $item] > 0} then {
          lappend result [$item ToString]

      return $result
    proc catchAndReturn { script {stackTrace false} {strict true} } {
      # NOTE: Evaluate the script provided by our caller in their context,
      #       capturing both the result and the return code.
      set code [catch {uplevel 1 $script} result]

      # NOTE: Did the script provided by our caller NOT raise an error?
      if {$strict && $code == 0 || !$strict && $code != 1} then {
        # NOTE: Success.  Return a list with the return code and the result.
        return [list $code $result]
      } elseif {$stackTrace} then {
        # NOTE: Failure.  Our caller wants a full stack trace (if applicable),
        #       return a list with the return code and the result verbatim.
        return [list $code $result]
      } else {
        # NOTE: Failure.  Our caller does not want a full stack trace (if
        #       applicable), return a list with the return code, the error
        #       code for the interpreter, and the error message up to the
        #       point where the stack trace should start.
        return [list $code $::errorCode \
            [extractSystemDataSQLiteExceptionMessage $result]]
    proc compileCSharpWith {
            text memory symbols strict resultsVarName errorsVarName fileNames
            args } {
      # NOTE: Since we are going to use this method name a lot, assign it to a
      #       variable first.
      set add ReferencedAssemblies.Add

      # NOTE: Create the base command to evaluate and add the property settings
      #       that are almost always needed by our unit tests (i.e. the System
      #       and System.Data assembly references).
      set command [list \
          compileCSharp $text $memory $symbols $strict results errors \
          $add System.dll $add System.Data.dll $add System.Transactions.dll \
          $add System.Xml.dll]

      # NOTE: Add all the provided file names as assembly references.
      foreach fileName $fileNames {
        lappend command $add [getBinaryFileName $fileName]

      # NOTE: Add the extra arguments, if any, to the command to evaluate.
      eval lappend command $args

      # NOTE: Alias the compiler local results and errors variables to the
      #       variable names provided by our caller.
      if {[string length $resultsVarName] > 0} then {
        upvar 1 $resultsVarName results

      if {[string length $errorsVarName] > 0} then {
        upvar 1 $errorsVarName errors

      # NOTE: Evaluate the constructed [compileCSharp] command and return the
      #       result.
      eval $command
    proc isMemoryDb { fileName } {
      # NOTE: Is the specified database file name really an in-memory database?
      return [expr {$fileName eq ":memory:" || \
          [string range $fileName 0 12] eq "file::memory:"}]
    proc isTableInDb { name {varName db} } {
      # NOTE: Refer to the specified variable (e.g. "db") in the context of our
      #       caller.  It contains the database connection handle that will be
      #       used to execute the query used to determine if the named table is
      #       present in that database.
      upvar 1 $varName db

      # NOTE: Use the sqlite_master table to determine if the named table is
      #       present in the database.
      set sql {
        SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = ?;

      # NOTE: Return non-zero if the named table is present.
      return [expr {
        [sql execute -execute scalar $db $sql [list param1 String $name]] > 0
    proc getDbDefaultPageSize {} {
      try {
        set db [sql open -type SQLite {Data Source=:memory:;}]
        return [sql execute -execute scalar $db "PRAGMA page_size;"]
      } finally {
        if {[info exists db]} then {
          catch {sql close $db}
          unset -nocomplain db
    proc getDbDefaultCacheSize {} {
      try {
        set db [sql open -type SQLite {Data Source=:memory:;}]
        return [sql execute -execute scalar $db "PRAGMA cache_size;"]
      } finally {
        if {[info exists db]} then {
          catch {sql close $db}
          unset -nocomplain db
    proc useLegacyDbPageAndCacheSizes { varName } {
      # NOTE: Refer to the specified variable (e.g. "db") in the context of our
      #       caller.  It contains the database connection handle that will be
      #       used to execute queries used to set the page and cache sizes.
      upvar 1 $varName db

      sql execute $db {
        PRAGMA page_size = 1024;
        PRAGMA cache_size = 2000;

      return [list \
          [sql execute -execute scalar $db "PRAGMA page_size;"] \
          [sql execute -execute scalar $db "PRAGMA cache_size;"]]
    proc extractSystemDataSQLiteExceptionMessage { value } {
      # NOTE: If the string conforms to format of the normal exception
      #       error strings, extract and return only the error message
      #       portion itself.
      set patterns [list \
      {System\.Data\.SQLite\.SQLiteException \(0x80004005\): (.+?)  (?: )?at} \
      {System\.Data\.SQLite\.SQLiteException: (.+?)  (?: )?at}]

      foreach pattern $patterns {
        if {[regexp -- $pattern $value dummy message]} then {
          set message [string map [list \r\n \n] [string trim $message]]
          set lines [split $message \n]

          if {[llength $lines] == 2} then {
            if {[lindex $lines 0] eq [lindex $lines 1]} then {
              return [lindex $lines 0]

            return [appendArgs [lindex $lines 0] " -- " [lindex $lines 1]]

          return $message

      return $value
    proc trimSql { sql } {
      return [regsub -all -- {\s+} [string trim $sql] " "]
    proc executeSql { sql {execute none} {format none} {fileName ""} } {
      if {[string length $fileName] == 0} then {set fileName :memory:}
      setupDb $fileName "" "" "" "" "" false false false false db true

      try {
        return [uplevel 1 [list \
            sql execute -execute $execute -format $format $db $sql]]
      } finally {
        cleanupDb $fileName db false false false
    proc hasNoFlags { varName none } {
      upvar 1 $varName flags

      if {![info exists flags]} then {
        return true

      if {[string length $flags] == 0} then {
        return true

      if {$none && $flags eq "None"} then {
        return true

      return false
    proc getConnectionFlags { fileName flags {quiet false} } {
      # NOTE: Figure out which database file name or connection string these
      #       connection flags will actually apply to.  This is not necessary
      #       in quiet mode because this information is only used for logging
      #       and reporting purposes.
      if {!$quiet} then {
        if {[string length $fileName] > 0} then {
          set database [appendArgs "file name \"" $fileName \"]
        } elseif {[info exists ::dataSource] && \
            ![array exists ::dataSource]} then {
          set database [appendArgs "data source \"" $::dataSource \"]
        } else {
          set database <unknown>

      # NOTE: Show (and log) the local connection flags and the associated
      #       data source or file name.
      if {!$quiet} then {
        if {![info exists ::no(emitLocalFlags)] && \
            (![info exists ::no(emitLocalFlagsIfNone)] || \
             ![hasNoFlags flags false])} then {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- local connection flags for " $database \
              " are: " [expr {![hasNoFlags flags false] ? \
              [appendArgs \" $flags \"] : "<none>"}] \n]

      # NOTE: Show (and log) the shared connection flags.
      if {!$quiet} then {
        if {[catch {
          object invoke System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection SharedFlags
        } sharedFlags] == 0} then {
          if {![info exists ::no(emitSharedFlags)] && \
              (![info exists ::no(emitSharedFlagsIfNone)] || \
               ![hasNoFlags sharedFlags true])} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- shared connection flags for " $database \
                " are: " [expr {![hasNoFlags sharedFlags true] ? \
                [appendArgs \" $sharedFlags \"] : "<none>"}] \n]
        } else {
          if {![info exists ::no(emitSharedFlags)] && \
              ![info exists ::no(emitSharedFlagsIfUnavailable)]} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- shared connection flags for " $database \
                " are: <unavailable>\n"]

      # NOTE: Show (and log) the detected global connection flags, if any.
      if {!$quiet} then {
        if {![info exists ::no(emitGlobalFlags)] && \
            (![info exists ::no(emitGlobalFlagsIfNone)] || \
             ![hasNoFlags ::connection_flags false])} then {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- global connection flags are: " \
              [expr {![hasNoFlags ::connection_flags false] ? \
              [appendArgs \" $::connection_flags \"] : "<none>"}] \n]

      # NOTE: If there are any global (per test run) connection flags currently
      #       set, use them now (i.e. by combining them with the ones for this
      #       connection).
      if {[info exists ::connection_flags]} then {
        # NOTE: Combine and/or replace the connection flags and then show the
        #       new value.
        set flags [combineFlags $flags $::connection_flags]

