
This project makes use of Eagle, provided by Mistachkin Systems.
Eagle: Secure Software Automation

Artifact 010067a13330ad1d206cd37f489513175ba8ef90:

# thread.eagle --
# Written by Joe Mistachkin.
# Released to the public domain, use at your own risk!

package require Eagle
package require Eagle.Library
package require Eagle.Test



package require System.Data.SQLite.Test


checkForSQLiteDirectories $test_channel true
set handle_counts [getSQLiteHandleCounts $test_channel]
set memory_used [reportSQLiteResources $test_channel]


# NOTE: How many test threads should be created and used for these tests?  This
#       value must be at least two.  The first test thread (at index 0) is
#       always the "master thread" and just repeatedly calls the Thread.Abort()
#       method on other random test threads that appear to be alive until all
#       test threads appear to have died.  All other test threads will attempt
#       to open a connection, execute one or more queries against it, and then
#       close it.
if {![info exists count(1)]} then {
  set count(1) 10

# NOTE: How many milliseconds should the master thread initially wait until it
#       starts to abort the other test threads?
if {![info exists count(2)]} then {
  set count(2) 1000

# NOTE: How many milliseconds (maximum) should the master thread wait between
#       aborting other random test threads?
if {![info exists count(3)]} then {
  set count(3) 1000

# NOTE: How many bytes should be used for the five random data blobs contained
#       in the test database?
if {![info exists count(4)]} then {
  set count(4) 1000


# NOTE: This test is disabled for .NET Core due to its lack of support for
#       the Thread.Abort method (i.e. throws PlatformNotSupportedException
#       when called).
runTest {test thread-1.1 {Thread.Abort() impact on native resources} -setup {
  setupDb [set fileName thread-1.1.db]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- using " $count(1) " test threads (with one master thread)\n"]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- initial wait will be " $count(2) " milliseconds\n"]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- subsequent maximum wait will be " $count(3) " milliseconds\n"]

  tputs $test_channel [appendArgs \
      "---- random data blob size will be " $count(4) " bytes\n"]
} -body {
  sql execute $db [subst {
    INSERT INTO t1 (y) VALUES(RANDOMBLOB(${count(4)}));
    INSERT INTO t1 (y) VALUES(RANDOMBLOB(${count(4)}));
    INSERT INTO t1 (y) VALUES(RANDOMBLOB(${count(4)}));
    INSERT INTO t1 (y) VALUES(RANDOMBLOB(${count(4)}));
    INSERT INTO t1 (y) VALUES(RANDOMBLOB(${count(4)}));

  # NOTE: The data and temporary directories must be reset here (after the
  #       setupDb call above) because they allocate some SQLite memory and
  #       this test requires an extremely accurate reading.
  sql execute $db {
    PRAGMA data_store_directory = "";
    PRAGMA temp_store_directory = "";

  # NOTE: Close the database now, freeing any native SQLite memory and/or
  #       resources that it may be using at this point; however, do not
  #       actually delete the database file because it is needed in the C#
  #       code for this test.
  cleanupDb $fileName db true false false; unset -nocomplain db

  # NOTE: Setup the variables used in the dynamically substituted C# code
  #       for the main body of this test (below).
  set id [object invoke Interpreter.GetActive NextId]
  set dataSource [file join [getDatabaseDirectory] $fileName]

  set sql { \
    SELECT x, y FROM t1 ORDER BY x; \

  unset -nocomplain results errors

  set code [compileCSharpWith [subst {
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Data.SQLite;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Threading;
    using Eagle._Containers.Public;

    namespace _Dynamic${id}
      public static class Test${id}
        public static LongList RunTestThreads()
          // NOTE: This is the total number of data bytes seen in the second
          //       column of the query result rows seen by all test threads.
          //       This value will vary greatly based upon how many loop
          //       iterations are performed prior to each test thread being
          //       aborted.
          long sum = 0;

          // NOTE: This is the total number of query result rows seen by all
          //       the test threads.
          long rows = 0;

          // NOTE: This is the total number of exceptions caught by all the
          //       test threads.
          long errors = 0;

          // NOTE: This is the total number of test threads to create.
          int count = ${count(1)};

          // NOTE: Create the array of thread objects.
          Thread\[\] thread = new Thread\[count\];

          // NOTE: Create a random number generator suitable for waiting a
          //       random number of milliseconds between each loop iteration
          //       and then selecting a random thread index.
          Random random = new Random();

          // NOTE: Create the event that will be used to synchronize all the
          //       created threads so that they start doing their actual test
          //       "work" at approximately the same time.  This is also used
          //       to make sure that all test threads are inside of a try
          //       block before attempting to abort them.
          using (ManualResetEvent goEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false))
            // NOTE: Create a (reusable) delegate that will contain the code
            //       that most of the created test threads are to execute.
            //       This code will open, use, and close a single database
            //       connection.  Multiple commands and data readers will also
            //       be used.
            ThreadStart threadStart1 = delegate()
                // NOTE: Wait forever for the "GO" signal so that all threads
                //       can start working at approximately the same time.
                //       This is also used to make sure that all test threads
                //       are inside of a try block before attempting to abort
                //       them.

                // NOTE: Create a new connection object.  We purposely avoid
                //       putting this inside a "using" block to help test our
                //       cleanup via the garbage collector.
                SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(
                    "Data Source=${dataSource};[getTestProperties]");

                // NOTE: Open the connection.  After this point, native memory
                //       and resources have been allocated by this thread.

