
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 20d3194a28e0b334e7ae192486275f4e4161d04d:

# tkt-d4728aecb7.eagle --
# Written by Joe Mistachkin.
# Released to the public domain, use at your own risk!

package require Eagle
package require Eagle.Library
package require Eagle.Test



package require System.Data.SQLite.Test


moveSystemDataSQLiteDllConfig false


set d472_binary_directory [string map [list \\ /] [getBinaryDirectory]]
set d472_target_framework [string map [list Fx ""] [getBuildNetFx]]


runTest {test tkt-d4728aecb7-1.1 {tokens in environment variable} -setup \
    [getAppDomainPreamble] -body {
  package require Eagle.Library
  package require Eagle.Test
  package require System.Data.SQLite.Test

  saveEnvironmentVariables [list d472_1 d472_2 d472_3] savedEnv

  set env(d472_1) {prfx1/%PreLoadSQLite_AssemblyDirectory%/sufx1}
  set env(d472_2) {prfx2/%PreLoadSQLite_TargetFramework%/sufx2}
  set env(d472_3) {prfx3/%PreLoadSQLite_XmlConfigDirectory%/sufx3}

  object load -loadtype File [file join \
      [getBinaryDirectory] System.Data.SQLite.dll]

  set result [list]

  lappend result [string map [list \\ /] [object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
      System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods GetSettingValue d472_1 null]]

  lappend result [string map [list \\ /] [object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
      System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods GetSettingValue d472_2 null]]

  lappend result [string map [list \\ /] [object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
      System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods GetSettingValue d472_3 null]]

  set result
} -cleanup {
  restoreEnvironmentVariables [list d472_1 d472_2 d472_3] savedEnv

  unset -nocomplain result
} -isolationLevel AppDomain -constraints {eagle command.object\
defineConstant.System.Data.SQLite.USE_INTEROP_DLL} -result [list [appendArgs \
prfx1/ $d472_binary_directory /sufx1] [appendArgs prfx2/ \
$d472_target_framework /sufx2] prfx3/%PreLoadSQLite_XmlConfigDirectory%/sufx3]}


# HACK: This test relies (indirectly) upon the CodeBase property being set on
#       the assembly loaded via its bytes to the Eagle core library assembly
#       file name (i.e. because it is the calling assembly).  This appears to
#       be non-portable and will not work on Mono.
runTest {test tkt-d4728aecb7-1.2 {tokens in XML configuration file} -setup \
    [getAppDomainPreamble] -body {
  package require Eagle.Library
  package require Eagle.Test
  package require System.Data.SQLite.Test

  moveSystemDataSQLiteDllConfig false

  set fileName [writeSystemDataSQLiteDllConfig [string trim {
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <add key="d472_1"
             value="prfx1/%PreLoadSQLite_AssemblyDirectory%/sufx1" />
        <add key="d472_2"
             value="prfx2/%PreLoadSQLite_TargetFramework%/sufx2" />
        <add key="d472_3"
             value="prfx3/%PreLoadSQLite_XmlConfigDirectory%/sufx3" />

  object load -loadtype Bytes [base64 encode [readFile [file join \
      [getBinaryDirectory] System.Data.SQLite.dll]]]

  set result [list]

  lappend result [string map [list \\ /] [object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
      System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods GetSettingValue d472_1 null]]

  lappend result [string map [list \\ /] [object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
      System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods GetSettingValue d472_2 null]]

  lappend result [string map [list \\ /] [object invoke -flags +NonPublic \
      System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods GetSettingValue d472_3 null]]

  set result
} -cleanup {
  catch {file delete $fileName}

  unset -nocomplain result fileName

  moveSystemDataSQLiteDllConfig true
} -isolationLevel AppDomain -constraints {eagle command.object dotNet\
defineConstant.System.Data.SQLite.USE_INTEROP_DLL} -result [list [appendArgs \
prfx1/ $d472_binary_directory /sufx1] [appendArgs prfx2/ \
$d472_target_framework /sufx2] [appendArgs prfx3/ $d472_binary_directory \


unset -nocomplain d472_target_framework d472_binary_directory


moveSystemDataSQLiteDllConfig true