        # NOTE: Show (and log) the new effective connection flags.
        if {!$quiet} then {
          if {![info exists ::no(emitCombinedFlags)] && \
              (![info exists ::no(emitCombinedFlagsIfNone)] || \
               ![hasNoFlags flags false])} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- combined connection flags for " $database \
                " are: " [expr {![hasNoFlags flags false] ? \
                [appendArgs \" $flags \"] : "<none>"}] \n]

      return $flags
    proc getFlagsProperty { {flags ""} {quiet false} } {
      # NOTE: Determine what the combined (global and local) connection
      #       flags should be, possibly quietly.
      set flags [getConnectionFlags "" $flags $quiet]

      # NOTE: If no global or local connection flags were specified, the
      #       default connection flags should be used; therefore, return
      #       an empty string in that case.
      if {[string length $flags] == 0} then {
        return ""

      # NOTE: In order to check if the default connection flags are being used
      #       it is necessary to attempt a conversion to the actual enumerated
      #       type.  Failing that, the check against the default value will be
      #       skipped.
      if {[catch {
        set error null; # IGNORED

        object invoke Utility TryParseFlagsEnum "" \
            System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnectionFlags "" $flags null true \
            true error
      } value]} then {
        # NOTE: Attempting to parse the connection flags caused a script
        #       error.  Emit a warning to the test log file and continue
        #       using an emtpy string instead.
        tlog [appendArgs \
            "==== WARNING: failed to parse connection flags, error: " \
            \n\t $value \n]

        set value ""

      # NOTE: If the combined flags string could not actually be converted
      #       to the enumerated type it is the default value, then just use
      #       it verbatim; otherwise, just return an empty string.  In that
      #       case, the default connection flags will be used.
      if {[string length $value] == 0 || $value ne "Default"} then {
        # WARNING: This returns the string value of the combined flags, not
        #          the enumerated value.  This is by design and should not
        #          be changed without careful consideration (e.g. it would
        #          prevent the SQLiteConnection class from allowing invalid
        #          ["magical"] meta-flags).
        return [appendArgs "Flags=" $flags \;]

      return ""
    proc enableSharedCache { channel enable {quiet false} } {
      if {[catch {
        object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
            System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods \
            sqlite3_enable_shared_cache [expr int($enable)]
      } result] == 0} then {
        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs \
              "---- call sqlite3_enable_shared_cache(" $enable \
              ")... ok: " $result \n]
      } else {
        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs \
              "---- call sqlite3_enable_shared_cache(" $enable \
              ")... error: " \n\t $result \n]
    proc setupDb {
            fileName {mode ""} {dateTimeFormat ""} {dateTimeKind ""} {flags ""}
            {extra ""} {qualify true} {delete true} {uri false}
            {temporary true} {varName db} {quiet false} } {
      # NOTE: First, see if our caller has requested an in-memory database.
      set isMemory [isMemoryDb $fileName]

      # NOTE: For now, all test databases used by the test suite are placed
      #       into the database directory.  Each database and related files
      #       used by a test should be cleaned up by that test using the
      #       "cleanupDb" procedure, below.
      if {!$isMemory && $qualify} then {
        set fileName [file join [getDatabaseDirectory] [file tail $fileName]]

      # NOTE: By default, delete any pre-existing database with the same file
      #       name if it currently exists.
      if {!$isMemory && $delete && [file exists $fileName]} then {
        # NOTE: Attempt to delete any pre-existing database with the same file
        #       name.
        if {[catch {file delete $fileName} error]} then {
          # NOTE: We somehow failed to delete the file, report why.
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "==== WARNING: failed to delete database file \"" $fileName \
                "\" during setup, error: " \n\t $error \n]

      # NOTE: Refer to the specified variable (e.g. "db") in the context of our
      #       caller.  The handle to the opened database will be stored there.
      upvar 1 $varName db

      # NOTE: Start building the connection string.  The only required portion
      #       of the connection string is the data source, which contains the
      #       database file name itself.  If our caller wants to use a URI as
      #       the data source, use the FullUri connection string property to
      #       prevent the data source string from being mangled.
      if {$uri} then {
        set connection {FullUri=${fileName}}
      } else {
        set connection {Data Source=${fileName}}

      # NOTE: Since this procedure has no special knowledge of what the default
      #       setting is for the ToFullPath connection string propery, always
      #       add the value we know about to the connection string.
      append connection {;ToFullPath=${qualify}}

      # NOTE: If our caller specified a journal mode, add the necessary portion
      #       of the connection string now.
      if {[string length $mode] > 0} then {
        append connection {;Journal Mode=${mode}}

      # NOTE: If our caller specified a DateTime format, add the necessary
      #       portion of the connection string now.
      if {[string length $dateTimeFormat] > 0} then {
        append connection {;DateTimeFormat=${dateTimeFormat}}

      # NOTE: If our caller specified a DateTimeKind, add the necessary portion
      #       of the connection string now.
      if {[string length $dateTimeKind] > 0} then {
        append connection {;DateTimeKind=${dateTimeKind}}

      # NOTE: Figure out what the final flags for this connection need to be.
      set flags [getConnectionFlags $fileName $flags $quiet]

      # NOTE: If our caller specified some SQLiteConnectionFlags, add the
      #       necessary portion of the connection string now.
      if {[string length $flags] > 0} then {
        append connection {;Flags=${flags}}

      # NOTE: If our caller specified an extra payload to the connection
      #       string, append it now.
      if {[string length $extra] > 0} then {
        append connection \; $extra

      # NOTE: Open the database connection now, placing the opaque handle value
      #       into the variable specified by our caller.
      set db [sql open -type SQLite [subst $connection]]

      # NOTE: Configure the temporary directory for the newly opened database
      #       connection now unless our caller forbids it.
      if {$temporary && ![info exists ::no(setTemporaryDirectory)]} then {
        sql execute $db [appendArgs \
            "PRAGMA temp_store_directory = \"" [getTemporaryDirectory] \"\;]

      # NOTE: Perform any extra per-connection setup for the newly opened
      #       database now unless our caller forbids it.
      set executeOnSetup [getExecuteOnSetup]

      if {[string length $executeOnSetup] > 0 && \
          ![info exists ::no(executeOnSetup)]} then {
        # NOTE: This command may raise an error; if so, that is fine, as
        #       the enclosing test will then fail.  The [subst] command is
        #       used on the SQL in case it needs to refer to state in our
        #       context.
        sql execute $db [subst $executeOnSetup]

      # NOTE: Always return the connection handle upon success.
      return $db
    proc getDbConnection { {varName db} } {
      # NOTE: Refer to the specified variable (e.g. "db") in the context of our
      #       caller.  The handle to the database previously opened via the
      #       [setupDb] procedure should be stored there.
      upvar 1 $varName db

      # NOTE: This returns the ADO.NET IDbConnection object instance for the
      #       specified databse handle.  Since getting this object relies upon
      #       Eagle internals, great care should be taken to avoid disposing of
      #       this object or otherwise putting it into an invalid state.
      if {[info exists db]} then {
        if {[catch {
          object invoke -flags +NonPublic -objectflags +NoDispose -alias \
              Interpreter.GetActive.connections Item $db
        } result] == 0} then {
          # NOTE: Success, return the opaque object handle.
          return $result
        } else {
          # NOTE: Failure, report why.
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "==== WARNING: failed to get connection handle for database \"" \
              $db "\", error: " \n\t $result \n]

      # NOTE: Failure, return an obviously invalid opaque object handle.
      return ""
    proc freeDbConnection { {varName connection} } {
      # NOTE: Refer to the specified variable (e.g. "connection") in the
      #       context of our caller.  The opaque object handle for an ADO.NET
      #       connection previously returned by [getDbConnection] should be
      #       stored there.
      upvar 1 $varName connection

      # NOTE: Attempt to remove the opaque object handle from the interpreter
      #       now.  This [object dispose] call will not actually dispose of the
      #       underlying object because the +NoDispose flag was set on it
      #       during creation of the opaque object handle.
      if {[info exists connection] && \
          [catch {object dispose $connection} error]} then {
        # NOTE: We somehow failed to remove the handle, report why.
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "==== WARNING: failed to remove connection handle \"" $connection \
            "\", error: " \n\t $error \n]
    proc addDbConnection { connection {varName db} } {
      # NOTE: Refer to the specified variable (e.g. "db") in the context of our
      #       caller.
      upvar 1 $varName db