                // NOTE: Loop forever until the first thread signals us to stop
                //       via calling Thread.Abort() method on our associated
                //       thread object.
                while (true)
                  // NOTE: Create a dictionary to temporarily hold the values
                  //       from the data reader for this loop iteration.
                  Dictionary<long, byte\[\]> results =
                      new Dictionary<long, byte\[\]>();

                  // NOTE: Create a new command object using the connection
                  //       object for this thread.  Again, avoid putting this
                  //       inside a "using" block to help test our cleanup via
                  //       the garbage collector.
                  SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand("${sql}",

                  // NOTE: Execute the query and get the resulting data reader
                  //       object.  Again, avoid putting this inside a "using"
                  //       block to help test our cleanup via the garbage
                  //       collector.
                  SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                  // NOTE: Start processing each available query result row.
                  //       This processing (or any of the above processing)
                  //       may be stopped at any time due to this test thread
                  //       being aborted.
                  while (reader.Read())
                        reader\["y"\] as byte\[\]);

                    Interlocked.Add(ref sum,

                    Interlocked.Increment(ref rows);

                  // NOTE: Close the data reader for this loop iteration as we
                  //       are done with it.
                  reader = null;

                  // NOTE: Dispose the command for this loop iteration as we
                  //       are done with it.
                  command = null;

                // NOTE: Close the connection for this test thread as we are
                //       done with it.  Since the above loop is infinite, it
                //       should only be exited via this test thread being
                //       aborted; therefore, execution should never reach this
                //       point.
                connection = null;
              catch (Exception e)
                Interlocked.Increment(ref errors);

            // NOTE: Create a (reusable) delegate that will contain the code
            //       that half the created threads are to execute.  This code
            //       will repeatedly call the Thread.Abort() method on all the
            //       other test threads until they all appear to be dead.
            ThreadStart threadStart2 = delegate()
                // NOTE: Wait forever for the "GO" signal so that all threads
                //       can start working at approximately the same time.
                //       This is also used to make sure that all test threads
                //       are inside of a try block before attempting to abort
                //       them.

                // NOTE: Give the other test threads a slight head start to
                //       make sure that they are fully alive prior to trying
                //       to abort any of them.

                // NOTE: Loop forever until all test threads appear to be dead.
                while (true)
                  // NOTE: Wait a random number of milliseconds, up to a full
                  //       second.
                  Thread.Sleep(random.Next(0, ${count(3)}));

                  // NOTE: Select a random thread to abort.
                  int index = random.Next(1, count);

                  // NOTE: If the thread appears to be alive, try to abort
                  //       it.
                    if (thread\[index\].IsAlive)
                  catch (Exception e)

                  // NOTE: If all the other threads are dead, presumably due
                  //       to being aborted, stop now.  This check is simpler,
                  //       and possibly more reliable, than checking if any of
                  //       the test threads are still alive via their IsAlive
                  //       property.
                  if (Interlocked.Increment(ref errors) == count)
                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref errors);
              catch (Exception e)
                Interlocked.Increment(ref errors);

            // NOTE: Create each of the test threads with a suitable stack
            //       size.  We must specify a stack size here because the
            //       default one for the process would be the same as the
            //       parent executable (the Eagle shell), which is 16MB,
            //       too large to be useful.
            for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
              // NOTE: Figure out what kind of thread to create (i.e. one
              //       that uses a connection or one that calls the GC).
              ThreadStart threadStart;

              if (index == 0)
                threadStart = threadStart2;
                threadStart = threadStart1;

              thread\[index\] = new Thread(threadStart, 1048576);

              // NOTE: Name each thread for a better debugging experience.
              thread\[index\].Name = String.Format(
                  "[file rootname ${fileName}] #{0}", index);

            // NOTE: Start all the threads now.  They should not actually do
            //       any of the test "work" until we signal the event.
            for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)

            // NOTE: Send the signal that all threads should start doing
            //       their test "work" now.
            goEvent.Set(); /* GO */

            // NOTE: Wait forever for each thread to finish its test "work"
            //       and then die.
            for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)

          // NOTE: Return a list of integers with total number of data bytes
          //       seen, total number of query result rows seen, and the total
          //       number of exceptions caught by all the test threads.
          LongList counts = new LongList();


          return counts;


        public static void Main()
          // do nothing.
  }] true true true results errors [list System.Data.SQLite.dll Eagle.dll] \
      WarningLevel 0]

  list $code $results \
      [expr {[info exists errors] ? $errors : ""}] \
      [expr {$code eq "Ok" ? [catch {
        object invoke _Dynamic${id}.Test${id} RunTestThreads
      } result] : [set result ""]}] $result \
      [collectGarbage $test_channel [expr {$count(1) * 1000}] false] \
      [getSQLiteHandleCounts $test_channel] \
      [reportSQLiteResources $test_channel]
} -cleanup {
  cleanupDb $fileName

  unset -nocomplain result results errors code sql dataSource id db fileName
} -time true -constraints [fixConstraints {eagle command.object monoBug28\
monoCrash211 monoCrash42 monoBug46 command.sql compile.DATA SQLite\
System.Data.SQLite compileCSharp !dotNetCore}] -match regexp -result \
[appendArgs "^Ok System#CodeDom#Compiler#CompilerResults#\\d+ \\{\\} 0 \\{\\d+\
\\d+ " $count(1) "\\} \\{\\} \\{" $handle_counts "\\} " $memory_used \$]}


unset -nocomplain count


unset -nocomplain memory_used handle_counts