      # NOTE: Create a correctly formatted name for the database connection to
      #       be added to the list managed by the Eagle interpreter.
      set db [object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
          Eagle._Components.Private.FormatOps DatabaseObjectName $connection \
          SQLiteConnection [object invoke Interpreter.GetActive NextId]]

      # NOTE: Add the database connection provided by our caller to the list
      #       of those known to the Eagle interpreter.
      object invoke -flags +NonPublic Interpreter.GetActive.connections Add \
          $db $connection
    proc getRowsFromDataTable { dataTable } {
      set rows [list]
      set count [$dataTable Columns.Count]

      for {set index 0} {$index < $count} {incr index} {
        set dataColumn [$dataTable -alias Columns.get_Item $index]
        set names($index) [$dataColumn ColumnName]

      object foreach -alias dataRow [set dataRows [$dataTable Rows]] {
        set row [list]

        for {set index 0} {$index < $count} {incr index} {
          set value [$dataRow -create -alias get_Item $index]

          if {[string length $value] > 0 && \
              ![object invoke Convert IsDBNull $value]} then {
            lappend row [list $names($index) [$value ToString]]
          } else {
            lappend row [list $names($index)]

        lappend rows $row

      return $rows
    proc dumpRowsFromDataTable { channel rows } {
      set sequence 1

      foreach row $rows {
        tputs $channel [appendArgs \
            [expr {$sequence > 1 ? "\n" : ""}] "---- ROW #" $sequence :\n]

        foreach pair $row {
          if {[llength $pair] >= 2} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs \t \
                [list [lindex $pair 0]] ": " [list [lindex $pair 1]] \n]
          } elseif {[llength $pair] == 1} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs \t \
                [list [lindex $pair 0]] ": <null>\n"]
          } else {
            tputs $channel \t<empty>\n; # NOTE: No data?

        incr sequence
    proc cleanupDb { fileName {varName db} {collect true} {qualify true}
                     {delete true} } {
      # NOTE: Attempt to force all pending "garbage" objects to be collected,
      #       including SQLite statements and backup objects; this should allow
      #       the underlying database file to be deleted.
      if {$collect} then {
        collectGarbage $::test_channel

      # NOTE: Refer to the specified variable (e.g. "db") in the context of our
      #       caller.  The handle to the database previously opened via the
      #       [setupDb] procedure should be stored there.
      upvar 1 $varName db

      # NOTE: Close the connection to the database now.  This should allow us
      #       to delete the underlying database file.
      if {[info exists db] && [catch {sql close $db} error]} then {
        # NOTE: We somehow failed to close the database, report why.
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "==== WARNING: failed to close database \"" $db "\", error: " \
            \n\t $error \n]

      # NOTE: First, see if our caller has requested an in-memory database.
      set isMemory [isMemoryDb $fileName]

      # NOTE: Build the full path to the database file name.  For now, all test
      #       database files are stored in the temporary directory.
      if {!$isMemory && $qualify} then {
        set fileName [file join [getDatabaseDirectory] [file tail $fileName]]

      # NOTE: Check if the file still exists.
      if {!$isMemory && $delete && [file exists $fileName]} then {
        # NOTE: Skip deleting database files if somebody sets the global
        #       variable to prevent it.
        if {![info exists ::no(cleanupDbFile)]} then {
          # NOTE: Attempt to delete the test database file now.
          if {[set code [catch {file delete $fileName} error]]} then {
            # NOTE: We somehow failed to delete the file, report why.
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "==== WARNING: failed to delete database file \"" $fileName \
                "\" during cleanup, error: " \n\t $error \n]
        } else {
          # NOTE: Show that we skipped deleting the file.
          set code 0

          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "==== WARNING: skipped deleting database file \"" $fileName \
              "\" during cleanup\n"]
      } else {
        # NOTE: The file does not exist, success!
        set code 0

      return $code
    proc saveEnvironmentVariables { names {varName ""} } {
      # NOTE: For each name, does the live environment variable exist?  If
      #       so, save the value for later; otherwise, make sure the saved
      #       value does not exist either.  The live environment variables
      #       ARE NOT changed by this procedure.
      if {[string length $varName] == 0} then {
        set varName savedEnv

      upvar 1 $varName savedEnv

      foreach name $names {
        if {[info exists ::env($name)]} then {
          set savedEnv($name) $::env($name)
        } else {
          unset -nocomplain savedEnv($name)

      # NOTE: This is self-cleaning.  If no saved environment variables now
      #       exist, remove the array.
      if {[array size savedEnv] == 0} then {
        unset -nocomplain savedEnv
    proc restoreEnvironmentVariables { names {varName ""} } {
      # NOTE: For each name, does the saved environment variable exist?  If
      #       so, restore the saved value and unset it; otherwise, make sure
      #       the live environment variable does not exist either (i.e. it
      #       was not set to begin with).  Both saved and live environment
      #       variables ARE changed by this procedure.
      if {[string length $varName] == 0} then {
        set varName savedEnv

      upvar 1 $varName savedEnv

      foreach name $names {
        if {[info exists savedEnv($name)]} then {
          set ::env($name) $savedEnv($name)
          unset -nocomplain savedEnv($name)
        } else {
          unset -nocomplain ::env($name)

      # NOTE: This is self-cleaning.  If no saved environment variables now
      #       exist, remove the array.
      if {[array size savedEnv] == 0} then {
        unset -nocomplain savedEnv
    proc saveSQLiteConnectionEnvironment {} {
      upvar 1 savedEnv savedEnv

      saveEnvironmentVariables [list \
          DefaultFlags_SQLiteConnection No_SQLiteConnectionNewParser] \
    proc restoreSQLiteConnectionEnvironment {} {
      upvar 1 savedEnv savedEnv

      restoreEnvironmentVariables [list \
          DefaultFlags_SQLiteConnection No_SQLiteConnectionNewParser] \
    proc saveSQLiteConvertEnvironment {} {
      upvar 1 savedEnv savedEnv

      saveEnvironmentVariables [list \
          Use_SQLiteConvert_DefaultDbType Use_SQLiteConvert_DefaultTypeName] \
    proc restoreSQLiteConvertEnvironment {} {
      upvar 1 savedEnv savedEnv

      restoreEnvironmentVariables [list \
          Use_SQLiteConvert_DefaultDbType Use_SQLiteConvert_DefaultTypeName] \
    proc setupDbInterruptCallback { channel log } {
      tputs $channel "---- setting up debugger interrupt callback... "

      if {[catch {
        saveEnvironmentVariables [list \
            quietFindInterpreterTestPath quietSetupInterpreterTestPath]

        try {
          # NOTE: Prevent the vendor script from being noisy when creating
          #       the isolated interpreter.
          set ::env(quietFindInterpreterTestPath) 1
          set ::env(quietSetupInterpreterTestPath) 1

          # NOTE: Make sure the script debugger and the isolated interpreter
          #       are setup and ready for use.
          debug setup true true

          # NOTE: Load the necessary packages into the isolated interpreter.
          debug eval {
            package require Eagle
            package require Eagle.Library
            package require Eagle.Test

          # NOTE: Copy the necessary variables into the isolated interpreter.
          debug invoke 0 set ::test_channel $channel; # NOTE: For [tputs].
          debug invoke 0 set ::test_log $log; # NOTE: For [tlog].

          # NOTE: Install the callback script to be evaluated in the isolated
          #       interpreter when this interpreter is interrupted by script
          #       cancellation, etc.
          debug callback apply {{sender e} {
            # NOTE: Check if this debugger callback is one that we care about.
            set interruptTypes [split [$e InterruptType] ", "]

            if {"Canceled" in $interruptTypes || \
                "Unwound" in $interruptTypes} then {
              # NOTE: Make sure the [object] command is available.  Since
              #       this is an isolated interpreter, check for it the hard
              #       way.
              if {[llength [info commands object]] > 0} then {
                # NOTE: Iterate through all database connections known to the
                #       parent interpreter.
                object foreach -alias pair [object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
                    $e Interpreter.connections] {
                  # NOTE: Attempt to cancel any SQL queries in progress on
                  #       this database connection.
                  if {[catch {$pair Value.Cancel} error]} then {
                    tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \n \
                        "==== WARNING: failed to cancel query for " \
                        "connection \"" [$pair Key] "\", error: " \n\t \
                        $error \n]
              } else {
                tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \n \
                    "==== WARNING: cannot cancel any queries: " \
                    "the \"object\" command is not available\n"]
        } finally {
          restoreEnvironmentVariables [list \
              quietFindInterpreterTestPath quietSetupInterpreterTestPath]
      } error] == 0} then {
        addConstraint interruptCallback.sqlite3

        tputs $channel yes\n
      } else {
        tputs $channel [appendArgs "no, error: " \n\t $error \n]
    proc cleanupFile { fileName {collect true} {force false} } {
      # NOTE: Attempt to force all pending "garbage" objects to be collected,
      #       including SQLite statements and backup objects; this should allow
      #       the underlying database file to be deleted.
      if {$collect} then {
        collectGarbage $::test_channel

      # NOTE: Check if the file still exists.
      if {[file exists $fileName]} then {
        # NOTE: Skip deleting test files if somebody sets the global variable
        #       to prevent it.
        if {$force || ![info exists ::no(cleanupFile)]} then {
          # NOTE: Attempt to delete the test file now.
          if {[set code [catch {file delete $fileName} error]]} then {
            # NOTE: We somehow failed to delete the file, report why.
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "==== WARNING: failed to delete test file \"" $fileName \
                "\" during cleanup, error: " \n\t $error \n]
        } else {
          # NOTE: Show that we skipped deleting the file.
          set code 0

          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "==== WARNING: skipped deleting test file \"" $fileName \
              "\" during cleanup\n"]
      } else {
        # NOTE: The file does not exist, success!
        set code 0

      return $code
    proc cleanupMemory { varName {quiet false} } {
      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand] && \
          [string length $varName] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: Refer to the specified variable (e.g. "connection") in the
        #       context of our caller.  The opaque object handle for an
        #       ADO.NET connection previously returned by [getDbConnection]
        #       should be stored there.
        upvar 1 $varName connection

        if {[catch {
          object invoke $connection ReleaseMemory
        } result]} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "==== WARNING: failed to release database memory, error: " \
                \n\t $result \n]

      if {[llength [info commands debug]] > 0} then {
        if {[catch {
          uplevel 1 [list debug purge]
        } result]} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "==== WARNING: failed to purge call frame, error: " \
                \n\t $result \n]

        if {[catch {
          uplevel 1 [list debug cleanup]
        } result]} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "==== WARNING: failed to cleanup interpreter, error: " \
                \n\t $result \n]

        if {[catch {
          uplevel 1 [list debug collect]
        } result]} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "==== WARNING: failed to collect garbage, error: " \
                \n\t $result \n]
    proc setupMemoryCounters { varName } {
      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand]} then {
        upvar 1 $varName counter

        set counter(1) [object create -alias \
            System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter Process \
            "Working Set" [file rootname [file tail $::bin_file]]]

        set counter(2) [object create -alias \
            System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter Process \
            "Working Set Peak" [file rootname [file tail $::bin_file]]]

        set counter(3) [object create -alias \
            System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter Process \
            "Private Bytes" [file rootname [file tail $::bin_file]]]

      return ""
    proc reportMemoryCounters { channel varName prefix } {
      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand]} then {
        upvar 1 $varName counter

        tputs $channel [appendArgs \
            "---- " $prefix " counter \"" \
            [object invoke $counter(1) CounterName] "\" value is " \
            [object invoke $counter(1) RawValue] \n]

        tputs $channel [appendArgs \
            "---- " $prefix " counter \"" \
            [object invoke $counter(2) CounterName] "\" value is " \
            [object invoke $counter(2) RawValue] \n]

        tputs $channel [appendArgs \
            "---- " $prefix " counter \"" \
            [object invoke $counter(3) CounterName] "\" value is " \
            [object invoke $counter(3) RawValue] \n]
    proc collectGarbage { channel {milliseconds 1000} {quiet true} } {
      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand]} then {
        if {[catch {
          object invoke GC GetTotalMemory false
        } result] == 0} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                "---- memory in use by the CLR before collection... " \
                $result " bytes\n"]
        } else {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs \
              "==== WARNING: failed to get CLR memory usage, error: " \
              \n\t $result \n]


      # NOTE: Repeatedly attempt to collect garbage until the allotted number
      #       of milliseconds has elapsed.  Always attempt to collect garbage
      #       at least once.
      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand]} then {
        set start [clock seconds]
        set stop [expr {$start + ($milliseconds / 1000)}]

        do {
          # NOTE: Attempt to force a full garbage collection now.  Report any
          #       error that is encountered if we fail.
          if {[catch {
            object invoke GC GetTotalMemory true
          } error]} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                "==== WARNING: failed full garbage collection, error: " \
                \n\t $error \n]

          set now [clock seconds]
        } while {$start <= $now && $now < $stop}


      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand]} then {
        if {[catch {
          object invoke GC GetTotalMemory false
        } result] == 0} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                "---- memory in use by the CLR after collection... " \
                $result " bytes\n"]
        } else {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs \
              "==== WARNING: failed to get CLR memory usage, error: " \
              \n\t $result \n]
    proc getSQLiteHandleCounts { channel {quiet false} } {
      set result [list]

      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand] && \
          [haveSQLiteDefineConstant COUNT_HANDLE]} then {
        # NOTE: Add each critical handle count to the resulting list.
        foreach name [list connectionCount statementCount backupCount] {
          if {[catch {
            object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
                System.Data.SQLite.DebugData $name
          } value] == 0} then {
            if {!$quiet} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- critical handle count \"" $name "\" is " $value \n]

            lappend result $value
          } else {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                "==== WARNING: failed to get critical handle count \"" \
                $name "\", error: " \n\t $value \n]
      } elseif {!$quiet} then {
        # NOTE: The actual handle counts are not available; therefore, just
        #       return an empty list.
        tputs $channel "---- critical handle counts unavailable\n"

      return $result
    proc shutdownSQLite { channel {force false} {quiet false} } {
      # NOTE: Make sure that SQLite core library is completely shutdown.  This
      #       is used by tests that change configuration options and/or those
      #       that need to make sure logging is initialized (i.e. just in case
      #       the SQLite core library was initialized in the process prior to
      #       the SQLiteLog class being able to setup its logging callback).
      #       Normally, this should only be performed if SQLite is loaded and
      #       ready for use by the test suite.
      if {$force || [isSQLiteReady]} then {
        # BUGFIX: Make sure that any "leaked" transactions and/or connections
        #         are cleaned up before calling the native shutdown function.
        foreach transaction [info transactions] {
          if {[string match \
              System#Data#SQLite#SQLiteTransaction#* $transaction]} then {
            if {[catch {
              sql transaction rollback $transaction
            } error] == 0} then {
              if {!$quiet} then {
                tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                    "---- rolled back leaked transaction \"" \
                    $transaction \"\n]
            } else {
              if {!$quiet} then {
                tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                    "==== WARNING: failed to rollback leaked transaction \"" \
                    $transaction "\", error: " \n\t $error \n]

        foreach db [info connections] {
          if {[string match \
              System#Data#SQLite#SQLiteConnection#* $db]} then {
            if {[catch {sql close $db} error] == 0} then {
              if {!$quiet} then {
                tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                    "---- closed leaked database \"" $db \"\n]
            } else {
              if {!$quiet} then {
                tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                    "==== WARNING: failed to close leaked database \"" \
                    $db "\", error: " \n\t $error \n]

        # BUGFIX: Before calling the native shutdown function, make sure both
        #         of the PRAGMA related directory names are freed.
        checkForSQLiteDirectories $channel true

        if {[catch {
          object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
              System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods sqlite3_shutdown
        } result] == 0} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                "---- call sqlite3_shutdown()... ok: " $result \n]
        } else {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                "---- call sqlite3_shutdown()... error: " \n\t $result \n]
    proc reportSQLiteResources {
            channel {quiet false} {reset true} {collect true} } {
      # NOTE: If available, report on (and possibly reset) the runtime
      #       configuration statistics.
      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand] && \
          [haveConstraint buildConfiguration.Debug] && [catch {
        object invoke -flags +NonPublic -alias \
            System.Data.SQLite.DebugData settingReadCounts
      } settingReadCounts] == 0} then {
        set nameCount [$settingReadCounts Count]
        set valueCount 0

        object foreach -alias pair $settingReadCounts {
          incr valueCount [$pair Value]

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                "---- setting \"" [$pair Key] "\" was read " \
                [$pair Value] " times\n"]

        if {$reset} then {
          if {[catch {$settingReadCounts Clear} error] == 0} then {
            if {!$quiet} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- reset setting statistics for the previous " \
                  $nameCount " names and " $valueCount " values read\n"]
          } else {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                "==== WARNING: failed to reset setting statistics for " \
                "the previous " $nameCount " names and " $valueCount \
                " values read, error: " \n\t $error \n]

      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand] && \
          [haveSQLiteDefineConstant INTEROP_VIRTUAL_TABLE] && \
          [haveSQLiteDefineConstant TRACK_MEMORY_BYTES]} then {
        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel "---- current memory in use by SQLiteMemory... "

        if {[catch {
          object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
              System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteMemory bytesAllocated
        } memory] == 0} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory " bytes\n"]
        } else {
          set memory unknown

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]

        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel "---- maximum memory in use by SQLiteMemory... "

        if {[catch {
          object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
              System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteMemory maximumBytesAllocated
        } memory] == 0} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory " bytes\n"]
        } else {
          set memory unknown

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]

      if {!$quiet} then {
        tputs $channel "---- current memory in use by SQLite... "

      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand]} then {
        if {[catch {
          object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
              System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods sqlite3_memory_used
        } memory] == 0} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory " bytes\n"]
        } else {
          # NOTE: Maybe the SQLite core library is unavailable?
          set memory unknown

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]
      } else {
        set memory unavailable

        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]

      set result $memory; # NOTE: Return memory in-use to our caller.

      if {!$quiet} then {
        tputs $channel "---- maximum memory in use by SQLite... "

      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand]} then {
        if {[catch {
          object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
              System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods \
              sqlite3_memory_highwater 0
        } memory] == 0} then {
          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory " bytes\n"]
        } else {
          # NOTE: Maybe the SQLite core library is unavailable?
          set memory unknown

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]
      } else {
        set memory unavailable

        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]

      if {$collect} then {
        collectGarbage $channel

      if {!$quiet} then {
        tputs $channel "---- current memory in use by the CLR... "

      if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand]} then {
        if {[catch {
          object invoke GC GetTotalMemory false
        } memory] == 0} then {
          if {[string is integer -strict $memory]} then {
            if {!$quiet} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory " bytes\n"]
          } else {
            set memory invalid

            if {!$quiet} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]
        } else {
          set memory unknown

          if {!$quiet} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]
      } else {
        set memory unavailable

        if {!$quiet} then {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs $memory \n]

      return $result
    proc checkForSQLiteDirectories { channel {reset false} } {
      # NOTE: Check if the sqlite3_win32_set_directory function is available.
      tputs $channel \
          "---- checking for function sqlite3_win32_set_directory... "

      # NOTE: This call to the sqlite3_win32_set_directory function uses the
      #       invalid value 0 for the first argument.  This code is designed
      #       to check if calling the function will raise an exception (i.e.
      #       the actual result of the function does not matter as long as no
      #       directory is changed).
      if {[catch {
        object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
            System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods \
            sqlite3_win32_set_directory 0 null
      }] == 0} then {
        # NOTE: Calling the sqlite3_win32_set_directory function does not
        #       cause an exception; therefore, it must be available (i.e.
        #       even though it should return a failure return code in this
        #       case).
        addConstraint sqlite3_win32_set_directory

        tputs $channel yes\n

        # NOTE: Does our caller want to reset the directories?
        if {$reset} then {
          # NOTE: Now make sure the database and temporary directories are
          #       reset their default values, which should be null for both.
          #       Since the sqlite3_win32_set_directory function is available,
          #       use it.
          for {set index 1} {$index < 3} {incr index} {
            if {[catch {
              object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
                  System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods \
                  sqlite3_win32_set_directory $index null
            } result] == 0} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- call sqlite3_win32_set_directory(" $index \
                  ", null)... ok: " $result \n]
            } else {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- call sqlite3_win32_set_directory(" $index \
                  ", null)... error: " \n\t $result \n]
      } else {
        tputs $channel no\n

        # NOTE: Does our caller want to reset the directories?  This can only
        #       be performed if SQLite is loaded and ready for use by the test
        #       suite.
        if {$reset && [isSQLiteReady]} then {
          # NOTE: Now make sure the database and temporary directories are
          #       reset their default values, which should be null for both.
          #       Since the sqlite3_win32_set_directory function does not
          #       appear to be available, use the associated PRAGMA commands
          #       instead.
          foreach directory [list data_store_directory temp_store_directory] {
            set sql [appendArgs "PRAGMA " $directory " = \"\";"]

            if {[catch {executeSql $sql} result] == 0} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- execute PRAGMA " $directory "... ok: \"" \
                  $result \"\n]
            } else {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- execute PRAGMA " $directory "... error: " \
                  \n\t $result \n]

      # NOTE: Finally, show the current value of the database and temporary
      #       directories.  This can only be performed if SQLite is loaded
      #       and ready for use by the test suite.
      if {[isSQLiteReady]} then {
        foreach directory [list data_store_directory temp_store_directory] {
          tputs $channel [appendArgs "---- checking " $directory "... "]

          set sql [appendArgs "PRAGMA " $directory \;]

          if {[catch {executeSql $sql scalar} result] == 0} then {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs "ok: \"" $result \"\n]
          } else {
            tputs $channel [appendArgs "error: " \n\t $result \n]
    proc loadSQLiteTestSettings { channel {suffix ""} {quiet false} } {
      # NOTE: Skip loading the settings if their usage has been disabled.
      if {![info exists ::no(sqliteTestSettings)]} then {
        # NOTE: Load custom per-user and/or per-host test settings now.
        if {[info exists ::tcl_platform(user)]} then {
          set userSettingsFileName [file join [getCommonDirectory] \
              [appendArgs settings $suffix . $::tcl_platform(user) .eagle]]

          if {[file exists $userSettingsFileName]} then {
            if {!$quiet} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- loading per-user test settings file \"" \
                  $userSettingsFileName \"...\n]

            if {[catch {
              uplevel 1 [list source $userSettingsFileName]
            } error]} then {
              if {!$quiet} then {
                tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                    "==== WARNING: failed to load per-user settings file \"" \
                    $userSettingsFileName "\", error: " \n\t $error \n]
          } else {
            if {!$quiet} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- skipped loading per-user test settings file \"" \
                  $userSettingsFileName "\", it does not exist\n"]


        if {[info exists ::tcl_platform(host)]} then {
          set hostSettingsFileName [file join [getCommonDirectory] \
              [appendArgs settings $suffix . $::tcl_platform(host) .eagle]]

          if {[file exists $hostSettingsFileName]} then {
            if {!$quiet} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- loading per-host test settings file \"" \
                  $hostSettingsFileName \"...\n]

            if {[catch {
              uplevel 1 [list source $hostSettingsFileName]
            } error]} then {
              if {!$quiet} then {
                tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                    "==== WARNING: failed to load per-host settings file \"" \
                    $hostSettingsFileName "\", error: " \n\t $error \n]
          } else {
            if {!$quiet} then {
              tputs $channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- skipped loading per-host test settings file \"" \
                  $hostSettingsFileName "\", it does not exist\n"]
    proc runSQLiteTestPrologue {} {
      # NOTE: Skip running our custom prologue if the main one has been
      #       skipped.
      if {![info exists ::no(prologue.eagle)]} then {
        # NOTE: Load the "before-constraints" custom per-user and/or per-host
        #       test settings now.
        uplevel 1 [list loadSQLiteTestSettings $::test_channel .before]

        # NOTE: Check if the [object] command is available; if not, add some
        #       shims to make the test suite run smoother.
        checkForSQLiteObjectCommand $::test_channel

        # NOTE: Determine the names of the native platform and architecture.
        set platform [getBuildPlatform true]
        set architecture [architectureForPlatform $platform]

        # NOTE: Show the platform and architecture used to help locate the
        #       native build files.
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- platform for locating native build files is \"" \
            $platform \"\n]

        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- architecture for locating native build files is \"" \
            $architecture \"\n]

        # NOTE: Build a list of configuration files that we handle.
        set configFileNames [list \

        # NOTE: Build a list of auxiliary Managed Debugging Assistants (MDA)
        #       configuration files that we handle.
        set mdaConfigFileNames [list \
            EagleShell32.exe.mda.config Installer.exe.mda.config \
            test.exe.mda.config testlinq.exe.mda.config \

        # NOTE: Build the list of external files that we handle.  Some of
        #       these files may be native and/or managed assemblies that are
        #       required to perform various tests.
        set externalFileNames [list \
            [file join EntityFramework lib [string map [list Fx ""] [string \
            map [list netFx451 netFx45 netFx452 netFx45 netFx46 netFx45 \
            netFx461 netFx45] [getBuildNetFx]]] EntityFramework.dll]]

        # NOTE: Build the list of native assembly files that we handle.  The
        #       reason the "System.Data.SQLite.dll" file is included here is
        #       because it could be the mixed-mode assembly.
        set nativeFileNames [list]

        eval lappend nativeFileNames [getNativeLibraryFileNamesOnly]
        eval lappend nativeFileNames [getInteropAssemblyFileNamesOnly]

        lappend nativeFileNames System.Data.SQLite.dll

        # NOTE: Build the list of managed assembly files that we handle.
        set managedFileNames [list \
            System.Data.SQLite.dll System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll \

        # NOTE: Remove any test constraints that refer to the native and/or
        #       managed assembly files that we handle unless forbidden from
        #       doing so.
        if {![info exists ::no(sqliteRemoveConstraints)]} then {
          foreach fileName $configFileNames {
            removeConstraint [appendArgs file_ $fileName]

          foreach fileName $mdaConfigFileNames {
            removeConstraint [appendArgs file_ $fileName]

          foreach fileName $externalFileNames {
            removeConstraint [appendArgs file_ [file tail $fileName]]

          foreach fileName $nativeFileNames {
            removeConstraint [appendArgs file_ $fileName]

          foreach fileName $managedFileNames {
            removeConstraint [appendArgs file_ $fileName]

        # NOTE: Skip all System.Data.SQLite related file handling (deleting,
        #       copying, and loading) if instructed.
        if {![info exists ::no(sqliteFiles)]} then {
          # NOTE: Skip trying to delete any files if instructed.
          if {![info exists ::no(deleteSqliteFiles)]} then {
            if {![info exists ::no(deleteSqliteConfigFiles)]} then {
              foreach fileName $configFileNames {
                tryDeleteBinaryFile $fileName

            if {![info exists ::no(deleteSqliteExternalFiles)]} then {
              foreach fileName $mdaConfigFileNames {
                tryDeleteBuildFile $fileName

              foreach fileName $externalFileNames {
                tryDeleteBinaryFile $fileName

            if {![info exists ::no(deleteSqliteNativeFiles)]} then {
              if {![info exists ::no(deleteSqliteImplicitFiles)]} then {
                foreach fileName $nativeFileNames {
                  tryDeleteAssembly $fileName

              if {![info exists ::no(deleteSqliteNonImplicitFiles)]} then {
                if {![info exists ::no(deleteSqlitePlatformFiles)] && \
                    [string length $platform] > 0} then {
                  foreach fileName $nativeFileNames {
                    tryDeleteAssembly $fileName $platform

                if {![info exists ::no(deleteSqliteArchitectureFiles)] && \
                    [string length $architecture] > 0} then {
                  foreach fileName $nativeFileNames {
                    tryDeleteAssembly $fileName $architecture

            if {![info exists ::no(deleteSqliteManagedFiles)]} then {
              foreach fileName $managedFileNames {
                tryDeleteAssembly $fileName

          # NOTE: Check for the "autoSelect" runtime option.  If present,
          #       attempt to automatically select the first available
          #       build (or "release") of SQLite and System.Data.SQLite
          #       for use with the test suite.
          if {[hasRuntimeOption autoSelect]} then {
            if {![checkForSQLiteBuilds $::test_channel true]} then {
              checkForSQLiteReleases $::test_channel true

          # NOTE: Skip trying to verify the build directory if instructed;
          #       otherwise, make sure it actually exists or halt the entire
          #       testing process if it does not exist.
          if {![info exists ::no(verifyBuildDirectory)]} then {
            # NOTE: At this point, the build directory MUST exist as a
            #       valid directory for the testing process to continue.
            set directory [getBuildDirectory]

            if {![file exists $directory] || \
                ![file isdirectory $directory]} then {
              # NOTE: Just prior to actually halting the testing process,
              #       add an error to the test log file.
              tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- could not verify build directory \"" $directory \
                  "\", all testing halted\n"]

              # NOTE: Raising a script error from this point should halt
              #       the testing process.
              error [appendArgs \
                  "could not verify build directory \"" $directory \
                  "\", all testing halted"]

          # NOTE: Skip trying to copy any files if instructed.
          if {![info exists ::no(copySqliteFiles)]} then {
            if {![info exists ::no(copySqliteConfigFiles)]} then {
              foreach fileName $configFileNames {
                tryCopyBuildFile $fileName

            if {![info exists ::no(copySqliteExternalFiles)]} then {
              # NOTE: Copy the Managed Debugging Assistants (MDA) configuration
              #       file for the Eagle shell to the build output directory,
              #       while using each of the names of the various legacy test
              #       executables.  This will help to make sure that all the
              #       legacy tests run with exactly the same set of Managed
              #       Debugging Assistants configured.
              foreach fileName $mdaConfigFileNames {
                tryCopyBinaryFile EagleShell.exe.mda.config "" $fileName

              # NOTE: Copy the external binaries, if any, to the directory that
              #       contains the Eagle shell.  This is typically used to make
              #       sure assemblies referenced by the ones being tested are
              #       available during the testing process.
              foreach fileName $externalFileNames {
                tryCopyExternalFile $fileName

            if {![info exists ::no(copySqliteNativeFiles)]} then {
              # NOTE: If the test platform is likely the default for this
              #       machine, also try to copy the native files to the
              #       binary location.
              if {![info exists ::no(copySqliteImplicitFiles)] && \
                  [isDefaultBuildPlatform true]} then {
                foreach fileName $nativeFileNames {
                  tryCopyAssembly $fileName

              if {![info exists ::no(copySqliteNonImplicitFiles)]} then {
                if {![info exists ::no(copySqlitePlatformFiles)] && \
                    [string length $platform] > 0} then {
                  foreach fileName $nativeFileNames {
                    tryCopyAssembly $fileName $platform

                if {![info exists ::no(copySqliteArchitectureFiles)] && \
                    [string length $architecture] > 0} then {
                  foreach fileName $nativeFileNames {
                    tryCopyAssembly $fileName $architecture

            if {![info exists ::no(copySqliteManagedFiles)]} then {
              foreach fileName $managedFileNames {
                tryCopyAssembly $fileName

          # NOTE: Skip trying to load any files if instructed.
          if {![info exists ::no(loadSqliteFiles)]} then {
            if {![info exists ::no(loadSqliteImplicitFiles)]} then {
              tryLoadAssembly System.Data.SQLite.dll

            if {![info exists ::no(loadSqliteLinqFiles)]} then {
              tryLoadAssembly System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll

            if {![info exists ::no(loadSqliteEf6Files)]} then {
              tryLoadAssembly System.Data.SQLite.EF6.dll

            if {![info exists ::no(loadSqliteNonImplicitFiles)]} then {
              if {![info exists ::no(loadSqlitePlatformFiles)] && \
                  [string length $platform] > 0} then {
                tryLoadAssembly System.Data.SQLite.dll $platform

              if {![info exists ::no(loadSqliteArchitectureFiles)] && \
                  [string length $architecture] > 0} then {
                tryLoadAssembly System.Data.SQLite.dll $architecture

        foreach fileNameOnly [getNativeLibraryFileNamesOnly] {
          catch {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- file version of \"" $fileNameOnly "\"... \"" \
                [file version [getBinaryFileName $fileNameOnly]] \"\n]

        foreach fileNameOnly [getInteropAssemblyFileNamesOnly] {
          catch {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- file version of \"" $fileNameOnly "\"... \"" \
                [file version [getBinaryFileName $fileNameOnly]] \"\n]

        catch {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- file version of \"System.Data.SQLite.dll\"... \"" \
              [file version [getBinaryFileName System.Data.SQLite.dll]] \"\n]

        catch {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- file version of \"System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll\"... \"" \
              [file version [getBinaryFileName System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll]] \

        catch {
          tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
              "---- file version of \"System.Data.SQLite.EF6.dll\"... \"" \
              [file version [getBinaryFileName System.Data.SQLite.EF6.dll]] \

        if {[string length $platform] > 0} then {
          foreach fileNameOnly [getNativeLibraryFileNamesOnly] {
            catch {
              tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- file version of \"" $platform \
                  / $fileNameOnly "\"... \"" [file version \
                  [getBinaryFileName $fileNameOnly $platform]] \"\n]

          foreach fileNameOnly [getInteropAssemblyFileNamesOnly] {
            catch {
              tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- file version of \"" $platform \
                  / $fileNameOnly "\"... \"" [file version \
                  [getBinaryFileName $fileNameOnly $platform]] \"\n]

          catch {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- file version of \"" $platform \
                "/System.Data.SQLite.dll\"... \"" [file version \
                [getBinaryFileName System.Data.SQLite.dll $platform]] \"\n]

        if {[string length $architecture] > 0} then {
          foreach fileNameOnly [getNativeLibraryFileNamesOnly] {
            catch {
              tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- file version of \"" $architecture \
                  / $fileNameOnly "\"... \"" [file version \
                  [getBinaryFileName $fileNameOnly $architecture]] \"\n]

          catch {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- file version of \"" $architecture \
                / $fileNameOnly "\"... \"" [file version \
                [getBinaryFileName $fileNameOnly $architecture]] \"\n]

          catch {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                "---- file version of \"" $architecture \
                "/System.Data.SQLite.dll\"... \"" [file version \
                [getBinaryFileName System.Data.SQLite.dll $architecture]] \

        # NOTE: Grab the list of managed assemblies for the current process
        #       and report on the System.Data.SQLite related ones.
        if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand]} then {
          set assemblies [object invoke AppDomain.CurrentDomain GetAssemblies]

          object foreach assembly $assemblies {
            if {[string match \{System.Data.SQLite* $assembly]} then {
              tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- found loaded assembly: " $assembly \n]

        catch {
          tputs $::test_channel \
              "---- define constants for \"System.Data.SQLite\"... "

          if {[catch {
            object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
                System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3 DefineConstants
          } defineConstants] == 0} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs [formatList [lsort \
                $defineConstants] <none>] \n]
          } else {
            tputs $::test_channel unknown\n

        catch {
          tputs $::test_channel \
              "---- source version of \"System.Data.SQLite.dll\"... "

          if {[catch {
            object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
                System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection ProviderVersion
          } version] == 0} then {
            if {[string length $version] == 0} then {
              set version null
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs $version \n]
          } else {
            tputs $::test_channel unknown\n

        catch {
          tputs $::test_channel \
              "---- source checkout of \"System.Data.SQLite.dll\"... "

          if {[catch {
            object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
                System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection ProviderSourceId
          } sourceId] == 0} then {
            if {[string length $sourceId] == 0} then {
              set sourceId null
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs $sourceId \n]
          } else {
            tputs $::test_channel unknown\n

        # NOTE: Check the available builds (and "releases") of SQLite and
        #       System.Data.SQLite.
        checkForSQLiteBuilds $::test_channel
        checkForSQLiteReleases $::test_channel

        # NOTE: Now, we need to know if the SQLite core library is available
        #       (i.e. because the managed-only System.Data.SQLite assembly can
        #       load without it; however, it cannot do anything useful without
        #       it).  If we are using the mixed-mode assembly and we already
        #       found it (above), this should always succeed.
        checkForSQLiteLibrary $::test_channel

        # NOTE: Check if the SQLite interop assembly is available.
        checkForSQLiteInterop $::test_channel

        # NOTE: Check the SQLite database and temporary directories.
        checkForSQLiteDirectories $::test_channel

        # NOTE: Attempt to determine if various compile-time options needed for
        #       test constraints were enabled for the managed assembly.  There
        #       are some compile-time options that must also have been enabled
        #       for the interop assembly in order to be effective.  For those
        #       options, it will be assumed that it was enabled for the interop
        #       assembly if it was enabled for the managed assembly.
        foreach defineConstant [list \
            NET_40 NET_45 NET_451 NET_452 NET_46 NET_461 NET_COMPACT_20 \
          # NOTE: Check if the compile-time option is listed in the list of
          #       "define constants" kept track of by the managed assembly.
          checkForSQLiteDefineConstant $::test_channel $defineConstant

        # NOTE: Check if the System.Data.SQLite provider was compiled with
        #       support for any encrypted databases.
        if {[haveSQLiteDefineConstant INTEROP_CODEC] || \
            [haveSQLiteDefineConstant INTEROP_INCLUDE_SEE]} then {
          # NOTE: Yes, add generic constraint for use by the test suite.
          addConstraint System.Data.SQLite.Encryption

        # NOTE: Check the current build year.  Basically, this indicates
        #       which version of MSBuild and/or Visual Studio was used to
        #       compile the assembly binaries under test.
        tputs $::test_channel \
            "---- checking for System.Data.SQLite build year... "

        set year [getBuildYear]
        addConstraint [appendArgs buildYear. $year]
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \" $year \"\n]

        # NOTE: Check the current build .NET Framework.  Basically, this
        #       indicates which version of the .NET Framework is being
        #       used by the assembly binaries under test.
        tputs $::test_channel \
            "---- checking for System.Data.SQLite build .NET Framework... "

        set netFx [getBuildNetFx]
        addConstraint [appendArgs buildFramework. $netFx]
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \" $netFx \"\n]

        # NOTE: Check the current build configuration.  This should normally
        #       be either "Debug" or "Release".
        tputs $::test_channel \
            "---- checking for System.Data.SQLite build configuration... "

        set configuration [getBuildConfiguration]
        addConstraint [appendArgs buildConfiguration. $configuration]
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \" $configuration \"\n]

        # NOTE: Try to setup an interrupt callback using the script debugger
        #       that will cancel all SQL queries in progress for all database
        #       connections known to this interpreter.
        if {![info exists ::no(sqliteInterruptCallback)]} then {
          setupDbInterruptCallback $::test_channel $::test_log

        # NOTE: Check for the native runtime option, which would mean we are
        #       using the mixed-mode assembly.
        checkForRuntimeOption $::test_channel native

        # NOTE: Check if the test suite should count the number of connections
        #       "opened" and "closed" from the pool when determining if a test
        #       passed.  Disabling this behavior is sometimes necessary (e.g.
        #       during the release testing process) because there are several
        #       tests that rely on the "opened from pool" count being greater
        #       than zero.  These tests may fail due to the non-deterministic
        #       behavior of the CLR GC, even when there is no bug in the code
        #       being tested.
        checkForRuntimeOption $::test_channel noPoolCounts

        # NOTE: Check if the test suite should use shared-cache mode.
        checkForRuntimeOption $::test_channel sharedCache

        # NOTE: Report the resource usage prior to running any tests.
        reportSQLiteResources $::test_channel

        # NOTE: Grab the list of native modules for the current process and
        #       report on the System.Data.SQLite related ones.
        if {[haveSQLiteObjectCommand]} then {
          set modules [object invoke \
              System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess Modules]

          object foreach -alias module $modules {
            # NOTE: The module file name here must be normalized.
            set fileName [file normalize [$module FileName]]
            set fileNameOnly [file tail $fileName]

            if {[lsearch -exact -nocase -- \
                [getNativeLibraryFileNamesOnly] $fileNameOnly] != -1} then {
              tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- found loaded SQLite native library module: " \
                  $fileName \n]
            } elseif {[lsearch -exact -nocase -- \
                [getInteropAssemblyFileNamesOnly] $fileNameOnly] != -1} then {
              tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
                  "---- found loaded SQLite interop assembly module: " \
                  $fileName \n]

        catch {
          tputs $::test_channel \
              "---- compile-time options for SQLite core library... "

          if {[catch {
            object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
                System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3 SQLiteCompileOptions
          } compileOptions] == 0} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs [formatList [lsort \
                $compileOptions] <none>] \n]
          } else {
            tputs $::test_channel unknown\n

        catch {
          tputs $::test_channel \
              "---- compile-time options for SQLite interop assembly... "

          if {[catch {
            object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
                System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3 InteropCompileOptions
          } compileOptions] == 0} then {
            tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs [formatList [lsort \
                $compileOptions] <none>] \n]
          } else {
            tputs $::test_channel unknown\n

        # NOTE: Show the active test constraints.
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs "---- constraints: " \
            [formatList [lsort [getConstraints]] <none>] \n]

        # NOTE: Save the test constraints for use by threads created in this
        #       application domain.  This is necessary because all the Eagle
        #       "test context" information is per-thread.
        if {![info exists ::test_constraints]} then {
          set ::test_constraints $::eagle_tests(constraints)

        # NOTE: Load the "after-constraints" custom per-user and/or per-host
        #       test settings now.
        uplevel 1 [list loadSQLiteTestSettings $::test_channel .after]

        # NOTE: If necessary, enable shared-cache mode now.
        if {[hasRuntimeOption sharedCache]} then {
          enableSharedCache $::test_channel true

        # NOTE: Show when our tests actually began (now).
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- System.Data.SQLite tests began at " \
            [clock format [clock seconds]] \n]
    proc runSQLiteTestFilesPrologue {} {
      uplevel 1 {
        # NOTE: Setup the variables that refer to the various non-data files
        #       required by the tests in this file.
        set entityFrameworkDllFile \
            [getBuildFileName EntityFramework.dll]

        set installerExeFile [getBuildFileName Installer.exe]
        set sqliteDesignerDllFile [getBuildFileName SQLite.Designer.dll]

        set systemDataSQLiteDllFile \
            [getBuildFileName System.Data.SQLite.dll]

        set systemDataSQLiteLinqDllFile \
            [getBuildFileName System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll]

        set systemDataSQLiteEf6DllFile \
            [getBuildFileName System.Data.SQLite.EF6.dll]

        set testExeFile [getBuildFileName test.exe]
        set testLinqExeFile [getBuildFileName testlinq.exe]
        set testEf6ExeFile [getBuildFileName testef6.exe]

        # NOTE: Setup the variables that refer to the various data files
        #       required by the tests in this file.
        set testLinqOutFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] testlinq.out]]

        set northwindEfDbFile [file nativename [file join \
            [file dirname [file dirname [getSQLiteTestDataPath]]] \
            testlinq northwindEF.db]]

        set nonWalDbFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] nonWal.db]]

        set walDbFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] wal.db]]

        # NOTE: The various install/uninstall log files used to test the
        #       design-time component installer.
        set testInstallVs2005LogFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] Installer_Test_Vs2005.log]]

        set testInstallVs2008LogFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] Installer_Test_Vs2008.log]]

        set testInstallVs2010LogFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] Installer_Test_Vs2010.log]]

        set testInstallVs2012LogFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] Installer_Test_Vs2012.log]]

        set testInstallVs2013LogFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] Installer_Test_Vs2013.log]]

        set testInstallVs2015LogFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] Installer_Test_Vs2015.log]]

        set testUninstallVs2005LogFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] Uninstaller_Test_Vs2005.log]]

        set testUninstallVs2008LogFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] Uninstaller_Test_Vs2008.log]]

        set testUninstallVs2010LogFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] Uninstaller_Test_Vs2010.log]]

        set testUninstallVs2012LogFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] Uninstaller_Test_Vs2012.log]]

        set testUninstallVs2013LogFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] Uninstaller_Test_Vs2013.log]]

        set testUninstallVs2015LogFile [file nativename [file join \
            [getSQLiteTestDataPath] Uninstaller_Test_Vs2015.log]]


        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $entityFrameworkDllFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $entityFrameworkDllFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $installerExeFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $installerExeFile Installer.exe

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $sqliteDesignerDllFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $sqliteDesignerDllFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $systemDataSQLiteDllFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $systemDataSQLiteDllFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $systemDataSQLiteLinqDllFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $systemDataSQLiteLinqDllFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $systemDataSQLiteEf6DllFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $systemDataSQLiteEf6DllFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testExeFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testExeFile test.exe

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testLinqExeFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testLinqExeFile testlinq.exe

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testEf6ExeFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testEf6ExeFile testef6.exe

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testLinqOutFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testLinqOutFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $northwindEfDbFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $northwindEfDbFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $nonWalDbFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $nonWalDbFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $walDbFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $walDbFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testInstallVs2005LogFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testInstallVs2005LogFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testInstallVs2008LogFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testInstallVs2008LogFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testInstallVs2010LogFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testInstallVs2010LogFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testInstallVs2012LogFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testInstallVs2012LogFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testInstallVs2013LogFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testInstallVs2013LogFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testInstallVs2015LogFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testInstallVs2015LogFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testUninstallVs2005LogFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testUninstallVs2005LogFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testUninstallVs2008LogFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testUninstallVs2008LogFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testUninstallVs2010LogFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testUninstallVs2010LogFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testUninstallVs2012LogFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testUninstallVs2012LogFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testUninstallVs2013LogFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testUninstallVs2013LogFile

        if {![haveConstraint [appendArgs file_ \
            [file tail $testUninstallVs2015LogFile]]]} then {
          checkForFile $test_channel $testUninstallVs2015LogFile
    proc runSQLiteTestFilesEpilogue {} {
      uplevel 1 {
        unset -nocomplain \
            testUninstallVs2015LogFile testUninstallVs2013LogFile \
            testUninstallVs2012LogFile testUninstallVs2010LogFile \
            testUninstallVs2008LogFile testUninstallVs2005LogFile \
            testInstallVs2015LogFile testInstallVs2013LogFile \
            testInstallVs2012LogFile testInstallVs2010LogFile \
            testInstallVs2008LogFile testInstallVs2005LogFile

        unset -nocomplain \
            northwindEfDbFile testLinqOutFile \
            walDbFile nonWalDbFile

        unset -nocomplain \
            testEf6ExeFile testLinqExeFile \
            testExeFile systemDataSQLiteEf6DllFile \
            systemDataSQLiteLinqDllFile systemDataSQLiteDllFile \
            sqliteDesignerDllFile installerExeFile \
    proc runSQLiteTestEpilogue {} {
      # NOTE: Skip running our custom epilogue if the main one has been
      #       skipped.
      if {![info exists ::no(epilogue.eagle)]} then {
        # NOTE: Show when our tests actually ended (now).
        tputs $::test_channel [appendArgs \
            "---- System.Data.SQLite tests ended at " \
            [clock format [clock seconds]] \n]

        # NOTE: Load the "epilogue" custom per-user and/or per-host test
        #       settings now.
        uplevel 1 [list loadSQLiteTestSettings $::test_channel .epilogue]

        # BUGFIX: Before checking the final resources in use by SQLite, make
        #         sure both of the PRAGMA related directory names are freed.
        checkForSQLiteDirectories $::test_channel true

        # NOTE: Also report the resource usage after running the tests.
        reportSQLiteResources $::test_channel

        # NOTE: Report the critical handle counts after running the tests.
        getSQLiteHandleCounts $::test_channel

        # NOTE: If necessary, disable shared-cache mode now.
        if {[hasRuntimeOption sharedCache]} then {
          enableSharedCache $::test_channel false
    ############################# END Eagle ONLY ##############################

  # NOTE: Save the name of the directory containing this file.
  if {![info exists common_directory]} then {
    set common_directory [file dirname [info script]]

  # NOTE: Provide the System.Data.SQLite test package to the interpreter.
  package provide System.Data.SQLite.Test 1.0